Why is it that we want the faces to turn heel/tweener and heels to faces/tweener??

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Tors Hall Rule

Straight Hedge(HOG)
I mean its not my point of view, we have loads of threads daily that want Cena, Orton, JoMo, Daniel Bryan, Christian, Big Show to turn heel or at least show a mean streak, and vice versa, Miz, Swagger, Drew McIntyre, Sheamus, Gabriel, Slater, ADR to turn into faces or adopt a badass gimmick.. Truth and Henry just turned heels while Big Zeke became face which was what people wanted,,

Is it that faces are doing a poor job and heels are so over??

Is it just a guy thing, support heels??

Is it the fact that we think that everyone is in opposite role of what they should have been in??

Kindly discuss..
I think with Randy it is because he is so good as a heel. People should know by now turning Cena heel is bad for business as the children will not continue to buy his merchandise. Morrison is doing good as a face so should stay that way. With Daniel Bryan it does not make a difference to me as I can't stand him anyway. I like christian and Big show as faces but Kane is better as a heel after all he won the world tittle as a heel. A possible Miz face turn may be interesting if it is done right. Gabriel and slater I am not bothered about. Sheamus should stay heel if Randy is to stay face
a large portion of threads are going to be about changes.
it's rare (although it happens) for someone to post "I like this person being face"
For every person who wants a heel Orton, there's someone who prefers him face, but he's not going to make a thread about it.

One thing that's really unique about wrestling fans, is that they don't know what they want, and if they get what they want, they get bored soon enough. There were threads rooting for Orton to go face throughout the end of the age of Orton, that thread space is now filled by crying over Super Orton. The second Cena turns heel, expect pages of arguments about how generic his face turn was, and how it wasn't surprising.
People are impossible to please, that's why. 70% of the posters on these forums, in their minds, think they are the greatest bookers of all time. I'm talking about your typical, attitude lovin', Cena hatin', whiny little bitch. The other 30% are actually intelligent.

If the WWE's creative team was made up of this forum, the entire roster would be made up of 'badass' heels and psychotic tweeners.
who wouldn't want to see rey mysterio and cena turn heel

Because that would cut down on a hell lot of merchandise that these two are able to sell between them.. I hope I'm not wrong but both Cena and Mysterio comprise of at least a quarter of their total merch if not more.. I tried finding the amount, want able to.. But yeah, they bring them lots of cash.. You wouldnt want that going away, do you..??
I think a lot of it is that the good heels get to display so much personality that fans think they're cool, sort of like in movies (especially some of the Batman films) where the villain upstages the hero. The Rock was a heel in the late-90's, but he had so much personality in his promos that people couldn't NOT like him.

On the flip side, they want to faces to turn heel because they do the same thing every week and people get sick of them. John Cena's core audience is kids who buy his merchandise and they love him to a fault, but he also has a large number of fans (especially ones who loved the old ECW) who think his act has gotten stale and they he relies on personality over wrestling skills. These fans want him to turn or drop dead - neither of which will happen as long as Cena draws money and sells merch.
Is it that faces are doing a poor job and heels are so over??

Maybe. One of the most important jobs a wrestler does is get over. And it is easier to get over as a heel than as a face. If you're a heel, you can just do heelish things to a strong face to get you over. If you're a face, you're really walking a tightrope. You've got to have a strong personality (heels don't need that as much, they can just get by on being an antagonist). You can't be too face-like otherwise you get the John Cena treatment. It's really difficult for a face to strike a balance and really get over.

Is it just a guy thing, support heels??

I'm a guy and I don't necessarily support heels. I'm a member of the IWC and therefore support who I think is better, or in some cases, I support who would help a storyline. For example, I'm a huge Edgehead. When Edge faced David Otunga last year, the stipulation was that Otunga had to win in order to stay in Nexus. I wanted to see a strong Nexus because I enjoyed their gimmick and storyline. Therefore, I supported someone I don't really like over someone I love.

Is it the fact that we think that everyone is in opposite role of what they should have been in??

No. I'd happily see CM Punk be a heel for years to come. He was OK as a face, but he is incredible as a heel. Edge was great as a face and I had no desire to see him turn again. Same goes with Triple H.

May I put forward an alternative theory. Sometimes people just want to see something different. We haven't seen The Miz be a face, nor have we seen Swagger, McIntyre, Del Rio or Sheamus be a face (this isn't TNA, people don't turn for no reason every few months). I'd love to see how WWE creative manage to get Del Rio to be a convincing face or Rey Mysterio to be a heel.

Other times it may be people wanting to see the actual event of a heel or face turn. These surprises are one of the reasons I love pro wrestling. There are millions of ideas for turning Cena heel because people want to see how it will happen.

So I think it's a mixture of curiosity for some and wanting to see someone get over as a heel for others.
We haven't seen The Miz be a face,

Actually the Miz started as a face when he debuted way back in 2004-5. The reason why a heel is easier to get over w/ the fans is that he can be an a$$hole and get away with it. As for a face they have to work harder cause it's tougher to be one just ask Paul Lesvesque aka Triple H as he stated in a interview a few years ago that heels are easier to come by then faces
Ooh ooh I can answer this one sir! Let's break it down shall we. Faces and heels are the good and bad representatives in wrestling and to the extreme these are:

Faces - Chronic do good'ers and forever happy dancing singing, head in the clouds, oblivious fools who strive to always do good and never offend people.

Heels - Maniacal paranoid dislikeable people with no real allies and always willing to stab other people in the back to get what they want.

Neither of these types of people could successfully co-exist in the real world, they are the two polar opposites which people readily hate because they aren't easy to relate to or empathise for. Very few people in the wrestling world actually come under this category although most are more strictly adherent to the heel extreme than the face one if either case is true.

What do Stone Cold, Barrack Obama and other popular figures have in common? Charisma? A way with words? Lack of hair? Possibly. But what they all undeniably have in abundance is some poorly understood and defined ability that lets people on a majority scale relate to them. For Stone Cold who really pushed Tweener to it's further extent it was a redneck working man who was tired of getting screwed over by his boss. If you could comprehend how well this captures/d so much of the western world at the time it is no mystery why he was as big as he was.

And so what is being a tweener? It's not wearing a smile on your face 24/7 and it's not plotting and scheming every waking moment. It's an intricate mix of good and bad, of what we all aspire to be because it's gives us this priceless quality of being relatable to the average person in the street. So when people say they want tweeners, it's objectively like having someone you know and can truly back doing your work in the company. Tweeners are real people, not polar extensions of good and bad and they open up a far larger fan base.

But the issue is that tweeners require these vibrant larger than life face and heel characters off which to react and so a successful one can only be booked in very occasionally. But when they are booked right they propel viewership much more than anything else otherwise could. The closest thing we had until recently was Mr Anderson which promptly died when they started making him an asshole to the faces almost exclusively. That and unscripted promos are a bit of an issue with him.

So yep. Tweeners = real people. Simple as that.
Well the only one out of those heels I wanna see turn face is justin Gabriel that 450 splash gets the crowd so hyped. But I guess the reason why we like to see heels turn face and faces turn heel is because we love to hate the faces who's always winning to the point it gets annoying *cough cough* CENA* and we like the heels so much we would like them to turn face I guess.
I can't speak on behalf of the IWC but for me I have never said a good face should turn heel. I do say that good heels should turn face though because in my eyes I think it takes more charisma to get heat than to get a pop. Great heels show how good they are on the mic and get such great reactions in the ring that it always makes me wonder "hey, how loud would the pop be if they were face?" Faces, on the other hand, are usually boring good guys (especially now, not so much in the Attitude Era) with little charisma. They get their pops because they either have an exciting moveset (Sin Cara, John Morrison, Kofi) or because they're simply feuding with a good heel (Zeke Jackson, Jerry Lawler's recent pops, Kane)
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