why break up a tag team?


Dark Match Winner
So I'm wondering this..... Why do these wrestling companies consistently break up tag teams?? For eg. Colons,cryme tyme and colons, jesse/festus.

From what I see none of these teams did anything of relevance in singles competition.

So why do it???? And I might have missed some other teams that were recently broken up.

The only time anything has happened good is was miz and morrison..

So basically my question is. Why do companies go and break up these teams that might potentially have a shot at being somewhat decent?
The only time anything has happened good is was miz and morrison..

Obviously you haven't been watching wrestling for long.

Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Edge, John Cena, Umaga, etc have ALL been a part of a tag-team before hitting it big. WWE uses tag-teams as a form of potential grooming. Why do they do this?

It's simple- 90% of the time it gives the individuals a good heel/face push. Instant reaction from fans that probably didn't give a shit that they were together in the first place. JTG got cheered and Shad recieved heat. Just like the company wanted to create.
There are a few teams you have to look at and think, why did they break them up....my prime example is Cryme Tyme...i mean they didn't achieve shit..no tag title reigns..and they were around for 3 years... i don't get this..and they are now doomed because singles action aint working for them...FYI, OP mentioned Colons twice...speaking of them, they were recently re-united...but Carlito had to go and get fired...
In many cases, tag teams break up because there's nothing really left for them to accomplish as a team.

The Miz and John Morrison, Edge and Christian and the Hardyz are examples of teams that did everything they could together so it was time to see how well they fared on their own. Hell, they split up the Dudley Boyz/Team 3-D for a while to see how they worked as singles guys, but it proved to be a failure so they reunited them.

Some tag teams are only successful as tag teams while others could be the starting point for the next big thing.
For me, there are two obvious reasons as to why a tag team is broken up. Firstly, because one of the two, or possibly both of them, are ready for a push in singles action. You may well wonder why they need to be put in to singles action at all and the answer is simply because that is where the money is. Top singles stars draw WAY more than top tag teams nowadays. DX are a possible exception over the past few years. If a company can see that a tag team member has a shot at a successful singles run, then that will happen sooner rather than later.

An obvious example is Miz/Morrison. That tag team was critically acclaimed and successfully over with the crowd, but WWE decided it was time to give them both a push in the singles division, and it's worked so far. Another example is Cade/Murdoch. They broke up so Cade could work for Jericho, obviously intended as a small Cade push. This ended up failing, but they were broke up for a potentially good cause.

Secondly, because the tag team has become so irrelevant that it may as well be broken up to see if either member can be salvaged. Examples being Cryme Tyme and Jesse/Festus. These teams had run their course so what's the harm in trying something else with them. Although Shad, JTG and Jesse haven't exactly fared well, Festus has come out of it pretty well as Luke Gallows.

I do agree with you that there are times when tag teams are broken up that shouldn't be, like the colons. They were still somewhat relevant and neither was pushed to any degree when they feuded with each other. There are probably several other examples of tag team break ups that shouldn't have occurred, but on the whole, they are broken up for a purpose, whether that purpose is eventually realised or not.
There's many different reasons to break up a tag team.

First off it's obvious to break up a tag team that's going nowhere, gets no reaction from the crowd, and most likely will never get any reaction.

The firing of one superstar in the team is also another reason, also an obvious one.

Because someone needs to get established as a main eventer, or singles star, Edge and Christian was split up partially due to not having anything to accomplish anymore, and because Edge and Christian needed to become singles stars, the same goes for the Hardy Brothers.

You can't continue a tag team forever, it'll get boring eventually, there's very rare cases of a tag team staying interesting over the years, and even with those situations, the tag team will be looked at differently as time passes because they never accomplished anything but tag teaming.

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