Why you should visit the Graphics Section.

The Doctor

Great and Devious
Staff member
Super Moderator

That's the kind of stuff you'll find in there.

Also, there are graphics contests and battles going on, so vote and commentate on those, and check out graphics makers galleries while you're at it! There are like eight of us, each with different styles, so you're bound to find something you like in there.
They're like genies over there. I ask for a Call of Duty sig, 2 hours later look what I have.
Quick plugs:

*Head to the November '09 edition of The Ultimate Sig Making Battle Royale and based on their submissions vote for the sig maker you think deserves the title "Ultimate".

*No better way to celebrate the holiday season than with some holiday greeting cards. Well this December the Artists at The Palace Of Sigdom will show what the holidays mean to us by creating our custom holiday themed sigs. So wait for it.

*The 4th Face Of Foley is offering a monthy category based competition. So go check 'em out and comment.

Thanks to all of those who have supported us.

On Yonder!
I love the graphics section, mainly because that is where I'm residing most of the time. Plus there are some great people over there and we are pretty much a family in the graphics section (a la the Palace of Sigdom).
I concur, that section is one of the positive influences on other sections... like me, Pimpin, etc. with our Book This works (with the sigs telling people to visit), swaying voters in different polls and promoting sub-forums.
Yes, it's all rather fun.

I just want to say, that with the exception of my franchise entry, I was in a major slump during that November Battle Royale.

Vote for me anyway!

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