Why Undertaker never should wrestle in Wrestlemania 31 - He's finish

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In my view, we all have different opinions. And we can all share different opinions because we don't live in North Korea. We don't all have same opinions.

In my view Undertaker should leave now. He's old and looks tired and a SLOPPY match against Brock Lesnar - where the crowd didn't even care. :rolleyes:

They were so quiet under the match, and it was dreadful. It was a low performance from Undertaker, and Brock look like always too one-dimensional.

Undertaker had his time. He's finished. He shouldn't compete ever in a WWE ring again.

He was never a good wrestler, he was never the face of the company, he was never a Stone Cold steve austin.

He's an old man now. Undertaker is pretty much finished which we could see at last Wrestlemania. He only had his streak, now he's nothing at all.

I think best for business is Undertaker retire and let it be Stone cold vs Brock Lesnar for the title. To bring up the feud from 2002.

And Undertaker retirement in HOF 2015. For good.
Five paragraphs before a mention of Stone Cold Steve Austin. I fell for it and was worked.

Taker should never wrestle in 31. Maybe pre show but I doubt it. Is Honor Ring working a show near by WM? Maybe Taker can work Dirty Del Mexico at their event.
I had no idea that the reason The Taker shouldn't wrestle at Mania 31, is because he's from Finland. Although, it's "Finnish" and not "finish". Personally, I wish last year's Mania had Wyatt go over Taker instead of Lesnar. Given that guy the honor of ending the streak was ridiculous, not that I ever wanted the streak to end in the first place but what's done is done. Anyway, I see no point in a Wyatt-Taker program after what was done last year.
While I agree with the premise that the Undertaker should never wrestle again, and while I agree that the Undertaker went out on his own terms, doing a favor to the top heel in the company, anything written by this moron is generally a steaming pile of shit. I don't understand how the mods let him continue to post in non-spam sections.
I agree that he is too old to compete. Therefore,I will disagree with you in this point:his Wrestlemania match was very interesting and when the streak was conquered there was alot of talk surrounding this issue. Nevertheless,I would like to see him competing his last match against Bray Wyatt because the push Bray will get will be huge. Moreover,I believe he is one of the most legendary superstars ever existed and his retirement should be better.
Was this guy not banned? Ah well - I'm sure it'll not be long til he's FE'd again.

Taker is too old IYHO then? You do realize he's younger than your sainted SCSA right?

Taker / Lesnar was poor because Taker had a concussion from very early in the match and had to be carried by an opponent who doesn't really have that in his arsenal.

Taker vs Wyatt could be interesting because the result is now interesting - the Dead Man doesn't have his streak now so he can lose.

'Stone Cold' Steve Austin left wrestling because he was financially stable and he wasn't really fit for the rigors anymore. He is still financially stable and aside from giving the IWC a playful tug on the tail about returning, has not shown any concrete interest in doing so. Stop insulting wrestling legends (and by extension - their fans) for your own fanboyism - it's getting to stupid levels of irritating.
your beer belly flabbin, mascara wearin, leather claddin, bone tearin underfaker should still continue to wrestle as Eldertaker and put talent over meaning since his streak was defeated and he passed the torch to Brock Lesner (since he begged Lesner at a UFC to end his streak) If Y2Jobber Jericho can put talent over as well as Jack Swagger why not Underfaker? Everyone is upset about the streak and astonished and crying! Come on now. Let's compare streaks shall we? cause Underfakers streak is a joke of 20 wins
Goldberg's streak 173 consecutive victories that took place on WCW television, pay-per-views and at house shows. During his streak he defeated Raven for the WCW US Heavyweight Championship on April 20th 1998. The Title was vacated by Goldberg in order to win the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, which has happened when he defeated Hollywood Hogan on July 6th 1998. His streak lasted until December 27th1998, when he suffered his first defeat, losing to Kevin Nash at StarCade 1998 after Scott Hall interfered, electrically shocking him with a cattle prod.
GOLDBERG surpassed Underfaker but not TNAs CRIMON streak
CRIMSON's TNA streak was 470 wins for 2 years
Underfaker should let Wyatt win and STING win if that match happens he has to start pushing talent over an old man his age since many wrestlers push younger talent over
Saying he should not wrestle is like saying he is physically deformed and mentally unstable until we see him on a wheelchair but till then he needs to push talent over and let talent win over he has to be a jobber
As long as he can do one match a year and draw good he would be there. Question is wheather he should but I dont think he plans on doing that another 10 years but maybe one or two times more before he retires. And we should lay back and enjoy it. :)

And you do realise that Austin isnt in very good physical health that he could wrestle even that one match? Especially with someone like Brock Lesnar. :lmao:
your beer belly flabbin, mascara wearin, leather claddin, bone tearin underfaker should still continue to wrestle as Eldertaker and put talent over meaning since his streak was defeated and he passed the torch to Brock Lesner (since he begged Lesner at a UFC to end his streak) If Y2Jobber Jericho can put talent over as well as Jack Swagger why not Underfaker? Everyone is upset about the streak and astonished and crying! Come on now. Let's compare streaks shall we? cause Underfakers streak is a joke of 20 wins
Goldberg's streak 173 consecutive victories that took place on WCW television, pay-per-views and at house shows. During his streak he defeated Raven for the WCW US Heavyweight Championship on April 20th 1998. The Title was vacated by Goldberg in order to win the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, which has happened when he defeated Hollywood Hogan on July 6th 1998. His streak lasted until December 27th1998, when he suffered his first defeat, losing to Kevin Nash at StarCade 1998 after Scott Hall interfered, electrically shocking him with a cattle prod.
GOLDBERG surpassed Underfaker but not TNAs CRIMON streak
CRIMSON's TNA streak was 470 wins for 2 years
Underfaker should let Wyatt win and STING win if that match happens he has to start pushing talent over an old man his age since many wrestlers push younger talent over
Saying he should not wrestle is like saying he is physically deformed and mentally unstable until we see him on a wheelchair but till then he needs to push talent over and let talent win over he has to be a jobber

Okay, since I am a Goldberg fan, I will entertain this post like it was something that was intelligent in the first place. Even being a Goldberg fan, I realize that comparing the two "Streaks" together is foolish and nonsensical.It obviously are two totally different things. While both started organically, they were different in the fact that Undertaker went 20 YEARS without losing a match at a major Main Event. While the sheer number of wins Goldberg had was impressive from an announced on TV point of view, it was only over the span of maybe what, Two Years? I guarantee you that he would not have went 20 years at one event without a loss. Hell, Goldberg didn't even last 20 years in the industry in the first place. Plus, the losses of said streaks even were different. The Undertaker loss was logical and conclusive. The Goldberg loss was overbooked and ridiculousness on a grand level, typical wCw rubbish of the era.

Also, throwing that little tidbit in the end about Crimson and his TNA streak did nothing but make you look like a typical IWC Troll poking fans to try and get a negative reaction. The numbers were all off and just way fabricated. Just saying.

As for Undertaker being a jobber...not really necessary since he has put wrestlers over in the past and done more than his share for the WWE and wrestling itself. Not to mention, it goes entirely against the entire idea of the character itself. I do believe that Wrestlemania XXXI should be Taker's final match and he should be inducted into the Hall of Fame. He deserves one final match and the goods that all legendary veterans of the ring deserve.
In my view, we all have different opinions. And we can all share different opinions because we don't live in North Korea. We don't all have same opinions.

In my view Undertaker should leave now. He's old and looks tired and a SLOPPY match against Brock Lesnar - where the crowd didn't even care. :rolleyes:

They were so quiet under the match, and it was dreadful. It was a low performance from Undertaker, and Brock look like always too one-dimensional.

Undertaker had his time. He's finished. He shouldn't compete ever in a WWE ring again.

He was never a good wrestler, he was never the face of the company, he was never a Stone Cold steve austin.

He's an old man now. Undertaker is pretty much finished which we could see at last Wrestlemania. He only had his streak, now he's nothing at all.

I think best for business is Undertaker retire and let it be Stone cold vs Brock Lesnar for the title. To bring up the feud from 2002.

And Undertaker retirement in HOF 2015. For good.

"Stone Cold" is a woman-basher, who beat up his ex-wife, his wife and his girlfriend. He hits women in the face.

So, StoneColdHell, you support someone who commits domestic violence. You probably endorse his behavior.

Besides, Austin ran away from Brock last time, because he is yellow. Brock would break him in half, and have him for dinner.

Maybe your fantasy is to be smacked around by SCSA. You'd like that, wouldn't you?

(PS, before anyone else has a go at me, I said these things mainly to piss off the OP, so he runs off and cries how someone disrespected his sexual fantasy man, and hopefully he runs off and never posts here again. Don't attack me, I may have just performed a national service.

If this ******** never posts again, then you are welcome).

OP., f off you loser!
I was skeptical about him returning to the ring this year because of the reasons others have mentioned. He is aging and is in bad physical shape and the streak is now over. But when I heard the rumours that he is returning to likely work with Wyatt it got me excited again. Bray is the perfect opponent for The Undertaker with his size and his super natural gimmick. I'm sure the production team will make some cool video packages. The Undertaker hasn't been on TV since Mania so there's a lot of speculation of what his future holds. It will be a draw to have him back on TV leading into Mania.
Oh my what a thread.

It's not 100% certain if the Undertaker will actually come back this year, he might be done for good. It's only rumour's and speculation at this point in time. I would also think he would have to be medically cleared after the beating he took last year, he might not be able to even pass the physical. According to all reports it took him a long time to get over it

The Undertaker had a glorious career in the WWE, and if he decides it's time for him to quit then it's fine by me. I really don't want to see him get smacked around again like he did last year. Also don't want to see Steve Austin against Lesnar either. Why regurgitate a feud that's 13 years old. He ran from Brock the last time, why would he want to fight him now. Austin hasn't been in the ring for years, and the rust would be falling off him.

It's enjoyable to see these guys once in awhile, but for most of them, their time has come and gone, and I want to see the new faces on the roster get a chance to takeover the starring roles.
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