Why will the media not let it go??


I am saddened by FOX Sports. Why can't the media let the Benoit tragedy rest in the past? I'm still saddened by the loss of one of the most accomplished and respected wrestlers to EVER step foot in the ring, still shocked at the atrocities that he committed...

Along with RVD, Benoit was the wrestler I idolized. Every match was approached the same way, with perfection in mind and the end results reflected that. Every article or book I read sang his praises as being a machine in the ring, a consummate professional out of it and a devoted family man. I sat in a room with 25 other people watching on a huge flatscreen TV as he tapped out HHH at Wrestlemania 20 and all of us were just so happy for him.

And FOX Sports also had the audacity to bring the idea of 'roid rage back. Nothing about the crime scene or the evidence even suggested that the murder was a result of a steroid induced episode. The media has the gall to attempt to use this tragedy to colour the entire sport of professional wrestling as evil. Kevin Nash said it best in his CNN interview when he mused, "I guess alcohol and depression wasn't sexy enough for you guys."

I say let Nancy and Daniel Benoit rest in peace, let the in ring career of Chris Benoit remain as a benchmark for other professionals to attempt to reach for or surpass and let the man who murdered his wife and son find judgement for that wherever he is.
It's the media. Benoit's death and the whole thing about it was a big deal and it got nearly everyone talking. Fox is going to do whatever gets the highest ratings and with this being such a hot topic just a few years ago, it makes a lot of sense. As for the steroids aspect, that's simply the media being the media. Most people don't care about Benoit or know anything that he did. Steroids are an issue right now because of other sports so if there's a chance to link them, people like to be told that people were on them. It's what people want to hear so why tell the truth when you can please your audience?
It's what people want to hear so why tell the truth when you can please your audience?

I don't know, call me old fashioned, but I believe that the truth on it's own can be just as entertaining, just as palatable and just as satisfying as anything the media machine can manufacture.

The transmission of truth should be the goal of media communications, not sensationalism.
The whole purpose of the media is to make who they don't like look bad while keeping themselves looking great. Thats what the Benoit tragedy turned into. It's no doubt that Mr. McMahon dislikes the news people, but its also knows that they don't like him that much either. Thats why a sad event turns into nothing more than a "Let's attack Professional Wrestling" party.

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