Why isn't Steve Corino in TNA?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Alright, let me start off by saying I didn't know of Steve Corino when he was in ECW. I never heard of him until may be this past year and that was just b/c I came across a shoot video of his.

Now I now within the past year Corino signed with ROH and I've skimmed through his wiki page and tried to watch a few of his promos and matches.

From what I gather, the guy has personality and is funny. He's 37 which isn't that old. He also can come up with good gimmicks for himself. Aside from wrestling(which I don't know much about) and knowing the little I know of him, he seems to have it all (he's even tall.)

Is there a reason why he isn't in TNA?

I believe if he wanted to be in TNA, he would be. Is it that TNA wouldn't give him enough money? He'd make more then he is in ROH, right?

Does he have a problem w/ anyone in TNA? This also isn't a question about why isn't Corino in EV2.0 Corino has had plenty of time to join TNA. I don't know what he ever was, but is it a case that he's a shell of his former self?

So why isn't Steve Corino in TNA?

P.S. Does he remind anyone else of the older brother from the wonder years?
I first heard of Steve Corino from this text-based wrestling game called Extreme Warfare Revenge. People would make fan fiction with it and Steve Corino was a popular person for people to push. I heard that the reason why he never appeared in WWE was because they were turned off by all the blading scars on his forehead. If you've ever seen a picture of him close up, it really stands out. Even during the attitude era, I doubt they wanted anything to do with that.

But even that was almost a decade ago.

Honestly, I think now he's just not very over. I mean come on, how many non-ECW wrestling fans have ever even heard of him? Even you said that you didn't know who he was until a year ago. I'm sure more than 90% of the people who saw this post didn't even recognize his name. And for this, I doubt TNA offered him very much money. Even if he did appear on TNA, the majority of fans would have no idea who he was. I think TNA was mainly trying to get the more known ECW people, i.e. the ones who were also in WWE/WCW.
steve corino has the talent i agree, im sure that the reason he chose roh an not tna is because ring of honor reminds us of the aura that is the old ecw an i mean the eastern championship wrestling.....not extreme, an thats another reason why corino wouldn't be in the ev2.0 gimmick, he has always claimed to despise extreme wrestling........i would love to see him in tna, the man is an amazing athlete an can work the mic an create heat like no one......he is the antithesis of john cena, which is good cause i fucking hate john cena an wish that his leg would break so bad id never have to hear that damn awful music again! then cm punk could take over being the face of wwe!
Well the reason why he isn't in EV2 is because he turned down the offer, Corino was a former ECW Champion and had great feuds and matches with Jerry Lynn, Dusty Rhodes, and had a great comic duo with Jack Victory.

Fast forward 2002 Corino did appear in TNA during their weekly PPVs, but nothing came from it.

Corino has been competing off and on in ROH since 2002 as well was a play-byplay guy for them. Corino doesn't need TNA and TNA doesn't need him!

Plain and simple!
Well, overall, I'd say that the reason Corino isn't in TNA is because he probably has little to no interest in being in TNA. TNA made an offer to Steve Corino to participate at Hardcore Justice and he turned them down. Maybe he had no interest in an ECW reunion ppv, maybe he's just not all that crazy about TNA in and of itself, maybe he had something to do that weekend that he just couldn't get out of, etc.

From what I've heard a few people say about him, he seems to be pretty happy with ROH. Corino is probably never going to be a huge star in wrestling. While 37 isn't old comparatively speaking, 37 is fairly old in wrestling. If a wrestler hasn't made a big impact in wrestling by the time he reaches his late 30s, odds are that he's probably not going to. Corino's ship probably set sail a long time ago.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm sure that Corino has made it known in the past that after his last, and quite short, run in TNA he didn't want to work there again, a falling out with a booker or Jarrett I think.

So that would be the reason he is in ROH and not TNA, if I have got my history correct. I watched, what we in the UK could of, ECW and him, RVD and Lynn were by far my favourites there, with guys like Credible, York & Matthews and a few others coming closely behind. And I always thought it was a great shame that he never got recognised by the larger companies in America as the great worker he is, but oh well what can you do.
See I was wondering if may be there was an incident in 2002 when he worked for TNA for a little while, or something else.

I just feel if TNA are going to bring in 37 year olds like Doug Williams (or guys same age as Corino or older hired recently) then why not Corino?

Is there anyone "in the know" who would say Doug Williams is better to have then Steve Corino? I feel that if anyone said Williams was better, they'd say he's a far better mat wrestler or something, but I have a feeling Corino is more entertaining to watch in the ring.

Corino seems like the type of guy who would fit perfectly in any faction you'd put him in because he can definitely talk (a talent more then half the TNA locker room doesn't have)

Also, I know Corino didn't want to be in EV2.0 ... the question I was asking was why isn't Corino in TNA in general. Why did he not sign w/ TNA to begin with when he signed w/ ROH a year ago or w/e.

I guess Steve just doesn't want TNA and w/e ... just seems like a waste of good talent to me.
Corino was anti-ECW when he was in ECW! Why would he be a spokesman?

Corino doesn't have the body he once did...he has been wrestling almost 20 years! He's part of the old east coast indy group before he was in ECW...Reckless Youth, Ace Darling, Cheetah Master, Devon Storm, Super Nova....all those guys came in around the same time.

Unless Corino is working ROH or a big show, you are strictly getting a comedy match. He can still go, but it's an occasion.

Corino after ECW could have been something, he had the long hair, thin, cowboy boot look...he was fantastic.

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