Why Austin/Punk will NEVER happen!


Mid-Card Championship Winner
1) Austin has a career-ending neck injury. Which part of this sentence do you not understand.

What I understand is, Steve Austin's neck is fragile, and he can't risk taking even one bump in the ring, because if he falls the wrong way (even accidentally) he could be paralysed. Austin also has knee problems.

Remember, this is a guy who was lucky to come back last time after Owen dropped Austin on his head. Austin came back mainly because he was getting pushed and to help out the company. He was still a young man. He hadn't made the money to retire like he has now.

Besides, Austin is set for life. He has taken care of his money. He has a Legends contract and a film contract with WWE (where he gets two films a year, and gets paid, whether WWE make them or not). WWE have looked after one of their biggest superstars.

Also, Austin likes his leisure time. The fact that he couldn't be bothered to show up for either Raw 20th Anniversary or Raw 1000, because he had "better things to do" shows that he likes having his time to use as he wishes.

Austin can't wrestle healthwise, he doesn't need to, and probably doesn't want to. The fans may want it, and the fans may beg for it, but he won't wrestle again. I'm not a fan of the guy, but he has earnt his retirement, and the right to be left alone on this. He has nothing further to prove.

The only way I can see him ever doing another match is to do a 6-Man, where he is tapped in, kicks the guy against the ropes, flips him off, does a couple of punches, and does a Stunner, and leaves the heavy lifting to the other guys. This way, the match won't suck, even though Austin is limited. The Evolution vs Rock N' Sock Match at WMXX, could have included Austin, and he could have made a cameo in the ring, while Rock and Foley do the majority of the work. But a one-on-one means that Austin is on offense, and can't let the other guy get a punch in, or he risks permanent injury.

2) C.M. Punk has left WWE. Who is to say that C.M. Punk will ever wrestle in WWE again? We don't know why he has left, but maybe he doesn't want to follow their rules anymore. Until he steps back in a WWE ring (and there is no certainty of that), then Punk even having another Wrestlemania match is a pipedream (not a pipebomb), let alone against Austin, who hasn't wrestled for years.

Besides, it would make more sense if it were Austin v Cena. The figurehead of the "Attitude Era" versus the figurehead of the "PG Era". That won't happen either.

Look, there is more chance of Sting-Undertaker at WM31 than Austin/Punk.

I think the only chance you have of seeing Austin v Punk is if you play it on WWE 2K14 video game. Outside of that, I can't see it happening.
I dont think Austin and Punk will happen. Punk on the hand. I see him coming back tomorrow night at Wrestlemania, costing Daniel Bryan his title shot. As for Austin, Im not sure what hes going to be doing at WM.
Hey I know it's not the same as the Match but anyone who saw him take bumps on tough enough knows he's got a little left.

Also he said numerous times he thought about going back one more time, just getting in shape is the issue. Listen to the podcast he says if the stories right money is right, I'm there. And obviously pay would be an issue because he'd have to spend four or five months not making movies or his reality shows. It could happen in the next year or 2, but if not it was a great send off at Mania 19.

I think the only chance you have of seeing Austin v Punk is if you play it on WWE 2K14 video game. Outside of that, I can't see it happening.

That video they made with JR is the mist riveting thing on all the YouTubes
Until Austin says his medical problems are cleared up there is no way this match happens. Austin either cant take a fall for fear of permanent injury or paralysis or simply sees the injury as too limiting to his performance and doesnt want to do a substandard performance, either way Austin has made it clear he cant and wont get in the ring.

Despite being "fake" wrestling is a physically brutal business where even the most safe performers can have an accident, as was the case w/ Owen Hart botching the spot that injured Austin, or Austin injuring Ricky Steamboat by accident, ending his career. How many hip & knee surgeries has Hulk Hogan had ? HBj took 4 years off to rehab back injuries he suffered against Undertaker, one of the universally most respected performers in the industry, known for his in ring professionalism. Lex Luger is estimated to have wrestled over 10,000 matches without a major incident yet he botched a spot vs Arn Anderson that ended his career, and nearly had his own career ended by Rey Misterio. Ric Flair wrestled quality matches into his late 50s and despite having only two significant injury hiatus in his career he did have two major shoulder surgeries, wrestled w/ a broken ankle vs Curt Henning, and had teeth knocked out by Vader, suffered broken bones in his ear after being dropped on his head by Ultimate Warrior and a razor blade lodged in his head mid match vs Stan Hansen. Austin isnt the 1st and wont be the last guy who lost prime years due to an in ring accident.

Fact is, if Austin hadnt been injured we might have gotten WrestleMania dream matches vs Hogan, Flair, Taker, maybe a great feud vs Edge or Evolution and HHH, long before anyone would have thought or cared about CM Punk.
If WWE is going to go ahead with Austin/Punk, I don't think WM30 is the time to announce it. One year is way too long a build. I'd like for Punk or Bryan to oust Triple H as COO and for Steve Austin to replace him (he was CEO for a time already, he has the experience). Austin can feud with the anti-authority Punk on-and-off throughout 2014 until Austin laces up his boots to face Punk at WM31. Punk could win the title, turn heel, and Austin can then be a surprise entrant in the Rumble, where he wins, and goes on to face Punk at Mania. He should WIN too. I'm all about legends putting young guys over, but Punk is going to retire soon, so it's not like Austin will be passing a torch to someone who could use it. I'd prefer for Austin to win and have his big comeback moment... and then for whoever won Money in the Bank in the summer to cash in and take the title on Raw. I'm looking at you Ambrose.
I stopped reading after the first sentence. What the hell are you talking about? Rather than me explaining to you how stupid it is to say his neck injury is career ending, I'll let Austin do it himself.


"My neck's fine. It's attached to the rest of me, though. That's the problem. Nah, I'm just kidding. I get questions like that all the time. I'm in zero pain. Every now and then, I'll get up on a winter day and it might be a little stiff. For the most part, I don't have anything to complain about. When I had my C3 and 4 fused back in 2000, they cleared out some space there in my spinal canal, took the bone spurs that were growing into to spinal cord off. So, man, I'm good to go. I'm not saying I'm ready to get back into the ring for another couple of years. Just, as far as how my neck's doing, I'm fine. I'm able to do the action movies that I do, work out like an animal still so that's all good."

Now, I took the liberty of going back through all the interviews he's given and the questions he's answered about a potential comeback and about his neck injury. You know what I couldn't find? He has NEVER said his neck injury was career-ending. Similarly, NOBODY associated with the WWE or any doctor that has examined him has said it's a career ending injury. And why would it be, since he wrestled for two and a half years after his neck surgery and it never got worse. He also NEVER ruled out a comeback. He's given a lot of answers over the years about how it's unlikely, how it's possible but not probable, how the chances are slim, how it'd have to be the right situation, how about he never says never, but the funny thing is through them all the word "no" has NEVER come out of his mouth.

In other words, you have no idea what you're talking about. I'm going to assume the rest of the post is just as ignorant as the first one. Will Austin vs. Punk happen? I don't know and neither do you.
Punk may return to wwe but Austin's neck is a mess. Rumor was he got in the ring a little for Tough Enough and noticed how bad his neck was after that - that pretty much killed the one more match idea. I don't blame HBK but his coming back really screwed up the minds of some fans as they think given some time anyone can come back. Austin will never wrestle again, Edge will never wrestle again, pretty good chance Foley will never wrestle again. They may hit someone with their finished but that is about as much as people can expect.
I think people are missing the point, did Austin not get his hands dirty during Tough Enough getting into the ring with some of the guys or did I miss something on the show? Austin already said it would have to be something special for him to come back for one more, and CM Punk wanted a main event, now I understand they are holding his contract until July, but Austin wanted a match with Punk, Punk wants a main event. If they are the focal point of Wrestlemania 31 and that is what was pitched to both men, I can see the dice being rolled on this.

Punk is stuck with WWE stuff, he's engaged to AJ one way or another he is affiliated with WWE whether he's under contract or not as long as AJ is wrestling for the company. Austin doesn't have to do this, but he knows he can tear down the house with Punk, and why not do one more shot, I mean hell Rock and Cena II was horrid but Austin/Punk dream match is a draw, Hogan/Cena would've been a draw if Hogan could do one more match, if they will do it it will be next year, the set up will be now, and it will either be Austin doing a Rock promo on Punk, and his predicting of being at WM30 is the set up for that, or Punk may come back and cost Bryan the championship or maybe none of the above, but honestly the fact that us the IWC are even discussing this is what will draw anyone to order WM30 just on sheer speculation
My goodness, some of you need to follow more closely with everything that goes on. Austin has gone on record MANY times saying his neck is 100% fine and has been for years. Two, he's had knee problems, but he had a knee surgery last year and he said he feels great.

CM Punk is coming back eventually. It is all a work (somewhat anyways). He was burnt out and decided to pass and just go home and rest. Only him, Triple H/Steph, Vince and possibly AJ in the company knows what is going on. Don't you think it's funny that they aren't saying a word and that Punk hasn't said a word on his Twitter since it all went down? He says whatever he wants, whenever he wants and to stay completely quiet since this has all went down isn't him. He'll be back. Guaranteed. And when he does, I won't be surprised because you know it's coming. It's just a matter of when. WM? The Raw after WM? Sometime in July when his contract ends? Who knows.

But in regards to a match? Everything is up to Austin. He's gone on to say that if the timing is right, the build up is good and everything aligns, he will. But he's not just going to "do it" for the hell of it. He wants it to be special.
I stopped reading after the first sentence. What the hell are you talking about? Rather than me explaining to you how stupid it is to say his neck injury is career ending, I'll let Austin do it himself.


"My neck's fine. It's attached to the rest of me, though. That's the problem. Nah, I'm just kidding. I get questions like that all the time. I'm in zero pain. Every now and then, I'll get up on a winter day and it might be a little stiff. For the most part, I don't have anything to complain about. When I had my C3 and 4 fused back in 2000, they cleared out some space there in my spinal canal, took the bone spurs that were growing into to spinal cord off. So, man, I'm good to go. I'm not saying I'm ready to get back into the ring for another couple of years. Just, as far as how my neck's doing, I'm fine. I'm able to do the action movies that I do, work out like an animal still so that's all good."

Now, I took the liberty of going back through all the interviews he's given and the questions he's answered about a potential comeback and about his neck injury. You know what I couldn't find? He has NEVER said his neck injury was career-ending. Similarly, NOBODY associated with the WWE or any doctor that has examined him has said it's a career ending injury. And why would it be, since he wrestled for two and a half years after his neck surgery and it never got worse. He also NEVER ruled out a comeback. He's given a lot of answers over the years about how it's unlikely, how it's possible but not probable, how the chances are slim, how it'd have to be the right situation, how about he never says never, but the funny thing is through them all the word "no" has NEVER come out of his mouth.

In other words, you have no idea what you're talking about. I'm going to assume the rest of the post is just as ignorant as the first one. Will Austin vs. Punk happen? I don't know and neither do you.

You saved me the trouble of finding that interview.

Yes, Austin can, by his own account, still wrestle. But it depends on if he thinks Punk's the guy to do it with. Unfortunately, the longer he goes without feeling there's someone he NEEDS to wrestle, the less likely it becomes that he ever will wrestle again.

Then again, wasn't there an interview this week with him saying he's too intense to wrestle Punk and Punk couldn't handle him? Part of me feels the stars are aligning.
You saved me the trouble of finding that interview.

Yes, Austin can, by his own account, still wrestle. But it depends on if he thinks Punk's the guy to do it with. Unfortunately, the longer he goes without feeling there's someone he NEEDS to wrestle, the less likely it becomes that he ever will wrestle again.

Then again, wasn't there an interview this week with him saying he's too intense to wrestle Punk and Punk couldn't handle him? Part of me feels the stars are aligning.

If all else fails, have him face Cena. It's no excuse on why the Austin/Punk match couldn't have happened at the 30th anniversary of WrestleMania.
I stopped reading after the first sentence. What the hell are you talking about? Rather than me explaining to you how stupid it is to say his neck injury is career ending, I'll let Austin do it himself.


"My neck's fine. It's attached to the rest of me, though. That's the problem. Nah, I'm just kidding. I get questions like that all the time. I'm in zero pain. Every now and then, I'll get up on a winter day and it might be a little stiff. For the most part, I don't have anything to complain about. When I had my C3 and 4 fused back in 2000, they cleared out some space there in my spinal canal, took the bone spurs that were growing into to spinal cord off. So, man, I'm good to go. I'm not saying I'm ready to get back into the ring for another couple of years. Just, as far as how my neck's doing, I'm fine. I'm able to do the action movies that I do, work out like an animal still so that's all good."

Now, I took the liberty of going back through all the interviews he's given and the questions he's answered about a potential comeback and about his neck injury. You know what I couldn't find? He has NEVER said his neck injury was career-ending. Similarly, NOBODY associated with the WWE or any doctor that has examined him has said it's a career ending injury. And why would it be, since he wrestled for two and a half years after his neck surgery and it never got worse. He also NEVER ruled out a comeback. He's given a lot of answers over the years about how it's unlikely, how it's possible but not probable, how the chances are slim, how it'd have to be the right situation, how about he never says never, but the funny thing is through them all the word "no" has NEVER come out of his mouth.

In other words, you have no idea what you're talking about. I'm going to assume the rest of the post is just as ignorant as the first one. Will Austin vs. Punk happen? I don't know and neither do you.

If Austin doesn't have a career-ending neck injury, then why didn't he keep wrestling after WM19?

If he wanted time off, or just wanted to retire, why not announce it and make a farewell speech to the fans? Ratings would have gone through the roof. They even could have made Rock v Austin at WM19 career v career, and then Austin losing would have shocked everyone (at that time, Rock leaving to do movies was common knowledge, whereas Austin retiring was not, so it would have been a shock to have Austin lose and have to end his career).

In fact, did you know that Austin was in hospital the night before WM19. He was lucky to even do the match. Also, why have Eric Bischoff come out the next night and say that Austin's neck was stuffed, and that he had to retire. Why that on air, if it was a work?

Also, if Austin was fit, they could have done a deal like they did with Rock. If Austin wanted to get fit, have him set something up at one WM, and then fight at two others. Austin had plenty of chances to continue his career at WM19 or beyond, yet didn't? Why, if not for his neck injury?

Taking bumps on "Tough Enough" is different. He has more control, whereas, in a match, 90% of the move relies on your opponent. If they stuff up, it can cause injury.

I suppouse you doubt Edge's neck injury too. He has the exact type of neck injury that Austin had, and had to retire. Edge could have kept wrestling then, you say? If so, then why hasn't he hit someone with a spear in an angle since his retirement?

How do you know Austin DOESN'T have a career-ending neck injury? Are you a doctor? Besides, even though wrestling another match may not be totally impossible, maybe the probability of injury is so high, it is not worth the risk, especially for a one-time match. Not everyone can be Kurt Angle, who has had numerous neck injuries, and may pay for it later in life for not being more careful. If the risk of paralysis is high, even if he can wrestle again, it may be too much a risk, especially when he doesn't need to do it.

Why should Austin do another match anyway? He doesn't need the money, and if it is the spotlight he wants, he can come back as a GM or something, get screen time, without the bumps. He will still get the pops. He doesn't need to do it, and if there is a high probability that his quality of life is lessened, he may not do it.

Did you know that Ricky Steamboat did not retire from a back injury? He fully recovered from it. He retired because he didn't want to risk another possible back injury, and possibly be in a wheelchair. He had a young son then, and wanted to be able to play with him, not have his son wheel him around in a wheelchair. That is why Steamboat could do a couple of matches a couple of years ago, but rarely does. So it can be the possible risk of injury, rather than injury itself, which is a deterrent.

If Austin does another match, it will be in his time, his way and against an opponent of his choice. He will do what is right for him (and so he should), not what some snivelling little fans, who wish to see some fantasy match. Like I said, Austin could do a six-man match, as they are less dangerous, and until he can wrestle to the standard he wants, it won't happen. He also isn't getting any older.

So, if Austin is fit and well, then why doesn't he return? Why didn't his career continue after WM19? Where was his farewell speech the next night, where he announced his retirement, because he had done it all? Do you doubt Edge's neck injury as well, or do you believe that?

I know you can't handle the truth that your fantasy match may never happen. Even if Austin wants to do it though, Punk may not come back to WWE, ever. So, no Punk in WWE, no appearance at WM.

It seems that too many factors need to be overcome for the match to happen. Like I said, Sting vs Undertaker is more likely to happen before Austin v C.M. Punk will.
Someone said Career ending Neck Injury.....Just like how Shawn Michaels had a career ending neck injury before he returned.

Please if someone wants it bad enough they will find a way....Look how many surgeries Hogan has had.
Someone said Career ending Neck Injury.....Just like how Shawn Michaels had a career ending neck injury before he returned.

Please if someone wants it bad enough they will find a way....Look how many surgeries Hogan has had.

Shawn had a back injury, not a neck injury.

Shawn injured his back the first time falling from the HIAC at "Badd Bllod '97". He then made it worse by hitting the side of a casket in a match with Undertaker RR '98.

You can recover from a back injury, depending how bad it is. Shawn started a wrestling school then too, and did that for a while.

Maybe Austin doesn't WANT to do another match. He may not rule it out, but he doesn't need to do it.

What if Austin did a match against Punk, wasn't as moblie as you thought, the match sucked, and Austin ended up in a wheelchair. Would that be worth it? Grow up!

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