Why is Chavo Guerrero so hated?


Pre-Show Stalwart
i mean i know he's a heel and all, but i'm not talking about that kinda heat. i'm talking about, we don't care about you type of heat. x-pac heat pretty much. why? is he that bad of a wrestler? that bad on the mic?
He's just boring imo. He doesnt have carisma or mic skills to take him higher than his ECW championship reign. I don't mind him, far from a hater but what you said is true, i dont really care about him....
I actually thought about starting this same thread. Great minds think alike I guess.

I would love to know why as well. He's good in the ring and passable on the mic. Unless I've missed something, I have not heard anything negative about him backstage either.

While I'm not in love with Chavo, I don't hate him either. I'm pretty indifferent; he's just kinda there. He's annoyed me at times (like when he was ECW champ), but I've never felt like "OMGZ, CHAVO FUCKING INFURIATES ME, AARRGH!!"

Guess Chavo has that aura about him that just pisses people off. There's always someone that you meet and for no reason hate their guts. Chavo is the "that guy" in the WWE.
Yea... ive never noticed it but everytime he comes out I just leave the room. I always thought he was just boring even when he was half bald, I dont know when he got more hair but hes just... not good on the mic, not that great in the ring and he dosent have the greatest of looks but hes a pretty solid wrestler. Its strange since I havent heard anything negative about him but I just dont feel hes anything special or tv worthy lol.
I don't personally dislike Chavo. In fact, I think he's better than what he gets credit for. But to be fair, the guy isn't astonishing in any way, and he didn't deserve to be the one to beat CM Punk for the ECW title. If they were serious on pushing him, I think he could've pulled off a US title reign, and since the ECW title isn't that far above it, eventually he could've reached that plateau, but Chavo being booked as a complete loser makes it impossible for me to suspend my disbelief when he's involved in feuds where he actually wins. For instance, this Shelton/MVP/Chavo thing going on. One week, we'll see Chavo get pinned in 4 seconds by someone, and then the next week, he's fighting for the US title? C'mon. You need consistency. Chavo to me is a guy that, due to his age, shouldn't be considered a talent that they want to build on too much, but they could give him some more credibility to allow him to work programs with younger guys and help them de-green. For instance, the Chavo/Bourne thing worked out decent, even though it was short.
I think many people(fairly or unfairly)hate him because of Eddie. They feel that the only reason why he is still around and getting title shots and what not is because of Eddie. Even though this is true I still think Chavo is pretty talented(or was).

He could have been a pretty big star after Eddie's death(like a lesser verison of Mysterio)but the WWE never fully commited to make Chavo a star. His feud with Benoit a few years ago was a good solid feud for the US title but even then he was made to look like a joke.

He has decent skills(ring/mic/ect)and has some charisma but I think because of a mix of WWE's booking and his character and his age Chavo is pretty much toast. Meaning his career is over and his lucky to be given as much screen time as he does. Does that mean he couldn't be a good person to help work with the young stars(no), or could be a decent US title contender(no), but I just don't see Chavo doing anything else in his career.
i've always liked chavo in wcw. most of the time he is badly used in wwe, and they paired him with top heels like edge and vickie, so that's imo the reason why he gets so much heat. it would be easy turning him face though, since vickie threats him like crap. i don't understand why they don't do that. i guess they don't want to use him right now.
Chavo seems to have some pretty good ring skills and he can definatly carry a match, I don't think he should be competing for championships or anything, but he can definatly hold his own in the ring. WWE fans don't like talented competitors so they boo him because he doesent have much in the way of flashy looks and funny catchphrases. Sad really.
Chavo seems to have some pretty good ring skills and he can definatly carry a match, I don't think he should be competing for championships or anything,

why not? i'm actually quite happy to see that he is somehow involved in the us title picture at the moment. he deserves to compete for mid-card belts.
I don't mind nor do I care much for Chavo, which is sad considering his family, but it's true. If he would just show some real charisma like Eddie I think he could pull if off. I think he has the skills, just needs to utilize them more effectively. I wish he wasn't soo boring that's all.
I honestly want a Chavo Guerrero WWE/World title run and I want it now!
I've been aching for one for years. I honestly don't care if it lasts 24 hours,
or 24 months but I want to see him hold one of those belts before he retires.
I think it would really go to validate the fact that, when in his prime, he was one
of the best in the business. Now, hes far from even being mediocre but still.
OH, and the wweECW title does NOT count in my eyes.

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