Why dosent Vince bring back the 4 Horseman?

I would like to say, backstage Vince has Arn Anderson, Dean Malenko and Ric Flair at every RAW, and as Double AA, Arn Anderson has been doing a bit of creative stuff for ECW, why the hell dosent he bring back the four horseman for a one night stand or something at wrestlemania etc, or bring them back part time for a while, Chris Benoit is another former member, why not bring 4 of them all together on Smackdown, DX on Raw, 4 Horseman on Smackdown, makes sence, add more members on DX = 4 members, and 4 horseman = 4 members, soo u can smell what i am thinking?? Survivor Series, thats right:

DX vs 4 Horseman

The New Hart Foundation vs Team McMahon, Vince, Shane, ???, ???

Comon tell me this is a good idea!!! and is Double AA, is too oldand cant wrestle, addanother memeber....
The 4 Horseman were good but I dont think it's a WWE style gimmick. I just cant see it working, also Vince prefer's his own idea's and gimmick's. I would like to see Flair and Benoit together again though. I dont think that WWE even give a shit about Dean Malenko's ability. They cancelled what was sure to be an awesome match between him and Benoit at O.N.S.
WWE shouldn't even try to remake the 4 horsemen. It would just be insulting to see them being misused in any way. Like Dx They should just let sleeping dogs lie.
i so think it can be a wwe gimmick bbut most ppl are too old now...
if ric is going to be around a while.. then i can so see chris benoit, ric and a few otehr old school wresters making the new four horsemen but yea everyone else is about to die
No... they shouldn't touch it, but now that I think of it... The New Hart Foundation vs. Rated R.K.O. would be cool... so they don't have to run DX into the ground...
Because members of the 4horsemen are either old..cant wrestle or not into wrestling anymore...Look at Flair..the guy doesnt even perform correctly in the ring..his move are dumb "chops is all he does"...

Vince shouldve never brought back DX..either.
why doesn't Vince bring back the 4 horsemen? simple Vince is stupid that's way, Vince would rather come up with his own gimmicks, wich latley have been really bad, but if they were to do it they would have to do it on SD!, move Flair over there, then put him with Benoit, Gregory Helms or Jamie Noble, and of course Arn
The horsemen can't be stitched together because Flair is too old to be the leader of the pack. If I were to restart the Horsemen, it would've used different players in some of the same roles. Of the current rosters, I'd use Kennedy as the mouthpiece and leader, Charlie Haas and Benjamin as the tag team ala Arn and Tully, and for the fourth member I'd choose someone else to round it out from a number of different guys. This is just one possible scenario, as you could pair up a hell of a lot of the talent into a group that could be successful as long as you have a couple of them that can work a mic and make sure ALL of them can wrestle.

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