Why doesn't Wrestlemania feel more unpredictable?


SORRY! About you damn luck!

For this year Wrestlemania 27 we have a lot of good matches, The Miz vs. John Cena promises to be the clash of the hottest heel in the industry today against the face of the company with The Rock somehow in the middle of these two guys.

Also, we have Undertaker's streak against Triple H, Cody Rhodes versus Rey Mysterio, Snooki Tag Team Match, Cole vs. Lawler, etc.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to bash the card or the wrestlers, I think the card is just fine and we will probably gonna have the greatest show of the year. But if you take this card and put in on, let's say for example, Summerslam, the matches wouldn't be so easy to guess who is going to win. Wrestlemania has that feeling that it's the beginning or the end of storylines, the matches are made to be great, and the wrestlers preform at their best, but if you take Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes you gonna guess it right nine times out of ten who is going to win it, but if this match happened at Summerslam you would say that Cody Rhodes would have a chance at winning.

Because Wrestlemania is the place for the big faces of the company to shine (Orton, Austin and a few others are rare cases of the opposite) it almost feels too much predictable. Of course, Undertaker vs. Triple H needs to be 'predictable', everybody will say that Triple H will lose, he has to, of course you couldn't take this match and put in on Summerslam, because the whole storyline revolves about Taker's undefeated streak.

I don't know if the point I'm trying to make is clear or not, but I feel that because Wrestlemania is the biggest show of the year, World Wrestling Entertainment gives us results we want to see, John Cena beating Miz (face vs. heel), Rey Mysterio beating Rhodes (face vs. heel) and also Orton beating Punk (face vs. heel), I get that the show needs to end with the face on top, but that doesn't mean that heels can't win matches...

Does it help buyrates? I don't think so. If Undertaker and Cena win their matches, everyone will watch it anyway. It doesn't really matter if Cody beat Mysterio or Punk beat Orton, would it help their buyrates if they let the heels beat the faces? It wouldn't hurt, and in the long run it would help them getting bigger buyrates for let's say the next PPV, Extreme Rules, if one of your strongest faces Rey Mysterio or Orton lose at the Wrestlemania you will want to see the rematch, if they win at Wrestlemania, what's the point? A different stipulation? They just proved they could beat them...

So my questions are: Do you feel that predictability on the winners of Wrestlemania matches might hurt your opinion of the show? Should WWE let some heels beat faces? If so, would it help the buyrates for next shows?


PS: This thread isn't only about this year Wrestlemania, I felt this way about last year's, and previous years. But this year, I'm not seeing many heels beating faces, and that doesn't look good if you don't believe that any one in a match can beat the other, right?
I have to disagree here. I don’t think there’s any reason to think CM Punk or Cody Rhodes can’t win their match. Heels have won at mania plenty of times before. How about Alberto Del Rio? I’d say he is likely to win his match, but it’s not a sure thing. Then there’s Sheamus. He just won the US Title so there’s no reason to assume he’s just going to drop it back to Bryan right away. I even give The Miz a chance over Cena. For weeks now the story has been Miz is overlooked because of the promo battles between Rock and Cena. What better what to jump out of the shadow than by beating Cena at mania? I’d say the only sure face wins are for Morrison, Trish, and Snooki because of the celebrity involvement, and Lawler even Cole. Hell even Cole stands a chance if they really want to keep this heel character going after mania. I don’t think these results are as clear as you think.
I have to disagree here. I don’t think there’s any reason to think CM Punk or Cody Rhodes can’t win their match. Heels have won at mania plenty of times before. How about Alberto Del Rio? I’d say he is likely to win his match, but it’s not a sure thing. Then there’s Sheamus. He just won the US Title so there’s no reason to assume he’s just going to drop it back to Bryan right away. I even give The Miz a chance over Cena. For weeks now the story has been Miz is overlooked because of the promo battles between Rock and Cena. What better what to jump out of the shadow than by beating Cena at mania? I’d say the only sure face wins are for Morrison, Trish, and Snooki because of the celebrity involvement, and Lawler even Cole. Hell even Cole stands a chance if they really want to keep this heel character going after mania. I don’t think these results are as clear as you think.
I see your point but I think that there are clear favorites. Punk has being built as someone not credible enough to beat Orton without Nexus, so I will say that Orton beats Punk no doubt about it, there is only one way that won't happen, if they get another member to the Nexus, which I don't believe it's going to happen, they are almost dead anyway.

Cena has beaten everybody on his path since 2002 (except Sheamus), why wouldn't he beat Miz? The Miz doesn't scream champion because he is smaller than Cena.

Cody Rhodes doesn't stand a chance against Rey Mysterio, we know how Mysterio works, it's not like he is used to job to everyone, Cody Rhodes will lose, eventually getting a rematch and lose again, lol.

I think the matches look predictable, but I can be the only one that thinks that way. ;)
I don't see many predictable matches to be fair.

Obviously, the celebrity, which is Snooki will be on the winning team. That's a given. Ane the Streak won't end, because if it does the wrestling world would be pissed that of all people, Triple H has ended it. Undertaker needs the streak anyway.

Orton is sure fire favourite to beat Punk as well, I'll give you that.

But when it comes to Miz Vs Cena, I actually think that's pretty fair. First of all you have to take The Rock's part in all this into the equation. He could end up costing Cena the match to put the rivaly over. Then you have to look at how strongly WWE are marketing Miz and how he himself is getting his name out there.

Add in him turning the W around, which although isn't that big of a thing, yet can be looked at as slightly symbolic could be added into the arguement that Miz will defeat Cena. Cena hasn't won at every Mania, he has no streak. Orton won the Fatal-4-Way at WM 24. Yeah he didn't pin Cena, but Cena is down as a loser in that match.

Then after that, King beating Cole is the only other match I see being a given. They wouldn't put King out there at his first Mania to have him lose to Michael Cole.

And I don't see why you'd think Mysterio will win at Mania, I'm actually more favouring Rhodes. He beats Rey at Mania and Cody will be over by the time the refs hand hits the mat for the third time. Rey taking a loss isn't a big deal either, especially if it means putting someone over.

Every Wrestlemania has the odd predictable match, this years is no different.#
I must say that i actually see this being a big year for heels at Wrestlemania. The final match will be Taker/Trips which in my eyes is 99.9% another win for Taker, so the final note should be Taker keeping his undefeated streak alive which will keep fans happy.

In the WWE Title match i would believe that The Miz is actually going to come out on top in this match. He has been pushed to the background being overshadowed by Cena and The Rock and this is going to be Miz proving that he truely is worthy of being the champ. I expect a possible Cena Rock confrontation at some point but not during the title match.

In the match for the World Heavyweight Championship seeing that it stays one on one rather than the rumor of Christian being added to it I see Alberto Del Rio coming out on top. If Christian is added to the match it'll be a toss up but I do not expect Edge to be walking out champ in either scenario. Smackdown needs a refreshed world title scene and this match is gonna bring that.

Punk/Orton is the only match where I can't predict who the winner will be. It doesn't matter who wins or loses they will both remain in the upper card.

Also as far as Cody vs. Rey, Cody will most likely come out on top in this match. Rey is a solidified worker and asked to be put in this program with Rhodes. I expect Rey to put Cody over here to help elevate his status on the roster. Rey won't lose his spot but if Cody lost the match it would make him completely irrelevant.

As for faces going over aside from Undertaker, Morrison's team will come out victors, Lawler will go over Cole, and Bryan will win back the U.S. Title before losing it back to Sheamus at Extreme Rules.
I did believe truly that The Miz was gonna win when he beat the hell outta Cena the way he did a couple of weeks ago...but with the stupid title upside logo and adding Alex Riley back to his side, its obvious Cena is gonna win....that also makes it obvious that ADR will win because there is always a world title switch at Mania....again, Lawler beating Cole is a given...Snooki winning is a given....Orton winning is a given....if you ever notice they usually let the faces shine at Mania while a couple of heels win, only a couple....Rey and Cody is probably the only match that is unpredictable....I could see that one going either way...I also see Sheamus winning easily...whoever faces The Corre will lose and that will be pretty obvious after this Friday....of course Taker is winning...theres only one match that isnt predictable if you look at the buildup and past history...and actually looking at the Cody vs Rey match, Cody has been so aggressive lately, that makes this match 50 percent predictable because they have to continue past Mania...if Cody wins now, what happens after Mania, a new storyline? I think it continues to another match at the next PPV...the only heels I see winning are ADR, Sheamus and the Corre
I too agree with the posters below. I feel this Wrestlemania is very unpredictable. I think there are several spots that can easily go either way. I currently would give the heels an advantage this wrestlemania but that is not to say that a face couldn't end up winning. Here is my input on matches that could go either way.

Orton VS Punk

I think this match honestly has the potential to be won by eitehr competitor. I think although we have seen Orton being the more dominant competitor Punk is a worthy opponent who probaly needs this win more than Orton does. However I could easily see Orton winning this match and move on to better things. I think as well that we could see the potential return of a former Nexus member in this match (Sheffield/Tarver). I think this match really has no clear cut winner at this point.

Miz VS Cena

It is Fact that Miz is winning the road to Wrestlemania battle. Although a lot of people strongly feel Cena will get the title back at Mania there's a few people out there saying Miz can walk away with this. This would make Miz forever a main eventer if he won. This match now become unpredicatble because we truly don't know who will walk away with it.

Rhodes VS Mysterio

Although most people want Rhodes to win for obvious reasons, somewhere in the back of your head you must believe that Mysterio can pull this match off. Knowing that he has the potential to win adds to the complexity of saying that there is a clear winner set in stone.

I think the only match set in stone currently is the 6 man tag match with the winners being Morrison, Snooki, Stratus. Apart from this we have a very complex and unpredictable Wrestlemania.
Very simple fans ruin Wrestlemania being unpredictable.... the biggest draw for mania is the Streak as far as im concerned if you are hell bent on the streak never being broken then you are basically saying you dont care about a predictable mania, especially since its the #1 draw if you want the headliner of mania to be one result and one result only and refuse to except anything else then your basically killing steam for the rest of mania it all starts at the top and its a trickle down effect look at all Mania's with main events that were UNPREDICTABLE it set the table for the whole night

WM 6 Hogan vs Warrior
WM18 Hogan vs Rock
WM19 Lesnar vs Angle
WM10 HBK vs Bret

Regardless of the matches on the card it gave the feel that ANYTHING could happen, that history could be made at ANYTIME on the historic night and to be honest Wrestlemania just does not have that same feeling where you have no clue what you might witness

its all about hype and currently the two major draws to mania are the rock and john cena who arent wrestling each other and undertaker vs HHH which is a match that people(most people) just want to see taker get the 1-2-3 or else they act like they will riot, thats why its not unpredictable If Daniel Bryan beats Sheamus or cody rhodes beats rey two months from now you arent going to say woah Wrestlemania 27 sure was unpredictable i was shocked and on the edge of my seat leading up to and through that night, If the ME isnt unpredictable it pretty much takes away steam from the whole night
Unpredictability, for me, is often among the most overrated aspects in wrestling. I find that most people enjoy the illusion of unpredictability rather than for unpredictable events to go down themselves. Or, I should say, I think that's how most internet fans are. Internet fans like being in the loop and most of them like the idea of being able to have a good notion as to what's going to happen or going to go down.

When Sheamus won the WWE Championship in late 2009, it was quite possibly the most shocking moment of the year. Nobody saw it coming, the WWE took a chance on someone that was virtually unknown to most fans and much of the IWC was in an uproar over it. Even though many of them had created thread after thread and written post after post whining about wanting things to be more unpredictable, they whine and complained even more when something truly unpredictable took place that they didn't see coming.

As to Mania itself, I don't think most of the match outcomes are all that predictable. Some of them are far from being set in stone.

Will Sheamus drop the United States Championshp back to Daniel Bryan? Won't he? Could Bryan losing here be a sign that he's headed to SmackDown!? Could he be headed to SD! as United States Champion? Sheamus has had the upper hand on Bryan but does that mean he'll keep it?

Could The Miz actually beat John Cena at WrestleMania? The possibility is there and the possibility is vastly stronger now than it was when I made a thread asking that very question a few months back. Will The Rock be involved in the match? Could he cause Cena to lose? Could he help Cena win?

With all the talk about The Undertaker's injuries piling up, could this WM really be his last? Net fans have speculated for years about Taker making it to his 20th WM but with his latest injury being a torn rotator cuff that, at least according to Kevin Nash, will never fully heel, could Triple H beat him? All this talk about Taker "dying" if the streak is broken coupled with what we know about his condition makes me wonder.

If an angle is well done, the wrestlers play their parts well and entertaining matches come out of the whole thing, I'm happy.
There are times I must have an outcome come out of left field and there are times when I don't. As long as the match that delivers the outcome is great, I don't care what the outcome is. Most of the time. My problem with this card is it bores the shit out of me. If the Rock wasn't a part of this card, I'm not sure I'd be interested in this at all.


1. Edge (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio Singles match for the World Heavyweight Championship

WWE seems determined to make DelRio their next big star and quite frankly I'm not seeing why. He has some ability but he's not what I'd call the best heel I've ever seen. That being said, it would shock me if he didn't beat Edge for the title.

2. The Miz (c) vs. John Cena Singles match for the WWE Championship

I'd like to see Miz keep the title. I think it would've been better for him if he had won the title at WM27 rather than be the champion defending the title against a much more popular challenger in Cena. I find it hard to see Cena not winning the title.

3. Triple H vs. The Undertaker No Holds Barred match

I don't want to see this match. Vince could have done many things. Throw Rock a lot of money and have him challenge Taker for the streak. That didn't happen so we're stuck with this re-match. I want the streak to continue. I hope it does.

4. Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole (with Jack Swagger) Singles match with special guest referee Stone Cold Steve Austin

Please. Cole's not going to win this. It could be entertaining if they play their cards right, but I find it haard to see King losing this.

5. Randy Orton vs. CM Punk Singles match

I'd like to see Punk sneak out a win here, but against a highly popualar Orton, I think not.

6. Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes Singles match

They haven't really been doing anything with Cody Rhodes, so I doubt they'll do anything spectacular with him at this WM.

7. Trish Stratus, Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi and John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler and LayCool (Layla and Michelle McCool) 6-person mixed tag team match

What the hell is Snooki doing here ? I mean, I thought WWE learned their lesson with Floyd Mayweather, that you can't just put a celebrity into a match and make it work.
I find it sad that all these performers are part of this match. It's an absolute waste of their talent.

8. Sheamus (c) vs. Daniel Bryan Singles match for the United States Championship

No way in hell, will Bryan win this match. Why is Sheamus wearing the US title anyway ? They should have given it to some one who has not been in the main event and they're trying to elevate him to the main event, not some onee who has been a two time champ.

This is a pretty weak card. Where is the women's title defence, the tag title defence ? Where's Truth, Christian, Dibiase, Kane, Show ? Why is Booker commentating instead of working a match there but Michael Cole and King have a match. This is absolute lunacy.

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