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Why Daniel Bryan Should Be WWE Champion


Getting Noticed By Management
Daniel Bryan needs to win clean at Summerslam. It's just that simple.

The consensus seems to be that Randy Orton will cash in and feud with Bryan and Cena for the next few months. I feel this is a HUGE mistake.

First of all, Orton cashing in WILL NOT get him heel heat. People cheer when the briefcase is cashed in. It's a rare thing to see live, so people naturally cheer when they get to see something not many live crowds will get to see. Orton will get a huge pop. Heck, even Miz, Del Rio and Swagger got a great reaction when they cashed in. So the theory that this is a great way to turn Orton heel is wrong.

Think back to how over CM Punk was in the Summer of 2011. They should have put the title on him and kept it on him for months. But instead they had Del Rio cash in at Summerslam and it convoluted the whole title picture. Punk beat Cena, then Del Rio beat Punk, then Cena beat Del Rio, then Del Rio beat Cena, then FINALLY Punk beat Del Rio. Three months down the drain.

Bryan should win clean. Cena shakes his hand, and passes him the title. THE END. NO HEEL CENA either. A lot of folks are waiting for a Cena heel turn and compare it to Hogan in 96. But they forget what a terrible decision that was. Hogan turning heel was a BAD MOVE. The NWO was over already. The Outsiders were cool. Hogan turning heel made him the focal point again. The same would happen with Cena. It would only prolong his time at the top. And it's time for a different face at the top of the ladder.

But most importantly, Bryan needs a long title reign because it would benefit EVERYONE.

Cena can feud with the Wyatts and make them relevant. The briefcase has made Orton relevant again for the first time in years, he SHOULD hold on to it as long as possible.

But the biggest beneficiaries from a Bryan Championship win, would be Miz, Barrett and Dolph. Three superstars who are currently directionless lost souls.

Miz and Barrett both have a history with Bryan. Miz was Bryan's "Pro" on season 1 of NXT. It would naturally eat at Miz that the once "must see champion" has now been eclipsed by Daniel Bryan. Bryan as champion could be the catalyst for a much needed Miz heel turn.

Wade Barrett meanwhile, was the leader of the original Nexus. The winner of the first season of NXT. He was supposed to be the breakout star of that group. But he wasn't. The storyline between the two practically writes itself.

As for Ziggler, I feel he's falling flat as a face. And needs to right his ship before it's too late. Him and Bryan feuding for the WWE title would be just what the doctor ordered. The World title has become too convoluted. Dolph should start fresh with a clean slate in a feud with Bryan.

And then there's potential dream matches between Bryan and Punk, and Bryan and RVD.

Naturally, Bryan retains the title against all of these men over the course of the next few months up until Wrestlemania time. At that point they can judge whether or not his run has been a success or not, and whether to put the title back on Cena or whomever.

As for Orton and the briefcase. If you REALLY want to get Orton nuclear heel heat using the briefcase, then there's only one scenario that would get that kind of a response from the crowd. At Wrestlemania, it's "Cena vs Undertaker: The title vs the streak". Undertaker wins. The streak is in tact, and the Undertaker is champion one last time. THEN Orton cashes in. If Orton were to piss away a 20 plus year tradition in a matter of seconds, he would be the most hated human being on the planet.

Of course, Taker would have to win somehow. Perhaps some old friends of Taker's interfere. HBK and HHH. They take offense to Orton's attempting to end the streak in such cheap fashion after so many before him busted their asses trying to do the same. So even though Orton wouldn't win, it would be such a sleazy move he'd get the kind of nuclear heat fans THINK he's going to get at Summerslam. The next night, Taker is forced to forfeit the title due to injuries suffered during Orton's attack. Title is vacant and is awarded to the winner of some sort of tournament.

Bottom line, for everyone's sake, I'm hoping for a long Daniel Bryan title reign. I don't want to see them mess this up the way they did in 2011 with Punk. It's Byan's time. They should strike while the iron is hot.
I completely agree with you! Another reason would be that Bryan is simply THE best thing going in wrestling right now. It's not even close. Bryan can have amazing matches with anybody and I feel the WWE needs a guy like that on top right now. The WWE is overrun with great in ring talent yet there is a lack of larger than life personalities. Bryan, Cena, Orton, Punk, Undertaker, etc all have their characters set in stone but there are many that are still developing their characters. The matches that Bryan can have with these people can get them, and their characters over to a wider audience and it can only help in the long run. Imagine if Bryan was The Wyatt Families next target. Fans would really care about this and they would tune in to see it. Think of the matches Bryan can have with Dean Ambrose and The Shield. There is huge potential everywhere that a guy like Cena can only tap to a certain extent.
When hogan turned heel, it built towards the biggest angle in wrestling history. Wrestling became mainstream very fast after that. Cena turning heels won't have the same affect as cena is not hogan and there are no other stars for him to feud with.

Brian will or won't get the belt. It won't matter towards ratings or programming. It's the off season anyway. Other Ethan a few Bryan marks, people won't tune in to see the champ. He is getting over, but not to a top level yet.
at first i wasnt sure about bryan i mostly agreed with peeps saying hes like the type of guy you might find working in your local convieniance store but he has proved hes not just another generic guy.also at first i thought the yes thing was stupid and tacky but hes made it huge almost completly phasing out the what chants which is a huge achievement in itself.but anyway yeah now agree hes easily one of the most entertaining guys on the roster and the most popular his time is definatly now.
I disagree about Orton being cheered. If done correctly there is no way that he won't be boo'd by about 95% of people in attendance whether it be at Summerslam or the night after. Lets say Bryan wins; Cena shakes his hand and is walking up the ramp, Orton attacks Cena then Bryan before cashing in the briefcase. Here, he has pissed off the Cena fans, the Bryan fans and has ruined a great moment in wrestling. Of course some people will cheer but if he cashes in on Bryan then it is a certainty people will boo him.

I understand that Bryan winning would be great. There is also the sense that they should cash in now before Bryan's popularity declines; however, an Orton/Cena/Bryan feud is something that is really intriguing. Those three could feud, with Orton as champ, up until Survivor Series without it getting stale. Even then, at WM30 we could still get Bryan winning the belt in what would be a fantastic WM moment. Can you imagine 90,000 screaming YES! after Bryan defeats heel Orton and finally wins the big one?

I'm not saying it is too soon for Bryan to win but they could wait until later on and make the moment even better. Orton would become a heel and get a WWE title reign. There is also the Vince dynamic and what he would bring to a partnership with Orton. Vince's current gimmick shouldn't wait a few months, he should be paired with Orton now. If it were up to me Cena wins at Summerslam and Orton cashes in the next night.

I understand there is the possibility that Bryan may become cold but if they really focus on Bryan being the indie wrestler who is not a "corporate" champion, him winning the belt at a later date - WM30 - would become even more spectacular and special. It has the potential to be one of the greatest Mania moments of all time simply because of him being the "underdog" and having such immense popularity.
I disagree that Orton cashing in on Daniel Bryan at Summerslam would not get him some heat. It worked for CM Punk after he did it to Jeff Hardy at Extreme Rules 2009 and going forward. It also sets up a 3-Way feud with Cena thrown in going into the Fall at NOC,HIAC,and even Survivor Series.

Also it could factor in Vince siding with a Heel Orton while Triple H sides with Cena & Bryan. It should be an interesting night at Summerslam.
I have to admit that I love the OP's idea for Orton attempting to cash in on The Undertaker at WM. That scenario (in my mind) is reminiscent of when CM Punk cashed in his second briefcase on Jeff Hardy. Punk, up until that point (if I remember correctly), was a face. Cashing in the briefcase mere seconds after Hardy won his first World Title instantly garnered heat on Punk. Even if the crowd initially popped for the cash-in, those cheers quickly turned to boos (at least with most of the WWE audience). Punk's cash-in also led to a great feud with Hardy for the title; culminating with a ladder match (if I remember correctly). Ultimately, that feud led to Hardy's departure from the WWE (which some didn't like, but that's a discussion for another time). That entire feud kept me entertained (mostly due to Punk's fantastic promo & in-ring work), and led to one of my favorite runs for Punk as a heel champion.

I agree that Bryan needs to beat Cena at SummerSlam this year. If he loses to Cena, all his momentum could easily run out of steam. The only thing I could see working (if Bryan loses) is if Bryan disappears from TV for at least a few weeks - possibly returning as a heel. I don't want that to happen, but I can't see another scenario that would save Bryan's character if he loses his title match against Cena.

As it's already been stated, the scenario that everyone seems to think will happen is that Bryan will beat Cena for the title; then Orton will cash in the briefcase, RKO Bryan, new champ. Bryan chases a new "Corporate" Orton for the belt, while Cena moves on to a feud with The Wyatt Family (or someone else that needs to be elevated), but Bryan ultimately beats Orton cleanly for the title (despite Vince's best efforts to "screw" Bryan). Bryan eventually gets a lengthy title run, and continues to get more and more "ruthless aggression" (to quote Vince) to keep the title. This isn't a terrible synopsis, but it seems über predictable...and worse yet, we've seen it before.

Predictability isn't always a bad thing, it's the rehashing of old storylines that would bother me the most. There has to be a way to get that storyline to work (Orton cashing in on Bryan at SS), without it being something the WWE fans have already seen. As it's been said many times before, sometimes logical wrestling plots will trump shock value. Shock for the sake of shock (without logic) is just as ridiculous as inserting Bryan, Cena & Orton into the same story that was told by the WWE in the past. I hope the WWE's booking staff will be able to tell a similar story with enough new tweaks to make it feel fresh. Whatever happens, I'm excited to see where this lands.
It wouldn't surprise me to see Cena beat Daniel Bryan at SummerSlam, but I would like to see Bryan win. We've seen enough of Cena beating guys with so much momentum going in, like Mark Henry and Ryback. Daniel Bryan has become more over than Cena lately and it would all go down the toilet if Cena beats him. Cena is shown to be just an absolute buzzkiller when it comes feuding with a rising star. It's time to pass the torch!
Can we look past Daniel Bryan's saving grace (his catchphrase and beard) and look into his longevity as, you know, a wrestler?

If you look at Bryan you realize that he's not over for his wrestling ability, the fact that was an Indy sensation or his trailblazing mic work. Bryan is not that great of a wrestler, his past is irrelevant to today's audience and his mic work is average at best.

The reason why Bryan is the hottest thing in wrestling today (which he is, I'm not denying that), is his catch phrase. The "Yes" chant is why Daniel Bryan is popular, mixed in with his look.

While the chant and the look are all dandy, people need to realize that chants die down and looks change. Sooner rather than later the "Yes" chant will become boring and less and less people will be chanting it. Things like this have an expiration date and we all know it. Eventually the "WHAT" chants just became annoying and the "You Suck" chants for Angle did as well.

However, what Angle and Austin had (which Bryan doesn't have a shred of) is longevity due to their talent. The chants associated with these fine individuals were a bonus. Something to compliment their persona. They weren't THE reason why they were popular.

Unlike Daniel Bryan. Now, is Daniel Bryan a good wrestler? Sure he is. Does he have some kind of a look to him? Sure he does. Except that he looks ridiculious with his shirt off. Hell, he looks ridiculious all the time. But it's a look.

However, does he really have what it takes to be a meaningful Champion for the WWE? That's what people want him to be. That's what he wants to be. If people want him to simply have the belt then go nuts, put the belt on him in any way you see fit. However, if you want a meaningful reign then don't put the belt on Daniel Bryan.

WWE has this impulsiveness these days. Same goes for the fans. People can't differentiate between a one-hit-wonder and a talent who's going to get on top and stay there for years. John Cena is a talent who can get on top and stay there. He's proved it time and time again and he didn't need no fancy wrestling background, a beard or a chant. Cena became who he became through his wrestling ability and his ability to get over with the fans in more ways than a three letter word.

Before you go off on me about saying Cena has wrestling ability, please browse through pro wrestling history and check out who the guy is that made the most money and impact for wrestling. Then check out guys like Austin, Scott Hall and Triple H who certainly didn't do anything special in the ring. Then check out how Essa Rios is doing. 'Member all the moves he did? Yeah, good times.

My point is that Daniel Bryan cannot possibly sustain a meaningful title reign only based on that catchphrase of his. Characters are not built around some hype that will fade away. Goldberg wasn't defined by the Goldberg chant, but Zack Ryder was defined by "Woo Woo Woo". So was Ryback with his "Feed Me More". WWE loves its catchy chants and all the people who had one eventually fizzled out. Daniel Bryan has the best one, that's why he's still hanging around. Not because he's that damn good, don't think even for a second his talent has much to do with his popularity. People were starting Ryder Revolutions and going insane for Zack and that guy has zero talent whatsoever. Remember Fandango? He's another catchphrase shooting guy whose song and catchphrase was more over than he was. Also talentless. Am I the only one seeing a pattern here?

Personally, I don't want to see him as the WWE Champion because that belt will show everyone just how good Daniel Bryan really is and it'll be a painful moment of clarity for a lot of people.

I'd much rather see people like Orton, Cena and Punk get the belt and run with it since they've actually proved they can be of use and have more to them than a freaking chant and a beard.

I'd love to see wrestlers get pushed because of their overall ability, not because of how convenient it is to hashtag their fucking catchphrase.
You seriously think that Daniel Bryan sucks as a wrestler? You are saying that he is only over due to his look with the beard and the catch phrase and not his wrestling ability? Well, if that's the case (which it's not, just a meaningless opinion) why do all the guys he's wrestled in the past (Punk, Regal, Jericho, McGuinness, Rollins, Cesaro, Kendrick, Sensation) and all ones that trained him (HBK) and all the outsiders watching just like us (Austin, Foley, Ross, Kane) have all been saying he's the top as far as best technical ability is concerned? They all give him credit for both his mic work and his wrestling ability. Fans would go to ROH shows, and NJPW shows just because Bryan Danielson was there. Whenever he'd show up as enhancement talent for the WWE he would get pops from the audience because they knew who he was and he made himself and his opponent look good in those "squash" matches he'd lose in. He didn't have a catch phrase or a gimmick, he was just the "American Dragon" back then...yet everyone loved him. He even got top of the list in the pros poll for the first season of NXT after they'd book him to lose just about every match in existence while in NXT. Then he gets fired, then the whole audience at live shows and TV would yell his name "Daniel Bryan" to the rooftops wanting him back. And this was after he was fired from the WWE and had gone back to the indies..what happened? he got rehired then got a push to be apart of Summerslam team WWE. They have him show off his ring skills by eliminating guys in that match by himself, making him look strong. He continues to put on solid matches, making guys look good like Sin Cara and the Miz..then they have him win the US title from the Miz, then he has an amazing feud with Ziggler (which he would win the battle of the mic promo each time) and they'd make him look strong against Ziggler and make him tap out at Bragging Rights. Then from there he goes and has an epic match at MITB 2011 and what does he do? He wins the briefcase and then everyone chants his name to the rooftops again after he wins..next night, has an epic promo about all of his injuries, heart felt and emotional, people are into it cheering for him. He finally wins the WHC and the crowd goes wild, then he becomes a heel and is highly effective engaging the audience and becoming very popular. He produces a catch phrase and becomes very very over with the crowd each show even as a heel..Then he starts having epic match after epic match, then they pair him with Kane and they win the tag titles all while having awesome comedic timing and great chemistry with Kane. Kids love him, adults love him, women think he's lumberjack sexay! The dude is on the level and he deserves to win the championship at Summerslam and carry the belt for a long period of time and become a multiple time champion. He is an everyman, people can relate to him, even the average guy who isn't popular and is lanky and skinny. that gives them hope so they cheer for Bryan just based upon that. He works hard, makes others look good and knows who he is and doesn't change for anyone. Tell me, how can you not be a fan of that? He is the best thing that has come around for a long time. People got into wrestling again....All due to Daniel Bryan. Hope he wins, you're the best......and whoever i'm replying to, you know nothing! Best technical wrestler in the world is Bryan....sorry you're jealous.

You're talking about a possible 5-6 month storyline going down the drain. Here's what I think should happen:

Summerslam: Cena beats Bryan CLEANLY

Night of Champions: Cena vs. Bryan in a 60 minute Ironman match. Time runs out and they are tied at 5 falls apiece. Vince comes down the ramp and raises Cena's hand. Cena retains the title do to it being a draw. Pretty much Vince makes it so there is no OT and thus, screws daniel bryan.

Hell in a Cell: Lets have Punk get involved in the story and make it a triple threat hell in a cell match between punk,bryan, and cena. Bryan finally wins the belt only to have Orton cash in on him and take the title away.

Survivor Series: I have no doubt that there will be a Traditional Survivor Series match between Triple H and Vince McMahon (where they both choose teams) for control of the company, which should include both punk and cena. That leaves Bryan as the no. 1 contender for ortons title. Orton cheats to keep the championship.

TLC: Punk beats Orton to win the title, while Bryan beats Cena to become the no. 1 contender.

Royal Rumble: Bryan beats punk via DQ. Punk keeps the belt. Bryan goes on to win the rumble later on.

EC: Punk retains WWE title.

WM30: Punk vs Bryan (special stipulation). Bryan finally wins the championship, and thus begins his long rein as champion.
I'd love to see wrestlers get pushed because of their overall ability, not because of how convenient it is to hashtag their fucking catchphrase.

Blah Blah Blah Blah, Blah Blah Blah.

Can someone who isn't a TNA Mark (HAHAHAHA OMGZ I SAID IT) have this wanker off? prove him wrong type-of-deal?

Basically, i'm drunk right as hell right now, but, I still muster the 'strength' to say this. WHAT WORKS, WORKS. IF A CATCHPHRASE WORKS, IT WORKS. IF MY FAVOURITE WRESTLER OF ALL TIME'S (actually 2nd favourite, next 2 Austin) FLIPPY MOVES/EFFORT WORKS, IT WORKS. (AJ Styles). IF A FITTIE OF A WRESTLER WORKS/GETS OVER


Jesus Christ. Perfect wrestling psychology=WHAT WORKS. As in, what gets over. What gets over with the crowd= Money in the wrestlers pocket.

That is why D-Bry is earning 6 figures and you are scraping by on your CLEANERS SALARY. Yeah, you just got owned, by a 5'8, unemployed jackass as myself. STOP ACTING SO SERIOUSLY, IT IS WRESTLING YOU PRICK.

D-bry for WWE Champ. HEHE MARK, I AM.

You're talking about a possible 5-6 month storyline going down the drain. Here's what I think should happen:

Summerslam: Cena beats Bryan CLEANLY

Night of Champions: Cena vs. Bryan in a 60 minute Ironman match. Time runs out and they are tied at 5 falls apiece. Vince comes down the ramp and raises Cena's hand. Cena retains the title do to it being a draw. Pretty much Vince makes it so there is no OT and thus, screws daniel bryan.

Hell in a Cell: Lets have Punk get involved in the story and make it a triple threat hell in a cell match between punk,bryan, and cena. Bryan finally wins the belt only to have Orton cash in on him and take the title away.

Survivor Series: I have no doubt that there will be a Traditional Survivor Series match between Triple H and Vince McMahon (where they both choose teams) for control of the company, which should include both punk and cena. That leaves Bryan as the no. 1 contender for ortons title. Orton cheats to keep the championship.

TLC: Punk beats Orton to win the title, while Bryan beats Cena to become the no. 1 contender.

Royal Rumble: Bryan beats punk via DQ. Punk keeps the belt. Bryan goes on to win the rumble later on.

EC: Punk retains WWE title.

WM30: Punk vs Bryan (special stipulation). Bryan finally wins the championship, and thus begins his long rein as champion.

Holy shit, only a CM Punk fan could try to find a way to tie Punk into a feud/title storyline that he has absolutely NOTHING to do with. You're outline sounds like one of the most rushed/idiotic things I have ever read.
I agree with a couple of the other people who said that Orton cashing in would get no heat. No matter if you think he's over for his ability, his beard, or his interjections Daniel Bryan is currently the hottest think in wrestling. If he were to beat Cena clean I believe the roof would come off of the Staples Center. Then have the Shield come out and attack him followed by Orton (who hired the Shield for the night) and he cashes in and wins and he would get major heat.

That being said Daniel Bryan in my opinion is what the IWC has been waiting for. He is hot right now because he is very entertaining on the mic and in the ring. You can tell he is passionate about wrestling because it shows in his work. He can be the face that moves Cena out of the top spot. Personally I am a Cena fan. Mostly because he loves what he does but because I believe the character he portrays is who he really is. But Cena needs someone to give him a break and I think DB is that man.
Daniel Bryan is an interesting story. I do think winning against John Cena and winning the WWE Championship would top his career since his string of victories over some of today's top names in the company has propelled him into very stable legitimacy. He's not just some goofy, bearded, catch-phrase spewing one-hit wonder. People do love his wrestling ability (see his matches with Dolph Ziggler and CM Punk for the reactions). It's just that his "YES!" gimmick combined with his look has overshadowed his wrestling and that's still a good thing because he's more over than he ever was before. People are still gonna remember him for his wrestling as much as his gimmick (the YES lock will continue to draw the YES chant from the audience). Even if the "YES!" gimmick does die down after a while, I have faith in Daniel Bryan. He's just a guy that's able to come up with something and take advantage of the opportunity. He's good at transitioning (see his slight tweak in character when he teams up with Kane, which ultimately leads to the current DB). Even the "YES" gimmick had spins on it. With that being said, winning at least one WWE Championship is a milestone for him and for us fans to hope for. He deserves it with the way he's been working this year.
Here is how I see summerslam and the future going down...

Summerslam- Orton cashes in BEFORE the match ends in a sneaky (first time ever cashed in during a match) . Cena has the STFU on Bryan for an extended period of time, Bryan refuses to quit but finally gets to ropes and rolls out. Insert Orton, RKO on Cena, 1,2,3 while Bryan is outside. We have a new CORPORATE champion. He has he look, the "ruthless aggression" that Vince has been wanting. He aligns himself with Vince, revealing it was Vince's idea to cash in. Really the only way to get true heat anymore these days, align with the boss.

We will spend the next period of time building to survivor series, where I agree it will be team HHH vs. Team Vinnie Mac. Comes down to Orton (Team Vince) vs. Bryan (Team HHH). Bryan beats Orton, making him literally the biggest face in the company (which he is already).

We spend the next PPV with Orton retaining in some lame, heel way that im sure will be a recycled storyline from years ago.

Royal Rumble- Bryan enters #1 and wins (eliminates Cena), goes on to beat Orton at WM 30.

As far as Cena, CM Punk, Sheamus, I see Cena/Taker at WM 30, and I see Sheamus (heel) in a feud with Punk ( both are kind of at a stalemate at this point in time, maybe Punk eliminates Sheamus at EC or something to start the feud)
I dont know what sentence is more wrong, that Orton would not get heel heat or that Bryan would stay relevant feuding with Miz and Barrett.

Orton would not get heel heat if cashes in on Cena. People would cheer for that because Cena gets that kind of mixed reaction in crowds. If he cashes in on most over face in WWE now aka Danyel Bryan moments after he gets his dream come true and beats Cena he would get insane amount of heat.

Miz and Barrett would benefit with feud with Bryan but for him it would be step down. He is mainevent guy right now and if he wins title he needs mainevent matches. Orton and Ryback maybe but Miz and barett no. He doesnt need it and would kill momentum he gets. Besides Miz and Ziggler are faces now, cant see them in feud with face Bryan now...
While I think Bryan winning the title, most likely not in a clean fashion, just to get robbed of the it seconds later by Orton (& maybe Mr. McMahon as well) is the most likely scenario we will see play out at Summerslam but I think you make some very valid points with this post.
Think back to how over CM Punk was in the Summer of 2011. They should have put the title on him and kept it on him for months. But instead they had Del Rio cash in at Summerslam and it convoluted the whole title picture. Punk beat Cena, then Del Rio beat Punk, then Cena beat Del Rio, then Del Rio beat Cena, then FINALLY Punk beat Del Rio. Three months down the drain.
This is very true. WWE completely wasted 3 months in 2011 by jumping the gun with Del Rio. The WWE Title picture was the best it was in some time (even with Cena in it!!!) & that cash-in with Del Rio & multiple quick & pointless title changes messed that up until Punk started his epic 434 day reign.

Though I don't see your point on how not having Orton cash-in but throwing several undeserving superstars in the WWE Title picture like Miz & Barrett wouldn't convalute things?

But I do think Bryan needs & desevers a lengthy title reign, I'm also skeptical about how much heat Randy would or wouldn't get if he cashed in on Bryan at Summerslam & I'm really big on the idea of seeing Bryan as champion defending against guys like Punk, RVD, Ziggler & Orton down the road. That would be a huge breathe of fresh air into a title picture that the vast majority of 2013 was dominated by Cena, Ryback & The Rock when he decided to show up.

Also I think one of the biggest reasons I agree with & like the idea of Orton holding onto the briefcase for awhile besides the fact that I want to see Bryan as a dominant champion is that I think Damien Sandow should cash in his briefcase ASAP!!! I am completely over Del Rio, especially in the World Title picture. He is good in the ring but he is very boring/repetative, I've never been that high on his mic skills which have just gotten even more on my nerves lately & frankly he is just a poor champion. Long reings or not, good matches or not, he just isn't entertaining as a World Champion. Plus like I said earlier, I agree with Ziggler moving onto the WWE Title. As well as the fact Sheamus is injured. So I can see maybe putting Big Show in the World Title picture when he returns to keep him busy after his possible match with The Shield but besides that I'd like to see a lot of new talent in the World Title picture like Sandow, Rhodes, The Shield, maybe even a Fandango or Big E.

So I am all for having Randy Orton remian Mr. MitB for awhile & having Daniel Bryan walk out of The Summer(slam) Of Bryan the Undisputed WWE Champion!
I can't see Bryan winning. His reign as face, reminds me a lot of how Jericho was during the Attitude Era -- he had crowd support to and even took it to the limit with WWF Champion HHH but they never let him have the big win until after Invasion

If anything, I wouldn't be surprised if he loses clean to Cena and end up beating somebody like Axel or Ambrose for the IC/US title
I'm a huge Daniel Bryan mark, and I feel like I've been waiting forever for him to carry the WWE championship.

I'm willing to admit that if they choose to prolong this saga by setting up a feud between Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton, they will be making a good decision from a business standpoint.

I would prefer to see Daniel Bryan carry the belt and put on epic matches against pretty much anybody. I think that Daniel Bryan can make anybody watchable, I also believe that he's willing to make anybody look good.

If Daniel Bryan is the hottest prospect in pro-wrestling, using him as an underdog for a little whole longer after SummerSlam would be a good way to keep making money off of the saga and make legitimate use of Randy Orton's MITB contract.

Daniel Bryan held it together after taking an 18 second loss to Shaemus, he can hold it together if he's only allowed to be the WWE champion for 18 seconds. He won't lose his edge, he'll keep putting on awesome matches and he'll get the belt back eventually.

Whatever happens happens, as long as he's used I'm happy.

Posted from Wrestlezone.com App for Android
My concern is that they do some double count out or draw ending where both guys wrestle each other, not giving up, until neither can stand anymore. And then Orton cashes in on Cena. It wouldn't be a worse case scenario, since Orton could still get some heat taking the easy victory after a classic and exhausting match. But it would just be too predictable. And it would continue the trend of Cena dropping the title without putting anyone over.

I'd really like to see Bryan defeat Cena clean. Ideally tapping out like Triple H at WrestleMania XX, but I just don't see it happening. Especially not after all of the "never give up for the Make a Wish kids" stuff on RAW this week. So the only other way Bryan can win clean is with a surprise rollup or something.

The last thing I want to see is Bryan's momentum zapped up after being fed to Cena and just fall down the card like another Ryback. They have an element of unpredictability for SummerSlam, which is a great thing. I just really don't want to see them waste it on the same old thing... which, unfortunately when it comes to Cena, is a very possible outcome.
There are just so many ways this could go that it is hard to predict. I could see anything from Cena winning clean to Triple H deciding to screw either Cena or Bryan.I could even see Del Rio losing the World Heavyweight Championship to Christian then Vince giving him a shot on the spot after the match because of the whole ruthless aggression thing.

For a while I was convinced that Bryan would win then Orton cashing in the MITB contract on him but now I think that would be too predictable.

I really want Daniel Bryan to beat Cena clean by making him tap or let him pass out if you don't want him to tap but knowing how they tend to book these things the obvious right way to go is usually not the way they go.
Why do I see the exact ending to Summerslam 2011 happening this sunday?
Where Cena loses due to the Ref "missing something" (by the way that was Triple H too)and then someone attacks Bryan and Orton cashes in.
Why do I see the exact ending to Summerslam 2011 happening this sunday?
Where Cena loses due to the Ref "missing something" (by the way that was Triple H too)and then someone attacks Bryan and Orton cashes in.

I see it slightly different. Personally, I think it will be a distraction/interference by someone like Brad Maddox or Vince that will ultimately lead to HHH inadvertently taking out Bryan letting Cena win. This will let Bryan become paranoid and think that every single person is against him. Even having a match between HHH and Bryan at a PPV which will allow Triple H to convert Bryan onto his team.

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