Why Cena is still the #1 guy in the eyes of the company and the fans


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Everybody on the internet complains whenever Cena is put over someone when he does not really need the victory. However, whether the internet likes it or not, Cena is more over with the crowd than any other superstar with the exception of maybe Daniel Bryan.

He has recently been paired with Ambrose in Tag Team matches and I've noticed that the crowds are always more interested in Cena than they are in Ambrose. You'll likely hear "Let's Go Cena/ Cena Sucks", but it's odd hearing that when Ambrose is starting the match. But it does suggest to me that people either like Cena more than Ambrose, wanting him in the ring instead. Or they hate Cena more than they like Ambrose. I remember Reigns, who seemed more over than Ambrose at the time, doing a promo and mentioning Cena. Immediately fans began the iconic Cena chants (although I think the emphasis was on 'Cena sucks'), causing Reigns to say something like "When Roman Reigns is in the house, you're damn right Cena sucks".

So people might not be thrilled whenever Cena takes the spotlight, but it almost seems understandable when he gets the biggest reactions- positive or negative. Oddly, the only person whom I think gets such a strong reaction is Rusev. The "USA" chants tend to be done to spite him more than anything. When Big Show/Henry were fighting the Wyatts, the crowd seemed mild until Rusev came out and stole the show by just standing there.
Not everyone on the internet complains about John Cena nor do they hate him. Most people don't actually hate any wrestlers unless they know them personally. It's very hard to "hate" someone you don't know. I think they dislike the Cena character and there are reasons behind it.

While Cena might be the face of the WWE, I would like to see someone else take over. That's not a knock against Cena, that's just a cry for some freshness. When you see the belt go between two guys for so long it's boring, and let's face it Cena is the go to guy. Whenever creative can't come up with a new angle or it seems Vince gets scared Cena might get forgotten, boom, he wins another title, again.

Now arguably he's one of the best in the ring, but he's been in the same rut now for a long time. While other wrestlers have outright changed their gimmicks, or modified them, Cena has always remained the same., and his fan base love it. I find him stale no matter who they put him with. As for the Let's go Cena/Cena sucks chants, that will happen whenever he's in the ring. You see it on TV and at live shows.

Cena is what 37 now, he's not getting any younger, and he can't keep going at the pace he is. Even though his heart is willing, at some point in time his body is going to start to give out on him. I see reports all the time that he works through injuries that would sideline other wrestlers. Look what happened to Reigns when he tried to work through the hernia.

The WWE would be well and truly screwed right now if Cena went down with something or required surgery, and it would be their own fault. When you rely on one person to carry your company that's added pressure to stay healthily, in a business that at any point in time you could get hurt. And Cena does carry that company both in the ring and merchandise sales. They won't let that go anytime soon.

And I disagree with you on Rusev. He himself gets barely any reaction at all, it's Lana who generates the heat. I would like to see him come out on his own just once to see the reaction of the fans, but they won't do that, because if you look at the crowd, they are dead when he talks. The only think Rusev can carry is a flag.
So people might not be thrilled whenever Cena takes the spotlight, but it almost seems understandable when he gets the biggest reactions- positive or negative.

I'd again like to bring up a poll taken in the 1970's. Someone was trying to identify the "most liked" and "most hated" TV broadcasters. The result was significant: Howard Cosell won both polls.

I read in his autobiography that Cosell himself was thrilled, understanding the meaning of impact in his chosen profession....and who held it. You're truly reaching your target audience when you're inspiring a strong reaction, under the theory that there's nothing worse than getting no reaction at all.

That John Cena is the #1 performer in WWE is unquestionable and I was amused when people were asking a year ago "Is CM Punk bigger than John Cena?" because the powers-that-be in WWE probably laughed it off....hell, Punk probably laughed it off, too. You might have liked Punk better, but that's a hell of a lot different than designating him a bigger force than Cena.

Fine, so today it's fashionable to boo Cena in the arenas. Big deal, he knows he's in the driver's seat as long as people are reacting to him strongly.....one way or the other. If you think Cena is bothered by the boos, think again.

When there are multiple people fighting for the top spot in a sports entertainment organization, each one of them will have their supporters, but when one performer stands head & heels above the rest, some folks are going to get "sick" of him/her and turn away. Don't think Hulk Hogan, the Rock, Steve Austin.....and probably even Bruno Sammartino....didn't have their detractors, too......these good folks were well above the rest of the crowd in their time......and that's where John Cena is today.
This is an uneducated guess, but my guess is that the people booing Cena are the people who will watch WWE no matter what. After all, they hate the top guy and still bought tickets to the event he's headlining. And it's not like WWE is offering up a can't-be-missed experience right now. And the people who cheer Cena are probably the people who won't watch if Cena isn't there. If that's true, then it just makes sense for WWE to ignore the Cena haters and every now and then throw a joke to them.
Fine, so today it's fashionable to boo Cena in the arenas. Big deal, he knows he's in the driver's seat as long as people are reacting to him strongly.....one way or the other. If you think Cena is bothered by the boos, think again.

Oh, I don't doubt he was bothered by it at some point when the boos started to grow louder. You're the top babyface in the company and you come out to varying levels of boos every week - how would you feel? 'Course, it never really mattered to the 'E once they realized Cena still sold shitloads of merch every week. :icon_lol:

The IWC can pine for more talented guys to "take Cena's spot" all they want, but unless those guys can generate half the coins Cena does, he's not going anywhere.
It's because the WWE has so much invested in him. And part of him not wanting to lose his spot, whenever he has a serious injury he always seems to be back a lot sooner then expected, and he has creative control over his character which is why he will never go heel. Other then that, he has the Look, sells the most merch, all the kids love him, hes perfect for the PG era.

Hes had luck too. Hes the top face but whenever Punk or Byran become Top face something happens. Like they made punk heel again so it wouldnt disrupt Cena as top Face. Then when Bryan becomes top face and champion he gets injured so who is always next line, Cena.
John Cena is Vince's money maker, John brings in a lot of money for the company and the majority of the fans love him. There are many injuries right now and that is keeping John on top, he is always there. The future I can see Daniel Bryan or Roman Reigns being the face of the company but first let John get a couple more titles to pass Rick Flair and Vince will let someone else take over the top spot.

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