Why such a long no-compete clause?


Dark Match Winner
Lesnar had previously signed a no-compete clause in order to be released from his contract with WWE, which prohibited him from working for any other sports entertainment or mixed martial arts companies before June 2010. Lesnar had anticipated leaving wrestling entirely, but his inability to secure a career in professional football led to him challenging this ruling in court. WWE responded by demanding damages as a result of Lesnar allegedly breaching the agreement by appearing at a New Japan Pro Wrestling show in 2004. In July 2005, the two sides dropped their claims and entered negotiations to renew their relationship. WWE had offered Lesnar a contract, but on August 2, 2005, WWE's official website reported that Lesnar had withdrawn from any involvement with the company. The lawsuit was then entered into settlement on September 21, but talks broke down.

A 6 year no compete clause?

Sounds a bit extreme to me, anyone have any idea why they did this?
I'd imagine Lesnar had a fairly long term contract with WWE considering they "made" him. The fact he could escape it in the first place would be a minor miracle, so they wouldn't hesitate to tie him up in legal issues for the forseeable future.

That's a guess though.
After the whole Lex Luger/WCW fiasco WWE has been incredibly paraniod about stars jumping ship and riding their momentum. Now look at Brock Lesnar, the biggest star WWE had built in years and they knew it. Vince is a smart guy and he didn't want people taking advantage of his monster so he put a little extra padding in his no compete clause so that he didn't need to worry as much.
It seems like this time, at least with Brock, it came back to bite VKM in the petunia. Brock is keeping his name alive and well just fine, even with his wrestlign "no compete" clause.
Doesn't Lesnar's current popularity as the biggest draw in MMA answer that question for you? Lesnar wouldn't enjoy a fraction of the notoreity that he enjoys at the moment if he hadn't entered MMA with a name already worth millions to whoever would employ him. That notoreity and name recognition was purely a product of him being pushed to the moon by WWE. It isn't really hard to keep your name brand viable for 12 months as a professional entertainer, so I imagine 6 years seemed arbitrarily long enough to keep Lesnar from wanting to jump ship, at least without knowing he'd have to give back a lot of what he made working for them.
The fact is, he signed a very long term contact with the WWE, then during it he wanted out. He should be lucky they let him out of the contract in the first place as they pretty much had him over a barrel. But they compromised and the WWE let him out of his contract if he agreed not to work for another wrestling promotion or MMA promotion for 6 years.

Lesnar agreed as he was training for an NFL future at the time. When he couldn't make they cut he tried to renig on the agreement but the WWE wouldn't let him
What puzzles me with this is The Rock went from wrestling to the movies and Vince didn't "hand cuff" Rock, So I feel Vince picks and chooses who he screws over. Brock really didn't "pay his dues" to become champion and the rock did. So maybe that's the case.
I'd think 6 years was what was left on Lesnar's deal and that's why the long no compete clause? Not to mention he left WWE at the TOP and was well along on his way to being pushed as one of the best ever. WWE had found its GUY. The GUY to lead your franchise. When he left it hit WWE hard. They had to respond.
it just sucks that he was prohibited him from working for any other sports entertainment or mixed martial arts companies i think it shouldve been just sports entertainment since it was the same kind of company. putting the mma part in it fucks up a career. i think that brock would have benefitted in that time he could have been gaining experience. if he did i think he would have been the top guy not how he is now, but an elite vetern fighter
As said before, WWE was pushing Brock to the moon and he jumped ship. Brock probably cost the WWE a fair chunk of change in the process. I don't blame them for imposing something like they did.
The Rock's contract expired from what I recall. This might have been after The Scorpion King was finished. Someone here probably knows. Anywho, it was a much different parting of ways.
What puzzles me with this is The Rock went from wrestling to the movies and Vince didn't "hand cuff" Rock, So I feel Vince picks and chooses who he screws over. Brock really didn't "pay his dues" to become champion and the rock did. So maybe that's the case.

This comment doesn't make sense. I'm confused as to what part of a "do not compete" contract, something very common in the business world to protect an investment a company makes in training someone, involves Vince "screwing over" Lesnar. WWE Films got co-producing credit on like each of The Rock's first four films, meaning they were still profiting from his performances long after he left the company. Given that the NFL or UFC wouldn't copromote with WWE, they had no way of making money of Lesnar when he was gone, hence, the more restrictive contract.
I'm quite confused about this situation too. Did Brock Lesnar not start fighting for professional mixed martial arts before last year? What reasons were given for WWE not winning the prosecution after 2005?
I'm quite confused about this situation too. Did Brock Lesnar not start fighting for professional mixed martial arts before last year? What reasons were given for WWE not winning the prosecution after 2005?

Easy.. When you sign the wrestling contract to WWE I'm assuming its similar to other contracts you may sign for jobs or whatever else... In this case I'm sure that contract states that you can't work for an MMA organization nor can you work for another wrestling organization (Unless the wwe allows it..) Now this contract can be voided if the WWE releases you, but unless that happens you're stuck with it.. Even then, if the WWE releases you, or the contract expires, I'm sure there is the non compete clause that states you must wait however long after its over to go elsewhere... (60 days or 30 days or whatever it is..) What I'm assuming happened is that Lesnar had a multiple year deal, and still had years remaining when he decided to go back to football.. He backed out on his contract, and therefore still had to honor the multiple years remaining on it... Therefore once he failed at his football venture, and realized he had to get into MMA or wrestling again, he was violating his contract still and his "non compete clause" hadn't quite come into effect yet... That is why the WWE went after him..

Also, the reason why you still would have to honor your contracts even though you've left the business is simple.. If you didn't have to honor the contract terms and could back out whenever you wanted, you could "Leave the business" everytime you didn't like whatever you were doing and head to a rival promotion instantly... This is there to protect the people offering the contracts.. simple as that

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