Why can't they just make it right?!?!?!?


Occasional Pre-Show
I'm on my rant today reading that Sting won't wrestle at Summerslam. I know he's old and can't go much longer but geez WWE, use the man. You have him at your disposal one who can deliver epic promos, use mind games against your opponent and even though old probably still in better shape than Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan when they last fought, and WWE is screwing up big time. He could've won. He could've been one of the few older guys who can still get in your head and use it as an advantage to win.

I was excited to hear the possibility of Sting either being at BG or appearing in time for Summerslam even though I hated the match they were going to give him. (If any, it shoulda been just him vs Wyatt. reigns vs Wyatt was a boring feud and I really am not liking it at all). But at least I was excited.

So why don't you give the people what they want? I've been on these WZ forums for like over five years and the ones who complain that sting shouldn't wrestle again are usually the ones who complain when he doesn't get that opportunity. So bring Sting back again for another round with Triple H. I feel both stephenie and HHH mellowed out from being heel bosses (honestly since wm 31) until RAW when Stephanie didn't give the wwe universe what they want. I saw a heel side again. Sting could come back, haunt HHH down, warn he'd return, and sting get the win over HHH.

Or give him Rollins in a non-title. Let sting win and allow that to be the way of doing a Rollins/HHH feud. That HHH is sick and tired of his champ losing or being helped out to win every single time. Then you can place at NoC or hiac or survivor series a match between Rollins and HHH and allow Rollins to win clean for his first of one of the few times ever since being champ. I know there is him vs cena but cena apparently has been advised to not compete due to his nose even though he will.
I gotta be honest. I agree with the theme of this post. When I heard Sting was getting involved, I was hoping for Sting v. Undertaker at Summerslam, so that Cena could retire Taker at WrestleMania. As it stands now, there just isn't room for Sting v. Taker anymore.
I'm not exactly sure how much should be invested in dirt sheet reports but there is a story circulating the news sites claiming Sting was just recently nixed from the SummerSlam planning process. The reports claim Sting had been working extremely hard in the gym and is in tremendous shape. There were hopes his fame would protect Reigns from the harsh Brooklyn crowd. For whatever reason creative was told to drop the program.

I for one don't exactly buy needing Sting to protect Reigns. He doesn't need protecting at this stage in the game as the circumstances are completely different than earlier this year. If Sting is not going to be involved at the actual SummerSlam event I hope the hold off is due to needing him as the company looks towards the Fall season. I wouldn't mind seeing Sting involved with WWE WHC Seth Rollins in a two month filler program. Rollins will need a quality name foe following fueds with Orton, Ambrose, Brock and Cena.
I agree that Reigns doesn't need his reputation protected. Either he will be hated or loved but it's a different story with Reigns since RR. Sting also doesn't need to "share" a win to get his win. He needs a singles match and if they aren't going to use Wyatt or Undertaker with him then HHH was the only choice I can see, maybe Rollins if Cena gets scrapped due to needing reconstructive nose surgery. OR as I've mentioned in a different thread, bring back the one guy he never faced in WCW, Chris Jericho.
I don't remember any epic Sting promos and being in better shape than Hogan or Flair in their last matches isn't necessarily a great thing but that is besides the point.

It is possible that they want to save Sting for another event when guys like UT and Lesnar are not there to draw. It makes sense but is just speculation. It is also possible that they see Sting as having more of an impact by being unadvertised and rumored as opposed to booked in a match. Maybe they would rather he do a run in at the event or something. I don't know, I see money in Sting too but maybe he just doesn't fit in WWE's shitty plans. It is hard to say as the dirt sheets don't seem to have a clue either. Who knows if Vince has a clue what he wants to do with the guy or what Sting is willing to do?
Yeah i totally agree, you Sting. you have your 2nd biggest ppv of the year. you have 4 hours to kill. USE THE MAN. honestly outside of undertaker, reigns and wyatt. Who cares ho Sting feuds with. Let him face any heel even HHH in round 2 and everyone would be excited about it. let him beat a midcard heel to gain them a little credibility. JUST USE HIM!!
I'm honestly ok with Sting being left off the show. Sting is one of those characters the WWE should use only if the right story comes along. I don't see how anything would tie in the Roman Reigns and Bray Wyatt feud. Why would sting get involved? Why would Sting feel the need to stand beside Roman? Why would Sting even care really? They haven't shown any type of relationship between Sting and Roman. If they used him in that match it would just feel forced and I for one don't want to see that. If they use Sting, make it something memorable and not a quick one off match.
A few points

HHH should have defeated Sting - HHH has been putting alot of guys over and needed a big opponent to get him some credibility back and Sting was a good opponent to do so against, they had a fun match at Mania and HHH getting to look stronger to benefit they next guy he puts over, possibly Rollins or Reigns

I disagree that Reigns Wyatt has been boring, I think its the best feud they have going because they have two young guys in an interest creative story with no clear winner

Sting should not have teamed with Reigns. Ambrose is a much better partner for Reigns due to their history with each other and his with both Wyatt and Harper. Sting has no history with any and putting him in the feud just wouldnt make sense.

Why do fans always want legends to return. This is coming from a younger fan who knows Sting from TNA and not WCW (I do know the history I am just too young to have watched it) but I really do not enjoy these nostalgia acts constantly appearing on WWE TV or PPV's. It gets them a nice pop and some fans mark out at seeing their hero's back but they are all older and in significantly worse physical shape in most cases and can never live up to the work that made they considered a legend. Whether it is Hulk, Sting, Flair, Hart, Jericho, NAO or many more its time they take a backseat to the new generation and its time WWE stops living off the past and starts putting focus on what they currently have. Now many will disagree but as a fan older than WWE's target audience who doesn't like the overuse of nostalgia I can only wonder how the 10-16 yo think about them when they never saw them wrestle before
Cena being out for an extended period changes things... a leftfield choice might be Sting (jobbing) challenging Rollins for the title. Sure it'd be another loss but it'd be a title match and might help elevate Rollins... the reality is though Super Cena will make sure he jobs... so Ambrose gets it on RAW, so Reigns turns on him at SS.

As for Sting, he's 56... his value is VERY limited. But as a hot shot title contender to lose, best he's ever gonna get from the E.
He's mostly there for promotional reasons and they can use him to promote the product, make appearances and whatnot... He doesn't need to wrestle. He's going to be in video games, he's going to have new action figures, make comic-con appearances. That's why he's there, once in a while he'll come out for a match but very rarely. Next time he should compete is WrestleMania, if they have a story in place and a worthy opponent. Everyone's all tied up right now there's no one for him to face. Wyatt and Reigns are still feuding whether people like the feud or not. Sting being thrown in there for a 6 man tag is absolutely ridiculous.. Sting vs. Triple H was a good idea, even though the story wasn't great, it was an intriguing match.. Sting vs. Taker is not as intriguing as it would of been 15 year's ago, but still some fans want to see it. SummerSlam isn't the best time for Sting to have a match.
Sting should be on the cards. Because like someone above has mentioned, Summerslam is going to be 4 hours this year. And we need some power backup to get the crowd going. With Ryback out with injury, the IC title probably won't be on the line, so does the United States Title. The recognisable matches are going to be The MainEvent, Cesaro vs Owens, Reigns vs the Wyatt family and maybe a Divas action. Apart from that we don't have enough matches to fill up the 4 hour length show. Sting can really attract a great crowd with his Charismatic promos and mind games. We undoubtedly needs him in the Match card.

Really in order to use him properly and make it work he should already have been seen in some shape or form. We haven't seen him since Mania, and right now I can't think of a feud that he could get involved in.

It was perfect before because he was Anti-Authority, and it worked, well up until they decided to make it about WCW/WWE. That was a mess.

But what is going on right now that he could be a part of? I still don't get the Reigns/Wyatt feud. Now Harper is back and Ambrose will most likely get involved, Sting would have been the odd man out.

I assume they'll find a way to use him on the run up to Mania, but SS is only a few weeks away, not enough time to put him in. Oh and Ryback should be back in time. I thought he was only going to be out for a week or so.

And where is Roman Reigns? He's disappeared as well.
I don't think it's a case of the WWE not wanting to use Sting, I think it's that they want to bring him back at the right time and give him a proper build up. I also think it would be waste to have him get involved Reigns vs Wyatt feud whom he has no connection with in a mid card filler at Summerslam. I think the reason they have had Sting appear so sporadically is that they don't want him to lose his novelty.
Really in order to use him properly and make it work he should already have been seen in some shape or form. We haven't seen him since Mania, and right now I can't think of a feud that he could get involved in.

It was perfect before because he was Anti-Authority, and it worked, well up until they decided to make it about WCW/WWE. That was a mess.

But what is going on right now that he could be a part of? I still don't get the Reigns/Wyatt feud. Now Harper is back and Ambrose will most likely get involved, Sting would have been the odd man out.

I assume they'll find a way to use him on the run up to Mania, but SS is only a few weeks away, not enough time to put him in. Oh and Ryback should be back in time. I thought he was only going to be out for a week or so.

And where is Roman Reigns? He's disappeared as well.

I'm wondering about this as well. There's been no mention of why he wasn't on Raw or Smackdown. Is he hurt? Did he have the week off?

As far as Sting, I agree that there just doesn't seem to be a place for him on the card at this time.
I'm honestly ok with Sting being left off the show. Sting is one of those characters the WWE should use only if the right story comes along. I don't see how anything would tie in the Roman Reigns and Bray Wyatt feud. Why would sting get involved? Why would Sting feel the need to stand beside Roman? Why would Sting even care really? They haven't shown any type of relationship between Sting and Roman. If they used him in that match it would just feel forced and I for one don't want to see that. If they use Sting, make it something memorable and not a quick one off match.

Right! The only thing I could see is if Reigns and Ambrose lose their match against Bray and Harper due to interference from the new 3rd member and Sting comes out and saves the day since he's "The Vigilante".

Sting could wrestle at NoC in a six man tag match, making NoC a big deal like how Brock did for Battleground this year when he wrestled on the card.
At this point the feud it would make the most sense for Sting to be involved in is Reigns/Ambrose vs. Wyatt/Harper, but for that to work the Wyatt Family needs a new member or you have to do an injury angle with Ambrose. Having Wyatt and Harper take out Ambrose as a means of fucking with Reigns would work really well. Reigns would look for payback, but would be outnumbered until Sting comes to make the save. Simple but effective setup. Plus then when you bring back Ambrose he has a storyline and he can go after Wyatt for revenge. I do however think that involving Sting at SummerSlam isn't entirely necessary as Lesnar/Taker is already a huge draw and adding Sting isn't gonna make a big difference. Using Sting on an other show could benefit that show a lot more than it would benefit SummerSlam. Survivor Series seems like the best time to bring back Sting. It's the event where he originally first appeared in the WWE, and you could book him in a classic 5 on 5 tag-team match which would prevent him from being too exposed for his age and limitations.
I can't help but notice that undertaker is wrestling his first ppv other then mania in years and sting just happens to be in the area for summerslam.sting may not be having a match which is a shame but I do suspect that sting and taker will end up face to face at some point that night hopefully setting something up which is good enough for me for now.
Well holy crap man, give Sting time to rest ! He JUST fought at Wrestlemania vs HHH. The guy must still be breathing heavy from that match. Plus, he needs to spend more time with his family. They work him way too hard.
Just as with WrestleMania, I'm just not all that interested in seeing Sting at SummerSlam; I'm probably in the minority on that but them's the breaks.

He's 56 years old, we've had the novelty of seeing Sting wrestle in a WWE ring, we've seen the novelty of the biggest American wrestling star of the past 40 years to have never wrestled in WWE wrestle at WrestleMania, we got the big nostalgia moment and I'm just more interested in the here & now and the future instead of the past. I know some people raved about Sting vs. Triple H at WrestleMania, more power to 'em, but I didn't care all that much about it as I just didn't think the match itself was all that good and the stuff with DX and the nWo is what most people remember. It was a cool moment but the way the match was set up, plus Triple H's ridiculous 20 minute entrance, just left me with the impression that Sting doesn't have the juice to pull off a competitive match anymore. If the idea genuinely is or was to put him in a six man tag against The Wyatt Family, I'm not sure how much I'd personally enjoy it. Bray Wyatt's suffered a good deal of high profile losses as it is and it wouldn't do much for me as a fan to see Wyatt get pinned via the Scorpion Death Drop or forced to tap to the Scorpion Death Lock. As with most things, it's a no win situation for WWE when it comes to internet fans as some would bitch about Sting losing, even if he wasn't the won pinned, and how WWE was burying him, making a mockery of his legacy and all the other bullshit while you'd have others bitching about Wyatt losing yet another high profile match, how WWE is ruining him, how he'll lose all credibility if he gets beaten by a man almost 30 years his senior and all the other bullshit we hear about Wyatt.

Besides, for all we really know, there were never any serious plans or talk about using Sting for SummerSlam. Too often, and I'm guilty of this sometimes too, we put stock in the dirt sheets as if they're rock solid gospel when they usually get 10 things wrong for every 1 thing they get right.
The reason is simple - they had no plan for Sting in the first place. All they wanted to do was hire Sting because a) TNA had him and b) he was the only real main eventer from WCW who never worked for Vince at some point. All they wanted was to get him on the roster so they can say ultimately everyone of value works for wwe. Sure, they can now have him talk about WCW or appear on his own dvd but it really wasn't necessary - they could have done a dvd without him, having him there was just icing on the cake. All they wanted was to kill of the last symbol of WCW and when they hired Sting and had him lose at Mania, that was it - Vince finally, totally won. But that was all they ever wanted to do so is it really surprising that they are not using him more?

The idea of him winning the title and putting someone over is interesting but causes issues. First, what other heel out there can he put over? People will say Wyatt but Wyatt is not ready to be champ. His character has been directionless for years now, why all of a sudden would he want to be champ? Barrett - is wwe doing to get behind him enough? They haven't really built up any heels because they haven't had to so you end up with a problem. As well, you have a veteran beating a new guy - what's that going to do to Rollins? And Sting beating Rollins for the title only to lose it back to him seems like a waste. With his limited schedule, it is probably best to keep Sting away from the title which means you are down to special attraction type matches but who is there for him to go up against? Again you are rather limited - are you going to pull Cena out of an angle to wrestle Sting? It can be done but this is wwe we are talking about. So in the end we are back to the initial issue - wwe had no plans for Sting so he sits until they get a brainwave and book something.
what the Hell are they doing with sting??? They had him lose his first match at WM which shouldn't have happened and now he might not even compete at SummerSlam. And WTF are they actually thinking about teaming him up with green arrow to face Stardust and the miz??? If that were to happen then that would be a slap in the face of all his fans that want to see him in a meaningful program. They should just Have Sting/Triple H at SummerSlam so that sting can finally get his first big win. I knew it all along vince would make STING his bitch and he succeeded as it is a big win for him! His hatred for WCW and to bury the last exWCW warrior left of that franchise and taking him away from TNA!
If Sting isn't booked for a match at SummerSlam, why don't they just have him make a cameo appearance at the end of the show following Undertaker/Lesnar and signify that he wants to face Taker at WrestleMania 32, and start building towards their eventual match from there
Have HHH interefere and attack Lesner and Have STING interfere between Lesner and Callowayin SS and thats that

Time for Steve Borden to extend his middle finger to vince and head back to TNA and join JJ & GFW cause they are really tarnishing him and ruining his image I knew vince would do this to him he got his wish to ruin the last ExWCW star and he is succeeding and wants to further ruin TNA by making STING be a mascot! STING will indeed head back to TNA in a year since he is close friends with JJ !!

I can hear him calling " Dixie when can I debut on Impact and return and I heard Jeff Jarrett my longtime buddy is there , can I speak with him"?
JJ when can I debut on GFW and TNA , wwe won t let me wrestle Mark and I wanna get outta here as they are jobbing me and underutilizing me , yeah that 'll be great ... thanks "
I enjoyed Sting's WWE run up until he actually spoke on the mic. He was fantastic as the silent vigilante. It was disappointing to have him booked in a loss to HHH. I'm not sure what the value of that was at all and the HBK DX / NWO interference was stupid. I'd love to see him wrestle again but only if he's booked properly
No reason to have him around other than using him. I wish they would give him a match or at least be involved somehow. But then again, there's no really good reason to hype him up anymore, fans know he is with WWE and could appear at anytime. We might can hold out hope for him to appear at SS, to interfere or call someone out.

Taker only has a limited time left in the business, and I really doubt he will spend all that time on Lesnar. Lesnar hasn't been beaten cleanly in I don't know how long. I think a perfect end to SS could be a clean victory for the dead man, a handshake, and then Sting interrupts a classic UT celebration with a WM 32 challenge. There's just too much money to be made there, despite what has been rumored about the two never having a match.

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