Why dont Americans have Health Insurance?

Motor City Mayhem

The Canadian Rover.
I meen think about it.. Over here in Canada we pay a little more taxes every year and we get FREE health care. You brake your arm, no need to pay, you brake your Jaw no pay. But in the States you guys have to pay for EVERYTHING, shots,brokin arms, MRI etc etc etc. And everytime I hear people complain about HIER taxes im like "ooooo noooooo not taxes (Role my eyes) who cares pay the extra $$ a year and you wont be complaining that you gotta pay 70 thousand dollars because you had to sit in the hospital for a week.
I meen think about it.. Over here in Canada we pay a little more taxes every year and we get FREE health care. You brake your arm, no need to pay, you brake your Jaw no pay. But in the States you guys have to pay for EVERYTHING, shots,brokin arms, MRI etc etc etc. And everytime I hear people complain about HIER taxes im like "ooooo noooooo not taxes (Role my eyes) who cares pay the extra $$ a year and you wont be complaining that you gotta pay 70 thousand dollars because you had to sit in the hospital for a week.

Well nothing is truly free here in America. I believe that the reason why some American's don't have health insurance is cause it's too damn expensive for some people & with the state of the economy in America, it's even harder to get health insurance cause some people don't know whether their next pay check is enough to help them pay the rent or pay the mortgage on their homes.
Simply put, those who are young, healthy, and naive opt to not pay for it, and those who are sick or have pre-existing conditions are largely denied outright, or offered plans with such high co-pays, deductibles, and monthly premiums that they can't afford it.

In America the Health Care system as it stands today is largely a for-profit industry. The goal is to make money off the healthy, and not pay out on claims from the sick. It has nothing to do with managing the healthy and wellness of the American population.
The Canadian Health Care System is largely a joke though. Emergencies get such priority, that seeing specialists and getting diagnosed takes a back seat, often to the detriment of patients.

Many treatments in Canada are described as experimental. Erbitux, a cancer drug that targets individual cells in cancer patients, is deemed experimental, forcing Canadian patients to undergo chemo and radiation.

The point is that GOOD medical care costs money, and the care is no better anywhere else in the world than it is in America. Americans have to shoulder some of the responsibility to cover these costs in order to keep the best doctors.

The other reason that American's don't all have health insurance has to do with malpractice insurance. The best way to lower health costs is limit jury awards in malpractice suits. Case after case of people getting millions of dollars for non-life threatening misdiagnoses raise prices. Doctors have to pay inflated malpractice insurance rates, which is compensated for in the cost of procedures. The insurance companies cannot cover the entire cost of the visit, so they have to raise prices just to be solvent. This prices some people out of coverage.

In America, however, one can go to any county hospital for treatment, with no matter paid to debts to the hospital. If you can't pay, you don't, and are still not refused treatment.

It's not like we have gunshot victims bleeding to death because they can't get insurance.

Socializing medicine will chase students from medicine, chase doctors from the country, and end the high quality care we receive here in America. The best solution is for states to pool the uninsured and get into an affordable group plan through an insurance company. I pay less than 100 dollars a months for Blue Cross and Blue Shield Premium because the company I work for has thousands of employees. Pooling millions of the uninsured would allow for an even deeper rate cut.
ith regards to the American health care system, I only know what Michael Moore told me. So I'm probably are a real disadvantage now.

I always thought it was because each state has different laws. Or slight variations throughout them. And it was too complicated to govern the whole country as one.

I don't doubt I'm wrong. Fell free to point out how idiotic I am.

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