Why don't you like me?

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
I'm slightly annoyed by everyone randomly red repping me for no apparent reason. I know I'm in prioson and you guys get to try to teach me a lesson but honestly can you stop red repping me for no good reason. If I make a bad post on wrestling then red rep me but I don't feel like most of the people are actually following the rules on repping as stated in the FAQ so I'm slightlly annoyed.
Thread Date Posted By Comment
Post Your Rep - Prison... 02-01-2011 07:07 PM The Crock just a huge red block

Post Your Rep - Prison... 02-01-2011 12:23 PM Find'er Woo'er Ryder

Post Your Rep - Prison... 02-01-2011 11:28 AM The Great Deku Lee aww

Post Your Rep - Prison... 02-01-2011 02:30 AM DirtyJosé 2

Tell a secret about the... 01-31-2011 01:25 AM Crooked I I don't dislike you!
I just gave you green rep for the hell of it. And because this thread is so pitiful I felt sorry for you. Build the green up big-man. :)
This should end well...

I actually don't have any sort of opinion of you, if that helps any.
Thread Date Posted By Comment
Post Your Rep - Prison... 02-01-2011 07:07 PM The Crock just a huge red block

Post Your Rep - Prison... 02-01-2011 12:23 PM Find'er Woo'er Ryder

Post Your Rep - Prison... 02-01-2011 11:28 AM The Great Deku Lee aww

Post Your Rep - Prison... 02-01-2011 02:30 AM DirtyJosé 2

Tell a secret about the... 01-31-2011 01:25 AM Crooked I I don't dislike you!

It's kind of funny, all those guys, including myself, post quite often in prison. To be honest, Macios, you rubbed me the wrong way when you came in prison. I like it in circular motions, not up and down LOL...

Anyway... My Red Rep to you was because of a post directed at me. So, why else Red Rep someone? Red Rep does not have to be because of a bad wrestling post, it could be because someone didn't like what you said or posted, especially when you aim it at the them.
It is really disheartening when actually you actullay feel that your posts on wrestling are good but others feel like beeing assholes by giving red rep to responses to threads on post your rep.

Pretty much this. Your got something good going for you in that your not an asshole yourself. The problem is you've not got many posts under your belt, your not yet familiar with how to post well or your own posting style. I'd wager that the more you post, the less red rep you'll recieve, but you have to be ready to stick around a while.
I'd just stop worrying about it and enjoy the forums.

You mean enjoy the prison. LOL

Macios, just do not make threads like this. Stick to posting about wrestling would be your best bet to get out of here. Honestly, just ignore people when they make shitty remarks to you. That will be the best way to show you deserve to be out. I am not speaking for any mods or admin or anything.

But, I have seen enough Mods and what not, speak about what it takes to get out. Making threads like this will not help, as a matter of fact, it will probably hurt your chances even more.

Take the advice or not. That is up to you.
Is it actually a rep-wand? You cast 'Repairo' on his rep and it magically turned green.
Sorry, I am no ****e with my rep cock. Except to Joe's Gonna Kill You but he earned it by being my mentee this year.
Sorry, I am no ****e with my rep cock. Except to Joe's Gonna Kill You but he earned it by being my mentee this year.

Well Hell. You would think the awesomeness of me asking you to fuck me would win you over. But, it's cool, I will not pay for the Rep Cock, PowerTrip!!

Unless it will work!!! LOL
Macios, just do not make threads like this. Stick to posting about wrestling would be your best bet to get out of here. Honestly, just ignore people when they make shitty remarks to you. That will be the best way to show you deserve to be out. I am not speaking for any mods or admin or anything.

Yeah I'd go with this. You have to try to be innovative and original but not rediculous. Ie asking the same old questions like cena vs rock will get you nowhere, asking if evolution is going to be reformed in WWE for example is new but rediculous, you need to find a middle point when thread making.

And when replying to threads just be logical, the most logical replys are the ones that people will agree with the most.
I'm slightly annoyed by everyone randomly red repping me for no apparent reason. I know I'm in prioson and you guys get to try to teach me a lesson but honestly can you stop red repping me for no good reason. If I make a bad post on wrestling then red rep me but I don't feel like most of the people are actually following the rules on repping as stated in the FAQ so I'm slightlly annoyed.

You make too much threads (And they are all stupid), you try too hard to be cool, and you make up stupid ideas, like the stupid predict the PPV thing.

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