Why on Earth would I want to read the WWE section more often?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
This is such a great thread and I agree with everything you said. But yes, I believe it is because of the PG era. WWE is a business now, back in those days they treated it as a wrestling world. Now it is all about money to the shareholders.

The PG era is so overly catered to kids that merchandise sales mean more than the quality of the product they are putting out. Back during the Attitude Era they had no choice but to put out the best product possible. Now that there is no competition anymore, they focus more on making money. Cena = merchandise sales with kids, CM Punk driving a Pepsi truck woudln't. Of course CM Punk driving a Pepsi truck into the arena would be classic (or anything similar to stuff we saw back in those days), but only to the real wrestling fans. The kids wouldn't appreciate that kind of thing, the kind of thing they would appreciate is Cena's spinning belt.
This is why TNA NEEEEEEDS to step up, boost their ratings, move back to the 9 - 11 timeslot and give WWE competition so once again they will have no choice but to put on a good quality product. But sadly, that is far from happening.
Your move.
That's a good post. Punk driving a Pepsi truck certianly would appeal to the real fans.

Some other great posts up there as well, such as

It would have been interesting to see this.I would have liked it but I would want Miz to get the title back in about a month or 2.This is because people know who Miz is,when you say "do you know Miz" people say yeah.You ask them about Daniel Bryan.......What?So yeah for a little bit this storyline could work but cause Danil isn't known by everyone not for long.
I actually agree with that one. Bryan is so bland that moving him to the main roster and involving him in a storyline that begs people to invest in him certainly won't work. Dude's just not an entertainer.
The Real World just doesn't get you as much exposure as it used to, unless you're black or gay.
You're confusing it with Jersey Shore, which includes much more beautiful beings.

That's a good post. Punk driving a Pepsi truck certianly would appeal to the real fans.

I'd have to say that if Punk drives a pepsi truck, I'd be driving 100 MPH in the wrong lane full speed ahead in a BEER truck with my music blaring on the loud speakers, and hopefully punk would have that rookie-Tribal wannabe Cena of his in the trunk of his. :rolleyes: A girl can dream. AHH
I reckon the kids would love CM Punk driving a pepsi truck down the ramp, the parents would dissaprove of such a tooth rotting sugary filled substance being so blatantly advertised on their child friendly programming.
I'd disapprove of Punk driving a Pepsi truck for the sheer stupidity of the fact, unless he could take out a few Jersey shore ******s in the process. I'd be his manager in training. His MIT...:) Then aim a little for a Snookey, and aim for The Sitchy-ai-shon, Nothing says straight edge like taking out some Jersey Shore fist pumping GTL 'tards. :lmao: There's a savior for ya.

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