Why is Sting a heel?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Okay maybe there is another thread like this, and I just missed it. If so, sorry about the repetition. Anyway, why in the blue hell is Sting a heel with no real explanation? To my knowledge, he hasn't said a word since coming back. If he has please correct me.

But if this is TNA creative trying to make a heel Sting a believble idea, it is working so far. I remember it was attempted in WCW once or twice, and didn't really go over that well. Then, TNA tried with MEM. That didn't fly over well either. This so far is, with the acception of an a valid reason.

If anyone has an idea, please share it.
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To date? Because he owes Dixie nothing, and apparently she thought he did? :huh:

Hard to say why bookers think Sting would make a good heel seeing as he's one of the biggest (if not the biggest) fan favorite faces I've ever had the privilege to watch perform. Even when he's beating RVD with a baseball bat for what felt like an hour and a half because Hogan was waiting for the LifeCall representative to send help (I've fallen, and I can't get up!) before he stumbled down to the ring for the save, the fans still have a difficult time booing him.

I don't see how this incarnation of Sting as a heel v 3.0 is any different than any of the others in terms of it being a universally accepted character change. I still don't hear any really natural boos for him, and anytime his music hits, for the most part, all I hear are cheers.

Chalk up another notch in the ol' failure belt to turn a guy heel who never needed to, and never will.
Because they don't have time to give him the mic because that would take away from Hogan mic time. I think they missed the boat big time with this angle. They bring Flair in who has a storied history with Sting. It's the first time they have been a ring together in 10 years and nothing is said between them. I think Sting/Flair heel duo would have been something interesting that had never been done before. I think they could have used the excuse that Hogan/Bischoff destroyed WCW. A company that was near & dear to both of them. Sting could have said that he was not going to let that happen again in TNA and that is why he sided with Flair. But they didn't really even address his heel turn. Now it's been months since it happened and they have him in mid-card feud with Jarrett. I doubt anyone cares anymore....
Well tonight on Impact Sting is having a face to face with Hogan, so we'll see. I'm assuming the storyline will advance on why Sting went to the "darkside". It's simple. Sting doesn't like Hogan and what he stands for. This is the first real Sting heel turn that has went all the way. In WCW, he turned heel and went back to being face. Last year in the MEM, Sting was a face who was only aligned with heels, it didn't necessarily mean he was heel by association. He was a face in my view. Now, he's just totally badass and beating up all the faces. I like it. It's new for him.
Because they don't have time to give him the mic because that would take away from Hogan mic time. I think they missed the boat big time with this angle. They bring Flair in who has a storied history with Sting. It's the first time they have been a ring together in 10 years and nothing is said between them. I think Sting/Flair heel duo would have been something interesting that had never been done before. I think they could have used the excuse that Hogan/Bischoff destroyed WCW. A company that was near & dear to both of them. Sting could have said that he was not going to let that happen again in TNA and that is why he sided with Flair. But they didn't really even address his heel turn. Now it's been months since it happened and they have him in mid-card feud with Jarrett. I doubt anyone cares anymore....
umm no sting is a bad guy because i think they wanted to switch it around because the whole time in wcw it was sting the good guy vs hogan and the nwo as bad guys.....that being said why does everybody hate hogan so much what has he done to really make people hate him this much????? someone needs to make a thread about that because i like him and i want to know what he did that was so wrong to be the most hated person in wrestling right now
To me, this is just a reincarnation of what was already done in WCW. It's a combination of Hogan joining the NWO and Sting's initial turn to the dark side. We take a guy everyone is supposed to love, and for shock value turn him heel on a dime. The whole not talking/no explanation thing reminds me of Sting hanging out in the rafters. Bischoff and company insist that the model they had in WCW worked so well that all they have to do is make minor adjustments here and there and the storyline is recycled and reused. Hell, they've already begun trashing the TNA world title, the same way they did in WCW.
Heel turn? Is that what you call it? I've always had a weird perception of Sting since he's my all-time favorite so bare with me. What did Sting do for his heel turn? He beat up Hogan's newest acquisition which he knew would piss him off. The Keyword here is Hogan. Hulk Hogan is the reason why Sting looks the way he does today. Kayfabe wise Hogan completely changed Sting's life for the worse all those years ago. He turned into a loner that never really made any friends after that. His trust went out the window and he hasn't gotten close to a single person outside of Luger since.

A few years back in WCW Hulk Hogan went back to his red and yellow attire. Sting came after him with a baseball bat and it's a failed heel turn? How? Sting doesn't care what colors Hogan is wearing. That man is an enemy no matter what he does.

MEM was a failed heel turn? How? Sting was being his loner self the whole time. He stayed in the background and obviously disapproved with alot of MEM's tactics. Sting just stood there and watched while a beating was taking place and he'd normally walk away before they were even finished. He was never meant to turn heel in the MEM because his actual character never showed any heel tendencies. He just aligned himself with a few heels because he agreed that the young guys had to pay their dues.

That brings us to now. Sting finally found himself a home in TNA for the first time since WCW left that void in his heart. The moment it was announced that Hulk Hogan was coming to TNA Sting stopped appearing on television and started no showing events. During The January 4th episode of Impact Sting was shown staring down The NWO from the rafters with that all too familiar blank stare. After that Sting disappeared for a little bit. He saw what he needed to see. It was happening all over again.

Why does anyone need an explanation? Sting is the best at telling a story without words and I think most of us got his point. The first thing Hogan did in WCW was start bringing in friends amassing his army. RVD was one of those friends. Don't forget that Sting was mentoring Abyss trying to get him away from James Mitchell not too long ago. Now he's turned into Hogan Jr.?

Pretend Vince McMahon is feeding you lines behind the broadcast booth on your head set right now. How does all of this make Sting feel? Dixie Carter brought in his arch nemesis and gave him unlimited power when Sting has been carrying the company all these years. Betrayal. Jeff Jarret, the owner, sat back and let it happen while knowing about the history more than Dixie Carter ever could. Betrayal. Hell, ratings are slipping and the company looks in worse shape since Hogan showed up. He's about to kill something that Sting loves and worked to build ... again.

Sting has every right and every excuse to be doing what he's doing right now. In Sting's background story Hulk Hogan ruined his life and now he's in position to do it again. Sting snapped but I personally can't call it heel. Sting is one of those characters that is good at walking the line in between and right now he has good intentions. Attacking Hogan or something that Hogan needs/loves will never turn Sting heel. Attacking someone that's assisting Hogan in any way (Dixie/Jarrett) will never turn Sting heel. The cut is already too deep ... history is repeating himself ... and Sting is going to stop it.

I've always been curious about people's reaction towards my philosophy on Sting so replies are more than welcome.
burnout, i had no idea what you were talking about so i went to the wiki page for sting. it details a storyline where hogan and nwo brought in a fake sting to frame the real one. the wcw guys couldnt tell the difference and even when the real sting said he didnt do it he wasnt believed. is this what youre referring to in terms of why sting still harbors ill will towards hogan?

not many fans would know about this i dont think and i feel like stings explanation tonight on impact was rather terrible. matter of fact the last 1/2 hr was rushed incredibly so maybe had they had more time it could of worked a bit better but tna fans i highly doubt would know the history between hogan and sting especially such a random storyline over 10 yrs ago.
(My previous post was before Impact. I was right lol)

After "The Imposter Sting" Angle that's when Sting dawned the white and black face paint. He brooded in the rafters and didn't say a word for 2 years. At first you didn't know who's side he was on until he snapped and beat down every last member of The NWO by himself. Throughout the NWO's reign Sting was their main enemy and the only guy that could scare Hogan to the point that it looked like he shit his pants when he saw him. If you're not aware of this past angle look some stuff up on youtube. I still think it was the best storyline ever.

Alot of newer fans may not be aware of that past angle. So. It's still too good not to use and it's the main reason I've been watching TNA over WWE. Before tonight Sting was trying to explain himself without words which worked for older fans, but since newer fans might not get it Jeff Jarrett has been chasing him around saying why Sting why. It's like wrapping up two different stories, one for each age group. Old fans know why Sting snapped and new fans were getting a mystery angle.

Edit: I forgot to mention it wasn't just a random angle. The angle ran throughout the entire course of The NWO damn near. Sting was the most popular man in wrestling at the time because of it. Sting gave me a hell of a lot more goose bump moments than Stone Cold and The Rock combined. Sting wrestled Goldberg once during his undefeated streak. Sting had Goldberg in the scorpion deathlock in the middle of the ring. Hogan came in and kicked him in the head because he wanted to be the one to beat him. Sting was the fuckin man.

I actually think Burnout is right. Anyone saying they didn't think Sting had a good enough response wasn't listening. It's very simple. Sting hates Hogan no matter what. Whether Hogan is a good guy or a bad guy Sting hates the man. Because of what he did in WCW and Sting sees the possibility of it happening again and decides to stop it by just attacking Hogan and his freinds no matter who they are regardles if Hogan's intentions in TNA are to play fair and try to help the company or if Hogan wasnts to recreate a WCW/nWo scenario again. As for him alligning with Flair recently, it's a situation of the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
I actually think Burnout is right. Anyone saying they didn't think Sting had a good enough response wasn't listening. It's very simple. Sting hates Hogan no matter what. Whether Hogan is a good guy or a bad guy Sting hates the man. Because of what he did in WCW and Sting sees the possibility of it happening again and decides to stop it by just attacking Hogan and his freinds no matter who they are regardles if Hogan's intentions in TNA are to play fair and try to help the company or if Hogan wasnts to recreate a WCW/nWo scenario again. As for him alligning with Flair recently, it's a situation of the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

too bad we won't find out. Sting was supposed to reveal his motives last night but Hogan had to cut him off and start running his catchphrases again before time ran out.

Those were the days weren't they? I absolutely loved that angle. I thought that was equally as brilliant at the whole NWO angle in itself. The combination of the two were a lethal dose of awesome.

And what the hell is with Sting anyway? Doesn't the man ever age?? He still looks exactly the same (albeit he's wearing facepaint but still).

The only thing that could make Sting more badass right now is if he went back to the Metallica "Seek and Destroy" (live at Woodstock 99) theme song he had for a little while. When that song hit...and he came out...so badass.
too bad we won't find out. Sting was supposed to reveal his motives last night but Hogan had to cut him off and start running his catchphrases again before time ran out.

You say this like there was a hidden camera on an actual real personal conversation they had.

Hogan didn't "have to" do anything. It was scripted. Everybody agreed (Sting included!) with the script and it went through. Hogan didn't cut him off mid-script so he could say some more of his phrases. You're making up nonsense.
You say this like there was a hidden camera on an actual real personal conversation they had.

Hogan didn't "have to" do anything. It was scripted. Everybody agreed (Sting included!) with the script and it went through. Hogan didn't cut him off mid-script so he could say some more of his phrases. You're making up nonsense.

The script sucked then. As it does most weeks. They are moving back to Thursdays with their tails between their legs because of the awful writing. Keep defending Hogan. You are one of the few on this board. The ratings don't lie. TNH's product is pure garbage right now.
The script sucked then. As it does most weeks. They are moving back to Thursdays with their tails between their legs because of the awful writing. Keep defending Hogan. You are one of the few on this board. The ratings don't lie. TNH's product is pure garbage right now.

And the ratings were amazing before he got there? Take your pick. Before Hogan got there the place was cesspool of boredom. You had little guys with mohawks flipping off of the top rope. Big whoop. Where was the personality?? If people want to watch a bunch of flips with no personality...go watch a trapeze show. The guys can't talk to save their lives. It's embarrassing. Had they been able to do so...Hogan and company wouldn't have ever been called in the first place!

You're right though. The script did suck last night.

You call me a Hogan defender but I'm at least realistic and rational about the whole thing. I'll give credit where credit is due and take it away in the same aspect. You, on the other hand, refuse logic and reasoning and jump to conclusions like almost everybody else and immediately look to point the finger at someone. Ever think the wrestlers in general just stink? Ever think that a bunch of people actually came on to see Hogan (1.5 rating or whatever at first) then realized that all of these wrestlers surrounding him weren't worth their time because of how boring they were?

Hogan, Sting, Nash, Hall, Syxx, Jarrett, Desmond Wolfe, AJ Styles, Jay Lethal, Kazarian, and maybe Somoa Joe are the only ones who know how to run a promo in that place. Everybody else may have a few nice moves here and there but once they get behind the mic...it's extremely hard to watch.
Hogan, Sting, Nash, Hall, Syxx, Jarrett, Desmond Wolfe, AJ Styles, Jay Lethal, Kazarian, and maybe Somoa Joe are the only ones who know how to run a promo in that place. Everybody else may have a few nice moves here and there but once they get behind the mic...it's extremely hard to watch.

If you think Hogan can run a promo then you are even more stupid than you sound. Sting can run a promo but he is rarely given the mic. It's funny how you left Flair & Kennedy out of that group which proves you don't know what you are talking about. Go to youtube & watch an old Arn Anderson promo and see how it's done.
If you think Hogan can run a promo then you are even more stupid than you sound. Sting can run a promo but he is rarely given the mic. It's funny how you left Flair out of that group which proves you dont' know what you are talking about. Go to youtube & watch an old Arn Anderson promo and see how it's done.

Hogan doesn't need to run good promo's anymore...he had done it enough years ago. People watch Hogan for the nostalgic factor. They don't watch him to literally sit at the edge of their seat and listen to every word he has to say. He already did it when we were all kids and we don't care what he has to say anymore...we'll like him regardless.

That's the difference. Flair, same thing. He's great at cutting a promo. But people watch these guys for the nostalgic value...which you clearly know nothing about. Guys of your nostalgic nature are probably like Booker T or Kurt Angle.

Guys that haven't proved themselves and have literally no charisma...that ALSO can't cut a promo...are useless. They can flip around all they want but they'll never be more than the other two veterans that had the same problems and are now with TNA...Rob Van Dam and Jeff Hardy. Neither can talk their way out of a paper bag...but they can somersault across the ring as good as anybody else. But look where they are now...I'm sure absolutely nobody wishes to ever have either of their careers. Although almost anybody in the business wishes they had Hogan or Flairs...
Hogan doesn't need to run good promo's anymore...he had done it enough years ago. People watch Hogan for the nostalgic factor. They don't watch him to literally sit at the edge of their seat and listen to every word he has to say. He already did it when we were all kids and we don't care what he has to say anymore...we'll like him regardless.

That's the difference. Flair, same thing. He's great at cutting a promo. But people watch these guys for the nostalgic value...which you clearly know nothing about. Guys of your nostalgic nature are probably like Booker T or Kurt Angle.

Guys that haven't proved themselves and have literally no charisma...that ALSO can't cut a promo...are useless. They can flip around all they want but they'll never be more than the other two veterans that had the same problems and are now with TNA...Rob Van Dam and Jeff Hardy. Neither can talk their way out of a paper bag...but they can somersault across the ring as good as anybody else. But look where they are now...I'm sure absolutely nobody wishes to ever have either of their careers. Although almost anybody in the business wishes they had Hogan or Flairs...

I'm 40 years old man. I was watching NWA & MidSouth (not cartoon WWF) when you were either soiling your diapers or saying your prayers & eating your vitamins. Hogan sucked then and he sucks even more now. Back then he was a self serving steroid freak w/o much talent in the ring or on the mic. Now he's a self serving old cripple with no talent at all. I agree with you on the charisma part of wrestling. Guys like RVD, Hardy etc don't have it. They are hard to watch as well. Ken Anderson has been the one bright spot of TNA & I hated him in the WWE because he was just a another stupid gimmick there.

You argument all day has been on how the originals didn't have any personality. I can't argue with you there. But how can you be entertained by Hulk Hogan's (yeah brother!!!!) lame ass personality? I don't get your argument? Like I said before go watch a Ole or Arn Anderson promo on youtube. But you probably have never seen one because you were busy painting your face back then.
I'm 40 years old man. I was watching NWA & MidSouth (not cartoon WWF) when you were either soiling your diapers or saying your prayers & eating your vitamins. Hogan sucked then and he sucks even more now. Back then he was a self serving steroid freak w/o much talent in the ring or on the mic. Now he's a self serving old cripple with no talent at all. I agree with you on the charisma part of wrestling. Guys like RVD, Hardy etc don't have it. They are hard to watch as well. Ken Anderson has been the one bright spot of TNA & I hated him in the WWE because he was just a another stupid gimmick there.

You argument all day has been on how the originals didn't have any personality. I can't argue with you there. But how can you be entertained by Hulk Hogan's (yeah brother!!!!) lame ass personality? I don't get your argument? Like I said before go watch a Ole or Arn Anderson promo on youtube. But you probably have never seen one because you were busy painting your face back then.

OK. So you were in your teens when Hogan was in his prime? No wonder why you don't like the guy. I probably wouldn't have either...

But imagine being a younger kid...8 to whatever years old and watching The Immortal Hulk Hogan. There is a reason why he was so popular and it wasn't because people drank the koolaid or were brainwashed. He had it. He couldn't wrestle for shit...and his promo's were directed toward younger children...but he had the look. Was it the Red and Yellow? Was it the mustache? I can't answer that question...I don't know who can...but he certainly had charisma.

And think about this...he was literally the most beloved good guy and most hated bad guy in wrestling at different times in his career. THAT is what it's all about. Nobody else can say anything even close.

But it's true. I'd rather take a good promo and mediocre wrestling anyday over absolutely zero personality and a bunch of cartwheels around the ring. A lot of people disagree...and usually those people are much younger who didn't get to appreciate a lot of what went on over the years and are used to Randy Orton's roboting their way around (although Orton as a bad guy is pretty good...as a good guy he's borderline useless).

The old guys wrestling is embarrassing and unnecessary...but what the hell do you want me to do about it? I'm solely talking about everything else other than that.
Why is Sting heel? Why not? Where else do you want him to go? He's done it all in TNA and he's not exactly the most top notch of talents right now. He's in a fantastic place right now. The mid-card. He's been in the main event without rest from day one in TNA. A change of scenery never does wrong. It refreshes the character to continue his original role at a later point. I don't see this turn as a fail. At least not yet. He drew heat like an oven when he beat up RVD and threatened Dixie. Its more than obvious that he's not happy about Hogan being his superior. That's almost self explaining. The heel turn weither its a success or a failure is needed for Sting if he wants a place on the card right now.
Why is Sting heel? Why not? Where else do you want him to go? He's done it all in TNA and he's not exactly the most top notch of talents right now. He's in a fantastic place right now. The mid-card. He's been in the main event without rest from day one in TNA. A change of scenery never does wrong. It refreshes the character to continue his original role at a later point. I don't see this turn as a fail. At least not yet. He drew heat like an oven when he beat up RVD and threatened Dixie. Its more than obvious that he's not happy about Hogan being his superior. That's almost self explaining. The heel turn weither its a success or a failure is needed for Sting if he wants a place on the card right now.

While I agree that the character refresh is a nice change of pace, as well as necessary from time-to-time, Sting has not been a main event draw since day one in TNA. The feud with Abyss over Abyss' soul, and James Mitchell's control over "Chris Parks" was not a main event feud – it was mid-card, as was the (albeit much smaller) feud with Christopher Daniels when Daniels was talking to God and wore the weird face paint around his eye.
Sting is supposed to be a man of few words. You expected him to say more? He said it's because I hate you Hogan. What more do you need? Why did this thread start in the first place? People complain that storylines aren't built enough and they also complain when they haven't gotten an explanation yet. Follow the damn story. Don't expect beginnings and conclusions in the same show or even in the same month. If you want television a 5 year old can understand go watch WWE. If you want to think and involve yourself watch TNA.

I don't agree with either one of the arguers. I was a kid during the Hogan Era and I was a huge Ultimate Warrior fan. Prior to that I liked George The Animal Steele because he ate turnbuckles and I was a kid of course. I later went on to be an avid WCW supporter and now I'm a TNA "mark".

I already stated that Sting is my all time favorite. Noone can tell a story like Sting and he is great to good in the ring. Do you know who my 2nd favorite is? *points at his back* Rob Van Dam! That man has more charisma than any man in wrestling except maybe Hardy. You say they don't have a personality and I say they have the best personality available. Their personality can be explained in two words. Laid back.

Let's look at this in high school mechanics. A percentage of people in every classroom have the same type of personalities. In my school it was dominated by Jocks and Preps or the popular kids (Angle, Kennedy, Flair and the vast majority) but I think the 2nd largest demographic were the laid back people or maybe the stoners. Even though some people may look at that as no personality I look at it as my personality. If I was a wrestler I'd be Rob Van Dam. This is why dull people to you can be the most exciting people on the roster to others.

Doug Williams is junk on the mic because i hate his accent. I'm sure British people love him to death. I never liked Arn Anderson much even though I appreciated his talent. He gave off the redneck vibe on the mic. I still think in 6 months Hall will be the best on the mic again. You don't totally lose that kind of smoothness.

I love spot wrestling too. I had two goose bump moments last night watching Impact. One was obviously Sting standing face to face with Hulk Hogan. The other was MCMG blowing up on The Band. That was fuckin wicked. They kicked the shit out of those guys before they had the chance to blink. MCMG do have themselves some mic skills, but we never see it. We don't need to because what they do in the ring can get a bigger pop than anything that can be said on the mic. Hardy and RVD have that factor as well.

Another thing comes into play. RVD has better mannerisms than any of TNA's mic guys. Kennedy is close but some of his mannerisms come off a bit forced. Right now RVD can work a crowd better than Hulk Hogan and Hogan was the best at one point. The sad part is RVD can do it without saying a word. Start watching him a little more closely. He knows he has the crowd and he uses it. Those slight glances at the crowd over his shoulder while someone else is talking really gets them going somehow.

When RVD talks he always says pretty much the same thing because that's all his character requires. "Dude, I dont care, If you wanna fight then lets fight. I'm not getting myself worked up over ******ed ass drama". Now isn't that the attitude everyone wishes they could take into every situation? I love his character more than Sting's but I grew up with Sting so it's a bit different.

Hogan lost it on the mic but then again I always thought The Rock sucked. When it takes you 15 minutes to use all the same catch phrases you used last week then you get annoying after awhile. Something will be turned sideways by the end of this promo. Oh, there it is, it was a buffalo this time. When it comes to Hogan he doesnt have that exact problem he just has problems working to his points. I personally think its just rust. Bischoff had to save his ass the first few Impacts and now hes getting better. He was never great in the first place. Hogan just had the fans. He's still the best ever due to what that dude said earlier. He was the best bad guy and the best good guy of all time and both cases ignited both big boom periods in the sport.

Charisma is the most confusing thing in wrestling. It can come from many different angles but for some reason people focus on the mic skills category for charisma anymore. AJ Styles was voted favorite wrester in TNA for quite a few years straight. His moves popped the crowd. Sting became the most popular wrestler in the world when he didn't say a word or even make a facial expression. Hall was the best on the mic and he had the best facial expressions along with a decent move set and he never reached the pinnacle that AJ and Sting reached. Right now Jeff Hardy is one of the most popular wrestlers in the world so he has Charisma. Rob Van Dam gets louder pops than Hardy does. With more exposure RVD could eclipse Cena and become the most popular guy in the sport. RVD is Charisma.
While I agree that the character refresh is a nice change of pace, as well as necessary from time-to-time, Sting has not been a main event draw since day one in TNA. The feud with Abyss over Abyss' soul, and James Mitchell's control over "Chris Parks" was not a main event feud – it was mid-card, as was the (albeit much smaller) feud with Christopher Daniels when Daniels was talking to God and wore the weird face paint around his eye.

The feud with Abyss was a main event storyline at first. It fizzled out of the main event for a while but Sting was always knocking on the main event. As for the feud with Daniels, it was 4 weeks long. That was it. It wasn't even much of a story to begin with and after it, Sting went on to face Kurt Angle for the title. Basically if Sting isn't wrestling for the title or with it in mind, he's in a forgettable feud or not wrestling at all. This is why needed the heel turn right now. He has no place in the main event any more so he needs a new place to sit. That seat seems to be a bench with Jeff Jarrett right now.
@It's Damn Real
Sting has been the main event guy most of the time. He got alot of time off here and there to keep him fresh. His return always coincided with a main event at the next few PPV's and sometimes a title reign. Sting went out of his way to try and put wrestlers over. He did that extended Abyss thing most likely because he saw the same thing Hogan did. He also did that AJ thing which turned out to be a torch passing. When Sting did take a backseat he probably requested it so others could have the spotlight. Great guy. Whenever a wrestler is asked about Sting they say he's the only person they've never heard anyone talk bad about. Big statement.

I also said Hogan wasn't great on the mic in the first place. He just had the crowd, the look, and facial expressions. He was better than he is right now though. He has some room for improvement.

Hall could have been the best ever. He could sell better than any man in the sport, he had the best facial expressions ever, and the whole NWO persona was taken from Hall's "bad guy" personality. Austin was a drunk but I dont see you bashing him.

Do all wrestlers have to be the same? Why can't the stoners have a character? He doesn't act high he just acts laid back. There is a difference you know. Not all laid back people are high. A high percentage of the american population smokes pot. All of that aside he gets bigger crowd reactions than anyone right now. That's all that matters. He's the most like-able person in the sport right now.

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