Why won't make Mania?

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
So, I've come to the conclusion that some midcarder-jobbers won't be heading to Atlanta this year. However there is still time for things to change but there are clearly some superstars who don't seem likely to be on the card. I think this year more than ever the new guys like Del Rio, Nexus, Corre, Riley, are being used at Mania. This is causing the problem in that the lesser superstars won't be able to get into a smaller match such as for the United States Title. So here is my list of superstars that actually in my view have the ability to make Mania and won't. Please give any other more established superstars that won't make it. Please don't write hornswoggle or people like that. Also feel free to disagree with me on who doesn't make it


Last year R-Truth was in a very short tag title match against Show-Miz and lost with John Morrison. This year I don't think he'll be that lucky to pick up some random match against anybody. I know he is in the Elimination Chamber Match but honestly he will NOT win. He potentially could face Bryan for the United States Title but then you have face vs face in a title match which is a no-no in the WWE. I don't think he really has feuded against anyone really and the only possible way that he makes Mania and these ideas are far-fetched are if he makes a tag team (Johnny Curtis) and faces the titles or, he wins Elimination Chamber:lmao:.

Chris Masters

Now I know some people might say he is not really an established midcarder but I feel they are pushing him slightly enough for him to be included. I thought that he might have the possibility of getting the tag title award from NXT until he lost his rookie. Well sadly the Masterpiece isn't feuding with anyone right now so he probaly will not be included in the show. Although a possibilty for him would for him to be in a multiman IC title match.

Evan Bourne
Yes no Bourne this year very sadly. Now some might ask why and the reason for this is because he can't return in time to have any relevant feud. Also now his return will be easily overlooked with huge names returning in Undertaker, Triple H, Christian, and possibly Jericho/Batista/ or a Sting debut. I think the only way he makes Mania if he takes Dolph's spot and goes to the Smackdown Elimination Chamber.

Additional Stars Not Making it:
Tyler Reks-still making a name for himself
Great Khali-can't wrestle
Mark Henry-Possibly getting a push but probaly not
Ted DiBiasi-what to do with him????
Yoshi Tatsu-maybe dark match?
William Regal-the last time we saw him wrestler back to back weeks was...
Chavo- Still isn't on T.V at all

Possibly Not Making it:
Big Show-has nothing to do on Smackdown except beat up Corre
Jack Swagger-his Eagle is gone and so is his matches
Christian-who knows if he'll be back
Triple H- I don't know if he will be back either.
There will probably be a 27 man OTT rope battle royal before the actual PPV. So therefore they'll probably get a few minutes of ring time on the day.
Yeah I thought that that would be possible but still some people won't make it. Also I forgot to mention what divas won't make it as well. Although there might be a bery large lumberjill match.

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