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[This Space for Rent]
I used to be a n00b that noone knew. Now I'm one of the more 'known' and respected posters on the forum. That's dedication and respect right there.

Thank you, anyone who made it possible for me to be great. :lmao:

Seriously though.. thank all of you who helped contribute in building me to become a good poster, or at least a moderately decent one. lol
:lmao: This thread was in no direction at those/that position.. but now I'm doomed. LOL

And no, I made this because of that Live Discussion/Spamzone thread about "Who Do You Stop to Read?" A lot of people said me.. and it kinda got me thinking that a little over a year ago.. no one really even knew who I was.
I say CM as he now looks like the od with the most Exp. Howver, alot of the older mods seem to be dropping off like flies on a zap lamp. So who knows.
Will, do you realize you have over 500 posts since August 27th of 2008?

That's sad.

I stepped it up a notch. I'm the ONLY person who's had 4,000 in under a year and a half.

And yes, it is likely sad.. but a lot has to contribute to not just wrestling posts, but the e-fed and board room as well I'm sure.
did she have massive sweater kittens because in Mexican TV thats really all you need

Hmm, I honestly can't remember. She denied me. Said her Mom wouldn't let her date until she was 17.. keep in mind, I was like 18-19 then and she was 16.

I got a phone call from some girl who I didn't know.. she said she'd been watching me and liked me, and wanted to know if I wanted to go out. She asked if I could guess who she was.. and I guessed it was the spanish girl.

Her reply was.. "WHAT?! I'm not no ******* bitch, I'm all American from head to toe." Yeah.. good times, good times.

That's the girl I ended up dating that had major guy issues regarding believing she could only get assholes to date her. Never seen the Spanish girl again though.
FreeZoff, did you realize that you and I are apart of a Fantasy Football League in which in Week One you completely stomped my ass?
I stepped it up a notch. I'm the ONLY person who's had 4,000 in under a year and a half.

And yes, it is likely sad.. but a lot has to contribute to not just wrestling posts, but the e-fed and board room as well I'm sure.

Yeah, too bad the rest of have things like jobs & school getting in the way, as well as having lives:p

But in all seriousness, I wouldn't be surprised if Will were to get on of the G-mod spots, the guy already mods more sections than any of the other regular mods (well if you count the e-fed as a section), and is pretty damn dedicated to this place too

CM won't get one, right now he only mods the the Prediction cantest and Book this section, so I can't see why they'd give him G-mod powers, he needs get more sections under his belt first, I don't think Becca should get a G-mod spot either, nothing personal or anything, She only mods non-wrestling (which lets be honest is really nothing more than the Bar Room, all the other forums in that section get very little activity) & Book, this she's a good mod and all, I just think their are better options when it comes to G-mods, like say NorCal or (and I can't beleive I'm about to say this but) Sly, Becca should get it if one of them don't IMO
The title sounds like one of those "What I Did This Summer" type essays that you used to have to write the first day back to school. :lmao:

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