Why would you enjoy/Want to see Wyatt VS Lesnar?

Stone Cold Tea

Getting Noticed By Management
Recently I've seen a lot of love for a Wyatt Vs Lesnar match on these forums. After last nights Raw it appears that we could very well get that at 'Mania with The Wyatts attacking Lesnar and Bray hitting Sister Abigail at the end.

What I want to know is why do you want to see this match?

Personally I have no interest in this whatsoever. I don't believe Wyatt and Lesnar will mesh well. I don't feel Bray is a stiff enough worker to make a match entertaining with Lesnar. He isn't a good enough wrestler to make it believable he could beat him.

Then there's the size difference. If this was Face Wyatt Vs Heel Lesnar then we could have a little underdog thing going on, like if it was Bryan Vs Lesnar, but that's not the case.

Finally if it did happen, I don't see Wyatt going over. I think it would be a waste of the rub of beating Lesnar. I don't think WWE would see Wyatt go over either.

So yeah, sorry to be a typical IWC guy, but I think the match will suck and it's an easy Lesnar win.

Four words.


Case closed.

One decent promo (although the one of the best today) v. a rambling nonsensical cartoon character that can't get himself over even when he's playing the villain to some of the greatest babyfaces and superstars in the last few decades? No thanks.

Add to this that Wyatt is still terrible in the ring, I can't imagine him taking 16 suplexes from Brock correctly. This is not a feud that could ever be good, no matter how hard Brock or Paul Heyman carried it.
I agree. I have no interest whatsoever in it too, which is what I already stated in a different thread.

Also, Bray Wyatt bores me to death.

If they're going to utilize Brock's precious Wrestlemania appearance, why not give the match to someone more deserving, more talented, and who would actually benefit from the win/rub, as the future of the WWE? Yes, I mean Kevin Owens.

But Brock vs Bray Wyatt, just NO.
Wouldn't it be the Entire Wyatt Family vs Brock Lesnar which makes it 4 vs 1?

As I mentioned briefly in another thread; Brock could be the perfect tool to make the Wyatts into the Top Heels post-Mania 32.

Have Brock vs Bray at Mania with the latter's goons on the outside. Make the match an overbooked clusterfuck with an unclean ending and have the Wyatts 'Take Out' Brock Lesnar at the end of the match(given he usually disappears anyway) which would do wonders to elevate them coming out of Mania without having Brock actually take a clean pin.

Meanwhile, assuming Reigns vs HHH is the plan for Mania. Have Reigns win the title and oust the Authority from power at Mania. The Wyatts can come out of Mania having taken out Lesnar and assume a Ministry of Darkness type role post-Mania thus becoming the new Top Heels in the WWE.
Recently I've seen a lot of love for a Wyatt Vs Lesnar match on these forums. After last nights Raw it appears that we could very well get that at 'Mania with The Wyatts attacking Lesnar and Bray hitting Sister Abigail at the end.

What I want to know is why do you want to see this match?

Personally I have no interest in this whatsoever. I don't believe Wyatt and Lesnar will mesh well. I don't feel Bray is a stiff enough worker to make a match entertaining with Lesnar. He isn't a good enough wrestler to make it believable he could beat him.

Then there's the size difference. If this was Face Wyatt Vs Heel Lesnar then we could have a little underdog thing going on, like if it was Bryan Vs Lesnar, but that's not the case.

Finally if it did happen, I don't see Wyatt going over. I think it would be a waste of the rub of beating Lesnar. I don't think WWE would see Wyatt go over either.

So yeah, sorry to be a typical IWC guy, but I think the match will suck and it's an easy Lesnar win.


With due respect to you and your choice, I completely disagree with you.
Wyatt going over Brock would be a waste of rub? Really? I dont think so. He is a main event talent according to me. His mic-skills are awesome. He is a good in-ring worker. He is quite over with the crowd. What more you want from a main eventer? Bryan can be accepted as an underdog but how Wyatt is an underdog? :shrug:

Because Bray Wyatt is the only guy who should face Brock Lesnar right now.. Bray Wyatt has proven to be one of the best in WWE and can you think of another name who should face Lesnar at Mania?.. I doubt it.

This match is what i predicted simply because i didn't see anyone else on the roster facing Lesnar and i really, really didn't want to see another boring Reigns/Lesnar match.

You don't have to have any interest in it, most fans do.. Wyatt doesn't need to go over, as he's proven in the past, Wyatt doesn't need to win any matches, he will still remain over and relevant losing every match he's involved in.

Wyatt vs. Lesnar is the direction they need to go in, because Lesnar needs a match and nobody better than Wyatt right now.
The only place that has any kind of possibility of them having any kind of match together is at a house show or Network Special.

Does this mean the case is closed again?
Kevin Owens.

Lesnar Vs Reigns 2

For the love of god please stop with Kevin Owens. STOP. He doesn't deserve it. Any time you have to campaign to face a star at Mania, you don't deserve it. The guys has been begging for Taker or Lesnar, and it's obvious he doesn't deserve it...since he has to beg.

Look at Cm Punk when he wrestled Taker...it was a step back for him. He hated it. Look when HHH was going to wrestle him..he quit. That's a real star. Owens is not a star and is not even close to one. He kinda sucks on the mic, and he sounds weak as hell. His in ring work is good, and he made a nice improvement when he started going crazy and beating dudes up over the IC title...but he's kinda back to normal now. Brock also man handled him last week in 2 seconds. Give him Jericho instead...that could work.

Reigns vs Brock 2? Are you crazy? The worst build up to a Mania main event ever? The borefest, and one sided ass whooping until Seth came and saved the day...you wanna see that again? Come on. Have it at Fastlane...not Wrestlemania.

As for Bray and the Wyatt family vs Brock...ummm yea. Unfortunately it would be a little off being that Undertaker beat Bray clean last year, and now Brock putting Bray over with everything he's done under his belt including beating the streak, would seem to not add up...but we see that all the time in real life in MMA. Fighter 1 beats fighter 2, fighter 3 beats fighter 1, but fighter 3 lost to fighter 2.

The feud would be nuts. I've said before that we've seen the theatrics and the supernatural have an affect on Brock in his feud with Taker during Mania. Look what the Wyatts did to Cena getting in his head with the tricks and spooking him out. That would be fun and funny to watch with them and Brock and especially Heyman.

You really can't discount the Wyatt Family being along for this ride...it's not just Bray vs Brock. They would run some interference in the match evening things out.

I don't understand the comments like Bray is "boring" or "not a good wrestler", because thats very far from the truth. He's actually very good in the ring...that match he had with DBryan at the Rumble a couple years ago was awesome...just one example off the top of my head. The Reigns matches are always very good too. Cena match and Taker match were also good.

It's weird hearing people say he's boring because most people say he's one of the best on the mic...he really is. Amazing how people could think the exact opposite on things that seem so cut n dry.

This match along with 3 other good ones could make this Mania worth watching...

Roman Reigns w/ Rock vs HHH w/ HBK
Brock Lesnar vs Bray Wyatt w/ The Family
Demon King Finn Balor vs The Deadman Undertaker
Kevin Owens vs Chris Jericho

that's a sick Mania. C'mon.
Count me in the Lesnar/Wyatt clan. Mostly because it'd be something new for both guys. Both guys seem to recycle opponents over and over again, and both could definitely use a fresh feud.

Sure, Lesanr would probably go over, but if Wyatt can make it really competitive and take Lesnar to the absolute brink before eating the pin, it could do wonders for Wyatt's legitimacy going into the future.
It's not that we'd enjoy it or want to see it. Its just that there really isn't a better option for him. Lesnar vs Reigns I think they'll do at Fastlane so they can do Reigns vs Triple H.

Owens vs Lesnar doesn't move me. I'd rather see him against Taker.

So I guess that leaves Wyatt. Also since he has a group, Lesnar can toss all 4 of them around during the program and that would make him look impressive and like a beast. I think Wyatt would be fed to Lesnar but it could be entertaining to watch and I really don't see anyone else.
Don't come onto my thread with self-contradicting nonsense. You're telling me Owens doesn't deserve Lesnar (Your opinion. Fair Enough) but then want to tell me Balor can square off against 'Taker. Fuck off.

lmao this is not your website dude. Yeah, Balor is much more entertaining than Owens... hate to break it to ya :)

btw, there's many cases of new guys coming in and going straight to the top...look at Jericho with the Rock, and your boy Owens and Cena...too bad he's dropped off a bit since then tho.
For the love of god please stop with Kevin Owens. STOP. He doesn't deserve it. Any time you have to campaign to face a star at Mania, you don't deserve it. The guys has been begging for Taker or Lesnar, and it's obvious he doesn't deserve it...since he has to beg.

Look at Cm Punk when he wrestled Taker...it was a step back for him. He hated it. Look when HHH was going to wrestle him..he quit. That's a real star. Owens is not a star and is not even close to one. He kinda sucks on the mic, and he sounds weak as hell. His in ring work is good, and he made a nice improvement when he started going crazy and beating dudes up over the IC title...but he's kinda back to normal now. Brock also man handled him last week in 2 seconds. Give him Jericho instead...that could work.

I agree with the CM Punk stuff mate, but seriously, Kevin Owens ISN'T a star? Seriously? It sounds really ignorant and/or self-contradictory because Punk and Owens share that old-school indie background where they learned and perfected their craft before they even got into the WWE. Now, nobody here is a bigger fan of Punk(even after he left) and Owens than myself. But Kevin Owens is seriously amazing, on the mic, and overall. I'm not saying he's exactly like Punk or analogous, nor should he be. Punk was a whole different level/thing. But Owens has done more in the first year than Punk or most people. That's undeniable. Also, he is a star. And I know I will probably fail to convince you, but if anyone deserves to face Brock Lesnar, or could actually DELIVER and BENEFIT, it's Kevin Owens.

And trust me, KO must have been wanting a match with Taker, but it'd only be a STEP DOWN for him, just like it was for Punk. That old man needs to just go away.

I don't understand the comments like Bray is "boring" or "not a good wrestler", because thats very far from the truth. He's actually very good in the ring...that match he had with DBryan at the Rumble a couple years ago was awesome...just one example off the top of my head. The Reigns matches are always very good too. Cena match and Taker match were also good.

It's weird hearing people say he's boring because most people say he's one of the best on the mic...he really is. Amazing how people could think the exact opposite on things that seem so cut n dry

I do know he's pretty good on the microphone, a natural, something which few people ever in the wrestling industry can be. I find him boring, like most people who find him boring, because he doesn't really say much, but blabbers. Eater of worlds. Face of fear. Argue all you want that it's his "persona", but to me, he comes nowhere close to being an actual Face of Fear(kayfabe/persona-wise) as Mick Foley as Mankind in 1996/97.

I don't think he is half as good in the ring as Mankind/Mick foley either. I have been trying to like him, either just for his wrestling ability, or overall, but failing, so far. I could be just a little biased, but to me, Bray Wyatt is a channel-changer. Oh, and not to forget how in the last 2 years, he can be summed up as:- Attack XYZ wrestler, claim to steal his soul/conquer him, lose the feud, and repeat. Are you really going to deny that? It's like he's the polar opposite of Lesnar.

Lost the Cena feud.
Lost to the Undertaker at WM AND Survivor Series.
Lost the Roman Reigns feud.
Lost the...whatever else.
Finally if it did happen, I don't see Wyatt going over.

That's for sure. In another thread, someone was asking who will finally be the one to take Brock down. There are very few candidates for the honor....and I seriously doubt Bray Wyatt would be the one to turn the trick.

Nor would he need to. If there's anyone who can lose, yet still remain formidable & dangerous, it's Bray. Yet, how would Bray benefit from beating Brock? His persona is what it is.....he doesn't need victory to maintain it.

Meanwhile, I wouldn't mind seeing the match. It would be unorthodox, as are all Bray's matches and feuds..... and that's okay. Wyatt might present problems for Brock that we haven't seen from anyone else and it could be interesting to see how he overcomes them.

Plus, after fighting Cena, Punk and Roman, there are all too few things for Brock to do in WWE. I can see letting Bray Wyatt be one of them.
I agree with the CM Punk stuff mate, but seriously, Kevin Owens ISN'T a star? Seriously? It sounds really ignorant and/or self-contradictory because Punk and Owens share that old-school indie background where they learned and perfected their craft before they even got into the WWE. Now, nobody here is a bigger fan of Punk(even after he left) and Owens than myself. But Kevin Owens is seriously amazing, on the mic, and overall. I'm not saying he's exactly like Punk or analogous, nor should he be. Punk was a whole different level/thing. But Owens has done more in the first year than Punk or most people. That's undeniable. Also, he is a star. And I know I will probably fail to convince you, but if anyone deserves to face Brock Lesnar, or could actually DELIVER and BENEFIT, it's Kevin Owens.

And trust me, KO must have been wanting a match with Taker, but it'd only be a STEP DOWN for him, just like it was for Punk. That old man needs to just go away.

I do know he's pretty good on the microphone, a natural, something which few people ever in the wrestling industry can be. I find him boring, like most people who find him boring, because he doesn't really say much, but blabbers. Eater of worlds. Face of fear. Argue all you want that it's his "persona", but to me, he comes nowhere close to being an actual Face of Fear(kayfabe/persona-wise) as Mick Foley as Mankind in 1996/97.

I don't think he is half as good in the ring as Mankind/Mick foley either. I have been trying to like him, either just for his wrestling ability, or overall, but failing, so far. I could be just a little biased, but to me, Bray Wyatt is a channel-changer. Oh, and not to forget how in the last 2 years, he can be summed up as:- Attack XYZ wrestler, claim to steal his soul/conquer him, lose the feud, and repeat. Are you really going to deny that? It's like he's the polar opposite of Lesnar.

Wait, so I'm contradicting myself by saying Owens isn't a star and Punk is because they were both indie wrestlers?? Does that really make any sense to you? That sounds much more ignorant bro. So every indie wrestler is a star? I don't get your point here. Punk is light years ahead of Owens on the mic and in the ring.

Yes Owens kinda sucks on the mic...the way he talks is so soft, and incredibly non intimidating or believable as a threat, or entertaining as a sports entertainer. The way he talks with the constant pausing is annoying as well. The dude started out good and is now just kinda not doing anything.

It took Punk longer because he was younger when he came in. Owens finally got here when he was old. So you can't compare them in that regard.

It's not Bray's fault that hes not booked in any good feuds that allow him to talk about something while he's on the mic. He, just like everyone else is a victim of 50/50 booking so of course he can't be taken as seriously as a prime Undertaker as a legit threat/heel...nobody in the company can besides Lesnar who wins every match. So you're not really saying much in your defense...but totally justifying why Bray deserves a good feud this time around...so that all of those skills can be utilized.
I'm more interested in seeing a 10 minute Luke Harper-Brock Lesnar match at a house show than see an entire Wyatt Family feud, honestly.

I understand the problem with Sting not being there, as he's probably never gonna wrestle again and The Wyatts need a feud. I'd be down with a Lesnar-Wyatts feud one, if they won a bit more, and two, if it's not a WrestleMania feud.
This really is self-explanatory – it’s a feud that puts the most dominant superstar on the roster as the underdog and the fans want to see if the Beast Incarnate can take on and overcome the most dangerous faction within the WWE, the Wyatt Family.

Go back two weeks when the Wyatt Family surrounded the Big Show. Those in attendance rose to their feet in anticipation of Big Show vs Strowman. It’s the same when Kane or Undertaker went face to face with the Wyatt’s Black Sheep - Strowman is the difference maker and instils an unstoppable aura within the Wyatt Family that already overwhelms opposition with sheer numbers. However, when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object, people want to see the clash because they want to not only witness the outcome but want a larger than life hero – Brock Lesnar.

I think Lesnar’s current character is fantastic and genuinely believe it’s only the ICW who have nothing better to do other than criticise the work of others who has a problem with him. He’s a modern day gladiator who only cares for himself and decimates those placed in front of him without remorse. Suplex City is engrossing to watch because it’s believable – it’s a German Suplex executed by a genetic freak and it doesn’t matter who it’s against, that move WOULD sap the fight from the opponent if repeatedly implemented. We also know he can destroy those in front of him with his bare fists and if he really needs to change things up, we know he’s capable of doing so and Heyman will let him know when that time comes.

Lesnar maintains his status as the strongest while making others look good. Look at his recent work with Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio, Reigns and Bray. Sheamus rocked him with stiff punches that took him to the corner, Alberto Del Rio at the house show used his technical ability and stiff kicks to hinder him, Reigns speared him out of his shoes and Bray laid him out with Sister Abigail. He takes their punches or moves and makes them look credible rather than simply no-selling, before eventually coming out on top. It’s believable because he makes it look believable because he is believable.

And it’s believable that no man can singlehandedly take on the entire Wyatt Family and win, but I for one would like to see Lesnar try.
Why would you enjoy/Want to see Wyatt vs Lesnar?
Just for pure enjoyment of having Brock Lesnar taking to Suplex City and F5ing that no talented nonsence rumbling piece of wrestler Bray Wyatt.

Unfortunatly, with so many injuries and with WWE determine to do HHH/Reigns there is no one for Brock to do some high profile feud. So they are giving him Lame Wyatt in the same maner as ever, by having him interfere with no good reason at all, having to cut some nonsensical garbage of promo and then to lose the feud at PPV. Same old, same old.

They could at least throw in Sheamus at Brock. He cuts better promos then Wyatt and acctually can work pretty good matches. They had house show match and it was pretty good.
lmao this is not your website dude. Yeah, Balor is much more entertaining than Owens... hate to break it to ya :)

btw, there's many cases of new guys coming in and going straight to the top...look at Jericho with the Rock, and your boy Owens and Cena...too bad he's dropped off a bit since then tho.

Jericho who was already a made guy on the brink. Owens with his 10 years experience. Cena with his…..oh wait….2 and a half years before he got to the top.
Plus, after fighting Cena, Punk and Roman, there are all too few things for Brock to do in WWE. I can see letting Bray Wyatt be one of them.

This one seems to be popping up a lot. If this is the case I’d much rather see him go against Owens. Owens is legit. He has the right size mixed with speed and power to have a good math with Lesnar. Bray would be all about the theatrics. I personally believe Owens should be ahead of him.
As a fan I want just say the only draw to this is Bray v Heyman on the mic...as for a match this is not something i would want to see...because its so formulaic. Brock will take out all the Wyatts in the Rumble which in turn later in the rumble The Wyatts will take Brock out the match setting up Fastlane as Brock vs Wyatt the Family where Brock will lose and get destroyed but here is how we know its goning to end..Brock an Paul will return and start Brock Lesnars March to Wrestlemaina where he will Kill each member of the wyatts on raw leading to untill Brock gets to Braun Strowman (becuz Braun is just booked to monsterious) and at Mania Bray and Braun will fight Brock Lesnar and...(DONG.....)The Undertaker(thats right the dead man) in Takers final match he burys the past with Brock and the Deadman and Brock take out the wyatts..give or take the Deadman helping its gonna be like this.

And I dare What Culture to book this better.
I must admit, I have no interest in seeing these two go at it. More so because it will likely come down to Brock Lesnar versus the Wyatt Family and, more interestingly, Braun Strowman. And whilst I feel as though Wyatt and Lesnar could have an interesting match if they wrestled each other, I have absolutely no interest in seeing the continuation of The Wyatt Family versus some guy. We have seen it with Cena, Reigns and now, seemingly, Lesnar. When is the WWE going to call time on The Wyatt Family and just allow Bray to do his thing without them? It just seems as though it is the same recycled angle every single time.
Brocks ruined too many feuds by being booked too invincible, I don't want to see him wrestle anyone, because he'll either beat them and leave for 6 months, ruining them, or he'll lose unconvincingly, and make the story look like a waste of time.

They've given him too much, and it's not easy to book him in a way that improves the product over small ratings bumps.
Jericho who was already a made guy on the brink. Owens with his 10 years experience. Cena with his…..oh wait….2 and a half years before he got to the top.

I guess I should've worded it differently...instead "Owens and Cena" I should've said "with"...I meant Owens debut with Cena on Raw...how he came in to WWE on his first day and feuded with the top guy the same way Jericho feuded with the top guy on his very first day....Finn Balor would feud with Undertaker on his first day.

Jericho was a cruiserweight in WCW when he first came to WWF. Owens was NXT champ....just like Balor....who debuted as a wrestler in 2000. So yea, not that it matters, but he has just as much if not more experience.

Therefore, Balor is totally able to be in a feud with Taker. The difference being, that he's (in my opinion, and I'm sure many more people's opinion) much more entertaining than Kevin Owens. Sorry.
Just for pure enjoyment of having Brock Lesnar taking to Suplex City and F5ing that no talented nonsence rumbling piece of wrestler Bray Wyatt.

Unfortunatly, with so many injuries and with WWE determine to do HHH/Reigns there is no one for Brock to do some high profile feud. So they are giving him Lame Wyatt in the same maner as ever, by having him interfere with no good reason at all, having to cut some nonsensical garbage of promo and then to lose the feud at PPV. Same old, same old.

They could at least throw in Sheamus at Brock. He cuts better promos then Wyatt and acctually can work pretty good matches. They had house show match and it was pretty good.

lmao Sheamus cuts better promos than Bray? Wow, I've seen it all. Brock also dismantled Sheamus in a matter of seconds on Raw like twice. Who cares about a house show match...Big Show had a good one with Lesnar too in a house show...you gunna book them together at Mania? C'mon dude. I don't think you'd know talent if it bit you on your ass. Wyatt has plenty.
Sign me up, I'm all for this. Wyatt has been on the main roster 3 years now and I feel he has no real direction. I believe this needs to be the year to decide if he's going to be Reigns future nemesis(ala Cena/Orton) or is he going to be a midccard fixture leading a group of other midcard guys into obscurity?

I strongly feel there is something big in store for Wyatt and I've been anticipating the moment when it finally starts to happen. If he goes through the year of 2016 still in the same pattern of booking then I will be convinced that the midcard is where he will remain. Too good of a talent to not make a star out of.

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