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Dark Match Winner
WHY in the hell should we have to wait next week for Brock Lesnar? Why were we only seeing the major WM storylines once a week? Why did ADR, Lord Tensai, & Brock Lesnar come back

In all seriousness it it very annoying that we are getting nothing on the blue brand but pointless Aksana/Teddy BS and Santino Marella doing stupid ass 5 year old comedy shit. We should

be having storylines continued on this night but no we get crap. Why cant they make it Live all the time and lets be honest why is RAW a Supershow but SmackDown! not? Now come the

Draft Cena is supposed to go to SmackDown? WTF hes the biggest draw in the WWE right now whether you like him or not. The Rock is gone....AGAIN and he says he wants to be champ

HA that would truly disgrace the title, but I want to know does anyone else feel like SmackDown! should be used like RAW or should it be used like Superstars?
First of all, please shut the fuck up and stop complaining about every little thing you can find wrong with the WWE product, they've put on in the last three days, the best Wrestlemania in years, the best episode of Monday Night RAW in years, they let The Rock defeat John Cena, they brought back Brock Lesnar after an eight year absence and still morons like you are going to nitpick and find the stupidest thing you can possible conjure up to complain about. Shut the hell up!

Smackdown isn't a Supershow because Smackdown being a Supershow would be pointless, because it's taped. Smackdown isn't live because tapings it cuts costs as opposed to showing it live, their are a business trading on the stock market, if it loses them money then they aren't going to do it. The product itself is fine, Smackdown has been recognised for years as the brand that is more so about showcasing the wrestling aspect as opposed to the storyline aspect, and even then we've had the Rhodes/Big Show angle, Bryan/AJ angle, McIntyre/Teddy Long angle and Kane/Randy Orton. Plus you got guys on the show like Mark Henry and Christian who people love to watch.

Does it have the star-power of Monday Night RAW? No, but it isn't Monday Night RAW, never has been and never will be, the format is different and almost always has been. The show is usually decent to good, with very few poor episodes of Smackdown. So please, do people a favor and shut the fuck up complaining after WWE have bent over backwards to make fans happy. Fucking moron.
Daniel Bryan is on Smackdown, Daniel Bryan is at the moment in the top 5 most talked about superstars on the active roster along with Randy Orton.

So Smackdown has 2 of the most over 5 superstars in the WWE today, so your point is wrong
Somebody get this guy a Waaaaambulance.

They tape Smackdown on Tuesday so that the roster is free for Houseshows. They air it on Friday so that the audience doesn't get burnt out on "too much" of the product.

Why does it lack the big stuff?
Hardly anyone watches it, that's why. What they do on Smackdown is show the lengthier matches and showcase the younger portion of the roster.

Why not be thankful for what it does do and stop with the bitching about what it doesn't do.
You are one of those people who watches TV to find stuff to bitch about aren't you?

The reason they show it on RAW is because they get close to double the viewership on RAW, RAW is the flagship show of WWE therefore big stuff is gonna happen on that show more often. Smackdown is on a Friday night where RAW is on a Monday night, I rarely watch Smackdown because of this very fact. Might as well show it when the most amount of people are gonna be watching.

Seriously though if you don't like it stop bitching and stop watching, there problem solved! Now we don't have to suffer through your inane ramblings.
I think the reason why Cena is going to Smackdown is so that he can officially be on the blue brand, but they'll keep the RAW Supershow around as an excuse for him to run angles on RAW.
First of all, please shut the fuck up and stop complaining about every little thing you can find wrong with the WWE product, they've put on in the last three days, the best Wrestlemania in years, the best episode of Monday Night RAW in years, they let The Rock defeat John Cena, they brought back Brock Lesnar after an eight year absence and still morons like you are going to nitpick and find the stupidest thing you can possible conjure up to complain about. Shut the hell up!

Smackdown isn't a Supershow because Smackdown being a Supershow would be pointless, because it's taped. Smackdown isn't live because tapings it cuts costs as opposed to showing it live, their are a business trading on the stock market, if it loses them money then they aren't going to do it. The product itself is fine, Smackdown has been recognised for years as the brand that is more so about showcasing the wrestling aspect as opposed to the storyline aspect, and even then we've had the Rhodes/Big Show angle, Bryan/AJ angle, McIntyre/Teddy Long angle and Kane/Randy Orton. Plus you got guys on the show like Mark Henry and Christian who people love to watch.

Does it have the star-power of Monday Night RAW? No, but it isn't Monday Night RAW, never has been and never will be, the format is different and almost always has been. The show is usually decent to good, with very few poor episodes of Smackdown. So please, do people a favor and shut the fuck up complaining after WWE have bent over backwards to make fans happy. Fucking moron.

Best Mania in years? YES! but not good at all you had The Rock win a match that I was happy to see but very very stupid that we wont see him anymore and he just showed up in his second match in 7 years and beat the face of the WWE, Big Show beat an upcoming star in Rhodes, and stupid Divas match, tag match no one cared about, 18 second World Title match, pointless Kane/Orton feud, how was this good? Only good part was HITC and Punk v Jericho. And all the points you made about SmackDown! are absolutely ******ed, you have intrest in the Kane/Orton random feud? you are dumb AJ/Bryan angle lmao she is so uninteresting it is actaully comical Teddy Long is gone thank god, Christian is hurt and Henry is about as fast as a snail so stfu.......And you say SmackDown! doesnt have poor episodes LMAO you watch a taped show on a FRIDAY NIGHT! LMAO you are a loser and a Kung Pow Bitch
This goes for you and everyone like you: if you don't like the product, stop watching it! The last 3 day have reminded me of the many reasons I love this industry and will continue to do so for the rest of my life.

Some fans would find a reason to complain if they were allowed to book the shows themselves. I never mind someone complaining about the product when they genuinely have better ideas. |You have nothing but complaints and it doesn't create a worthwhile thread.

Once again, if you don't like the product, stop watching it. Oh and Cena is not the biggest draw in the WWE right now, Brock Lesnar is - Brock = Money! But I suppose his return isn;t good enough for you.
This guy is a nutter. Smackdown is a B show, there's no possible way it'd get equal investment to Raw. It'd be a waste of time and money.
Randy Orton LMAO what has he done in the past month.......pointless feud with Kane and get thrown off The Marine 3 because the actual Marines hate him because he went AWOL. YES! YES! YES! im right your wrong. YES!

Why the fuck do bitches like you get the oppurtunity to even watch the likes of WM and RAW? Moan all you want the whole majority of Wrestling fans know WWE is starting to become fun again. Best 2 nights in WWE's recent memory. Mania, HOF, RAW you name it.
Best Mania in years? YES! but not good at all you had The Rock win a match that I was happy to see but very very stupid that we wont see him anymore and he just showed up in his second match in 7 years and beat the face of the WWE, Big Show beat an upcoming star in Rhodes, and stupid Divas match, tag match no one cared about, 18 second World Title match, pointless Kane/Orton feud, how was this good? Only good part was HITC and Punk v Jericho. And all the points you made about SmackDown! are absolutely ******ed, you have intrest in the Kane/Orton random feud? you are dumb AJ/Bryan angle lmao she is so uninteresting it is actaully comical Teddy Long is gone thank god, Christian is hurt and Henry is about as fast as a snail so stfu.......And you say SmackDown! doesnt have poor episodes LMAO you watch a taped show on a FRIDAY NIGHT! LMAO you are a loser and a Kung Pow Bitch

So I'm a loser, yet you can't even format a reply correctly or use a full stop? Yeah, right, keep preachin' that one dumbass.

The Rock came back, when he didn't have to, when he has made enough money to survive two life times, when he is getting roles in G.I. Joe and Hercules, when he has to do a sequel to Fast Five, to wrestle for the fans. It isn't a thing of how many times he shows up in a year, he can return a wrestle once in a blue moon for the next decade, people won't care and fans of the product won't care. He is The Rock, he beat Cena to continue a storyline because Cena doesn't need to have the torch passed onto him, he already took it years ago.

Then you attempt to break down Wrestlemania, after there have been people on wrestling forums around the Internet blatantly praising it as a great Wrestlemania, and you're actually going to attempt to call me a ******, when you can barely spell, the fact that you have Internet access and know how to use Google correctly is a feat for you and to top it all off, you actually think you have a clue. Right, once again, good luck with that.

You obviously don't watch Smackdown much, do you? If you did you'd realise the "random" feud had a storyline, in your opening post you condemed them for not continuing angles and yet that is exactly what the Orton/Kane angle did, so well done, you just put yourself into a hole. Daniel Bryan just got turned into a huge star last night due to the chanting, which you blatantly parodied in the title of the thread, once again well done. Christian is out for a month and Mark Henry is one of the best heels in the business right now and performed to excess last night on RAW, so you have failed to make a single point, congratulations, or as you'd spell it, "cngartulatinos......".

And then to top it all off you look like a total hypocrite for referring to me by a name related to the man you started by blasting for walking away for a few months to do his job, even though everybody knew he would. Your mother must be proud of you, can barely spell, lack of creativity, poor insults; and you called me a ******? You need to step back in line cause you're pitching way below your league.
I actually like SD. I think they put of good shows and work with the people that they have. They always do. It will never be Raw just like Raw will never be SD. They both are different and work with what they got. Sometimes I like SD more than Raw
If you have Rock/Cena/Lesnar/Punk/Jericho on Smackdown every week, then there'll be very little time for Daniel Bryan, Cody Rhodes, Sheamus and other guys to get over. What would be the point of pushing guys (Rock, Lesnar, Jericho) on both show. They aren't going to be around every week, all year round
I think everyone is being a little harsh on the op here.
I do enjoy smackdown and also recognise and accept that it is the B show.

However I do feel that Smackdown does deserve to be thrown a bone or two every now and then. If Smackdown was given more surprises or compelling storylines, then it may, guss what, get more viewers. I know some people read spoilers, but the casual fan does not.

I would not have agreed with something as big as Brocks return to have taken place on Smackdown, but as the OP suggested why not have ADR return on Smackdown.

Im not complaining about Smackdown and I watch it nearly every week. But I can understand where the OP is coming from, WWE dont seem to put a lot of effort into and they put all their eggs in the Raw basket.

Oh yeah raw was class this week.

Ice Tigers are Go.
Daniel Bryan is on Smackdown, Daniel Bryan is at the moment in the top 5 most talked about superstars on the active roster along with Randy Orton.

So Smackdown has 2 of the most over 5 superstars in the WWE today, so your point is wrong

LOL Orton is a top 5 right now because of the TMZ article about being a piece of shit AWOL Marine deserter. Now we know why the losing streak AKA Marines bitched he was going to in the new Marine movie.

Anyway back on topic Smackdown is great the way it is. There is rumor Cena is going there but I doubt it. They will have him on both shows so he can be booed twice a week. SD isn't forgot it's kind of the developmental brand. Many stars who didn't cut in on RAW were perfect for SD! Edge really never took off on RAW but once he was on SD he was the face of the show. Same can be said about DB and Cody. Though I am really no fan of Cody. Then you have the stars that no matter what brand you have them on, they never take off like Swagger, Ziggler, etc...
Raw is the flagship headline show. Always has been and always will be. Why have big debuts on Smackdown when all the talent on Smackdown is already on Raw? Also, since it is taped a Lesnar debut would probably lose some of its luster. Smackdown still has Orton, Kane, Christian, Sheamus, ADR, and other talent. I'm sure once the draft happens The Miz, Tensai and maybe even Cena will be on Smackdown.
WHY in the hell should we have to wait next week for Brock Lesnar? Why were we only seeing the major WM storylines once a week? Why did ADR, Lord Tensai, & Brock Lesnar come back

In all seriousness it it very annoying that we are getting nothing on the blue brand but pointless Aksana/Teddy BS and Santino Marella doing stupid ass 5 year old comedy shit. We should

be having storylines continued on this night but no we get crap. Why cant they make it Live all the time and lets be honest why is RAW a Supershow but SmackDown! not? Now come the

Draft Cena is supposed to go to SmackDown? WTF hes the biggest draw in the WWE right now whether you like him or not. The Rock is gone....AGAIN and he says he wants to be champ

HA that would truly disgrace the title, but I want to know does anyone else feel like SmackDown! should be used like RAW or should it be used like Superstars?

So let me get this straight - instead of the it happening 24 hours after Wrestlemania, you want these surprises to happen on Tuesday, read about it through spoilers on Wednesday & Thursday, and see an edited version on Friday? Why?

I agree that there should be better storylines on Smackdown, and hopefully there will be now that Johnny Ace is "in charge." There are so many wrestlers that can have storylines embedded with Ace. But then again, that's a problem with Creative. Putting Cena on Smackdown isn't the solution, and neither is putting big surprises.
WHY in the hell should we have to wait next week for Brock Lesnar? Why were we only seeing the major WM storylines once a week? Why did ADR, Lord Tensai, & Brock Lesnar come back

In all seriousness it it very annoying that we are getting nothing on the blue brand but pointless Aksana/Teddy BS and Santino Marella doing stupid ass 5 year old comedy shit. We should

be having storylines continued on this night but no we get crap. Why cant they make it Live all the time and lets be honest why is RAW a Supershow but SmackDown! not? Now come the

Draft Cena is supposed to go to SmackDown? WTF hes the biggest draw in the WWE right now whether you like him or not. The Rock is gone....AGAIN and he says he wants to be champ

HA that would truly disgrace the title, but I want to know does anyone else feel like SmackDown! should be used like RAW or should it be used like Superstars?

Your a fucking tool, RAW is the 1st show and LIVE Show after Mania, Why would they wait til Tuesday Night at The Smackdown Taping for Shocking returns and new debuts that makes no sense.

and far as your Cena going back to Smackdown I don't like the guy but I highly doubt he will ever go back to The Blue brand.
Smackdown will always be a B show while it's taped, they won't give it big surprises, huge debuts and the main focus as long as RAW is live and can use the Smackdown roster.
Best Mania in years? YES! but not good at all you had The Rock win a match that I was happy to see but very very stupid that we wont see him anymore and he just showed up in his second match in 7 years and beat the face of the WWE, Big Show beat an upcoming star in Rhodes, and stupid Divas match, tag match no one cared about, 18 second World Title match, pointless Kane/Orton feud, how was this good? Only good part was HITC and Punk v Jericho. And all the points you made about SmackDown! are absolutely ******ed, you have intrest in the Kane/Orton random feud? you are dumb AJ/Bryan angle lmao she is so uninteresting it is actaully comical Teddy Long is gone thank god, Christian is hurt and Henry is about as fast as a snail so stfu.......And you say SmackDown! doesnt have poor episodes LMAO you watch a taped show on a FRIDAY NIGHT! LMAO you are a loser and a Kung Pow Bitch

apparently u work for the creative team cause u know the rock isnt coming back. You do realize hes booked for summerslam right?
Why, Why, Why . . . It Doesn't Matter Why!

Honestly, the only thing I can say to the original poster is grow up. Learn something about the wrestling business and move on. You NEVER have your bigger stars that you are going to push big time return on the "B" show, EVER! I can honestly say that after refusing to watch WWE for the last year and a half, this one RAW has brought me back to interested in the product. Why? Lord Tensai was awesome, I always liked Albert/A-Train, but never really thought WWE was doing the right thing with him. Having him come back to WWE with a persona much closer to what he has been doing in Japan will work. As for the other reason, you know what it is. I had that feeling that we were going to see Brock, but damn, this is the first time in a VERY long time I have marked out for a WWE segment. Vince always has a big star return the night after Wrestlemania, and he really put it all out this year. Because RAW was actually an entertaining show, it makes me want to actually watch Smackdown! now, so now you know why they returned on RAW. It is what it is.
I swear this discussion has been had about a hundred times before now.

Raw is generally going to be looked upon as the more important show because it's the flagship show. Raw has been operating at 9 pm on Monday nights now for close to 20 years. It airs live and that's a huge reason why so many of the bigger angles are featured. Another reason is because, as others have mentioned, Raw is a bigger draw than SD!. On average, Raw tends to draw in the neighborhood of 4.5-5 million viewers each week, making it one of the most watched shows on all of cable each week. Sometimes, it's the single most watched show on all of cable some weeks. For a show not on the broadcast networks of ABC, NBC, CBS & Fox, Raw pulls in huge numbers. Raw is also the first WWE program that airs after the show puts on a ppv, the very next night as a matter of fact. Fans want to see the fallout from said ppvs and see what's going ot happen next. Interest could be lost if WWE just waited until SD! to let fans know what's happening next.

SmackDown! airs on Friday nights, which is one of the overall weakest nights of the week for tv viewing. Statistically, more people go out on Friday nights than any other night of the week. But, WWE found a home for SD! on Syfy after their dean with MyNetworkTV came to an end. SD! is owned by NBC Universal, which also owns USA. While SD! doesn't draw as high as Raw does, a lot of posters are grossly under representing what it does draw. On average, SD! tends to draw a little more than 3 million viewers on Friday nights, which is a significant improvement compared to the roughly 2.4 million they were drawing on MNTV.

The reason why WWE doesn't go live with SD! is because there's been no need to justify the cost of doing so. Initially, the reason for doing the live SmackDown! specials on Tuesday nights was to test the waters and see how the show drew on Tuesdays and live compared to on Fridays and taped. The first live SD! special drew somewhere around 3.4 million viewers. However, all of the other live SD! specials haven't outdrawn what SD! does on Fridays when taped. They've still averaged around 3 million, sometimes as high as 3.2 million viewers. SD! draws that on a regular basis on Fridays and without the benefit of being live. It's cheaper to tape a show than to broadcast it live and since SD! isn't drawing more live on Tuesdays than taped on Fridays, it makes no financial sense to spend additional money when you don't need to.

Generally speaking, I have little to no problem with SD!. SD! is a brand where young guys have thrived the past few years and been able to prove themselves before heading to Raw or where more established wrestlers have been sent to in order to sort of revitalize their careers. There are talented guys on the SD! roster, it usually tends to have better overall wrestling quality than Raw and there's a lot less emphasis on the "entertainment". It doesn't have the epic feeling that some Raws do, I'll grant that. But...well so what? It doesn't mean that they don't have interesting storylines, great wrestling talent, good promos and great wrestling matches often. As long as they've got that, I'm satisfied.
Can someone point out were I said these returns/debuts should have happened on SmackDown!? I said the story should be continued not started. Smh learn to read.
Why did ADR, Lord Tensai, & Brock Lesnar come back


There you go assclown
WHY in the hell should we have to wait next week for Brock Lesnar? Why were we only seeing the major WM storylines once a week? Why did ADR, Lord Tensai, & Brock Lesnar come back

In all seriousness it it very annoying that we are getting nothing on the blue brand but pointless Aksana/Teddy BS and Santino Marella doing stupid ass 5 year old comedy shit. We should

be having storylines continued on this night but no we get crap. Why cant they make it Live all the time and lets be honest why is RAW a Supershow but SmackDown! not? Now come the

Draft Cena is supposed to go to SmackDown? WTF hes the biggest draw in the WWE right now whether you like him or not. The Rock is gone....AGAIN and he says he wants to be champ

HA that would truly disgrace the title, but I want to know does anyone else feel like SmackDown! should be used like RAW or should it be used like Superstars?

Read what you first stated

WHY in the hell should we have to wait next week for Brock Lesnar? Why were we only seeing the major WM storylines once a week? Why did ADR, Lord Tensai, & Brock Lesnar come back


That's your own words.
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