Why the New Age Outlaws- Cronyism?


Elegantly Wasted Superstar
As I'm sure everybody has noticed, the New Age Outlaws have now been squarely inserted into the feud between CM Punk and The Shield/The Authority.

This past week on Raw they teamed up with Punk in a 6 man, only to walk out on him and leave him to the mercy of the shield. My question is- why were the NAOs used for this? One guy in his mid 40s and one guy in his 50s who haven't been relevant for about a decade. Before anybody says it, I know they both work backstages, but surely that is where they should stay. Is there really that much of a dearth of tag team talent that they had to resort to bringing these guys back in to swerve Punk and help the Authority?

Would they not have been better served using that spot to give prominence to somebody else? The Real Americans could have teased a face turn and then walked out. R-Truth and Xavier Woods could have heel-turned or done it under orders from HHH (just two examples of the top of my head). There were any number of ways they could have incorporated a current tag team into this storyline to boost their exposure.

Instead, they use a tag team from the late 90s which a lot of younger fans may not have even heard of. Why? The only answer, surely, is HHH's desire to use his buddies in these storylines.

Look at what we've had in the last 18 months:

The abortion that was Kevin Nash "texting" Johnny Ace and involving himself with HHH and Punk.
Shawn Michaels inexplicably turning on DB in a storyline with little build and even less follow up.
Now the NAO being used in the Punk storyline.

It all just seems unnecessary to me. So, my questions:

Is this just cronyism? HHH using his power to give his buddies a paycheck?
Should other superstars have been used in this and other storylines instead of HHHs old friends?
Is the use of people like NAO over current superstars "bad for business"?

I think it has a lot to do with the fact that Triple H is smart enough to realize that most fans are aware of his history and his friendships and all of the sordid stories of political maneuvering that he is attached to. I'd venture to say he's the one guy in the business people have heard more of those kinds of stories about than any other outside of maybe Hogan or Nash. This works exceptionally well for building storylines, and if he has buddies in the back willing to do his dirty work, then why the hell not use them?

Mr. McMahon had The Stooges in Patterson and Brisco. What was it you were saying about two guys who do road agent/backstage work, in their 40's and 50's? How old were Patterson and Brisco during the attitude era (plus or minus a half-decade in their case.) Even Shane-O Mac had the Mean Street Posse. Bischoff had Hall & Nash and other NWO guys.

It just makes sense to use those kinds of connections, real or imagined, in a storyline featuring a heavy-handed or corrupt authority figure. It gives the face plenty of cannon fodder to work through before the payoff match and relevant or not, the NAO are well-decorated veterans who can still work decent matches if needed. Like The Stooges, NAO are also well-suited to being comic relief when the situation arises. In any story, the "Big Bad" always needs good lackeys!
The New Age Outlaws are still really over, they were major additions to DX, they were prominent during the Attitude Era, they're still healthy and they're still able to get it done inside the ring. When you consider WWE's effort into renewing tag team wrestling in the company, they're an asset that can be put to great use. The NAO are a means to an end, primarily, as they're not going to be cast in the role of stooges to Triple H to further Triple H's upcoming program with CM Punk. As I said earlier, they were prominent members of DX, it's a big part of their legacy and Triple H's legacy, so it makes perfect sense to use them in this manner.

As far as Cronyism goes, a better example would be TNA bringing in various Hulk Hogan guys, guys Hogan liked, for a while not long after he debuted, despite many of them not having been stars of any significant stature even during their prime. Another example would be signing Brooke Hogan and making her an on-air authority figure in charge of the TNA Knockouts despite her obvious lack of ability and experience.
It's probably got a little cronyism involved... after all it is natural to want to help your friends/family out... but in reality it makes more sense for the story to use Triple H's old on screen buddies like this.

The story is that Triple H is using his 'Authority' to screw over guys like CM Punk, and it gets that point across better using guys he has a history of teaming with, like the NAO, than using guys who in kayfabe he doesn't have a history with.

The NAO, or Michaels, or Flair, X-Pac or whomever happens to be the next one to turn their back on Punk are just a means to an end here. That end of course being Triple H versus CM Punk at Wrestlemania
The New Age Outlaws are one of the most popular tag-teams of all time. Did you watch any of their segments? People still love them; they can still go in the ring and Road Dogg is a magnificent entertainer. Moreover, the provided Punk with back-up while The Uso's feuded with The Wyatt Family. Finally, it has provided another step in the storyline if they want to have Punk face HHH at WM. It made absolute perfect sense.

HBK is one of the greatest to ever be involved in wrestling. He trained Daniel Bryan and was team-mates with the guy that is keeping him down (in the storyline)

How could they replicate what they did with HBK and the New Age Outlaws. Why the fuck would R-Truth and Xavier Woods walk out on CM Punk? Would anyone care? Likewise with HBK. The whole point is that he wanted Bryan to be champ (because he trained them) but it was a conflict in interests because HHH is his best friend. HBK didn't like Orton; he loves Triple H. The use of Shawn Michaels, Roadd Dogg and Billy Gunn has been fantastic thus far.
I think the 4 posts that followed the OP have said all there is to say.

Like MCMG said "Why would R-Truth and Xavier Woods walk out on CM Punk? Would anyone care?"

They're just done with a feud(albeit forgettable) with Brodus Clay. And it looks like they'll feud with Fandango in the near future. To insert them in an upper card feud out of the blue will seem forced and unnatural.

Hence the insertion of NAO in the storyline, makes sense, and they can wrestle well enough considering their age.
What every one said plus in the end Punk is most likely going to have his revenge. It doesn't feel right to for Punk to make a couple of young guys look bad. This way The NAO take the hit in a short program. Punk gets his revenge, the fans get a pop and The NAO either disappear or become stooges.

I've enjoyed this build so far. It's been logical and entertaining. Let's not over think it.
Did anything ever happen with Road Doggs brother, Scott Armstrong the referee, getting fired by Triple H? Maybe that will be Dogg and Billy's motivation so it gets Scott his job back?

Or maybe it's all down to past history with Triple H.
Everyone has pretty much hit the mark, if your a corrupt authority figure and you've got friends, use them. Though there was another kayfabe reason for what the Outlaws did: they get to face Cody and Goldy on Smackdown.

In Kayfabe world, these two vets didn't walk out on Punk to appease their friend, or because they're stooges. They did it to have one more shot at glory. I don't think the match on Smackdown is for the titles, but if they can get a win then that puts them in the #1 contender's spot and they'll probably have a title match at RR. If NAO beat the Rhodes (I'm 50/50 on whether they should win or put them over) then WWE can start the build for Cody v Goldust at Mania, and use the NOA as transitional champs to put the belts on another face team, when we UCE, ya'll say O
Is the use of people like NAO over current superstars "bad for business"?

Opposite. No one would be able to make this storyline work except HHH's old buds. It makes the storyline that much more real. Once they turned their backs on Punk, you knew why. Having a "fresh" face team turn, or forcing a heel team face (Real Americans) wouldn't have made much sense because there is too much explaining as to why they turned.

Everyone keeps saying "USE NEW GUYS" "PUSH NEW GUYS" "GIVE NEW GUYS THE RUB" between RR and Wrestlemania.

No thanks. Especially not at this time of year. Outside of Cena, Punk, Bryan and a very small list of others, the rest of the roster won't bring in money like popular guys from the past do. It's just the way it is and always will be.
This is Corporation 2.0, remember? Road Dogg and Billy Gunn are the new Patterson and Brisco.

In the grand scheme of professional wrestling this is more like Corporation 20.5. There really is no indication Dogg and Gunn will play a role similar to Brisco and Patterson. They are a hot pull for the E right now and should be featured in some serious action. If the Authority has any stooges it would be Brad, Vickie and to an extent Kane.

I like the current program but my only gripe is the NAO continuing to wear their DX gear. Are we to believe CM Punk is a stupid ass who didn’t see this coming a mile away?
I think the thing that most people are missing in todays product is the build up. With Brisco and Patterson, they didn't just get their gear on and show up and wrestle. There was build up. They were the on screen lackeys-yesmen-asskissers for a while before they were put into physical situations. In this scenerio, theres been nothing. No interacton from the Outlaws and anyone, they just showed up for a match with no real build up.
You're forgetting that both guys play important roles behind the scenes in their own right. Armstrong as an agent and Gunn as a trainer. So perhaps this is a little "reward" for their hard work, or testing the fans reaction to see if they can be inducted without the rest of DX (pretty likely I think). Should they be at 30? Absolutely in some form, between them as Jesse James, Roadie, Smokin Gunn's, Billy & Chuck et al they have been in a massive number of Manias and together they can be called a legendary team. They don't NEED to build it, in the same way WWE used to hot shot a Road Warriors return every time they did... they never announced it, you just heard "What A Rush" and the pop was instantly huge every time... the Outlaws intro is even that "Oh you didn't know?" why advertise them?

If it's cronyism it's no worse than the nepotism that has seen 2nd Gen stars pushed faster than others or Triple H ascend to the top job in waiting... There is an element of it in EVERY backstage role in WWE as they are so fond of saying "it's a family" the guys who are part of that have very close ties to Vince, Trips the McMahons and the company because those are the ones with the best interests of the company at heart and arguably the right employees. This isn't like Dixie putting herself on TV or like Russo allowing Ed Ferrarra to be "Oklahoma" just cos he could... These are two legends who can still "go" to an extent running a limited role in a major programme for the biggest Mania ever...of which they are undoubtedly gonna be part...

Wanna see Nepotism? Why the hell was John Cena Sr. on camera?

If anything the opposite has tended to be true - reverse cronyism, if you're on someone's shit list you ain't getting on screen... but even that is changing, the biggest message the last two HOF's send out is there are no more "unforgivables", they're even gonna use Benoit footage with a suitable warning, which is exactly right. Once Warrior is in there is Savage and Owen, then there aren't really any more "skeletons" left for WWE... they're basically saying the past is gone and won't shape our future...
New Age Outlaws can still contribute in a positive manner to today's product. They have name recognition, they're charismatic as hell, they provide nostalgia, they can still look great in the ring AND put over up and coming tag teams, they can be built as a credible threat to any teams, and they're still believable as a top team if WWE wanted to give them one last run.

Despite how much they can still do in the ring, I believe the Triple H/DX connection will overshadow any contribution they make. They're going to be a modern day Patterson and Brisco for Triple H. Nothing but cronies. They'll do Triple H's dirty work. For now, they're serving as a connecting feud for CM Punk to face off against Triple H at Wrestlemania. Probably after CM Punk finishes his feud with them, we likely won't see The New Age Outlaws again for a while... which is unfortunate because they still have a lot to offer.
DX in the 2014 Hall of fame?
DX (HBK, HHH, Outlaws) vs. Punk, Bryan, Rhodes and Goldust at WM?

Everyone is talking "Hogan" or "Austin" appearing at Wrestlemania... To the heads of the WWE the era of DegenerationX probably had the same massive impact as a Hogan and Austin. Why wouldn't they want to reunite them at the biggest PPV of the year? (sounds like a HHH PPV move to me. X chopping over Bryan & Punk at mania, he'd love it)

DX will be in the Hall of Fame sooner rather than later.. The heads would want HBK as a two time inductee like Ric Flair.
I think the thing that most people are missing in todays product is the build up. With Brisco and Patterson, they didn't just get their gear on and show up and wrestle. There was build up. They were the on screen lackeys-yesmen-asskissers for a while before they were put into physical situations. In this scenerio, theres been nothing. No interacton from the Outlaws and anyone, they just showed up for a match with no real build up.

Have you been watching? They have been having matches with CM Punk against The Shield the last 2 weeks. The NAO have been on-screen characters since before the year started. The Shield is apart of The Authority. It was a for sure thing they were going to run out on Punk.
If you're able to put one of the greatest tag-teams in professional wrestling in front of the camera, and if that tag-team is still over, still entertaining to watch and can still go in the ring to a certain extent, why on earth wouldn't you use them?

Also, I know they were Triple H's buddies on-screen but haven't Road Dogg and Gunn been quite critical of HHH in shoot interviews?

An appearance by the NAO is one of those things that will push me to watch a Raw or Smackdown if I'm debating whether or not to do so.

If the build is to Punk/HHH as has been reported then it being NAO instead of a random tag-team makes much more sense.
Most of the points I was going to make have been covered but I'd also add that a theme of this angle dating back to HBK screwing Bryan is these young rebel characters calling out the old rebels for selling out, this was just another layer, and the guy who brought up that it could be connected to Road Dogg's bother being fired makes a good point.

Logically if Triple H wants to put the screws to Punk he should use guys he can trust and knows will get the job done, not rookies. Plus I think this move can also reignite The Rhodes feud with The Authority if they step-up to help Punk and spin-off into a tag team title feud with the Outlaws from the bigger Punk/Triple H angle.

The trickiest aspect of this angle was how the fans would respond, would HBK be booed for doing what he did to Bryan and Superkicking Punk? would the NAO be booed for turning on him and leaving him to The Shield? Fortunately for WWE and the storyline the crowds have gone with it, so full steam ahead.
and so it leads to NAO winning the tag belts to make them an even bigger legitimate threat to keeping Punk at bay from getting his hands on Triple H, and in turn by defeating the Brotherhood, that brother vs brother storyline can begin to happen.
It makes perfect sense to utilise the NAO previous long standing relationship with Helmsley, and I am sure X-Pac will be used also to run in and cost Punk a match, probably whatever match he is in at Elimination Chamber. I do see HBK next time he is in a middle role turning on Triple H, probably the refree for their match at Mania 30 sdomehow this will happen. But yes, using the New Age Outlaws for a 3 month run is great as the public love the, they are in good shape, and getting beaten by Punk in the end wont hurt them, where burying talent who could use a leg up would be silly. Mayeb Nash sticks his head in and Punk gets his revenge on him also.
They still say "the Bad Ass Billy Gunn"!, but their music no longer says "your ass better call somebody!" I don't get why one is allowed and the other isn't.

Not to mention, Road Dogg now says "you're dang right" instead of damn. That just sounds ridiculous. They can't say "damn"???
That minor censorship is most likely from the Outlaws themselves. You may not know that Road Dogg was the one who instigated the arms cross x rather than the crotch chop, as he wanted something his and Billy's kids could do and Billy always wanted Trips to say the "Suck it" line. Those two guys did what was needed but were never truly comfortable with it as they understood they were and are role models to other kids as well as their own.

He says "Dang" out of respect, because "Damn" now belongs to Ron Simmons...
Why didn't he use an upcoming tag team? Reason for that being is because there is no tag team on the roster, bar The Rhodes Brothers, that can hold a candle to how popular the NAO are & where! I mean people want to see the Attitude Era come back & this is the closest that we are going to get to it. It would be different if neither of the men could still go in the squared circle but, they can & very good I may add. By having these two incorporated into the storyline it gives younger tag teams the chance to get a well deserved rub off of these guys, I mean they are obviously apart of the Authority now so they will be in matches, here, there & everywhere!

Imagine what kind of a push teams like, The Usos, PTP & other teams are going to get from this, saying that they are placed in matches with them. We have craved a relevant tag team division & with the NAO's being back, I believe that we will really get it now. Plus, who cares if they are Triple H's buddies, if they can draw then why not have them there!?

Plus don't start going on about how I said they where the most over, I know the Shield are & the Wyatt's but technically they are stables, so!

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