Getting Noticed By Management
Back at the draft, Cena was sent packing to Smackdown only to be drafted back to RAW by the end of the show. I'm going to lay out 4 reasons as to why Cena should have stayed on the blue brand. So here goes.

Extreme Rules became EXTREMELY predictable once we realized Cena was staying on RAW. Miz, Morrison, and Cena competed for the Raw title that night, while Del Rio and Christian fought for the vacant SD title. Christian was the only SD star out of the 5 competing that night. So it came as no surprise when he won the title, because if he hadn't SD would have been left without a champion seeing as how the 3 men competing for the WWE title were all from Raw. Extreme Rules was the most predictable ppv in a long time. All of it could have been avoided by keeping Cena on SD. Keeping Cena on SD would have meant that at least one SD guy would have been involved in each title match. Predictability has become a disease in WWE. The entire point of selling pay-per-views is unpredictability. What's going to happen, etc. Why buy a ppv when you know what's going to happen. One fact that can't be disputed, is that if fans truly don't know what's going to happen then they will tune in.

Cena and The Rock will meet at WrestleMania 28. Seems to me the best thing for this rivalry would have been for Cena to stay on SmackDown. Not only is it the brand that The Rock built, but he named the show. The term "SmackDown" is in the pop culture lexicon because of The Rock. It's also where Cena got his start before going to RAW. If Cena had stayed on Smackdown, he would have surely dominated the brand. When the road to Wrestlemania draws closer early next year, everyone will be appearing on both shows no matter which brand they belong to, including Rock and Cena. But until then, why not keep John on SD. What better way to insult The Rock than for to dominate the very show he built?

According WWE's own crack research team, Smackdown is the more kid-friendly of the two shows. It's taped, it airs on Friday's, and its been home to Rey Mysterio since, oh i dont know, forever. Basically, it's Cena's audience. Cena would be playing a home game every match on SD, whereas on most Raw nights he comes off as the visiting team. On SD, there would be no more Cena Sucks chants that we hear from the live, older RAW crowd. And even if those chants did follow Cena to SD, they could always be edited out seeing as how SD is taped. Unfortunately, me thinks Vince likes the mixed reaction Cena recieves. I don't. The "Let's go Cena...Cena sucks" chant is played. Soooooo played.

Part of the problem with the current incarnation of the brand split is that neither brand has differentiated itself from the other. Once upon a time, each show had a different feel to it. Orton and Cena may not be all that different from one another, but Cena's personality does match up better with SD. It's more kid-friendly, brighter colors, etc. RAW was the home of the attitude era, it's always going to have an edgier feel to it than SD. If for no other reason than that it's live. Randy is the edgier badass of the two characters, so why not let him stay that way on RAW while Cena takes his kiddie show to Friday Nights. That way each show has its own feel. Because on Smackdown Randy Orton is going to suffer the same fate Batista suffered. His badass character IS going to get watered down. Much like "The Animal", "The Viper" will be gettting neutered very soon. He's already smiling and shaking Christian's hand. That's not how anti-hero's behave.

The one thing I hate more than anything else about the current state of WWE, is that they do not shake things up enough. We typically see the same matches with the same participants and the same results. The best move to keep Cena fresh is not to necessarily turn him heel, but to give him new talent to challenge. Cena could have done wonders on SmackDown and give a kick start to that new generation that is emerging on SD in the likes of Cody Rhodes and others.
Extreme Rules became EXTREMELY predictable once we realized Cena was staying on RAW. Miz, Morrison, and Cena competed for the Raw title that night, while Del Rio and Christian fought for the vacant SD title. Christian was the only SD star out of the 5 competing that night. So it came as no surprise when he won the title, because if he hadn't SD would have been left without a champion seeing as how the 3 men competing for the WWE title were all from Raw. Extreme Rules was the most predictable ppv in a long time. All of it could have been avoided by keeping Cena on SD. Keeping Cena on SD would have meant that at least one SD guy would have been involved in each title match. Predictability has become a disease in WWE. The entire point of selling pay-per-views is unpredictability. What's going to happen, etc. Why buy a ppv when you know what's going to happen. One fact that can't be disputed, is that if fans truly don't know what's going to happen then they will tune in.

Extreme Rules is one pay per view. Changing the entire course of WWE programming for the sake of one ppv doesn't really make sense. A better solution would have been to hold the draft after Extreme Rules.

Cena and The Rock will meet at WrestleMania 28. Seems to me the best thing for this rivalry would have been for Cena to stay on SmackDown. Not only is it the brand that The Rock built, but he named the show. The term "SmackDown" is in the pop culture lexicon because of The Rock. It's also where Cena got his start before going to RAW. If Cena had stayed on Smackdown, he would have surely dominated the brand. When the road to Wrestlemania draws closer early next year, everyone will be appearing on both shows no matter which brand they belong to, including Rock and Cena. But until then, why not keep John on SD. What better way to insult The Rock than for to dominate the very show he built?

Cena vs. Rock is big enough already. Having Cena dominate Smackdown would not add anything. I don't think anyone cares that The Rock created the term Smackdown.

According WWE's own crack research team, Smackdown is the more kid-friendly of the two shows. It's taped, it airs on Friday's, and its been home to Rey Mysterio since, oh i dont know, forever. Basically, it's Cena's audience. Cena would be playing a home game every match on SD, whereas on most Raw nights he comes off as the visiting team. On SD, there would be no more Cena Sucks chants that we hear from the live, older RAW crowd. And even if those chants did follow Cena to SD, they could always be edited out seeing as how SD is taped. Unfortunately, me thinks Vince likes the mixed reaction Cena recieves. I don't. The "Let's go Cena...Cena sucks" chant is played. Soooooo played.

Smackdown is likely more popular with kids because of the Friday night time slot. Young adults usually have other things to do on Friday night besides stay in and watch wrestling. Kids don't. However, Smackdown is taped on Tuesday night and as much as WWE sometimes tries to convince us each show has a different audience they really don't. In the arena the audience is the same. Those who go to Raw one night will go to Smackdown next time WWE is in town.

Part of the problem with the current incarnation of the brand split is that neither brand has differentiated itself from the other. Once upon a time, each show had a different feel to it. Orton and Cena may not be all that different from one another, but Cena's personality does match up better with SD. It's more kid-friendly, brighter colors, etc. RAW was the home of the attitude era, it's always going to have an edgier feel to it than SD. If for no other reason than that it's live. Randy is the edgier badass of the two characters, so why not let him stay that way on RAW while Cena takes his kiddie show to Friday Nights. That way each show has its own feel. Because on Smackdown Randy Orton is going to suffer the same fate Batista suffered. His badass character IS going to get watered down. Much like "The Animal", "The Viper" will be gettting neutered very soon. He's already smiling and shaking Christian's hand. That's not how anti-hero's behave.

Again, the shows have the same audience. John Cena is the bigger star so he is on the bigger show. Simple as that.

The one thing I hate more than anything else about the current state of WWE, is that they do not shake things up enough. We typically see the same matches with the same participants and the same results. The best move to keep Cena fresh is not to necessarily turn him heel, but to give him new talent to challenge. Cena could have done wonders on SmackDown and give a kick start to that new generation that is emerging on SD in the likes of Cody Rhodes and others.

This is the type of comment I hate on this forum. You claim we see the same matches over and over. You think Cena needs fresh challengers. In the past year Cena has feuded with Wade Barrett, CM Punk, and all of Nexus. He's also feuded with The Miz and is now moving on to R Truth. How were these the same matches? A lot of people here are so used to complaining that there isn't anything fresh that they don't realize when fresh angles are developing right in front of them.
also remember that the whole draft thing had to be rushed due to edge's injury... yes it may have affected the outcomes of extreme rules because you knew that each brand would get a world title you knew that christian was going to win, but again I'll reiterate IT HAD TO BE RUSHED CAUSE EDGE HAD TO RETIRE!!!!! (ps the all caps thread is just stupid...)

Edge retired and thus the main event for extreme rules was in question... I'm sure original plan was to have Christian either turn on edge and allow Del Rio to win, or to turn on edge right after Edge won and thus challenge for the title himself.... With that idea out the window, and Vince's idea that Christian can not be the sole focus of a show, he had to shuffle the roster to get someone he felt was at that level onto it... It had to be rushed and thus came off slightly off, but overall not to bad..

I do agree though that it would have been interesting if Cena went to smackdown, but in reality it doesn't matter.. I enjoyed the mini swerve where he was drafted twice in one night... I thought it worked out well.
It makes more sense to me to keep the face of the company on the flagship show. Obviously they wanted him to be WWE Champion again and Orton the World champion. If he would of went to Smackdown and Orton stayed on Raw. They would have had to find a way to move the World title to Raw. It was a whole lot easier to move Orton to Smackdown and keep Cena on Raw.

Not mention when the Rock does appear on TV to build his feud with Cena. They wouldn't want him to be on Smackdown which is taped and risk spoilers. They'll keep Rock on Raw to help draw better ratings.
Extreme Rules is one pay per view. Changing the entire course of WWE programming for the sake of one ppv doesn't really make sense. A better solution would have been to hold the draft after Extreme Rules.

Cena vs. Rock is big enough already. Having Cena dominate Smackdown would not add anything. I don't think anyone cares that The Rock created the term Smackdown.

Smackdown is likely more popular with kids because of the Friday night time slot. Young adults usually have other things to do on Friday night besides stay in and watch wrestling. Kids don't. However, Smackdown is tapped on Tuesday night and as much as WWE sometimes tries to convince us each show has a different audience they really don't. In the arena the audience is the same. Those who go to Raw one night will go to Smackdown next time WWE is in town.

Again, the shows have the same audience. John Cena is the bigger star so he is on the bigger show. Simple as that.

This is the type of comment I hate on this forum. You claim we see the same matches over and over. You think Cena needs fresh challengers. In the past year Cena has feuded with Wade Barrett, CM Punk, and all of Nexus. He's also feuded with The Miz and is now moving on to R Truth. How were these the same matches? A lot of people here are so used to complaining that there isn't anything fresh that they don't realize when fresh angles are developing right in front of them.

QFT. Nothing in the original post remotely resembled reality.

Another thing to add re: The Rock...Raw is LIVE. Smackdown! is not. Raw is the show that everybody looks at the ratings. SD! is not. Why would you put Rock's fued on SD!? That'd be a complete waste of the biggest superstar in the history of the business.
Correct me if I am wrong but doesn't Vince want Smackdown to be the top brand? Moving Cena to Smackdown will surely help Smackdown if that is indeed the case.
Very little about the original post in this thread is based on actual reality.

As The Brain said, Extreme Rules was a single ppv and it makes no logical or realistic sense to alter WWE programming for the purose of making a single ppv "unpredictable". John Cena is the "face" of WWE. He's overall the biggest star in the company at this point in time so it makes sense keeping him on what it obviously the flaship show of WWE.

As for Cena vs. Rock, I fail to see how Cena being on SD! is going to further along the hype & build for their match at WM 28. Just because The Rock coined the term SmackDown? Who gives a shit. The "brand that The Rock built" statement is pure, 100% hyperbole. Raw is a show that airs live almost each week. The fact that fans can't go online beforehand and find out what happens on Raw can have some impact on the show's viewership. A live show has a different energy about it than a taped one. Potentially seeing Cena & Rock in the ring at the same time live simply has far more impact than going online and reading about the results of it happening on a taped show.

In terms of demographics, more people go out on Friday night than any other night of the week. People have been working all week, the weekend officially starts and they just want to go out to dinner or to the clubs or the movies in particular as the summer movie season has officially begun this month. Also, even though Cena is definitely a more family/kid friendly type of guy, the idea that kids alone make up "his audience" is just more of the tired, lame & one dimension PG crap that we've heard for so long. Evidently, most adult viewers don't have much of a problem with Cena as the IWC does or there'd be tons of viewers changing the channel on Raw during Cena's segments and matches. I honestly don't see why it's so difficult for the IWC to accept that it's very possible and likely that most of the adult viewers have little problem with an old school heroic face wrestler.

All this complaining about predictability is the same lame crap I've heard for so long. Basically, it sounds as if the OP wants the WWE to "shake things up" just for the sake of shaking them up. It doesn't matter if it makes any sense or not, just so long as it can be said that they didn't see something coming. If that's what you're into, then you'd be better off watching TNA. Vince Russo's booking style often reflects exactly that kind of nonsensical chaos.
Cena had nothing to gain by going to Smackdown. His presence was not really going to boost up the ratings for that show as it is a well known fact that Smackdown has lower ratings than Raw due to a variety of reasons and none of them have anything to do with the superstars involved with the brand.

With Cena on Smackdown, Raw would have only lost popularity. Orton is popular but he is surely not the draw Cena is. No one else currently on Raw is in Cena's league and I am sure that if Cena would have been drafted, Raw would have lost quite a bit of ratings.

Also there is the situation with The Rock. With Cena vs Rock set in stone for WrestleMania, there is a good chance that Rock would be appearing for a number of shows to confront Cena. It would be better if those confrontations happen on a live show rather than on a taped show.

Also, on the point of predictability, Cena on SD would have led to even more predictable feuds. Cena vs Sheamus has been done before, no one wants to see Cena vs Khali again and even Cena vs Christian has been done briefly in 2005. In contrast Cena will get to feud with guys like Del Rio and R-Truth on Raw, guys whom he has not feuded with before.
Correct me if I am wrong but doesn't Vince want Smackdown to be the top brand? Moving Cena to Smackdown will surely help Smackdown if that is indeed the case.

Thank you. Somebody gets it. Cena would certainly boost SD alot more than Orton would have. And RAW would feel a heluva lot more fresh without Cena dominating each week. These other people are completely missing the point. I think they've been drinking the kool-aid too long.
Extreme Rules is one pay per view. Changing the entire course of WWE programming for the sake of one ppv doesn't really make sense. A better solution would have been to hold the draft after Extreme Rules.

Extreme Rules was predictable. The fact that you'd defend a predictable ppv proves that some fans have, sadly, accepted mediocrity. I don't. Fans should never settle for less when something as simple as having Cena stay on SD could have fixed the whole thing. Putting on a predictable ppv is what doesn't make any sense

Smackdown is likely more popular with kids because of the Friday night time slot. Young adults usually have other things to do on Friday night besides stay in and watch wrestling. Kids don't. However, Smackdown is taped on Tuesday night and as much as WWE sometimes tries to convince us each show has a different audience they really don't. In the arena the audience is the same. Those who go to Raw one night will go to Smackdown next time WWE is in town.

This guy's agreeing with me and he doesn't even realize it. lol. You made my point for me. Smackdown IS more popular with kids because kids are more likely to be home on a Friday Night. Which is exactly why Cena is a better fit on Friday Nights.

As for other people saying Rock can't be on SD because it's taped. Rock shouldn't be on ANY television until the road to WM starts. Rock shouldnt be on RAW or SD, he should be saved for PPV'S. Quality. Not quantity. He should only appear on ppvs. Giving away Rock on free tv for the next year on either show isn't a good idea. And just because Cena would be on SD, doesn't mean he couldnt appear on RAW. They regularly have SD guys on RAW all the time.

Bottom line, Cena's done everything there is to do on RAW for the last 6 years. Those who say otherwise, have been drinking the kool-aid too much. A change would have done the product a world of good.
Heres what everyone is missing.

John Cena is the biggest name in professional wrestling at this point in time. He is the WWE. He eats, sleeps and shits WWE.

Raw is WWE's main programing. You may think that the people who watch Raw watch all other WWE programing but you are wrong. I know plenty of people who read the spoilers for Smackdown and never bother tuning in to watch the show. Raw is the flagship, Raw is the more established show, and with that being said the biggest star in the WWE needs to be on their biggest broadcast week end and week out.

Yes moving Cena to Smackdown would have given Smackdown a boost, but Orton and Cena need to be as far away from each other as possible if they are both going to be faces. They crowd and smother each other when they are on the same show. Orton should be good for Smackdown, although I do not agree with immediately giving him the title.
Also, on the point of predictability, Cena on SD would have led to even more predictable feuds. Cena vs Sheamus has been done before, no one wants to see Cena vs Khali again and even Cena vs Christian has been done briefly in 2005. In contrast Cena will get to feud with guys like Del Rio and R-Truth on Raw, guys whom he has not feuded with before.

A smarter and more creative way to see Cena vs Del Rio would have been to draft Cena to SD instead of drafting Del Rio to RAW. Raw had enough heels already. Miz, Swagger, Ziggler, Punk. Why add Del Rio? It makes a helluva lot more sense to move Cena to SD, a show in desperate need of a top babyface. Raw doesn't need another heel. But Smackdown sure as hell needs some top babyfaces.

Why move one of SD's few rising stars in Del Rio over to RAW. That's what they ALWAYS do. The moment a guy clicks on SD they ship him to RAW. Then they wonder why SD isn't as popular as RAW. Gee, I wonder why. Keep Del Rio on SD. MOVE CENA. He's the one that needed a change. NOT Del Rio. I can't believe there are some fans so willing to accept mediocrity. Whatever happened to "it's time to shake things up around here"?

Some of you folks on here are more over protective of Cena than Vince is. yikes. A change would do everyone good.
Yes moving Cena to Smackdown would have given Smackdown a boost, but Orton and Cena need to be as far away from each other as possible if they are both going to be faces. They crowd and smother each other when they are on the same show. Orton should be good for Smackdown, although I do not agree with immediately giving him the title.

Yes, Orton and Cena need to be on separate shows, that's why you keep Orton on RAW and move Cena to SD.

Orton's character wasn't the one that was getting stale. He had just gotten over with his Viper gimmick in the last year. He wasn't the one that needed the change. He was just getting started on RAW.

Look at the list of names of guys who have been moved in recent months: Ziggler, Orton, Del Rio, Barrett, Sheamus. Dolph and Del Rio were the future heels of SD. Orton had emerged as a top face on RAW. And Sheamus and Barrett broke out last year on RAW. All of these guys were fine where they were.

Instead of moving Del Rio and Swagger and all these other SD heels to RAW so that they can feud with Cena, why not just move Cena to SD to feud with them? Instead of moving 6 or 7 guys around to accomodate Cena, why not just move Cena himself?

When you have so many people switching brands so quickly, it waters the brand extension down. Del Rio just started on SD. Now he's RAW. When the brand extension first started, guys would stay with one show for years. Now they switch back and forth on a month to month basis. Cena's one of the few guys who actually did need a change.
Extreme Rules was predictable. The fact that you'd defend a predictable ppv proves that some fans have, sadly, accepted mediocrity. I don't. Fans should never settle for less when something as simple as having Cena stay on SD could have fixed the whole thing. Putting on a predictable ppv is what doesn't make any sense

I’ve got news for you. There’s nothing wrong with predictability. Most events are predictable yet still perfectly enjoyable. People always claim they hate predictability yet it’s when something unpredictable happens when most people complain. A lot of great matches have been predictable but they were still great matches.

This guy's agreeing with me and he doesn't even realize it. lol. You made my point for me. Smackdown IS more popular with kids because kids are more likely to be home on a Friday Night. Which is exactly why Cena is a better fit on Friday Nights.

Nice try, but I don’t agree with you. I am always well aware of what I’m typing. You said Cena should move to Smackdown because it’s more popular with kids and as a result he would get a more positive response from the crowd. I said the television audience is more kids but the arena crowds are the same as on Raw. Therefore the crowd reaction would not be any different. I can’t hear the kids screaming from their homes. I’m amazed that anyone really buys into this different audience crap. If, for example, Raw comes to Philadelphia in March it’s very likely next time WWE comes to town in August it will be for Smackdown. The same audience that attended Raw will attend Smackdown.

Bottom line, Cena's done everything there is to do on RAW for the last 6 years. Those who say otherwise, have been drinking the kool-aid too much. A change would have done the product a world of good.

A lot of the Smackdown roster came over to Raw so there’s plenty of opportunity for fresh matches. Who do you want Cena to work with on Smackdown that would be any better than Raw? I’m not the one drinking the kool aid. I’d say you are. You’re so conditioned to complain and demand something fresh that you completely ignore all Cena’s recent feuds against Sheamus, Barrett, Punk, Nexus, Miz, and now Truth. Those were all fresh feuds. The problem with fans like you is you think things are stale after a couple weeks. With 52 two (sometimes three) hour episodes and 13 pay per views a year it’s impossible to have new matches all the time.
A smarter and more creative way to see Cena vs Del Rio would have been to draft Cena to SD instead of drafting Del Rio to RAW. Raw had enough heels already. Miz, Swagger, Ziggler, Punk. Why add Del Rio? It makes a helluva lot more sense to move Cena to SD, a show in desperate need of a top babyface. Raw doesn't need another heel. But Smackdown sure as hell needs some top babyfaces.

Smackdown got a new babyface. His name is Randy Orton. Just now you said that you wanted him to be the top babyface on Raw. Well, if he can be the top babyface on Raw he can be one on Smackdown too.

Why move one of SD's few rising stars in Del Rio over to RAW. That's what they ALWAYS do. The moment a guy clicks on SD they ship him to RAW. Then they wonder why SD isn't as popular as RAW. Gee, I wonder why. Keep Del Rio on SD. MOVE CENA. He's the one that needed a change. NOT Del Rio. I can't believe there are some fans so willing to accept mediocrity. Whatever happened to "it's time to shake things up around here"?


Don't you realise that Smackdown is not meant to be as popular as Raw? It is supposed to be a B-Show and it has its part in WWE programming. If WWE wanted SD to do better they would have fought tooth and nail to get it a better timeslot firstly and then made it a live show. That would have helped SD. Unless you move Rock to that show and make him wrestle on a weekly basis, the ratings of that show are not going to improve.

And Cena needs a change? Why? Over the last year he has feuded with Batista, Barrett, Punk, Miz and now it looks as if he will go up against either Truth or Del Rio. He would have feuded with 6 guys over the course of 18 months. What more of a chnge do you need?

Some of you folks on here are more over protective of Cena than Vince is. yikes. A change would do everyone good.

In case you have not already understood, let me spell out some things for you. Moving Cena to SD does not help Cena, it does not help SD and it does not help Raw. It does not help SD because it's ratings are not going to improve unless and until it stops being a taped show and moves out of Friday nights.

It does not help Cena because he is the top draw and the audience should be seeing the top draw's feuds and matches live. His popularity will decrease if people get to know what he is doing via spoilers and not watch the show. Also he is supposed to be interacting with The Rock at certain points during this year. Do you want those interactions to be live or on a taped show?

And finally it does not help Raw which is supposed to be the A-Show and the major money making show of the company. Orton is popular but there is little proof that he is the draw Cena is. Moving the top draw away from your top show will affect the ratings adversely.

Orton's character wasn't the one that was getting stale. He had just gotten over with his Viper gimmick in the last year. He wasn't the one that needed the change. He was just getting started on RAW.

Wait...what? So you are obviously not in favor of moving Del Rio to Smackdown or even Ziggler for that matter and you want to keep Orton on Raw. That will give Orton Miz and Punk to feud with, whom he has already feuded with. R-Truth would have been a new feud but with the present scenario Orton can feud with Christian, Cody Rhodes and maybe even an up and coming Jinder Mahal. He did need a change.
Since Edge left Smackdown! due to his injury, SD! needs to have a baby face and a face of the show. Therefore, Randy is a good choice for SD!, John Cena is a good choice for Raw...
I remember listening to a PWT podcast with former WWE writer John Piermarini right before the draft. He was asked straight up if Cena had a chance to move and he said USA Network would never allow it. Vince couldn't make that move without getting angry calls from people that pay him money.
Yes, Orton and Cena need to be on separate shows, that's why you keep Orton on RAW and move Cena to SD.

Orton's character wasn't the one that was getting stale. He had just gotten over with his Viper gimmick in the last year. He wasn't the one that needed the change. He was just getting started on RAW.

Look at the list of names of guys who have been moved in recent months: Ziggler, Orton, Del Rio, Barrett, Sheamus. Dolph and Del Rio were the future heels of SD. Orton had emerged as a top face on RAW. And Sheamus and Barrett broke out last year on RAW. All of these guys were fine where they were.

Instead of moving Del Rio and Swagger and all these other SD heels to RAW so that they can feud with Cena, why not just move Cena to SD to feud with them? Instead of moving 6 or 7 guys around to accomodate Cena, why not just move Cena himself?

When you have so many people switching brands so quickly, it waters the brand extension down. Del Rio just started on SD. Now he's RAW. When the brand extension first started, guys would stay with one show for years. Now they switch back and forth on a month to month basis. Cena's one of the few guys who actually did need a change.

Orton's character wasn't getting stale? Are we watching the same shows? Orton is/has/and will always be a terrible face. He's better suited to be a heel character. His entire move set is that of a heel. The Viper character works better as a heel. If hes to be this big snake, snakes are usually evil, vial, slithering, bad creatures. Orton has the look of a great heel. He's a terrible face.

Yes moving Cena to Smackdown would of been easier to feud him with those people on Smackdown, but those people on Smackdown that were moved to Raw benefit because they get put on WWE Flagship Show. They gain more exposure being on RAW, because as we all know MORE PEOPLE WATCH RAW. Putting your tested talent from Smackdown on RAW so they get more exposure is brilliant. While moving the established talent from RAW to Smackdown only helps Smackdown because you get bigger names on that brand.
Orton's character wasn't getting stale? Are we watching the same shows? Orton is/has/and will always be a terrible face. He's better suited to be a heel character. His entire move set is that of a heel. The Viper character works better as a heel. If hes to be this big snake, snakes are usually evil, vial, slithering, bad creatures. Orton has the look of a great heel. He's a terrible face.

I agree. You're making my point for me. Orton IS a terrible face. Thats why Cena should have been moved to SD instead of Orton.

Besides, SMACKDOWN's ratings have been in the toilet lately. They're approaching TNA level numbers. Cena being moved to SMACKDOWN at the draft could have saved a sinking ship. And his departure from RAW wouldn't have had a negative effect on RAW's ratings at all. RAW is the flagship show and has always had steady to very good ratings. RAW doesn't need Cena right now. SMACKDOWN needed him a lot more.

Imagine if it were Cena vs Christian right now instead of Orton vs Christian. Christian's getting the same mixed reaction from the crowd that Cena gets, only reversed. He has the males chanting "lets go Christian" while the kids and females chant "Christian sucks". Its the same chant that Cena gets only with the demographics reversed. Cena and Christian are a better fit than Christian/Orton. Cena epotimizes everything Christian fans don't like. Christian is the anti-Cena. Naturally, he should be feuding with Cena right now. Not Orton. Plus, Christian and Cena were on the verge of something big a few years back just before Christian left for TNA. This Christian/Orton feud should have been Christian/Cena. Orton is effectively playing Cenas role on SMACKDOWN and theres no need for it. Putting Orton, the second fiddle babyface, on the second fiddle show doesn't make SMACKDOWN look any better. It only draws more attention to the fact that SMACKDOWN is the B show, since it has the B babyface.

Bottom line, Cena should have gone to SMACKDOWN. Even if only for a few months. Oh well.
come on really Smackdown. I would agree with you if a couple things happened

1- Goes back to Thursday Nights and get rid of that crap TNA or iMPACT

2- have established heels for him to work with

3- have the secondary title relevant and bring the interest away from cena

4-MUST MUST bring back the cruiserweight title and division (i would go crazy when the cruiserweights came out because they were so entertaining) - (hopefully with Sin Cara they can incorporate a once prestigious title and get the last winner someone other that Hornswoggle)
Cena is this Era's Austin? Correct. Rock played backup to Austin? Right again.

When they did the brand split, who went where? Hmm.. The face of the company stayed on the A-LIST show, and the backup went to the B-show.
Fast forward to 2011 and what happened? The same thing! Now you're complaining about it? Cena has had some great new feuds over this past 12 months, and I've personally enjoyed them. Now you may have to come down from your high horse and join the rest of us.
First of all, arguing with The Brain won't get you far, I know, I tried.
Second, never in a million years would the WWE sponsors allow the money maker to go to Smackdown. You said it already, Smackdown is the more Kid Friendly show. Well if that's true, then why take the reason kids watch RAW off of RAW? Would that not hurt the show? Your logic is flawed there a bit..
Cena and Orton splitting was a good idea, since people were bitching we always saw Cena/Orton. Well now Cena/Miz, and Cena/Truth is going on, and you complain about THAT?? Would you rather see Miz/Orton? Truth/Orton? No thanks. With their history, Cena is the perfect fit for a R-Truth feud.
I disagree with the bulk of your post, but the only thing I really want to comment on is Randy Orton. Orton may have used to be the edgy one, but the days of RKOing his own grandma are behind him. Truth is he's become much more of a conventional babyface now and, while not quite as face as Cena, he's still very much a favorite with the children. It's really only a matter of time, in my opinion at least, before the adult fans start to turn on him much in the same way they turned on Cena.

Either way, I think Orton is a perfect fit for Smackdown. I don't think he has what it takes to be the top face on Raw yet, but he's more than ready to be the top face on the blue brand.
My thing is Smackdown has a very thin talent pool. They always make use of what they have, but there's no clear number two face. John Cena or Randy could have easily fit number one and two roles but I guess Vince thought differently.

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