Why is Summer Rae still employed?


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After the debocle that was the Rusev/Ziggler feud & now she's clinging onto Tyler Breeze's coat tails like a turd that wont flush, why is Summer Rae STILL EMPLOYED?

She aint wrestled (I use that term loosely) a match since forever, all shes doing is valeting.

So creative decide to pair her up with Tyler Breeze to try & make her *cough-splut* relevant again.

Not sure where this Tyler Breeze/Summer thing is going, but if I were creative, i'd get rid of Summer before she drags Breeze into the "Future Endeavors" club.
Well, generally speaking, Summer Rae's primary role mostly been as a valet. She was Fandango's dance partner, she wrestled some but only a few handfuls of matches, then the whole thing with Ziggler & Rusev and now she's Tyler Breeze's girl.

Summer Rae has the whole long legged, blonde bombshell thing going on and I've got no real problem with her being a valet. It worked for Precious, Miss Elizabeth, Woman, Sunny, Stephanie McMahon and a handful of others. At the same time, it's a dated role for women in wrestling that doesn't really fit in with today's more PC society.

However, still, when you consider that Summer Rae's character is essentially this shallow golddigger, it does seem to fit in with Breeze. Breeze is basically an updated and, in my opinion, improved take on Rick Martel's gimmick. The two of them being all about their appearance, taking selfies, being all over social media also fits in. Even though society is generally more PC, it's also seen as pretty shallow in some ways when you look at how much social media seems to drive so much of what so many people do.
I'm not sure if the Breeze pairing was to make her relevant, it was a move to get over Breeze's vanity with the main roster fans by giving him some eye candy to ignore.

She's still employed because she's a gorgeous woman who can work a match if need be. I don't think she was the worst thing about the love quadrangle angle, but she wasn't the highlight either.

The roster needs divas right now to fill out an undercard in that division. Breeze will eventually ditch her, probably leaving her for himself, then she goes to jobbing in the divas division.
She's a good distraction if used well enough in terms of helping Tyler Breeze secure wins. I feel she carries more value than Eva Marie which isn't saying much. The same question would apply to Miss Elizabeth, Sunny, Sensational Sherri(post-AWA), Debra and Terri Runnels in retrospect. I guess this same question could be asked about over men and women on the active roster. Rhetorically what good is Daniel Bryan if he's never gonna be competing?
I don't get it either. She's not that attractive, she's not a great worker, she's not a good valet either.. I don't see her being around past WrestleMania after this Breeze pairing is over... Maybe she's blowing somebody backstage like Rosa Mendes and AJ Lee.. Who the fuck knows at this point.
I've never really liked her, she just doesn't seem to have a personality or something. There's something missing for sure, she's not ugly but she's not really on page with most other divas. I suppose if she has to have a job, a valet for Breeze is as good a spot as any.
She can wrestle, she can do promos, is on Total Divas, and is attractive. Summer Rae fits all the needed criteria that they look for in a diva and she's good at what she does. That is why she is still employed. For whatever reason, they'd rather have her be a valet for guys like Breeze. I'd rather her be getting pushed for a Divas Championship title shot sometime, but at least she has something to do as Breeze's valet. Sure she may not be as good in the ring as Paige or Becky and she might not be as good in promos as them either, but she's far better than people give her credit for. Even if the alliance with Breeze ends she could still make a good heel contender for the Divas Championship down the line. Feuds with Paige, Charlotte, Becky, and Sasha are all things I want to see in Summer Rae's future. Let her wrestle, WWE. She's better than many of the girls who did get pushes.
The same reason Miss Elizabeth was employed
the same reason Trish Stratus was employed when she was a part of T & A
the same reason any valet is employed.

She can wrestle when needed, she can either mouth piece of build for a feud over women.

She doesn't fit the Divas revolution, so it makes sense she's not anyone near that scene and is working to improve her partner's feuds. In a lot of ways, she's filling the role of a Title belt right now, being the prize men fight over.

From watching out of character interviews and see her as a person, she's also apparently a really good backstage personality who helps keep morale up, something people rarely if ever touch on.
I think Summer Rae is still employed because she fully fits into the criteria of "Diva" WWE wants to have....She is good-looking... She can wrestle although she hasnot been allowed to do so... Remember the "Accolade" she applied on Lana? That was awesome.... I think she is pretty underrated in-ring worker.... Her mic-skills are nice so she suits being Tyler Breeze's valet... So i am ok with her being employed... :shrug:
When Lana and Ruseve split up before you could have said the same thing about her, why is she still employed? I'm not a fan of Summer Rae's but at least she can go in the ring, Lana cannot.

So she's a valet of a midcarder, who cares really. She's not doing much of anything, and Breeze needs her for the gimmick right now. I don't really care if she stays a valet for good to be honest.
When Lana and Ruseve split up before you could have said the same thing about her, why is she still employed? I'm not a fan of Summer Rae's but at least she can go in the ring, Lana cannot.

So she's a valet of a midcarder, who cares really. She's not doing much of anything, and Breeze needs her for the gimmick right now. I don't really care if she stays a valet for good to be honest.

After that unnecessary stunt on which they they decided to turn her face and align her with Ziggler, I feel she has been ruined. Even with her back with Rusev, the lovey dovey crap has ruined the duo.
I don't get it either. She's not that attractive, she's not a great worker, she's not a good valet either.. I don't see her being around past WrestleMania after this Breeze pairing is over... Maybe she's blowing somebody backstage like Rosa Mendes and AJ Lee.. Who the fuck knows at this point.

WWE seems to rarely fire people like her. I can see her around past WM. I'd love for her to go to NXT and become a better wrestler. Didn't she play in LFL?
Remember the "Accolade" she applied on Lana? That was awesome....

I remember that, it was good, at one point I thought she was gonna do Lana a serious injury, if she'ed have yanked back just that little more.

Maybe she's blowing somebody backstage like Rosa Mendes and AJ Lee.. Who the fuck knows at this point.

Rosa Mendes, like Summer is Smokingly Hot, but if thats the ONLY reason to keep them around, give their spots to other women who actually deserve it like Natayla, also AJ Lee was gold with her "Crazy Chick" persona & she could ACTUALLY wrestle.

I feel she carries more value than Eva Marie which isn't saying much.

Not much though, but Miss #AllBotchEverything has learned a little whiles she's been down in NXT, not much though, but as Tesco like to say "every Little Helps"

She can wrestle, she can do promos, is on Total Divas, and is attractive. Summer Rae fits all the needed criteria that they look for in a diva and she's good at what she does. That is why she is still employed. For whatever reason, they'd rather have her be a valet for guys like Breeze. I'd rather her be getting pushed for a Divas Championship title shot sometime, but at least she has something to do as Breeze's valet. Sure she may not be as good in the ring as Paige or Becky and she might not be as good in promos as them either, but she's far better than people give her credit for. Even if the alliance with Breeze ends she could still make a good heel contender for the Divas Championship down the line. Feuds with Paige, Charlotte, Becky, and Sasha are all things I want to see in Summer Rae's future. Let her wrestle, WWE. She's better than many of the girls who did get pushes.

WWE should send Summer back to NXT, it worked for Emma, who IMO has come on leaps & bounds since she dropped the stupid hand party, dippy persona to the more serious Emma she is now.
WWE needs ring rats to keep the male wrestlers happy. It gets lonely on the road. That is her main purpose and I am fine with that. I am fine with her NOT wrestling and just being eye candy. 99% of the current Divas can't wrestle so I would rather them being valets, managers or interviewers. Anything that keeps most of them out of the ring is a plus.
She can wrestle, she can do promos, is on Total Divas, and is attractive.

In addition, she can take bumps, she can alternate between playing the victor and the vanquished (often in the same night) and she qualifies as great looking eye candy on the arm of a male performer.

There's a need for this type of performer. For the women like Gail Kim and Beth Phoenix who wanted to be featured and appreciated as wrestlers, there's a Summer Rae who knows she's essentially an actress, not an athlete. Plus, I believe most people want to see women utilized in WWE this way; it's better than not having them around at all.

Does this sound anti-feminist? Well, maybe it is, but there's no business like show business and Summer Rae is doing just fine.............and let's remember, we continually see her on our TV screens while most of the other divas sit in the back, waiting for their number to be called.
Summer is a lot better performer than people give her credit for, really watch her sometime when one of her guys is wrestling, you'll see she has great mannerisms and timing, and she's actually very funny. She has a strong personality, where as many other women in recent years have been hot but had the personality of driftwood, compare her to like a Candice Michelle for example, I'd take Summer over her any day. Plus now they're using Summer in WWE Films and Total Divas, so she definitely fills a lot of roles for the company, and she's been pretty solid in all of them.
Summer Rae was acctually in NXT and had a stable with Charlotte and Sasha Banks called "Beautiful Fierce Females". Why they dont use her as a wrestler is beyond me but my guess is that they dont need her as when so called "Divas Revolution" started roster is full considering Divas have 1-2 matches on RAW and that she is more usefull as vallet. She isnt that good at it(that "Ru- Ru" stuff made me cringe) but somebody has to do it.
She is poison to the careers she touches.
Fandango where is he?
Dolphs popularity declined from the story line.
Rusev same as Dolph

She is a pretty face that's what keeps her hired
She is poison to the careers she touches.
Fandango where is he?
Dolphs popularity declined from the story line.
Rusev same as Dolph

She is a pretty face that's what keeps her hired

I don't think you can really blame all of this on Summer.

Fandango had a short shelf life gimmick, Nicky's popularity has been dropping ever since Vicky dumped him years ago, and Russev came out of that storyline fitting into a Main Event Stable
I don't think you can really blame all of this on Summer.

Fandango had a short shelf life gimmick, Nicky's popularity has been dropping ever since Vicky dumped him years ago, and Russev came out of that storyline fitting into a Main Event Stable

Rusev was put into a main event stable. Having nothing to do with his storyline involving Summer. Not saying it's all her fault but she hasn't been paired with anybody to any success

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