Why can't I be undivided with my consoles?

Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
So since there was ever two or more consoles at one time, there's always been the big debate "This console is better/best because it has this, that, and these while the other(s) don't."

And usually if you're a gamer who doesn't particularly care about the console as long as they give you a good game or two, you kind of get annoyed by people constantly badgering you and saying "You should play with us on PSN because XBL sucks." or "Stop playing the Wii all the time and come hang on the Kinect."

So I'm here to ask... Why can't I like multiple consoles? Why do I have to have a preference? Granted I do have one, but I don't see why it matters.

Sure, 360's shooter games (though somewhat cookie-cutter) are a lot better than PS3's and galaxies better than Wii's, but on the flip side, there's things I love about the other two that I hate about the Xbox.

And no, that damn Blu-Ray feature isn't one of those. Personally, I've never seen a big difference.

I kind of get tired of always having to answer "I just wanna play Killswitch and not Gears." or "I'm already on my 360 so I'm just gonna play Black-Ops on here."

While we're on the COD subj. allow me to point out, I don't play it on neither 360 nor PS3 unless my friends are on there.

Back to the main topic. I just want someone who's caught in this triangular war of consoles to answer the question that I (and I'm sure other undivided gamers) have. Why can't I like both equally?

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