Why do people want GFW to fail so badly and force wrestlers out on the indies

Robert Roode Fan

Occasional Pre-Show
You know if tna dies which it could unfortunately, many wrestlers would love to have tv time. OF course greedy indy fans want there to be no place for wrestlers to go that way they are forced to go to the indies and are left off the national tv that many of them so rightfully deserve to have a chance at.

Or they can't get over their haterd of jeff jarret, they could give two shits about the wrestlers that could get national tv time. If you are a TRUE FAN of the wrestler, you will want them to have as many opportunities as possible, if they want to be somewhere else like tna or if it dies GFW, if they can't make it there then they go back to the indies or they go own their own. All these indy fanboys say the wrestlers should work for as little as possible for the PASSION. However where is your PASSION for the wrestlers, they deserve as many places to work as possible.
What's so bad about the indies? Why does someone "deserve" national TV time? Before any wrestler gets TV time, they have to work for a promotion that has acquired that TV time. As a fan, I may like a wrestler, but I like watching a show better. I want a cohesive, entertaining show, not a jumbled mess. That requires creative talent and organization. Over time, I've come to realize that there are certain people who aren't worth wasting effort on: Jarrett certainly qualifies for that group.

Nobody can make GFW fail except the people running that business. Nobody is obligated to watch them. If I start hearing that GFW is putting on a great show, then I'll seek them out. If not, I won't.
There is this stigma that being an indie wrestler is bad or something, even though the entire point of the latest GFW Journey video is Mick Foley saying it's not at all, the indies are extremely strong nowadays and there are always wrestlers coming through, there are also more opportunities for wrestlers in the United States and abroad to make good money doing what they love.

Kevin Steen has said he makes six figures off being what many deem as something you can't make good money off of, that is being an indie wrestler. Sure he has an ROH contract so that helps and he's a top guy there, but watch his Weekend Escapades and you'll see how many indie appearances he does only on weekends and you'll get a glimpse of why he's making so much money. He busts his ass but he also loves doing it.

Trent Baretta recently did Cabana's AOW and said being an indie wrestler isn't the highest paid gig in the world, but guess what? He spent three years in WWE doing nothing, working people who he couldn't even have good matches against because he was restricted, people didn't care about him, he left, went to the indies and now he works for DGUSA, Evolve, PWG and will be participating for NJPW in their Best of the Super Juniors in a couple months which is a good payday.

The issue I have and I know a lot of others have with GFW (aside the fucking horrid name and logo) is people making a fuss about it when it barely even exists! You all say, "well I think this guy will go to GFW", fuck that! They don't even have shows yet, nothing is booked, they are still searching for talent and the talent they will hire, do you think It'll be the best of non-WWE talent? Why would any guy leave ROH right now with how well it's doing? It's going to PPV which means talent gets paid more now. Sure a lot of guys dropping off TNA will get deals, but who? Bad Influence appear to be a lock for ROH, Chris Sabin might be following suit, AJ Styles has said he'd like to work for GFW down the road but right now his NJPW restrains him from doing so because he's agreed to work for two major promotions, NJPW and ROH.

I'm not going to kick up a fuss about something that barely exists. Book a show, name a couple talents, stop trying to make this a reality show type deal on YouTube. You're supposed to be starting a fucking wrestling company not promoting yourself, something with all due respect, Jarrett has previously shown he is not afraid of doing over his own business ventures.
There is this stigma that being an indie wrestler is bad or something, even though the entire point of the latest GFW Journey video is Mick Foley saying it's not at all, the indies are extremely strong nowadays and there are always wrestlers coming through, there are also more opportunities for wrestlers in the United States and abroad to make good money doing what they love.

Kevin Steen has said he makes six figures off being what many deem as something you can't make good money off of, that is being an indie wrestler. Sure he has an ROH contract so that helps and he's a top guy there, but watch his Weekend Escapades and you'll see how many indie appearances he does only on weekends and you'll get a glimpse of why he's making so much money. He busts his ass but he also loves doing it.

Trent Baretta recently did Cabana's AOW and said being an indie wrestler isn't the highest paid gig in the world, but guess what? He spent three years in WWE doing nothing, working people who he couldn't even have good matches against because he was restricted, people didn't care about him, he left, went to the indies and now he works for DGUSA, Evolve, PWG and will be participating for NJPW in their Best of the Super Juniors in a couple months which is a good payday.

The issue I have and I know a lot of others have with GFW (aside the fucking horrid name and logo) is people making a fuss about it when it barely even exists! You all say, "well I think this guy will go to GFW", fuck that! They don't even have shows yet, nothing is booked, they are still searching for talent and the talent they will hire, do you think It'll be the best of non-WWE talent? Why would any guy leave ROH right now with how well it's doing? It's going to PPV which means talent gets paid more now. Sure a lot of guys dropping off TNA will get deals, but who? Bad Influence appear to be a lock for ROH, Chris Sabin might be following suit, AJ Styles has said he'd like to work for GFW down the road but right now his NJPW restrains him from doing so because he's agreed to work for two major promotions, NJPW and ROH.

I'm not going to kick up a fuss about something that barely exists. Book a show, name a couple talents, stop trying to make this a reality show type deal on YouTube. You're supposed to be starting a fucking wrestling company not promoting yourself, something with all due respect, Jarrett has previously shown he is not afraid of doing over his own business ventures.
The indies are not bad, expect for the fact that they do not want to do tv. All talents should have the opportunity to have a spot on tv. With tna possibly going under, it hurts the wrestlers. Let me ask not many people know what a lot what these wrestles are doing, maybe aj styles with new japan. Fact is tv helps get your name out there. If Kevin Steen is on tv at some point in his carrer, even GFW, he can get more exposure and if he ever leaves and goes back he probably makes more money.

Also why on earth should it matter who is running the promotion. Why not give it a chance, your not because it is going to be jeff jarret, for all we know it could be great. Also if these wrestlers want to go to a company like Tna or GFW just to get on national tv, then they should be able to. Yes there are people like Steen who may be happy with being just an indy wrestler, however most are not. Look at Austin Areis, he became a bigger name than ever when he went to tna. Hell more people will remember his tna title win over bobby roode more than they will remember that he was a ROH world champion twice, those the mere facts. My point is that wrestlers bust their ass for us, and if they want to go work for a company just because it has tv, let them, they have earned that right, why take it away from them, and force them out on the indies. The whole point of the indies is that it is grassroots, but it is REALLY GRASSROOTS when you are forced out on the indy scene because you don't have national tv to go for, no of course not. Why not have there be options, if you want GFW and Tna to fail for ROH, then by all means ROH should at least try to step up and put themselves out there on tv.
Also why on earth should it matter who is running the promotion. Why not give it a chance, your not because it is going to be jeff jarret, for all we know it could be great.

It matters a lot. I don't like wasting my time, and there are some people who I think are blowhards. Jarrett's one of them.

My point is that wrestlers bust their ass for us, and if they want to go work for a company just because it has tv, let them, they have earned that right, why take it away from them, and force them out on the indies.

Because it's our right as viewers to watch what we want to watch and support what we want to support.

The whole point of the indies is that it is grassroots, but it is REALLY GRASSROOTS when you are forced out on the indy scene because you don't have national tv to go for, no of course not. Why not have there be options, if you want GFW and Tna to fail for ROH, then by all means ROH should at least try to step up and put themselves out there on tv.

Getting on TV is not a right, and nobody's entitled to it. If they want to get on truly national TV, they would be better off trying out for the WWE.
It matters a lot. I don't like wasting my time, and there are some people who I think are blowhards. Jarrett's one of them.

Because it's our right as viewers to watch what we want to watch and support what we want to support.

Getting on TV is not a right, and nobody's entitled to it. If they want to get on truly national TV, they would be better off trying out for the WWE.
What if Jarret does not acually come on tv much to little at all, and the wrestlers are the big part of the promotion. You can watch whatever you want, but the fact is that tna going under and GFW should be there for fans who don't like what anyone else is doing. Getting tv is a right, all wrestlers should have the opportunity to prove themselves worthy of being on tv, if they can't make it then fine, but why should GFW fail for indy fans, like I have said with tna that is fine you don't watch it, but it should not fail just because you have a grudge with jarret. Your trying to say that I am trying to force GFW on you, when your the one who wants to force GFW to fail for the indy promotions. GFW should not fail for the the indy promotions, epically. You want wwe to be the only promotion on tv, sometimes wwe has something called a huge big time biased against wrestlers, all wrestlers should have at least two companies they can get in, maybe three. It should not be wwe or nothing, if it was that way and there was no tna after wcw died do you think that Aj Styles, Roode, Storm, Joe would be as famous as they are today, of course not, just because wwe did not pursue these talents does not mean that they know everything about who is worthy of being on tv and who is not. It is always good to have around more companies, it is never a bad thing. If indies are so great then they can recover from losing wrestlers to GFW or even tna, they recorverd from losing Bryan daneilsion.
I don't want to see any company fail, not only as a wrestling fan but as a human being. I've personally given up on TNA, haven't watched in it probably 7 or 8 months, but I don't want to see it go out of business. I hate seeing anyone put out of work, especially if they're doing something they love to do and hope to make a decent living at it.

As to whether or not I think the company will fail, it depends on a few things. Various reports I've read in which Jarrett has hyped the promotion gives the impression that there's no shortage of money and that they have loads of talent signed up or interested in signing up. I have no idea if Jarrett's blowing smoke or not, but I'm leaning more towards the former due to a lack of detail provided in the statements. Where's the money coming from? Does GFW have investors in place to fund things? What're the names of some of the talent they have signed?, etc. Not that Jeff Jarrett is obligated to give that information to anybody, as GFW won't be publicly traded, but such information may boost the level of confidence people with doubts have towards the company.

I have a suspicious mind and nature in the first place and if everything he's said is legit, then that's wonderful. I'd still have some doubts even then because TNA would've gone under had Jarrett not sold the majority of it to Bob Carter. I'd have the same doubts if I heard that Paul Heyman was going start up another company because it's well known that he's a piss poor businessman.

As far as the indies go, IF various reports are true and legit, some wrestlers claim they make more working the indies than they would signing exclusively to TNA. Hell, some wrestlers claim that they make more money holding a regular job than they either would earn or have earned working for TNA. Some wrestlers make a good living working the independent promotions. Indie workers might not wind up with a seven figure bank account or drive a car worth more than most people's houses, but it's not some guarantee they'll wind up a broken down 60 year old with nothing to show for it either.
There is nothing wrong with being an indie wrestler. Most professional wrestlers ARE indie wrestlers, as opportunities to work for big companies are limited.

However, I'd be surprised if anyone really WANTS Jeff Jarrett's new company, or TNA to fail. Why would they? It offers an alternative to WWE and that is a positive thing for wrestling fans who may not want to watch the type of programming that WWE offer. Not only that but its another place to work for the wrestlers, therefore giving them a chance to earn some more money to feed there families.

It's as simple as that really. Wrestling in recent years in the US was at its healthiest when there were 3 major companies- WWE, WCW and ECW. There was a better talent pool with wrestlers getting more exposure and jumping from company to company creating exciting new feuds and rivalries. There was a huge buzz about the business at that time. In a perfect world, TNA and GFW would become as big as WCW and even ECW were, giving fans an alternative, wrestlers more exposure and providing competition for WWE therefore challenging them to produce a better product. That would be the best thing for the promotions, the fans and the wrestlers themselves.
There is nothing wrong with being an indie wrestler. Most professional wrestlers ARE indie wrestlers, as opportunities to work for big companies are limited.

However, I'd be surprised if anyone really WANTS Jeff Jarrett's new company, or TNA to fail. Why would they? It offers an alternative to WWE and that is a positive thing for wrestling fans who may not want to watch the type of programming that WWE offer. Not only that but its another place to work for the wrestlers, therefore giving them a chance to earn some more money to feed there families.

It's as simple as that really. Wrestling in recent years in the US was at its healthiest when there were 3 major companies- WWE, WCW and ECW. There was a better talent pool with wrestlers getting more exposure and jumping from company to company creating exciting new feuds and rivalries. There was a huge buzz about the business at that time. In a perfect world, TNA and GFW would become as big as WCW and even ECW were, giving fans an alternative, wrestlers more exposure and providing competition for WWE therefore challenging them to produce a better product. That would be the best thing for the promotions, the fans and the wrestlers themselves.

I have to agree with you on this, more companys on tv means better products, the indies can only provide so much content.
I'm fully behind Double J with his vision. Fact is, we wouldn't have TNA now if it wasn't for Jeff - yes, it required Carter money to keep it alive but creatively, it was his venture and the consensus of opinion as to when the company started going wrong was when his control slipped.

Jeff Jarrett is Jerry Jarrett's son, he is a second generation booker. He has also great battlefield experience, having had a front row seat at the death off WCW AND his experiences with (NWA/)TNA. I can't see how anyone can be critical of all this initial self publicity - even if GFW isn't up and running for some time, creating brand awareness is a proven marketing tool and Jeff's marketing thus far keeps creating intrigue because we still have so many questions and so few answers.

Hate on Jarrett, it's the cool thing to do, but can anybody really suggest anyone more suited to trying to create a new wrestling brand?
I pay attention to a lot of indies in the southeast and there are many good organizations. Nothing at wrong with being an indy wrestler, in fact it might be better than being a contracted wrestler, especially with the WWE. While you have a benefit of maybe a guaranteed salary as a contracted wrestler, as an indy wrestler you may have more freedom. One day you can wrestle for Deep Southern Championship Wrestling and the next wrestle at a Ring of Honor event then a New Japan evnet. And if you are willing to travel, you can make a pretty good living.

And thanks to the internet, many organizations now have internet television or does internet PPVs. Organizations like Premiere Wrestling Xperience does both.

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