Why Cant Edge Win Cleanly?

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Dark Match Jobber
Why cant edge ever win cleanly? he never get's a chance to win without someone interfering in his match. i know he's a heel and all, but all the matches end the same way, someone always comes in and interferes wiht the match. take the last 2 PPV's for example,
Backlash- edge and john cena are having a great match with edge pushing john cena to the limit, and after the con-chair-to i thought he was FINALLY going to get it, but the BIG SLOW(not a typo) has to come out and screw it all up.
Judgement day- edge and jeff are again having a great match and matt has to come and screw it up again. it wasnt even a match ending interference, just another shot screwing up any chance edge has at a victory edgeheads could be proud of.

i know that it helped develop the bigshow/cena match at judgement day and added more fuel to the hardys fued, but edge needs a victory without someone interfering.

think about the last 2 years or so, between La famila/big show/matt edge has always had someone helping him win the title, and it has only giving the edge haters something to talk about when the Hall of fame/multiple time champ talk comes up.
shouldn't edge get a clean victory?
First of all, you answered your own question in your own post. He's a heel, and the Ultimate Opportunist at that. He doesn't win cleanly, that just isn't what he does.

Though, Judgment Day could be a first step towards a Edge who wins, (read that as Heel/Face/Tweener....I don't know if i trust the idea of a Edge face turn). Edge didn't really know what Matt was going to do, did he? Especially if Vickie ordered Matt to interfere without telling Edge. Think of the "I can win without you, and I'm gonna prove it" storyline that could end with a Edge face turn against Vickie and gang? Lulz, maybe even Cena and Edge vs. The Guerreros and Big Show. That would make me do a double take, no lie.

So, what I'm saying is calm down. He doesn't have to win cleanly, he's a heel. And he's starting to win matches sorta cleanly. Hell, even Big Show's interference against Cena at Backlash was more of a "Let me beat Cena's ass" than "Let me help Edge." Either they're going to turn Edge or make him more dominant. Or, of course, they could make Edge the "I get interference even when I don't want it" dude. Wouldn't make sense, but sure. Why not.
Well...he had a stable. Why win by yourself when you've got a stable? Much, much easier really. Go in there, fight for 5 minutes, then have your stable storm the ring. Must be great.

But, he's more by himself now, isn't he? Give Edge a title feud with someone who doesn't have a feud outside of the main feud with Edge. Hardy was hurt by his secondary feud with Matt. Punk would be attacked by Umaga every other match, I'm sure of it. I suppose if the Undertaker were here, with Edge by himself, Edge would have to become more of a traditional, "Ha! I got your tights." heel.
Edge suffers from the same thing that plagues nearly every main eventer on the WWE roster. He has been booked into a corner. With Edge, it actually coincides with his character to have him consistantly win via shenanigans. He wants to be a slimey, grimey heel, and he succeeded with that. But now, his lineage is being affected because he hasn't won a World Title in "traditional" enough fashion for some of the wrestling purists or for his fans, who want to see a dominant Edge rather than a "by the skin of his teeth" Edge.

I believe he, along with the top level talent, could all do with a character reboot. I thought he did a very good job at Backlash, and last night at Judgment Day, with obviously not expecting the help he's gotten in those two matches, and other than the finishes, putting on a tremendous match.

Edge isn't in bad shape. It's part of his character to win shadily, and his fans need to just realize that. He's lucky enough to be getting all these World Title runs anyway, even if he is pretty much the definition of transitional champion to this point.
I understand where you are coming from. They keep booking him to win with outside interference, which seems to be the way they get him out of feuds, but I think from a viewer standpoint it would be nice to see him win on his own. Of course he should still cheat, but it would be refreshing to have him cheat by his self to win/retain the title, as he hasn't done that in quite some time (excluding No Way Out).
Edge is winning titles just like Ric Flair did, and nobody calls him a transitional champion. Triple H cheated to win the majority of his titles. Not many people are given the opportunity to win titles in a dominant way. I'm convinced that Triple H was able to because of his position in management. Think back, when Rock and Austin were around, Hunter couldn't beat either of them cleanly. Then when they left, Hunter basically went apeshit on the entire roster. Hell he rather easily beat Vladimir Koslov and Umaga. I will agree that Edge's ring work has sucked since he turned heel. It's almost as if he doesn't even try. I remember Edge having great matches with Kurt Angle. One of Edge's biggest problems is that he never got a decent finisher. He basically doesn't have a huge move to point people away with. The spear was made to look like shit by Triple H who literally no sold it and immediately got a sledgehammer and chased Edge off. He should start using the Edgecution as his legit put away move. Maybe Edge will get tired of winning cheaply and say he wants to prove his greatness by turning face.
When a heel gets a clean win over a face. Its considered a legitimate win, that he can never come back, nor can he ever have a title shot again. It wouldn't make since to see a heel beats a face cleanly one day, then the next week, the face comes out, and pins the hell for the title cleanly. Because the heel's allready proven that he can beat the face.

Now, a heel beats a face using a weapon, or during some sort of stipulation, interferance, etc. It makes us think one day, that face is going to overcome the odds, and defeat the heel cleanly, or stooping to the heels level, and using his own dirty tactics. Its wrestling face/heel 101, not that hard to understand, is it? Edge is simply putting over his oponents while keeping himself over, its what makes him a good heel.

A face can pin a heel cleanly, and it still make since for the heel to challenge for the title. Because, its expected the next bout the heel will stoop to the lowest levels possible, doing anything to get the belt, win, paycheck, girl, whatever. Keeping the face over, and then the heel has been considered to steal one.
Face/Heel 101 is outdated. It also exposes the business. It's not realistic for example, for MVP to be terrified of Matt Hardy, then the next day kick his ass with Hardy being afraid of MVP. If you can kick a guys ass one day, you can kick it the next. Plus, just because your an asshole doesn't mean you can't kick someones ass. I think it's perfectly fine for a heel to beat a face clean. That way you could have intense competitive matches between a decent nice guy and a douchebag asshole. The fans can still get behind whoever they want to win. Also the heel could cheat because he enjoys it, or just to be a prick and piss off the fans, not because he has to. Every heel HAVING to cheat to win is incredibly unrealistic.

This also keeps guys from getting stale. Besides overcoming the odds is so damn lame. Like Cena allegedly having internal bleeding or injuries, then being able out of nowhere to pick up the Big Show and slam him. Overcoming the odds can be a useful plotline though. Like if the odds are some insuffrable prick who just keeps sticking and jabbing so to speak, and fucking the good guy over and then the good guy finally gets his revenge and beats the shit out of the bad guy. I just can't stand the Hogan formula though. I don't know why or how anyone got behind Hogan in the 80s. Piper was the guy people shoulda been cheering for.
Well, cause he's the kind of heel that simply isn't good enough as a wrestler to win matches by himself. But he still acts as if he's the best wrestler in the world which, along with feuding with faces, is what gets him so much heat.
And what gives him so much credibility as a world champion is a mixture of his intelligence in the ring and the face that he occasionally pulls out a huge victory (i.e. Undertaker/TLC)
I don't really know why you're complaining, it's not like the constant run of cheap victories is actually hurting his credibility. In fact, with every cheap victory he gets, he gets more heat. So if anything, the cheap wins are making him more successful.
I understand and I'm finding it very boring now that he gets to main events in PPVs, of which he does 3 moves (stomp, sharpshooter, spear), and has someone interferre. I understnad stuff like that happening occasionally, because they seem to be very lucky incidents for. But to have them happen EVERY PPV, it gets very tediase.
I don't understand why he can't learn more moves and resort to different heel tactics. Pulling tights, using the ring as a weapon, brass knuckles. It's also been proven that you don't have to restrict your move-set to be a good heel. Look at Jericho, uses great talent and moveset, and yet he still can get heat from big glass of water. So why can't Edge?
the moment edge gets a clean win he'll become a face. wwe will take there time and do it when there readdy. edge can pull of being a face. remember he started the you suck chants for kurt angle. his promo after mania when we was askeing cena for another chance actually seemed like a tweener gimick lol. the ultomite oppertunest is getting old. be done with it
Since the WWE's downfall into the PG Era, Does Edge have to change his "Rated R Superstar" to PG Superstar? What "R" things does he do? If they have to change to FU to the Attitude Adjustment, then they need to change his title. Only fair.
He's a heel and WWE is kind of trying to book like they did back in the golden era of Hogan, etc. How many heels won cleanly back then? None. That's why Edge doesn't win cleanly.
You are what the spainards would call "El Terrible"

I most certainly had this EXACT thread in my creepy little brain.

I undersatnd were the etho of "he is a heels he isnt not posed to win clean"...but not fucking EVER? EVER? I honestly cant remember the last time Edge won all by himself, no help, no bullshit. I can remember Jericho, Big Show, Orton. Besides the Elimination chamber, which also included bullshit, I cant recall a single clean win. I mean, one without interfereance. I would consider a heel cheating and winning to be a "clean win" for them, I cant even remember the last time Edge won without someone interefering on his behalf. Certainley not in a big match spot. It makes me wonder if WWE booking has even the slightest bit of memory when it comes to match finishes from week to week, month to month.
Rich- I think you posted in the wrong thread, my man.

I agree that Edge can't win cleanly as a heel because that is his M.O., he is the Ultimate Opportunist and he takes advantage of anything that happens with no regrets. We will see this change if the supposed Edge face turn plays out. He will still be a top player as a face, and maybe even more so...

I don't agree though about the "one a heel cleanly beats a face, that is the end of the story" though. Think about it... if two UFC fighters meet in a match, and one wins... should they never have a rematch? It happens all of the time... run-ins, cheating, etc. in WWE is just a way of prolonging the fueds. How many times have we seen fueds reignited a couple of years down the road. The circle of life my friends... Matt Hardy beat Jeff clean at Wrestlemania, and their fued kept going...
Exactly! Just think about cena, despratley trying to get over. He got so much heat, then when he started to fued with edge, everyone started cheering for cena. In my books, if you can make people cheer for cena, you are the best heel ever.
Edge can't win cleanly because his whole 'Ultimate Opportunist' shtick would be useless. Edge's whole point is winning at all costs and by cheating, interference or whatever. Like what was mentioned before, heels aren't supposed to win clean. They're supposed to cheat, use foreign objects and have their friends interfere on their behalf. The Four Horsemen come to mind. Besides Flair, name ANY of the Four Horsemen that won any match clean during their time as part of the group? Tully Blanchard didn't, AA didn't, Lex Luger didn't. They either cheated to win, or got pinned clean. It's how it works.

Good guy...bad guy.

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