Why the push for Vito!?

  • Thread starter JustinKroeger88
  • Start date


I'm sorry to any Vito fans (ya poor bastards!) but a guy in a dress should not be pushed as a babyface, let alone an unbeaten one. He is a talented wrestler, but WHY THE DRESS! As my mate says, I guess the creative team of WCW has been writing for them there. The only plus point in this storyline, is that Michael Cole can further the gay jokes directed to him.
I feel really sorry for vito, Has potential had a start in ecw and then seemingly downhill from there bar maybe his run with tony marinara and johnny the bull in WCW, The dress thing is pretty poor u know ppl are running low on ideas when they dress guys in DRESSES lol makes me remember Brain pillman and Saturn in there dresses lol
im sorry, this along with the boogeyman are absoulute crap gimmicks
I think Vito has talent, all he has to do is lose the dress and go back to being an FBI again and join the ECW brand, along with Little Guido and Tony Mamaluke.
JustinKroeger88 said:
I'm sorry to any Vito fans (ya poor bastards!) but a guy in a dress should not be pushed as a babyface, let alone an unbeaten one. He is a talented wrestler, but WHY THE DRESS! .

To make him stand out and get his name out there so when he moves onto something else, people will at least know who he is. He didn't exactly have much exposure in WWE prior to that and it had been years before that since he got much exposure.
Well it seems Vito is okay with wearing a dress in public..It doesnt seem to bother him and it is a bad gimmick but im happy he is getting a push..IK think they should send him to ECW though to join the FBI...It would be better and they push the FBI and not only Vito..Thats my oppinion...
Vito is actually a good tallent but now people are to busy laughting at him to worry about how good his matches can be.
The first thing WWE needs to do is get the audience to notice him, and then once they notice him, then they get the fans ot notice his talent in the squared circle.
The gimmick got old fast, and so did the finisher that comes with it (you know putting the head up the dress). I'm glad he's getting a push, though.

Flames Out
It's not like Vito is the first wrestler to wear a dress to the squared circle and actually wrestle in it. I think Kanyon had a similar gimmick back in wCw, just before it went out of business if i'm not mistaken, I may of been wrong, but I know someone in wCw had done the same thing as Vito.
I think he's a well good wrestler and all, but seriously man, that is a dumbass gimmick. Jusy 'cause he wears a dress he does better??? WTF! It is good he's getting a push 'cause he's kool but Naaa the gimmick is not working! He must feel so embarresed. The only thing I find funny is when they show him going shopping or to the gym, the faces on the people are Priceless! But the whole finnisher with the head up the dress it stupid, that would not make you tap...
Yaszie_123 said:
I think he's a well good wrestler and all, but seriously man, that is a dumbass gimmick. Jusy 'cause he wears a dress he does better??? WTF! It is good he's getting a push 'cause he's kool but Naaa the gimmick is not working! He must feel so embarresed. The only thing I find funny is when they show him going shopping or to the gym, the faces on the people are Priceless! But the whole finnisher with the head up the dress it stupid, that would not make you tap...

Good Point however, I don't think he feels that embarresed, if he's in the WWE, making some pretty good money, I don't think he'd feel embarressed. I also find it hilarious, when they show him shopping in stores for dresses, and the people's reactions are pretty funny! almost like being caught on TV! lol.
Wasn't this sposed to be somewhat like Orlando Jordan's gimmick minus the Bisexualness? Well my opinions on it., this dress thing is kind of dumb but in recent week's its the most I've ever really seen of Vito in the ring especially consecutive weeks and I myself think Vito is very underrated. He would be suited more as heel in this gimmick, but fan's seem to cheer stuff like this on...remember Rico..Goldust..etc so as far as it stay's over with the fan's its here to stay unfortunatley.
If someone tried to give me his gimmick I'd jump to TNA lol, but in all seriousness, Vito is a good wrestler and deserves perhaps an IC title psuh, but needs a new gimmick.
Vito's a pretty good wrestler and it's a shame his team with Nunzio didn't do more, especially to help out the tag division, which constantly seems to need new teams. I'm not really liking this whole crossdressing gimmick, but if it gets him more TV time and a push and he's comfortable doing it, then that's fine with me.
Dig This..

Vito is gettin this push cuz it cant hurt SD anymore

whenever vito is on tv....i automatically change the channel. some of these gimmicks are so babyish.....ie. the boogeyman, vito, perry saturn a few years ago (with the mop) etc

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