Why was Undertaker so upset that Stone Cold leaved WWE first time?

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Why was Undertaker so upset that Stone Cold left WWE the first time.

The Undertaker was crying like a baby backstage throwing stuff around because Austin left. Because it changed the draft. It was heat backstage between Austin and Taker, Undertaker was a supposed lockeroom leader and get in every wrestlers face that didn't do the work.

I think it was because Undertaker was crying because he never get a clean win against Austin 97-2003 lol in 7 years.

Undertaker was just upset that he never get a clean win against Austin and Austin beat him everyime lol.

What have you heard about this more? It's kind a ridiculous that Taker was so upset.

Austin>>>old man Taker (as a wrestler and human being as far as im concerned)
Oh yeah the old Austin/Taker heat from back in the day. This is a well know story that has been talked about by a number of former Super Stars. Taker was pissed simply because of the benefits being lost with Austin no longer on the road. You see while traveling Austin would set up Glory Holes in hotel rooms and gas station rest rooms. Working the mic wasn't the only thing old SCSA used that mouth the excel at. In fact when Austin is listed as the "Greatest on the Stick" they are not even talking about his promos. Taker was just made over the boys no longer having their BJ release.

There you have it Troll.
Not sure what this is based on? The Undertaker and Stone Cold are friends and always have been. Sure when Austin left WWE he was troubled and in a lot of pain. He was not coping well, and he also had a lot of resentment to management who were not using him properly. Taker looked ultra competitive over 3 matches with Lesnar; the catalyst for Austin leaving was being told to put Lesnar over in a squash match. I am sure this never upset Taker, even as the locker room leader; Austin was a big enough draw that he had every right to protest. Was it good thing to leave? Not on the rest of the locker room but for Austin it was. Fair enough.
i am usually not a grammar nazi but jesus christ almighty what the hell has happened to english on this website and also on gamefaqs.com?

Leaved? its LEFT.

I see this too often now. "He leaved" this is terrible
If you think Austin is a better human being than Taker solely because Taker was upset with Austin's departure eons ago, please don't ever vote. Please don't have children. For the love of all things sacred, don't pursue a practice where lives would be in your hands. Hell, don't do anything. Just reminisce on how cool Stone Cold was before he beat his wife, did terrible movies, and sold out to Wendy's.
The only thing I can't figure out is how anyone would put "leaved" instead of left. In what universe does that sound correct?

Also Taker > Austin.
Well you know something Brother!? Maybe Stone Cold left because he never had a chance to square of against the real god of wrestling - Hollywood Hulk Hogan, who simply refused to run wild on him, because Stone Cold never was in his league!
Austin was jelous of The Undertaker who pinned The Hulkster after his first year in WWF, Austin was jelous of the Rock who got Hogan at WM (and Austin only got the Drunkysider Scott Hall), and decided to leave when WWF wasn't all about him anymore, he cost WWF profits and cost money to everyone who was on the roster, and this was the reason why Taker got upset.
Oh, and he will leave again, soon after, because he didn't want to job to his replacement - Brock Lesnar, when everyone else (Hardys, RVD, Booker, Angle, Taker, Hogan, Rock) didn't have any problem with that.
Undertaker spoke about this at a fan fest. Austin and Undertaker were in love back in 2002, and were planning to get married later in the year after dating secretly for 12 years. What you have to realize that homosexuality wasn't as accepted by the public or by the wrestling community back then as it is now. So anyway, their relationship was going strong until Brock Lesnar came into the picture and Undertaker wavered. This is back when Undertaker thought everything that rhymed was true.

Shane is a huge pain.
Lawler is a baller.
Brock has a big... You get the point.

So Brock comes in and Austin feels insecure. He feels Brock isn't only stealing Undertaker but also Austin's steroids. Thus leading to Austin breaking up with Undertaker and leaving WWE.
If you think Austin is a better human being than Taker solely because Taker was upset with Austin's departure eons ago, please don't ever vote. Please don't have children. For the love of all things sacred, don't pursue a practice where lives would be in your hands. Hell, don't do anything. Just reminisce on how cool Stone Cold was before he beat his wife, did terrible movies, and sold out to Wendy's.

Why does everybody hates on Austin these days, and why does everbody hate me too on the forum??

Austin may had a little ego, but Taker was the biggest ego of them two.

He was crying like a girl backstage because he never could get a clean win over Stone Cold.
Well I have going to try and formulate an answer until I read it again and saw "leaved". That has me in tears of laughter and I can't see the keyboard now.
Why does everybody hates on Austin these days, and why does everbody hate me too on the forum??

Please show us where everyone hates on Austin. Oh and you don't hate on other wrestlers, like oh let me see..........pretty much every other wrestler who isn't Austin.

No one here hates you, but every thread you start has the same theme and players. Austin, Rock, Undertaker. Try some of the new guys out you might like them.
Why does everybody hates on Austin these days, and why does everbody hate me too on the forum??

Nobody hates on Austin. But your obsession has me not liking him as much as I used to.

Austin may had a little ego, but Taker was the biggest ego of them two.


He was crying like a girl backstage because he never could get a clean win over Stone Cold.

Again, citation needed.

If you are tired of all of the negative feedback you receive, then I recommend dropping all of these shit Austin threads.

Your title asks a question nobody here can answer truthfully. The only person that could is Mark Calaway. Since I doubt he has an account on here, nothing productive can come out of this thread. This is not me being mean or angry at your choice of threads, but me trying to help you out on these forums. Austin is cool. Lots of wrestlers are cool. Posting about them ad nauseam is not.
How has this guys account not been banned? He is like Austin's own personal troll. I mean Mods this is 15 threads now started the same kind of thing... Bah god, he can't keep taking this punishment lol.

There is NO heat between Taker and Austin and never was. If anything Taker would have had Austin's back as he'd seen the EXACT same shit go down with Bret, where a top guy was being forced down and not being used right. Taker was the leader of the locker room by then so had enough stroke to have had any issues with Austin out...

What made Austin leave? He was not happy with his direction and his neck was done... as in completely.

If he was going to keep risking it, it had to be worth it and more than anyone Taker would have got that. Now 12 years later he has to make that same call about his own career. Austin had also seen what happened to Bret and had his bad WCW experience burning in his mind no doubt.

Add it all up and it's a guy doing whats best for him rather than the business, but sometimes that is totally required and respected by anyone in the business worth their salt.
I will no longer read or contribute these forums as long as kids like this are allowed on here. Administraters need to stop being so fucking lazy and do there damn job. Enjoy it half of you live in your mothers basement anyways.
Actually he is referring to a true story.

Undertaker was actually penned a run as the WWE Champion a lot longer than he got. With Austin gone though, they had to bring in The Rock and then eventually plans were made for Brock to go over Rock as The Rock would be leaving in the summer.

Taker held that against Austin forever thats why when Austin came back as the Sherrif and shit you never saw Taker in the same programmingz n all.

I think Taker is very jel of Autism and I think austin has leaved wwe for good never to return because Deadguy is running things like secretlies.
Why does everybody hates on Austin these days, and why does everbody hate me too on the forum??

Austin may had a little ego, but Taker was the biggest ego of them two.

He was crying like a girl backstage because he never could get a clean win over Stone Cold.

1) No one is hating on Austin;
2) No one hates you personally but all you do is go on about Austin, start threads about how Austin is better than everyone, or how Taker/Rock/someone else has ostensibly shit on Austin in some way (I personally find you amusing)
3) Austin and Taker's egos are difficult to comment on given that I don't know either of them IRL;
4) Can you please provide evidence to your claim that Taker was "crying like a girl backstage"?

If you're a troll, fair effort. If not, please come up with a new topic of conversation, one that does not involve Austin or anything that you think is awful. In fact, I challenge you. I challenge you to start a thread saying something positive about the product (I bet you'll refuse or say there isn't anything though).

Chris "The Show" Adams said:
Administraters need to stop being so fucking lazy and do there damn job. Enjoy it half of you live in your mothers basement anyways.

Ah, the old mother's basement joke/stock insult, even though you don't know anyone on here in person. Very mature. And you accuse others of being children.

BRB guys, just letting Sly and KB know that they are "fucking lazy and need to do there [sic] damn job.":rolleyes:

On topic and with no sarcasm involved this time, Taker might well have been annoyed, I don't know. He might not have been. Austin leaving did leave somewhat of a gap but Hogan's return along with Rock, Brock, Taker etc. more than filled the void.
I find it quite hilarious that every post that you have ever wrote has been about hate towards Stone Cold. I and most everyone that you ask will say that Stone Cold is the reason that WWE won the Monday Night Wars. If that is hating on him, then I'm sorry.

Also, I am fine with a couple of spelling and grammatical errors (we all make them.) When I need to read your post 5 times to finally decipher what you are trying to say, then, I have an issue with that.

To stay on topic, though, Taker lost one of his closest allies, of course he was upset.
this thread is clearly a pisstake, right?

Undertaker crying for not getting a "clean" pin over Austin, mind you a fake sport where Undertaker plays a gimmick of a dead person........oh dear.
Pretty sure Undertaker even held the WWE Title in 2002, Im sure a run with the gold is more beneficial to his hip pocket than a pretend victory over a guy he has beaten many times, and even won the tirle from.
Undertaker surely wouldn't have liked the way Austin walked out in June 2002, nobody did. Austin has at least manned up and explained why he did what he did. How any of that is Undertakers business or this clown thinks Austin's walkout had anything to do with Undertaker shows this thread is clearly a piss-take by some kid who has zero education.
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