Why do you think Dana White was at WWE HQ?

Probably just a tourism thing. Oh wait, this isn't a spam thread? Alright, let's try this then. Tourism is when a person who is not familiar with an area explores said area. This stereotypically involves taking pictures of everything you see, asking too many questions about what's around you, etc. There, I think I filled in enough space.
Maybe he and Vince might be getting ready to do some inter promotional stuff like air comericials during each other shows. Thuis would benefit Vince cuz Danas empire is a monster right now
It sounds like he just went there as a tourist, as mentioned above. With that being said, there has been a lot of talk (online at least) about Lesnar returning to the WWE. While it will never be on screen, maybe they were talking about a deal that would let Brock participate in an upcoming WWE DVD or WWE video game.

I personally don't buy into the Lesnar/WWE talks, I think its just internet BS, but if some kind of deal was to be done, I would assume Dana would need to be involved in allowing Brock to do so.
i dont see why the 2 can't do inter promotional stuff. wwe guys are at ufc events quite regularly. wwe and ufc are the biggest things goin in their respective forms of entertainment. could be advertising deals who knows. i honestly dont see why dana would go there as a tourist.
Dana has stated before that he likes Vince and they have had breakfast together before. It was probably an open invitation on Vince's part for Dana to come see the building when he could, and Dana took up on the offer. Could there have been some kind of a deal being worked on? Possibly, but Dana's Twitter did not give that kind of indication, so I'll only believe there's a deal being done when I see it.
Where there's smoke there's fire but i don't smell smoke....yet. But it is plausible. The only reason to me that it is plausible is Vince's history of keeping things secret outside from the people he's targeting and that's the main stream. Lawrence Taylor, Mike Tyson, the main stream didn't know until it was time. Hell most of the WWE main audiance didn't know that the Rock was coming back. By any chance if there's some sort of MMA WWE Lesnar vs ????? deal going on all parties involved are going to keep it quite until it's time.
Does everybody forget that THQ owns the gaming rights to The WWE and UFC. Could we see a WWE vs UFC type of video game in the future. Or Dana was just there pick Vince's brain to see why he's so God Dang successful. Or we couldsee a Lesnar vs Batista UFC style fight for next years WM. So many possiblilties.
He's a rich, rich man who is probably at least a passing fan of the WWE. I think the simple explanation is he was in town and went for a visit. It's probably not out of the realm of possibility, however, that he had some sort of meeting, perhaps just to test the waters. Lots of meetings go down that end up meaning nothing, that were just happening to feel things out. I think the mere fact that Dana's even mentioned it is a good indication that nothing serious happened. If there were plans in the work, he probably would be keeping them under wraps.
He mentioned it so nonchalantly that I wouldnt be surprised if he just went there to check it out. The way Vince and Dana act towards eachother suggests that they arent looking to be business partners anytime soon. I'm sure Dana hears about WWE all the time and was probably checking what all the buzz was about.
Being someone who lives in Connecticut and has seen the WWE Headquarters, I don't really know why someone would want to go their as a "tourist". I am sure he had some form of meeting with someone in WWE, even if it was just a lunch with Vince, Stephanie or some higher up in WWE about the possibility of working together in the future. However I still wouldn't read too much into it. I really don't see the two companies doing anything big with one another anytime soon.
Because Pat Patterson was feeling empty and called up his friend Dana... I think I'll leave that train of thought there.

Seriously though, I doubt he was there to take part in any cloak and dagger rendezvous involving Brock. He was probably in the area anyway and called Starfire a receptionist at Titan Towers to let them know and he got invited to lunch with VKM. He mentioned in the past that they're friends and he has a lot of respect for the old man. So yeah, I doubt much of interest was said.
Vince and Dana more than likely were just catching up. Keep in mind Shane and Dana have met before (unless I'm mistaken). This is the problem with the internet lol. 2 rich successful men from 2 different walks of life/sports have a meeting together and immediately everyone assumes something big is up. Maybe Vince is a fan of the UFC? Maybe they WERE planning something big. Next thing you know they'll go to a Yankees game together, get spotted and the internet will buzz "ZOMG THEY ARE BUYING THE YANKEES!!!!". Let the cards fall where they may

Will Dana/Vince work to have a UFC vs WWE type thing? HIGHLY UNLIKELY because Dana is trying to keep the UFC seen a REAL as opposed to WWE. Why would you go do something scripted when you have something real?

No offense to the creator of this topic but seriously. Until WZ puts up an EXCLUSIVE can't ya leave well enough alone? This topic really has no value until an exclusive is posted and there is relevant details given. THEN after that maybe this topic will have some value.
Other than maybe working out a deal so Brock can be involved in a DVD about his career, probably nothing. Dana has a legitimate sport and he wouldn't do any kind of angle because it would hurt the credibility of a sport he has worked very hard to turn legit. I would jokingly like to think maybe Vince was asking Dana how he gets the buy rates he does on PPV because he is jealous
I believe Dana White is from Manchester, CT, was visiting home, and stopped by the WWE HQ. Both Dana and Vince being two very sucessful sports icons and business men I'm sure they've crossed paths before and calling the same state home does kinda tie the story together. Don't read too much into anything it probably was what i just said it was.
if it was anything business wise, i would think it would be that perhaps the ufc is doing a dvd on brock and he perhaps asked if he could have access to some of brocks wwe footage in exchange for perhaps like was stated before in this thread brock appearing in a wwe video game, perhaps as a downloadable character. if anything im just guessing he went there to check it out, perhaps get some ideas. i would shit my pants if it was anything more then that.
Although it could very well be just a friendly visit, there probably could've been a lot business-wise Dana and Vince could've discussed.

Dana has made it clear that he doesn't want UFC guys appearing at WWE events due to the fact that he doesn't want UFC to be looked at as fake. However, the promotional and booking of both promotions is essentially the same. Both need a storyline to keep the fans interested in the product, they both need good action in the ring (or octagon), they both can be merchandised and the respective stars can be pimped out to other entertainment ventures to get every dollar possible.

The WWE is better equipped in the promotional aspects and the merchandising side of the business. The UFC holds credibility as a legit sport and a huge money-maker in Brock Lesnar. I think quite easily they could come to an agreement that is mutually beneficial.
I'm sure the popular answer would be that Vinny Mac and big bad Dana White are trying to work out a deal for Lesnar to appear on WWE television in some capacity, and let's be honest they DID mention him on RAW a couple of weeks ago so I'm sure it's not that big of a stretch of the imagination if a few people think Brock will be working with WWE again but when you look at everything that's happened before it's not a very likely scenario to say the least.

Dana has made it clear that he wants the UFC guys to stay right where they are, he doesn't want or need any kind of cross promotion especially with the guy everyone thinks is his biggest ratings competitor. I have no idea what these two were talking about but I'm sure it's not a big deal in terms of either company. Maybe Vince just wanted tickets to an event?
"Maybe, Maybe, Maybe".. I think people are looking into this too much. It could have to do with Brock, it could have to do with all the WWE guys who show up at UFC events, and get shown on camera. Could have to do with nothing. If it was something big, then Dana White being the media ****e he is, would have said something about it by now.
what if they want to build a working thing where as fighters get done with there career in the ufc the could go to the wwe. like rampage would like to do this i know.
what if they want to build a working thing where as fighters get done with there career in the ufc the could go to the wwe. like rampage would like to do this i know.

They wouldn't need a business agreement for that. As long as he is no longer under contract, the UFC wouldn't have to do anything to promote the guy going to try out wrestling.

95% of me thinks it was just a simple visit and White looking to see what kind of examples he can use to benefit his own sport. 5% of me thinks that there may have been some relaxed business meeting, but nothing talked about that would be anything concrete.

I know White has been rumored to want to stay as far away from wrestling as possible because he thinks it would hurt his own business, but has he ever come out and actually said it?

Who wouldn't want to see two WWE wrestlers in the octagon? I'd pay to see that. Kind of hard to fake a fight like that.
Rampage said he wants to retire when he's 35 and do more films. He loves the spotlight so I wouldnt be surprised to see him pop up at a WWE PPV in the very distant future.

Cant see WWE wanting to advertise UFC 'hey were PG, you know what else you could watch... two guys breaking each others faces! Look at the blood!'
A slim posibility that Dana would have been discussing a Brock dvd i guess.
I can't see why WWE would put out a Brock DVD. The guy had a couple of years on top and a few title wins but he has been gone a long time. Most fans know him as the UFC fighter who used to do wrestling.. not the other way around now.

I just don't see the point in it. If it was honestly anything to do with business and not just a "hey check out our office" then MAYBE.. MAYBE it was to talk about Brock but I doubt it.
I think it could have been something to do with Lesnar being a downloadable character on a future WWE video game, or something along those lines.

We are all just guessing about why Dana was there but I don't think he would have come out and told everyone that he had been there if it had been something big, therefore ruining the surprise. They may have discussed business briefly, but knowing several businessman as I do, they often just meet up to discuss their own companies, pick each others brains and have an informal catch up to discuss business in general.
Apparently, supposedly, questionably. Dana White and Vince McMahon don't think of each other as competition. So, I suppose they call themselves friends rather than enemies.

Anyway, who cares? All I can see happening is Brock Lesnar returning. That's that.

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