Why doesn't Microsoft target PC Gaming?

Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
Ok, I'm willing to admit that up until recently, I've been very forgetting about the PC's amazing ability to run some amazing video games... For example, Crisis (if you have like Alienware) is one of the best PC games I've seen in a while as is World of Warcraft (that game got me addicted)...

But I've also noticed that while PC games are good, there isn't much focus on PC Games... They're pretty much the lost game console that everybody owns but doesn't realize it. Like recently, I picked up Gears Of War on the PC and even though I already had it, beat it, and got far more than enough achievements to brag about it on the 360, I refell in love with this game on the PC.

But anyway the main questions I have are why haven't Microsoft been focusing more on PC games? And, do you see any game title in the works that can revive the lost art of PC games?

(Also, on a small personal note, if anyone can recommend a good shooter game then I'm all ears... and yes, I've got Bad Company and MW2 for PC)
Microsoft hasn't been focusing more on PC games because they have more important issues to deal with. They already have a popular gaming system in the 360. PC games will always take a backseat to the 360 unless it, for some odd reason, stops making sales on games anymore. They also have to come up with new editions of their software such as Microsoft Office and Windows. They could have devoted time to making more PC games if they weren't so busy making Windows 7 recently. It's a matter of what Microsoft's priorities are, and PC games just are not anywhere near the top of the list.

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