Why was Goldust VS Stardust aborted?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Their Fast Lane match wasn't especially riveting, although I thought it was interesting how story driven it was. But everyone praised Stardusts promo afterwards and it does seem like he gets reasonably strong reactions. I agree that it probably wouldn't have worked very well for Wrestlemania, unless Goldust was retiring (which he apparently is not). But I can't help but wonder why they didn't resolve this storyline on RAW.

'Bray Vs Jericho' and 'Bray Vs Ambrose' concluded on RAW. Most lower level stories (Swagger Vs Bo, for example) tend to be resolved on RAW. It seems like they should have a pair of 'Goldust Vs Stardust' matches, with Stardust being the definitive winner. This would add credibility to Stardust, which would've made him more than just filler for the Wrestlemania ladder match. It just seems like a total waste.
Because it was an abortion.

Sorry to use that phrase that match at Fast Lane just didn't garner any sort of connection with the fans. I mean ye they chant Cody and all but Cody should move onto better things. I think they were given that Fast Lane slot and said ,"go out there, and if the crowd is into you, we put a if Stardust loses, he becomes Cody stip for Mania." And well, it wasn't that good. Which is kind of damning if you think about it, I mean Goldie has been pushing for a Mania match and if dressing up his brother like him doesn't draw the crowd's attetion, I dunno what will.

Stardust is great though. Love his mannerism and fluidity in the ring.
This is one that has had me perplexed for sometime & I wish I had an answer but nothing really makes any sense. They bring Dusty on TV, they have several backstage segments & then they allow them to put on one of the worst matches that I've seen in awhile with absolutely no closure to the weeks of build (and seemingly for no good reason).

The only thing I can think of is that they didn't build the match because Goldie pushed back his retirement plus they already had an overflowing Mania card. I'm not sure what the reasoning behind it is but I wish they would revisit the storyline & at least give us a great match at summer slam. Even if you would strip away the paint & make it Dustin vs Cody w/ Dusty at ringside it could still be a good build/match - when you make it about blood & just not story you have gold at your fingertips.
There is no clue why they dropped that feud. But I'm happy with the evolution of Stardust as a singles competitor in the recent weeks. I doubt that Goldust must've got injured or his body doesn't work well for a singles competition. I just doubt it. But there can be another reasons like Goldust not getting enough Face reaction from the crowd. The crowd focused on Stardust throughout their match at Fast lane by chanting "Cody Cody Cody". So the creative might've thought his singles action will be much better than the feud with his brother itself. He's been putting quite show lately both at Mania and while answering to John Cena Us Open Challenge..
Because nobody really cared. People were holding onto the match like it was the tail end of 2013 and they were still a hot team. They weren't. They'd stayed to get her for two long and fizzled out.
Everything was going fine from what I see until the story broke that Goldust was retiring. Then everyone and their brother were talking about the team splitting up, a match between the two at Fastlane, and then the final feud at Mania. They had the match at Fastlane and I don't remember seeing Goldust after that. If I did he wasn't feuding with Cody, that seemed to be the end of it.
Goldust could have at least been the 8th man in IC title ladder match. Why they aborted this feud, we may never know. The Fastlane match did suck, but why quit the feud? My guess is that the audience of one didn't want it to happen for whatever reason. One thing is for sure about this "aborted" program, it wasn't Gene Snitsky's fault.
It's hard to put a finger on it. I guess once they decided that Daniel Bryan wasn't getting his own match that Cody shouldn't either. It would have been an okay match if they turned the intensity up after Fast Lane which is what it looked like they were doing.

The match at FL suffered from a lack of legitimate heat between the two.
Goldust should have turned heel on Stardust, did as he said and beat up Stardust until it was Cody again. Then Goldust cuts a promo explaining his side, turning back face and reintroducing Cody Rhodes. Except this isn't the Cody that teamed with Dustin, it is the masked Cody Rhodes, who then beats Goldust to end the feud.
The reality is that they decided the "payoff" wasn't what the guys had said it would be. Remember Dustin and Cody have wanted this for a LONG time... they got their chance and it was like Iron Shiek once his hit wears off at 3am... it shit the bed.

Cody was the issue it seemed, he couldn't "work his brother" effectively but as the younger of the two, he was the one whose development was important so Goldust got "sidelined" from it... it sucks but the reality is this had to have been done 2 years ago for it to work effectively... As good as Dustin has been he is now at that point where he is slowing down and as interesting as Stardust is, Cody doesn't have the ability or stroke to be blowing chances... so it was best for all concerned to move on from it, treat it as a learning experience and in Dustin's case, "one of those things".
I was excited for this feud and the match at FL felt rushed to me. The build was poor and there wasn't enough heat between the two for a match at FL. It should have been done completely differently.

On that note, the FL match was bad. It wasn't a good match at all and that did not help their cause with Vince I'm sure of it.
Everything was going fine from what I see until the story broke that Goldust was retiring. Then everyone and their brother were talking about the team splitting up, a match between the two at Fastlane, and then the final feud at Mania. They had the match at Fastlane and I don't remember seeing Goldust after that. If I did he wasn't feuding with Cody, that seemed to be the end of it.

The only time that Goldust has appeared since Fast Lane was during the Andre The Giant Battle Royale and a brief match with Rusev.

I do find it funny that they cant simply allow one 'Goldust Vs Stardust' match on RAW to build up Cody's credibility, but they keep forcing 'Roman Reigns Vs the Big Show'- which arguably derailed Reigns' Wrestlemania moment- down our throats on a weekly basis.
Simple - didn't interest Vince. If Vince liked it, we would have seen the match but it didn't so they killed it. Shows how messed up wwe is these days when they can't even follow thought on a simple, straightforward storyline like this that people were interested in.
I guess they really dicked up at Fast Lane. WWE seemed to be full steam ahead with this thing and definitely had Mania plans for them; bringing in Dusty, splitting them up, and than turning Stardust heel screamed Mania... but momentum died after their, quite frankly, brutal match at Fast Lane.

It's a shame as it really left Stardust in the lurch. He could have used a big win in a high-profile feud, but now he's stuck in stagnant mode as a heel because WWE gave up on his pay-off. I really don't see Goldust doing much of anything going forward as a singles competitor, and I don't see Stardust breaking out of the mid-card any time soon given the amount of talent around right now. They really should have gone with Goldust-Cody in Goldust's retirement match, even if it wasn't at Mania. Just ending this program mid-flight, which has been a relatively wanted feud for years is just ridiculous given a lot of the other filler crap we get... they could have given them a match on the Raw before Mania to give Stardust some momentum.
I guess that's why we had that odd number in the ladder match at Mania. You never see 7 people, it's always 6 or 8. Must have been done just to give Stardust a match, even though he could just well have gone into the Battle Royal.

They need heels they seems to be short of them and lots of faces for him to feud with. I'm not worried about him. Put him with Wyatt, and let the two weird ones try to outweird each other. It would be interesting.
Their Fast Lane match wasn't especially riveting, although I thought it was interesting how story driven it was. But everyone praised Stardusts promo afterwards and it does seem like he gets reasonably strong reactions. I agree that it probably wouldn't have worked very well for Wrestlemania, unless Goldust was retiring (which he apparently is not). But I can't help but wonder why they didn't resolve this storyline on RAW.

'Bray Vs Jericho' and 'Bray Vs Ambrose' concluded on RAW. Most lower level stories (Swagger Vs Bo, for example) tend to be resolved on RAW. It seems like they should have a pair of 'Goldust Vs Stardust' matches, with Stardust being the definitive winner. This would add credibility to Stardust, which would've made him more than just filler for the Wrestlemania ladder match. It just seems like a total waste.

It would have got lost in the shuffle going into WM. I could see if Cody was IC Champion/WWE Champion, match would be have been more significant but unfortunately WWE didn't make it happen.
Hope springs eternal.

During the WWE live event in Cardiff, Wales yesterday, Goldust received a standing ovation and a “Thank You Goldust” chant from the fans after his match against Stardust. The bout was described as being main event worthy.

Look I know, Its CARDIFF, and a live event; but maybe something can catch on to this... Truth be told Dustin Runnels mystifies me. As himself he is the most bland cookie-cutter, but given an outlandish character, he is at times borderline magnificent.

Maybe not a Mania match, but a final build to SSlam and a spot on the card with a stip could put this to its respectful rest.
I can see why some people wouldn't really care for this match at Mania, but for me, it was a selling point. They've done Goldust/Cody/Dusty before, but if they really pushed it as the brother vs. brother brutal match and didn't have a PPV match before it would have been something I was really looking forward too. It had a great built in story.

The main problem though, is the lack of time. I can't see a match on the roster I would have moved for this one (except cutting down the Rock/Rousey promo).
On topic, the given reason for dropping the program was it not connecting with the audience. Vince made the final call and just canned it. It wasn't my personal taste but it did seem to have grabbed the attention of many fans. While not WM worthy some sort of conclusion would have been nice.

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