Why Do People Hate Michael Cole?


I Am The One Who Knocks
Serious question. I know people think he's destroying the product, and ruining wrestlers, but why? Bobby Heenan acted and did the same thing Cole is doing today. In fact I remember my Dad and his buddies talking about how much they hated Heenan at the time and wanted him gone, only to remember him fondly for the legend he is now.

In no way am I trying to compare them on awesome factors, Heenan wins. I just wonder if the same thing that happened with Heenan will happen with Cole when all is said and done with his career.
I actually like Michael Cole, I think hes a good heel commentator he does go a little off topic sometimes but thats essentially his character WWE have transformed him into a colour commentator yet still expect him to do the play by play.

I actually think much of the problem on Raw stems from King, to me he just doesn't look interested any more and lacks the enthusiasm which was his trademark in the attitude era.

I actually think him and josh mathews dovetail quite well on smackdown abetted a bit by Booker T but he's worth his seat for the hilarity factor alone.
There's a couple of differences to me. One is that Heenan wasn't half so aggressive about it as is Cole. Heenan would deride faces for their heroic actions or whatever it was the crowd was cheering, but he rarely completely dressed them down at every level. Cole, meanwhile, has done that to guys like Daniel Bryan, for example. When Cole got on Bryan's case back in the day (he's toned it down somewhat) he was vehement about destroying any shred of credibility that Daniel Bryan had. But this wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the other factor - there's no one mitigating Cole's influence. Jerry Lawler's a pathetic excuse for a color commentator who can do no more but half heartedly mumble "Oh, come on Cole" and make fat jokes. Josh Matthews is spineless and if he's not doing straight play-by-play he has almost no idea what he's doing in the booth. Booker T is the best thing Cole has to a foil, but even he rarely counters Cole well. Michael Cole, if nothing else, is an excellent verbal debater and he completely dresses down his competition. Heenan was the same, but the difference was that he had Monsoon in the booth to take him to ask for it. Another factor is that Cole is the play by play man - he is, quite literally, the voice of the WWE. Heenan was just a heel who sat in the booth. It was Monsoon's job to call the action, to sell the product, to talk about advertisements and upcoming events and so on. Monsoon was the voice, not Heenan. What we have today is the voice of the WWE, the most dominant figure in commentary, shitting all over guys that are trying to get over. This is fundamentally different from what Heenan's role was, which was only to provide color commentary. The final thing is that Cole was never a wrestling character who had already garnered heat and the audience decidedly hated. Cole made a slow, subtle turn to the heel side. This is subtly different from Heenan. Heenan was a character that everyone hated. Cole isn't so much of a character, and because of his penetration into reality, his words have a different effect.

What it all boils down to is how heavily tipped the scales have become to Michael Cole's heel commentary. He dominates every aspect of the booth. He's more vehement than Heenan was, he gets more time to speak, he dominates his competition, he has the force of the play by play role, and he has more reality penetration. The net effect is that when Cole decides to tear something apart, he does so with remarkable success. And because no one ever takes real retribution on him (unlike Heenan, who was frequently taken to task in the ring) he can severely destroy someone's credibility with his actions. He definitely impeded the success of Daniel Bryan more than he helped him, and has done the same to others.
One of the thing that makes Cole so unbearable in people's minds, in my belief, is that he is the heel play-by-play guy. It's a lot different when the PRIMARY broadcaster is a massive heel, as opposed to the color guy.

I hate Cole's gimmick, I do. I hate that Vince constantly feeds him stuff. I hate that he ruins the matches because he's more focused on degrading a guy than doing the play-by-play. And that's what makes him the unbearable. Instead of stating what's happening in ring, he's too busy bagging on the person. If he was color, it would be at the appropriate times, rather than the entire time.

With that said, I don't believe Cole is a BAD announcer. I just think his gimmick has been taken way too far, and Vince feeds way too much too him.
I just don't like listening to him complain or talk about something irrelevant in the middle of a match. I actually resort to changing the channel or putting the show on mute. I liked him as a face much better, that way he didn't bury every wrestler that works their ass off to improve for the WWE.

As for Bobby Heenan, I see what you are trying to do there and I agree. Heenan was a great manager, but a shitty commentator. My opinion.
Two big differances between Cole & Heenan

1-Heenan was actually entertaining when he did it. Where Cole comes of as just overbearing & extremely annoying, there have been times where I literally had to hit the mute button during one of Coles rants, I've never had to do that with Heenan, in fact I tend to find myself occasionally laughing at some of the shit Heenan would say during commentary.

2-Heenan was a color commentator, where Cole is a play by play commentator. Coles constant ranting & verbal burial of wrestlers on commentary takes his focus away from what he's suppose to be doing, which is calling the play by play of the match, many times it feels like we don't have a single play by play guy on commentary, but instead have 3 guys trying to do color commentary, which just doesn't work. Somebody needs to call the play by play & add some insight into what's going on in the match. If they're going to insist on Cole continuing with this crap, then get rid of either King or Booker & bring in either JR or someone else that can do the play by play & then have Cole do his heel color commentary schtick.
There's a couple of differences to me. One is that Heenan wasn't half so aggressive about it as is Cole. Heenan would deride faces for their heroic actions or whatever it was the crowd was cheering, but he rarely completely dressed them down at every level. Cole, meanwhile, has done that to guys like Daniel Bryan, for example. When Cole got on Bryan's case back in the day (he's toned it down somewhat) he was vehement about destroying any shred of credibility that Daniel Bryan had. But this wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the other factor - there's no one mitigating Cole's influence. Jerry Lawler's a pathetic excuse for a color commentator who can do no more but half heartedly mumble "Oh, come on Cole" and make fat jokes. Josh Matthews is spineless and if he's not doing straight play-by-play he has almost no idea what he's doing in the booth. Booker T is the best thing Cole has to a foil, but even he rarely counters Cole well. Michael Cole, if nothing else, is an excellent verbal debater and he completely dresses down his competition. Heenan was the same, but the difference was that he had Monsoon in the booth to take him to ask for it. Another factor is that Cole is the play by play man - he is, quite literally, the voice of the WWE. Heenan was just a heel who sat in the booth. It was Monsoon's job to call the action, to sell the product, to talk about advertisements and upcoming events and so on. Monsoon was the voice, not Heenan. What we have today is the voice of the WWE, the most dominant figure in commentary, shitting all over guys that are trying to get over. This is fundamentally different from what Heenan's role was, which was only to provide color commentary. The final thing is that Cole was never a wrestling character who had already garnered heat and the audience decidedly hated. Cole made a slow, subtle turn to the heel side. This is subtly different from Heenan. Heenan was a character that everyone hated. Cole isn't so much of a character, and because of his penetration into reality, his words have a different effect.

What it all boils down to is how heavily tipped the scales have become to Michael Cole's heel commentary. He dominates every aspect of the booth. He's more vehement than Heenan was, he gets more time to speak, he dominates his competition, he has the force of the play by play role, and he has more reality penetration. The net effect is that when Cole decides to tear something apart, he does so with remarkable success. And because no one ever takes real retribution on him (unlike Heenan, who was frequently taken to task in the ring) he can severely destroy someone's credibility with his actions. He definitely impeded the success of Daniel Bryan more than he helped him, and has done the same to others.

I have to admit that you have a point with Jerry Lawler. In so many ways, Lawler makes matters worse because at the end of the day he's very bland to Michael Cole's contunious disrespect of almost every superstar on the roster. I say bland because he doesn't off-set Michael Cole whatsoever. Maybe if Lawler took more of a stance like he did when HE himself was somewhat like Michael Cole during the Attitude Era with Jim Ross, maybe things would be a bit different.

I always do the comparison of Bobby Heenan and Jesse Ventura because they didn't go out of their way to make a mockery of the superstars and let's be honest, there were honestly worse wrestlers (character wise that is) than there is now. To always find something wrong with Daniel Bryan, as example, is extremely disrespectful. Memo to Cole: Stop tearing apart somebody for something YOU yourself can't do. That's a hater and you're the biggest hater in WWE.

Ventura was a legit athlete. Heenan, while not a wrestler per-say, was certainly able to hold his own. Bobby would have never just totally disregarded Hogan or anyone else for that matter. I have no idea while Vince McMahon constantly allows this to happen. Nobody believes Cole anyway, but still, you can't have some commentator destroy your champion. It makes the whole product look foolish and honestly somewhat WCW-like.

So in short, I think people hate Michael Cole because people stand back & say, "what gives you the right?" He's taking it too far and it interrupts the even flow of the show & overall product. He's a problem because he doesn't seem to take what he does seriously and he comes off as if he's just another "whatever" critic like the rest. He's not appearing as a character, he just comes across as an overall prick and nobody likes that. His hatred is pure from the fans.
Bold move comparing Cole to Heenan, but I don't think you're too far off. There's a very thin line between hating a 'heel' and actually hating the person. In real life, Cole's probably a pretty good guy, but his persona on tv makes a lot of people (myself occassionaly included) hate him. However, there should be a heel announcer. It was getting a bit too soft around the edges when Lawler gradually turned face and was paired with good ol' JR. Nowadays, you have Cole playing an effective heel--though I do wonder where he's going to end up on the Daniel Bryan bandwagon once his heel turn fully materializes. Then you have Lawler who has become a beloved nostalgic face announcer and then you have others coming out of left field such as Booker T, which brings me to another point that the three man team can be better when properly executed.
Cole is wonderful at what he does.
It is not Cole that people hate, it is the character he portrays. But, isn't that the whole point of being a heel? If your a heel and people hate you, you are doing a damn good job. How many Heel Superstars in the WWE can you not stand right now? NONE!
Cole is an announcer, and he is playing a better heel then any wrestle right now!

Just think, we could have Mike Adamle back? :shrug:

Yeah, Cole is gold.
I personally think Cole doesnt talk about whats going on in the match. Its not only him though, its King also. They both talk about things that have nothing to do with the current match and dont help us get more interested in whats going on. I feel the match this past week between punk and bryan could have felt even more high profile if they were talking about things other then the match going on. He also buries alot of talent.

My biggest gripe with Cole is the fact that he picks and chooses who he likes and doesnt like. He is the heel commendator. He usually always is on the side of the heels in matches, yet everytime Cena or Orton are there, he becomes all face for them. He changes his attitude all the time. Its almost Bi-Polar like. He also yells into that mic so loud sometimes and whines that I dont like it.

I wish he would just call a match and not complain the whole time. Id like anyone else over him and King right now.
I used to complain about the King and his "Puppies!" and other rants. Cole isn't as annoying as everyone says he is, but he does neglect the action in the ring which is unforgivable for the play by play man.
Bobby Heenan was absolutely hysterical. He also had a mind for the business and ultimately put over the faces in every program he was in.

Michael Cole infuriates me because he just says the dumbest most illogical things possible and absolutely no one else behind the booth can shut him up.

The other thing that drives me crazy about Cole is that no one can beat him. When Stone Cold poured beer all over him the night after WrestleMania, instead of selling it as the most humiliating thing possible (like he should have) he went on and on about how it was a celebratory beer bath... he just does whatever he can to downplay the payoff of him getting what he deserves.

It's not just "heel" Cole I hate, he's never clicked with me.

No one will remember Cole as fondly as they do Heenan... Heenan knew where to stop, he knew when being a dick stopped being entertaining and started turning off the viewer, and that's a line Michael Cole doesn't know exists.
I loved cole, now they need to make him what he should be, nothing. He is good at wht he does and he shouldn't have a gimmick. If he does that and stops saying "I think he may be out cold" then i will go back to loving him.
This thread again number 1000

Cole is told to do what he is doing. Do you all not know that? I don't think you all do. Vince is even change the way he wants commentary done.
i dont like him because he is the play by play commentator for the worst broadcast announcers in history. He doesn't say a single move besides the finishers because he doesn't know them, and he is trying to be the color commentator half the time so he can't call the action. Thats why hennan wasn't bad. He was the color commentator. He added storys and oppinions to monsoons calling the action. And he also turns face when he is calling the action and getting into it. He also says the same stuff all the efing time. Im not talking about vintage only. He could call a second match between two wrestlers the same exact way.

Also he is trying to live up to one of if not the very best announcer of all time.
This thread again number 1000

Cole is told to do what he is doing. Do you all not know that? I don't think you all do. Vince is even change the way he wants commentary done.

Of course we know that. Its all written and scripted, but the gimmick has gone stale and i think they (creative) should turn him back to what he was.
I think Michael Cole is hated for several different reasons. For one, as previously mentioned, he's more concerned with burying guys and making fun of them instead of calling the matches. This is unacceptable from a play-by-play announcer. You can't even focus on the match or know what moves are being applied because all your hearing about is how much of a nerd Daniel Bryan is and other such bully-like criticisms. Also, I hate him just for the fact that he's J.R.'s replacement, my all-time favorite announcer. To have him sitting at home while we get Cole is a travesty, which makes me hate Cole even more.

Another big reason why people hate Cole is actually tough to put your finger on, but I think a lot of people feel this way, myself included, so I will try to put it into words. His heel character is just too inconsistent. One minute he can be burying Daniel Bryan to no end, and the next second he'll do an on-air commercial. "That Daniel Bryan is such a nerd Lawler, I can't believe you like him! Well, anyway, Raw is brought to you tonight by Skittles, Taste the Rainbow! And Castrol Motor Oil, don't settle for anything less! Anyway Lawler, like I was saying, that Bryan is such a nerd."

It just leaves you with a "what?" feeling. It just seems so forced coming from a dick-ish heel. At least when Lawler and other guys are heel announcers, they aren't just complete dicks- they add some wit and sarcasm. Cole is one-dimensional: bury, bury, bury.

I think the best example of Cole's inconsistency came just a few weeks ago when Ryder "broke" his back on Raw via a Kane attack. Minutes before he's being his usual dick self, then after the Kane attack, he has to switch into serious mode and announce the news that Ryder suffered a broken back...... What? There's that "what?" feeling again. It's just too much of a forced change. At least when color guys are heel commentators, they don't have to announce serious news like that, so they can just sit there being indifferent that a face just suffered an injury. But instead, Cole has to stop being a heel and try to act concerned.... How can you expect me to believe that you're concerned for the guy when all you do is talk about how shitty he is in the ring and as a human being in general? What? Give me a break.

Cole sucks.
I am just so sick and damn tired of michael cole. Period. He goes way to far off topic and he goes way to far when he buries people. He buries EVERYBODY except Cena and Orton. Every face except for those two get the Cole treatment. I dont mind King so much but I wish we had someone like JR to offset Cole then it wouldnt be so damn unbearable. But i also know that everything that comes out of his mouth he is told to say by Vince. Plain and simple. Vince wants some say in it all and that annoys me to no end. Get off your damn high horse vince and let cole be cole.
Cole doesn't just make quips of dislike, he actively tears down guys. Every now and then he makes the obligatory "not discrediting his talent" statement, but he usually is.

Not to mention that he's ludicrously overbearing. He doesn't let someone get a word in edgewise and will repeat his point for minutes, just driving in the point of how awful the person he's talking about is.

And he acts like it's foolish to care about the product half the time. I remember one time Matt Striker was explaining why the cobra was an effective move (heaven knows someone needed to) and Cole started repeatedly yelling "Who cares". When some many of the wrestlers are selling the hell out of that move, talking about how ridiculous it is makes no sense. people know it's not realistic. They need someone to help them suspend disbelief, not someone that will make them feel stupid for doing it.

i liked Cole well enough as a face play by play guy (though he still had his faults), but since the heel turn, I think he's dragged down the product.
Big difference between Cole and Heenan. Heenan was largely a Color Commentator. His job was to push the characters, especially the heels in a match while the play-by-play was trying to be neutral but often sided with the face since they played by the rules.
Cole is a play-by-play announcer. He's suppose to point out cheaters and get the talent over. Instead, he dumps on talent, especially the Divas division. It wouldn't be as bad if the person next to him was putting over the talent instead but Lawler isn't doing that (I don't watch Smackdown so I can't speak for that team).
Heenan was paid to be a heel and get under the skin of the viewers. Cole is suppose to be paid to tell a story and call the match. Now, he rarely does that instead routing for a certain talent in the ring or completely ignoring the match.
I think Cole will look back and be remembered in a decent light because he did his job as a heel but right now, he's burying talent and not helping anyone get over except himself.
Bobby Heenan was a comic genius. Please do not compare what Cole does to what Bobby did. Cole faults have been listed here thoroughly, in this thread and in several others...it's not him, obviously he is being told to do this, and that's the worst part of it. I don't hate him like you are supposed to hate a heel, I don't want to see him beat up or humiliated. I want him to tone it way down, or get out of the booth. I want them to stop wasting Wrestlemania, and Royal Rumble spots on him. Those belong to the talent and that's what the WWE should be selling. I don't believe anyone tunes into Raw, or buys a PPV in the hopes of seeing what Michael Cole is going to do, so all this focus on him is completely wasted.
Of course we know that. Its all written and scripted, but the gimmick has gone stale and i think they (creative) should turn him back to what he was.

No I don't believe that we all know that. Read some of the replies before and after yours.

The biggest difference between Heenan and Cole is that Heenan was given free reign over what he said and Cole is not. The Cole character is gold but Vince doesn't know when to back off. Eventually the heel has to be put in his place and Cole got away with way too much.
I think the biggest reason is that there is no one to put him in his place. He can go over the top if he wants but they need someone to put him back down when he does and they currently lack that

King was an ok heel announcer because he played well off JR. Once JR started making sporadic and eventually no appearances and King made the turn to a face announcer it didn't work as well. He and Cole have ok chemistry but it isn't that great chemistry that Monsoon/Heenan, JR/King or even Ventura/Vince&Monsoon had and when King stands up to him its just like "eh he tried"

On Smackdown he has Mathews who is a good play by play guy but is spineless and never stands up to him and Booker who does stand up to him but is more of a Tweener announcer than a solid face or heel and that sometimes leads to him agreeing with Cole.
The reason I can't stand Cole right now is not that he's a the heel or he's a dick its because he goes against the heel announcer formula regardless if Vince is in his ear. As we all know by now HHH has been doing some of the production duties when Vince needs a break for over the past year,so it's not all on Vince.

Now back to the formula, Cole=heel announcer,Daniel Bryan=heel wrestler. Why is Cole still talking shit about the guy,shouldn't he be kissing his ass like he does to Miz. That's going against the formula. That's what pisses people off now,when Bryan was face you could live with it a little but he's heel now and it makes people shake their heads because it comes off as this guy must really have it out for Bryan.
Not sure if serious.

Heenan didn't constantly divert from the action in the ring, Heenan played off the PBP guy, instead we have a PBP guy, who doesn't even call the damn match most of the time! Sure Cole can be "funny" but HOW does that get TALENT OVER?

The commentary in WWE today is in a sad sad state, most of the time they ignore whats going on in the ring, Booker T may even be the best right now! atleast he gets the talent over!

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