Why are you a John Cena fan again?

CM Steel

A REAL American
John Cena, in the words rapper Drake's hit single "Started from the bottom" when he debut in the WWE. He started off a solid blue chipper on the Smackdown brand in his first match against Kurt Angle. Then he made the character change with a rapper gimmick. Coming out to the ring on the mic spitting rhymes, wearing throwbacks jersey's, bolted chains around his neck, and trucker caps. It was a great time to be a John Cena fan. Not to long after Cena won his first world title, the WWE wanted to clean up his image if they were to market John Cena as the face of the company. And like always WWE chairman Vince McMahon was correct.

Goodbye rapper Cena, enter SUPER CENA. Everything that we knew about John Cena was gone like the wind. Cena would start coming to the ring saluting the crowd wearing different colorful T-Shirts at a time...and no more freestyling. John Cena's "Chain Gang" slowly started to change into the "CeNation". Now for over the last 8 years we've seen the division among John Cena fans. Some love him, some can't stand him! The majority of John Cena fans are young children while other "fans" in their adulthood boo the hell out of Cena whenever they have the chance.

I remember back in 2011 on RAW during the Rock's "Rock Concert". Where the Rock made a joke about anyone over the age of 21 being apart of the CeNation. They had a few fans on camara too. There are two different sides of John Cena. John Cena the person, and John Cena the entertainer. But the almighty question here is, "why are you a John Cena fan again"? It's like asking yourself "why did I get married" or one of those kind of questions of life.
I have really mixed views on Cena.

First of all, I'm an older fan whose been following wrestling since the late 60s, so I'm not one of the kiddie set.

I think the haters don't give him enough credit, He can cut great, passionate promos. He can work tremendous matches. He clearly loves the business and works as hard as anyone in wrestling in and out of the ring. He's a great public face. His ringwork, while not at the level of a long time indy technician like Bryan and Punk, is good; he's better than people give him credit for as a seller, and he's got an excellent grasp of psychology. Most John Cena matches don't suck. He doesn't come across as an out of control egomaniac like Hogan did. His charity work is first rate.

But as soon as I start to like him, out comes Super Cena, five knuckle shuffles, matches against Big Johnny or Michael Cole, and promos where he's tries too hard to be the Rock and falls flat on his face, and I'm embarrassed that I ever liked or defended the guy.

Ultimately I like John. I don't self-identify as "Cenation" but I find that a lot of the haters are trolly, immature kids who think that hating Cena makes them "cool" (memo to the haters: it doesn't), and the idea that you can't appreciate Cena while also liking other wrestlers like Bryan or Punk is baffling to me. But I do have to concede that his detractors often have a point.
A general appreciation for all sports entertainers is the number 1 reason why I' still appreciative of Cena's contributions. But in no particular order:

He is literally my age, doing the thing that I wanted to do since when I was a kid but didn't have the balls/resources to do.

His rapper 'gimmick' was really a result of him free styling on a WWE flight with Brian "Human Beatbox" Hebner and others and was discovered by Stephanie McMahon. It wasn't some BS creation from Vince and the office, it was organic.

He first came out as a 'rapper' on the Halloween episode of Smackdown as Vanilla Ice, which was probably the funniest Halloween segment they ever produced.

Why still transitioning from Attitude/Ruthless Aggression/PG Eras, his rhymes were more adult oriented. And his calling out Jay-Z and Fabolous at Wrestlemainia was classic.

He may not have "lived" that white MC life for real, but it was obvious that rap was a passion for him with his album release and freestyles on tv. The Baltimore one before No Mercy was pretty damn good. And Kevin Kelly confirmed it wasn't prepared beforehand. All Cena knew was he'd have to battle someone.

When he turned face before Survivor Series, the writing was clearly on the wall before hand. So my boys and I just made a mutual decision to no longer root for him. No hate, but we just loved heels more. So I never felt "betrayed" by SUPERCENA and all that followed. I know just like with Hulk Hogan...the heel possibility will always be there before he retires. Whether he takes it or not? Who knows.

Nikki Bella wets his dick...good on him.

I can't think of anymore....
John Cena, in the words rapper Drake's hit single "Started from the bottom" when he debut in the WWE. He started off a solid blue chipper on the Smackdown brand in his first match against Kurt Angle. Then he made the character change with a rapper gimmick. Coming out to the ring on the mic spitting rhymes, wearing throwbacks jersey's, bolted chains around his neck, and trucker caps. It was a great time to be a John Cena fan. Not to long after Cena won his first world title, the WWE wanted to clean up his image if they were to market John Cena as the face of the company. And like always WWE chairman Vince McMahon was correct.

Goodbye rapper Cena, enter SUPER CENA. Everything that we knew about John Cena was gone like the wind. Cena would start coming to the ring saluting the crowd wearing different colorful T-Shirts at a time...and no more freestyling. John Cena's "Chain Gang" slowly started to change into the "CeNation". Now for over the last 8 years we've seen the division among John Cena fans. Some love him, some can't stand him! The majority of John Cena fans are young children while other "fans" in their adulthood boo the hell out of Cena whenever they have the chance.

I remember back in 2011 on RAW during the Rock's "Rock Concert". Where the Rock made a joke about anyone over the age of 21 being apart of the CeNation. They had a few fans on camara too. There are two different sides of John Cena. John Cena the person, and John Cena the entertainer. But the almighty question here is, "why are you a John Cena fan again"? It's like asking yourself "why did I get married" or one of those kind of questions of life.
A) Because I'm not a moron who erroneously criticizes him for things he doesn't do or for the things all WWE faces do.

B) Because he's the best wrestler in the WWE, maybe even the world.

C) Because he always brings the big fight feel.

D) Because his mic and promo work is second to none.

E) Because his list of great matches on TV/PPV contends for the largest ever.

F) Because he's everything a wrestling fan could ever want in a pro wrestler off the screen as well...a good guy, who never gets in trouble, is tremendous with fans, puts over other wrestlers and is always willing to do what's best for the business.

The better question would be "Why aren't you a Cena fan?". Because outside of the rampant insecurity of the IWC's pimply faced male fanbase, there's really no reason not to like John Cena.
The TRUTH is because they are sheep. Its like that song you always hear on the radio. At first you cant stand it but after it beibg shoved down your ears fot sovlong yiu start memorizibg the lyrics wether you like it or not. Cobtrary to popular believe cena is NOT good on the mic that "passion" is merely him yelling trying to get over and telling corny ass jokes. You can put alex riley in his position and he will do just the same in clothing sales and making little kids wet
For me it's simple. I'm bored of the current Cena character. I don't hate it but I'm tired of it. I'm used to anyone (who is the face of the company) to go through character changes involving issues with morality. If it weren't for WWE being so consistent in the Attitude Era through now with making major characters go through heel and babyface fazes, I wouldn't be so accustom to expecting such with Cena. But since they have persistently done this with just about every major character since the The Rock turned face to heel back in '96 or '97, I expect this from everyone. John Cena has been the only major player to be on the roster for a span of over 6 years and not undergo a transition while atop the WWE mountain.

Triple H started as a heel, became a part of a flip-flop faction, and constantly blurred the lines between good and bad. Stone Cold was loved by the fans for his bad ass, lone-wolf behavior when he was a face character. Later he was screwed over by the company (kayfabe), much later after that, he became a heel character, then became a face again. The Rock started his career off as a babyface, then became a heel, then a face, then much later a heel again, then babyface again. Batista, Randy Orton, Sheamus, Daniel Bryan and CM Punk are all major players who have all gone through the same transitions after or during major title reigns. Cena has been a major player since 2005 or 2006 (depending on how you look at it). And since he's been a major player, he's been a babyface character. This is why I'm tired of him.

As far as talent and marketability goes, I think he's without a shadow of a doubt the best. He's got the look of a heavyweight champion, he's got the enthusiasm both on the mic and in the ring, he can work a crowd, he got the confidence, he's marketable, he's articulate, and he's the only one in the company who has all of those things. This is why I like him.

No one compares to the guy on the roster. The fact that he's so gifted, makes me upset that his talents are being wasted on this babyface character that's beyond stale and worn. I look at Cena's career and I think what could have been if they didn't change up their formula with him. If he would have gone through the same eventual morality issues that all the other major players go through, his story would have been far more interesting and enjoyable. Instead it's the same story over and over again. He faces a guy who everyone expects him to beat, the guy cheats or uses sly tactics to screw Cena over, and then Cena overcomes the obstacle at a PPV.

That's such a limited use of someone who's capable of so much more.
To this day I can't understand Cena "haters". I accept people disliking superstars - it wouldn't be natural if not - but I can't see any quality about John Cena to dislike.

In the ring he has proven he has much more to him than the "5 moves". That is a completely outdated notion. Indeed, for a while, his matches were repetitive but those days are gone. Since his return from injury, he has put on some fantastic matches. Great gimmick matches with Edge, JBL, Batista and Lesnar. The classics with HBK, Punk, Bryan and Orton. He has put on 5 star matches with a range of superstars.

On the mic he is in an elite class. He can give a range of promos and, in my eyes, only The Rock in recent times can claim to be better. From the Championship Ascension, Bryan (pre-Summerslam); his promos with Punk and of course his infamous rapping: he is truly incredible.

Make a Wish Foundation helps. He is a great company guy and seems to always care for his fan - that is what qualities he shares with Hogan because his wrestling ability far surpasses the Hulkster.

I am a fan of John Cena because he is talented and entertaining. I watch wrestling to be entertained and Cena does that every time he appears. Moreover, I'm happy to be watching one of the greats in his prime. I'm not old enough to have seen Flair and Hogan in their primes. I experienced Rock, Austin and some of HBK. Now, I'm getting to watch Cena and I hold him in the same class.
A few facts about Cena
1. Average wrestler at best who still hasn't perfected the about 10 moves he does
2. Terrible talker who panders to the crowd to get them to like him and talks starts shouting for no reason and people call it a great promo. Its boring, predictable, repeated and just simply terrible
3. Hypocrite - he talks about everyone else being handed everything when 20 years ago a guy with his talent level would be a jobber if he was lucky
4. Overpushed
5. Been at the top far too long
6. Only sells merch because he has about 20x as many options as other guys
7. Exploits the military, disabled people and kids to make him seem a nice guy to make fans like him
8. He has nothing any male fan over 18 can relate to him about
9. Buries atleast 1 talented guy a month
10. Takes tons of finishers and still kicks out at 2
11. Never loses CLEAN. Bryan at Summerslam not clean because he complained about his elbow the next night. Orton at TLC not clean he brought up the handcuffs. A clean loss is when the loser has no excuses he just lost to the better man
12. Rarely loses at all
13. WWE makes legends say complete bullshit to put him over. eg. Mick Foley says Cena is the most hardcore superstar of all time
14. He personifies everything that is wrong with PG WWE
15. He has no athletic ability at all he is just muscular. If you want an example watch his running style on Raw
16. Every man on the WWE/NXT has more talent than him as a wrestler
17. Cant sell in the ring
The TRUTH is because they are sheep. Its like that song you always hear on the radio. At first you cant stand it but after it beibg shoved down your ears fot sovlong yiu start memorizibg the lyrics wether you like it or not. Cobtrary to popular believe cena is NOT good on the mic that "passion" is merely him yelling trying to get over and telling corny ass jokes. You can put alex riley in his position and he will do just the same in clothing sales and making little kids wet
So let me see if I have this right...liking one of the best wrestlers in history makes one a sheep, but regurgitating the same tired and untrue claims about him makes you better?

At this point, the only people who are sheep are the ones who claim he's not a great professional wrestler. It's okay to not enjoy his character, but Cena is unquestionably one of the top 5 all-time.
For me it's simple. I'm bored of the current Cena character. I don't hate it but I'm tired of it. I'm used to anyone (who is the face of the company) to go through character changes involving issues with morality. If it weren't for WWE being so consistent in the Attitude Era through now with making major characters go through heel and babyface fazes, I wouldn't be so accustom to expecting such with Cena. But since they have persistently done this with just about every major character since the The Rock turned face to heel back in '96 or '97, I expect this from everyone. John Cena has been the only major player to be on the roster for a span of over 6 years and not undergo a transition while atop the WWE mountain.
Rey Mysterio says hi. If we're just talking about character (not face/heel disposition), then Sheamus, Big Show, Randy Orton, and others would like to join the conversation.

No one compares to the guy on the roster. The fact that he's so gifted, makes me upset that his talents are being wasted on this babyface character that's beyond stale and worn. I look at Cena's career and I think what could have been if they didn't change up their formula with him. If he would have gone through the same eventual morality issues that all the other major players go through, his story would have been far more interesting and enjoyable. Instead it's the same story over and over again. He faces a guy who everyone expects him to beat, the guy cheats or uses sly tactics to screw Cena over, and then Cena overcomes the obstacle at a PPV.

That's such a limited use of someone who's capable of so much more.
John Cena has had many more storylines than you're giving him credit for. He did the "brawler vs. wrestler" storyline several times in his early championship years, he's obviously done the "David vs. Goliath" storyline, he's done the "best vs. best" storyline many times, he's done the "Cena is a vet vs. the up and comer" storyline, he's done the "it's personal now" storyline, etc.

But at the end of the day, there's only so many storylines which can be written. If we're just talking about wrestling in general, most storylines are twists on previous storylines and Cena's history is no different. Throw in the fact John Cena HAS to be the good guy (because there has never been another good guy who could carry the company like he does), and you're left with what we have.
A few facts about Cena
1. Average wrestler at best who still hasn't perfected the about 10 moves he does
2. Terrible talker who panders to the crowd to get them to like him and talks starts shouting for no reason and people call it a great promo. Its boring, predictable, repeated and just simply terrible
3. Hypocrite - he talks about everyone else being handed everything when 20 years ago a guy with his talent level would be a jobber if he was lucky
4. Overpushed
5. Been at the top far too long
6. Only sells merch because he has about 20x as many options as other guys
7. Exploits the military, disabled people and kids to make him seem a nice guy to make fans like him
8. He has nothing any male fan over 18 can relate to him about
9. Buries atleast 1 talented guy a month
10. Takes tons of finishers and still kicks out at 2
11. Never loses CLEAN. Bryan at Summerslam not clean because he complained about his elbow the next night. Orton at TLC not clean he brought up the handcuffs. A clean loss is when the loser has no excuses he just lost to the better man
12. Rarely loses at all
13. WWE makes legends say complete bullshit to put him over. eg. Mick Foley says Cena is the most hardcore superstar of all time
14. He personifies everything that is wrong with PG WWE
15. He has no athletic ability at all he is just muscular. If you want an example watch his running style on Raw
16. Every man on the WWE/NXT has more talent than him as a wrestler
17. Cant sell in the ring
A few facts about you:

1. You obviously don't know anything about professional wrestling.

Well, damn, come to think of it...I only needed one.
"Started from the bottom" as a "blue chipper" who had his first match with Kurt Angle? Is it just me or does that not make sense?

Cena can be the best and worst. Some of the time he blows me away on the mic and makes me cringe in the ring. Other times he makes me roll my eyes when he is on the mic and shocks me in the ring. But at least he keeps me interested. 60% of the roster can't do that no matter what match or storyline they're given.

This past Monday his attack on Orton felt pretty flat for someone who was attacking the guy who beat his helpless father but I'm sure Sunday he will make up for it with a stirring promo and quality match. Meanwhile Dolph Ziggler will just be falling carelessly.

Cena is fine. His detractors are weird. The ones that attack kids and scream "Cena sucks!". I wonder if they realize that the attention they give him just continues to justify why he continues to stay the exact same guy in the exact same position.
I've never been the biggest Cena fan but I was never a Cena hater either. I was neutral on him for several years.

However, I've grown to respect him. Cena isn't my favorite wrestler but the guy clearly works very hard at what he does. When he turns into serious mode for a big match, he can rival anyone ever on the mic. His promos against Rock had me to the point where I needed to see the match, which barely ever happens anymore. I'm not a fan of most of his comedy, but here's the thing: I'm 25 years old, putting me about 15 years older than his target audience. It's not funny to me, but it's not supposed to be. Why more fans can't understand that I"m not sure.

Cena is great, even though he doesn't appeal to me a lot of the time. Look at it from another angle. I'm a Cleveland Indians fan, meaning I'm not a Red Sox fan. I know they're better than the Indians, but it doesn't mean I have to like them. However, it makes me look stupid if I say the Red Sox suck. If you don't get why Cena is great, you don't get wrestling.
I don't understand how someone who watches professional wrestling on a week to week basis and considers themself knowledgeable on the subject couldn't be a John Cena fan.

- He puts people over. Cena did more for the careers of Randy Orton, Edge, CM Punk-and I could go on-then anyone else has combined. If you track their careers, their rise to permanency in the Main Event culture of the WWE is a direct result of long feuds with Cena. Who else on the roster, past or present, has done this? Hogan? HHH? The Rock? Nobody, arguably, is responsible for helping to elevate stars into main event positions the way John Cena is. That alone should be justification for me to be a fan.

-When it gets down to it, there's nobody better to sell a match in a pressure situation on the mic than there is John Cena. Punk essentially had two feuds where he's done this, with Cena and with Heyman. Look at Cena's work with Edge, Punk, Bryan, Henry, Batista, Sheamus, Wade Barrett, and so many more. If there's one guy who can deliver a money promo to sell me on a show or a match, it's Cena.

-People talk about how Cena's had his best matches with Cm Punk, then Daniel Bryan, and so on. It becomes repetitive to hear, because what many of you don't want to realize, or consider, is that perhaps those men have had their best match with him? I look at JBL, Umaga, Edge, Batista, Punk, Bryan, Ziggler and so on, and if you asked me what their best single's match was, it was with Cena. These are a diverse group of performers with different skill sets, yet Cena managed to bring the best out of himself and each of them in big-time situations.

-If you're looking for a guy to bring a big-fight environment to a PPV main event or the second hour of Raw, does anyone do it better then Cena? He's one of the few people in wrestling history who is a game-changer, and someone who performs better when pressure is on him to deliver. He was a one -armed man who had close to a 5 star match with Bryan Danielson at Summerslam, then came back and gave Damien Sandow the best match of his career. It doesn't matter where you put him on the card, no one makes a match feel more important just by his presence in him then John Cena.

If you don't like him, that's fine. That doesn't make you a delusional idiot who knows nothing about wrestling. But if you can't understand that he's great, and why, that's a different story.

A few facts about Cena
Those are opinions. Facts are things you can back up with tangible evidence. I would love to rip this apart, opinion by opinion, but I simply don't have the time.
1. Average wrestler at best who still hasn't perfected the about 10 moves he does
Or a great wrestler who gets great matches out of everyone he's in the ring with, and has had the best matches in the WWE careers of a dozen wrestlers, at least.

2. Terrible talker who panders to the crowd to get them to like him and talks starts shouting for no reason and people call it a great promo. Its boring, predictable, repeated and just simply terrible
See his promo selling the TLC PPV, the main event against Randy Orton. Where didhe scream, yell, or pander? Yet he delivered a money promo that experts who write for this business universally agree that it was a promo that sells a big match.

3. Hypocrite - he talks about everyone else being handed everything when 20 years ago a guy with his talent level would be a jobber if he was lucky
How does him saying this about Orton translate into everyone, and why does that make him a hypocrite? Why would he be a jobber? It's not as if he didn't pay his dues, did he start his career at the top of the card? Nope.

4. Overpushed
In what way?

5. Been at the top far too long
That's an opinion, an unsubstantiated one. How does one wind up anywhere they don't belong for too long? I'm the head of a company, I have been for 6 years. Recently, I partnered with someone, who is currently my equal. SHould I "step aside" because there's younger "talent" within our company that shows promise, or should the people who've shown they can perform at the top stay there? I've got great talent with me, but at the end of the day, I'm the top guy. Is that to say that in 4-5 years, I'll have been at the top for "too long?"

The best performers in any profession, under most circumstances, are at the top for a reason: They're the best.

6. Only sells merch because he has about 20x as many options as other guys
So people buy it because it's their only option?

7. Exploits the military, disabled people and kids to make him seem a nice guy to make fans like him
Giving of his precious time to grant wishes and do meet and greats with the military is exploitation these days?

8. He has nothing any male fan over 18 can relate to him about
I can relate to him. I'm 31. DO you see what I mean between the differences between facts and opinions?

9. Buries atleast 1 talented guy a month
What do you consider a burial, pray tell? Being instrumental in guiding other performers to full-time main event status?

10. Takes tons of finishers and still kicks out at 2
So as the top guy, he should lose easy?

11. Never loses CLEAN. Bryan at Summerslam not clean because he complained about his elbow the next night. Orton at TLC not clean he brought up the handcuffs. A clean loss is when the loser has no excuses he just lost to the better man
Those were his exact words. Even if you don't consider his loss to Bryan clean, which it was, what would you call his loss to Orton at TLC? Where was the interference?

12. Rarely loses at all
That's true of most top guys. They shouldn't lose much, because when someone beats them, it's a big deal. When Bryan beat him at SS, for example, it was a big deal.

13. WWE makes legends say complete bullshit to put him over. eg. Mick Foley says Cena is the most hardcore superstar of all time
WHen was this said?

14. He personifies everything that is wrong with PG WWE
How so?

15. He has no athletic ability at all he is just muscular. If you want an example watch his running style on Raw
People with no athletic ability generally don't play college football. :shrug:

16. Every man on the WWE/NXT has more talent than him as a wrestler
By that you mean "Would be lucky to learn from him as a talent", right? ;)

17. Cant sell in the ring
I've never understood this argument, in fact, I consider Cena to be one of the best sellers Ive ever seen. See what I mean about facts and opinions again?

Oh lookie here. I found time.:)
Rey Mysterio says hi. If we're just talking about character (not face/heel disposition), then Sheamus, Big Show, Randy Orton, and others would like to join the conversation.

John Cena has had many more storylines than you're giving him credit for. He did the "brawler vs. wrestler" storyline several times in his early championship years, he's obviously done the "David vs. Goliath" storyline, he's done the "best vs. best" storyline many times, he's done the "Cena is a vet vs. the up and comer" storyline, he's done the "it's personal now" storyline, etc.

But at the end of the day, there's only so many storylines which can be written. If we're just talking about wrestling in general, most storylines are twists on previous storylines and Cena's history is no different. Throw in the fact John Cena HAS to be the good guy (because there has never been another good guy who could carry the company like he does), and you're left with what we have.

The examples I gave of major top faces and heels (main eventers) don't really apply to Rey Mysterio who is more frequently a mid carder. Hence, I didn't mention Jericho as well (who also supports WWE's formula of transitioning between face and heel).

Those various storylines you mention are all examples of Cena being considered the favorite to win against someone else. The "best vs the best" storylines are hyped that way but Cena is still expected to win because he's more popular, he's a full-timer, and he's more decorated. The David vs Goliath storylines (he versus Big Show, Brock Lesnar etc) all ended as I mentioned. He overcomes them at a PPV. He's a babyface character so this is expected. My problem with this is that it's all we ever get. Him going through his entire main event career as a babyface for 7 years lacks the amount of variety I've come to expect. There's no mystery in his story, there's very little surprises, there's no range in the character he's being told to portray.

I already mentioned the reasons why I like Cena (which have everything to do with his talent) but the reasons I'm bored with his character have everything to do with the writers refusing to do with Cena what they've done with ALL the other main event characters (major players) since the Attitude Era, who've been in that scene for 6+ years. They refuse to play with Cena's morality. While it makes him unique, I find it's what made him uninteresting for quite a while now. Personal preferences, of course. I'm sure there's plenty of you who see absolutely nothing wrong with Cena's character but I can at least say that I find flaw in everything. Nothing is perfect. Being able to admit that and be objective even when I love something, is why I'll never consider myself a fanboy. That and being able to forgive things not being perfect - Hence I don't say "Cena Sucks!" but rather, "I'm bored with him".
A Cena fan again? I never was a Cena fan. Mainly because i find him very boring to watch, I always have. I don't hate the guy or anything, he just bores me, but a lot of wrestlers do.
I just don't have a reason to dislike him.

He puts 100% into every match, his move set is underrated, he knows how to tell a story in the ring (something that someone like Dolph Ziggler would never understand), and he cuts great promos. He can riff with the best of them.

He's not my all time favorite, but I certainly understand why he's at the top of the heap and has stayed there.
I am not a John Cena fan I was during 2003 to 2004 because he was a fresh face and did a lot unique things like his rapping gimmick.

I don't hate Cena and I never did but I am not a fan either. The problem with Cena is that his promos, storylines, etc all feel manufactured. That's fine but I don't feel invested in a character that doesn't feel authentic.

When Austin was the top face he was a rebel and he was a natural at it. I remember when Cena was being groomed as the next Austin, it didn't work out because no one was buying it. Just look what happened on the Smackdown! before Survivor Series 2003. Haynes wanted to Cena to be a bada$$ face like Austin so they made him FU his tag team partner, Chris Benoit, after they won. No one cheered everyone was just stunned and it was so bad that the whole segment was edited out from the actual airing.

The other problem with him now is that his character of a big muscular guy that can overcome all odds and is a clean cut good guy is something molded from the 80's action stars like Stallone, Arnold, Norris, Segal. It's the same model Hogan worked on, the clean cut super and unbeatable babyface problem with Cena is Hogan did that when those kinds of tropes in movies and TV were popular. Right now Cena is working at an era where conflicted heroes, anti-heroes, and bada$$es are popular, and Cena doesn't really have those traits.

Simply put Cena's character is one molded at a different era.
I used to like his rapper gimmick back in the day, but then he morphed into Super Cena and became (in my opinion) more like a dad from the 1950's (the way he spoke and acted) that was dressed like a modern day cool kid. The way he speaks and acts is truly like Superman did back in those 1950's black and white shows. It's not realistic to me and others I've spoken to about it.

I respect the hell out of him, and his ability to cut a promo but damn bro please act like the real you instead of this proper, fake, righteous hero...it's corny and cheesy. In this reality type era I would think this Super Cena gimmick would slowly start to die so we can see him spice it up a little.

I really want to see a heel turn but apparently he won't because of the kids and the merchandise sales. It sucks but if he did, I bet those same people booing him would chant his name like crazy. I know I would. After so many years of the same thing it just gets so damn old, and repetitive.

Edit: I was working on my post around the same time that shooter mcgavin posted his above me so I didn't get to read, but it is perfectly said.
A) Because I'm not a moron who erroneously criticizes him for things he doesn't do or for the things all WWE faces do.

B) Because he's the best wrestler in the WWE, maybe even the world.

C) Because he always brings the big fight feel.

D) Because his mic and promo work is second to none.

E) Because his list of great matches on TV/PPV contends for the largest ever.

F) Because he's everything a wrestling fan could ever want in a pro wrestler off the screen as well...a good guy, who never gets in trouble, is tremendous with fans, puts over other wrestlers and is always willing to do what's best for the business.

The better question would be "Why aren't you a Cena fan?". Because outside of the rampant insecurity of the IWC's pimply faced male fanbase, there's really no reason not to like John Cena.

I absolutely agree on everything in regards to match quality, mic work and presence, but surely at least you can see some complaints towards John Cena the character?

I'm not going to deny he's the perfect public figure and role model as a character, but that's kinda what I hate about him: he's perfect. It somewhat ruins certain stories involving him for me unless Cena's opponent is the underdog in the situation. I'm not going to suggest a heel turn because that would really not do any good for anybody, but little adjustments to his character and hints to depth would be great. But I'm probably looking at this from a Drama perspective rather than a wrestling perspective.
I have to say, IMHO Cena has simply gotten stale. I respect him as a performer but in the last couple of years he has become boring and predictable. His promos are always the same. "I have more passion", "I do it for these people" all the while being holier than thou and looking constipated. I thought it absolutely stupid that on RAW they had Brock/Heyman walk in with winter coats and Cena walks in with his shorts. *facepalm* That's not brave or tough, it's just dumb. I don't care how much money he makes selling t-shirts. He needs to turn.
I'm over 21 and am a Cena fan because of what he stands for in and out of the ring, because he does come off as someone who truly loves the business and (whether you believe it or not) he does put the company before himself.

I'm sure there are people who will be a little ********* by what I just said, claiming that Cena refuses to help others but that is crap. The man has done the job when he needed to do the job for others. If you say otherwise, you probably fall into that category who simply hates him and refuses to see any facts that discredit your opinion of him.
A few facts about Cena
1. Average wrestler at best who still hasn't perfected the about 10 moves he does
2. Terrible talker who panders to the crowd to get them to like him and talks starts shouting for no reason and people call it a great promo. Its boring, predictable, repeated and just simply terrible
3. Hypocrite - he talks about everyone else being handed everything when 20 years ago a guy with his talent level would be a jobber if he was lucky
4. Overpushed
5. Been at the top far too long
6. Only sells merch because he has about 20x as many options as other guys
7. Exploits the military, disabled people and kids to make him seem a nice guy to make fans like him
8. He has nothing any male fan over 18 can relate to him about
9. Buries atleast 1 talented guy a month
10. Takes tons of finishers and still kicks out at 2
11. Never loses CLEAN. Bryan at Summerslam not clean because he complained about his elbow the next night. Orton at TLC not clean he brought up the handcuffs. A clean loss is when the loser has no excuses he just lost to the better man
12. Rarely loses at all
13. WWE makes legends say complete bullshit to put him over. eg. Mick Foley says Cena is the most hardcore superstar of all time
14. He personifies everything that is wrong with PG WWE
15. He has no athletic ability at all he is just muscular. If you want an example watch his running style on Raw
16. Every man on the WWE/NXT has more talent than him as a wrestler
17. Cant sell in the ring

1. Steve Austin. says himself, ABOUT himself, he used about five moves during his man event run, and called it "working a main event style"

2.Only one of the most prolific go-home promo guys ever.

3. 20 years ago is 1994. You are an idiot. Post steroid scandal, were such stalwarts as M.O.M, Mantaur, Duke The Dumpster Drose, and cocaine cowboy Shawn Micheals were selling out 2,000 seat civic centers? Shit, a guy who looks like Cena and is (supposedly) PED-free would have been a GODSEND for them. Are you fucking high? Much to the contrary, most of the roster in 94 wouldnt even get onto TV in the current WWE.

4. Has drawn more money than anyone, ever, with perhaps the exception of Hogan.

5. see above

6. Im pretty sure its more because people like him

7. im sure its all in his own self-serving plot. Ill get you next time, gadget!

8. Morals, dedication, caring for children, hard work, being a gym rat, always standing up for hat is right. I have been over 18 for a while now, and I can relate more to John Cena than any other guy on the roster.

9. Here I was responding to your post in a serious manner, before I realized you may be mentally ******ed. Now I feel bad.

10. You know, because HE books the matches

11. See above. Also, complaining the night after doesnt make the loss not a clean pin. NO ONE has done MORE to put over Daniel Bryan than John Cena

12. has lost plenty as of late, and whenever it benefits the company. Were the fuck are you, 2006? Did you take a time machine?

13. Im sure its at gunpoint

14. making gobs of money, and making children happy, fuck man, I know.

15. this is the funniest one of all. Right, since he doesn't bust out hurracarana's on a fairly regular basis. Not to mention, he was an all-american college football player. If you don't consider that athletic ability, I would love to hear of YOUR athletic exploits

16. They don't though, do they?

17. you must be reffering to shoes, or pizzas or something

B) Because he's the best wrestler in the WWE, maybe even the world.

I would beseech anyone to present to me someone who is better.

The answer to the thread, is obviousy because he is a great wrestler, with great promo skills, who has more 4 star matches than anyone else in the last decade. I am not sure what much more someone needs to do to warrant having fans.
A few facts about Cena
And a few rebuttals here and there.

1. Average wrestler at best who still hasn't perfected the about 10 moves he does
From a technical standpoint, sure Cena's around average. It may be worth noting that he got rushed a little fast in terms of ring-work. That's fine. Here's his true skill-set; he's arguably the greatest "foil" for a technical wrestler that the WWE has ever seen. His strength and bursts of mobility offer a nice contrast to anyone who displays a variety of moves. But it's that athletic ceiling which makes him better at the job than say Triple H, who after his leg injuries has been the Patrick Ewing of the WWE in terms of ringwork.

2. Terrible talker who panders to the crowd to get them to like him and talks starts shouting for no reason and people call it a great promo. Its boring, predictable, repeated and just simply terrible
You seem the type who like the Heels that either tell the crowd they suck or expose the fourth wall. Again, that's fine. Still, you undersell Cena here because you've seen too much of him. When he speaks he's often clear and precise in his words, his tone is multi-dimensional and capable of expressing several emotions, and call his jokes corny all you want, but the guy is very composed with the mic.

3. Hypocrite - he talks about everyone else being handed everything when 20 years ago a guy with his talent level would be a jobber if he was lucky
Forget fair for a moment; you're honestly full of shit here. Twenty years ago there were too many territories for someone like Cena to be cornered into a 'jobber' role, nevermind the 'jobbers' quite frankly wouldn't even make it in today's WWE. Besides, Hogan got over around this time period, and his talent was arguably worse than Cena's from a technical standpoint. Shoot, switch the two around and Vince would happily take John.

4. Overpushed
You only say that because he's been around so long. You'd bitch about the Rock and Stone Cold too if they hung around for another 5-10 years. HBK may very well have willfully subjugated himself in his return from his back injury, and Taker's gimmick hasn't required a serious push in years. Beyond that, I bet you were already heartily sick of the likes of Hogan and Flair.

5. Been at the top far too long
Often ties into his popularity and marketability. Working the kind of schedule that he has ties in a lot too.

6. Only sells merch because he has about 20x as many options as other guys
Which also means Cena has said and done about 20x the number of marketable things as most wrestlers. Beyond the YES! quotes and the Beard and the GOAT-face, what else has DB done that can be marketed on a T-Shirt of the like?

7. Exploits the military, disabled people and kids to make him seem a nice guy to make fans like him
You're not a fan of charity in any form, are you? Sure, a portion of it might just be for the publicity, but given everything else on his plate, it's surprising that he's actually the most charitable wrestler on the Roster. It's a good part of the reason why he's an eternal babyface, as a matter of fact.

8. He has nothing any male fan over 18 can relate to him about
You're projecting yourself upon a demographic. Granted, that's a demographic that would rather be anti-heroes rallying against an establishment rather than a pillar of integrity, but even so. Besides, even if it were true, it demonstrates a very uncomfortable truth; the child demographic is absolutely more reliable as a financial foundation than yours. In short, it's your fault.

9. Buries atleast 1 talented guy a month
The problem is the only way you could legitimately see a guy go over against Cena is if he spent the month prior to a PPV beating Cena clean, then just squashing him for the title. Anything less, "Buried". Rise up the card for a brief program with the guy, then go back to the mid-card once he moves on? "Buried". Rise to the occasion in a match or two with the guy, move on to other things, then suffer a slew of injuries and getting yourself in hot water? "Buried". Be 'The Best in the World', and ultimately step down for a storyline and basically stay near Main Event status for the next year or so? "Buried".

10. Takes tons of finishers and still kicks out at 2
That's a microcosm of several problems, notably the 'Hogan effect' and the decrease of Finishers in today's wrestling. Even so, a Cena match DOES offer his opponent a chance to utilize his offense, even when it makes more sense for Cena to squash him.

11. Never loses CLEAN. Bryan at Summerslam not clean because he complained about his elbow the next night. Orton at TLC not clean he brought up the handcuffs. A clean loss is when the loser has no excuses he just lost to the better man
Nevermind that Cena essentially made the noble claim you mentioned and ultimately discussed the elbow in terms of why he had to leave the WWE- Babyfaces traditionally do not lose clean. That's basic storytelling in the ring. You're supposed to boo the Heels, so Heels do Heel-ish things, like connive to steal a win. You don't lose clean to a heel and you don't admit the heel is a better man- just the opposing Babyface, really.

12. Rarely loses at all
I took a look at his PPV record a short while, and what I found was interesting. In singles matches alone in PPVs, he has in fact suffered 21 losses altogether. The win percentage overall was somewhere in the seventies. Not quite rarely. It seems that way mostly because he has had a number of really good years. A guy who came in shortly after the Summer of Punk would've looked at his bout of bad luck in the early part of '13 and be shocked because in his mind, Punk rarely ever lost.

13. WWE makes legends say complete bullshit to put him over. eg. Mick Foley says Cena is the most hardcore superstar of all time
The problem here is you won't believe a thing people say about Cena unless it's to unquestionably trash the man and call him a cancer to the Wrestling business. I can't even put that in a rational spin; you're just plain hypocritical here and deserve all the 'Fuck You's you receive. Sincerely.

14. He personifies everything that is wrong with PG WWE
You're not getting the Attitude Era back. You probably don't even know why that Era came into being, or why it was ended. Until a 2nd Wrestling Brand comes along that makes a genuine threat to the WWE, it will be PG until the day you die, and you will never be the primary focus of that era.

15. He has no athletic ability at all he is just muscular. If you want an example watch his running style on Raw
It's Raw, like it or not. Free TV. It's called 'saving yourself for the money-making shows'. It's also called 'extending your career'. How many guys run the way you want them to on Raw and still have lengthy careers as a result? I best most of them suffered injuries severe enough to make them adjust or retire outright. Most people who have long-lasting careers? They take care of themselves, especially in matchups like this. You're not looking at John Cena's athleticism so much as you are looking at a deliberate style.

16. Every man on the WWE/NXT has more talent than him as a wrestler
Great Khali and Hornswoggle, too? If so, again, you deserve all the 'Fuck You's.

17. Cant sell in the ring
Selling is sort of a lost art, and at times it can be a genuine criticism of the guy. Then again, it seems the people who offer little else besides their ringwork to the WWE are often the most consistant sellers- y'know, like they have nothing else to focus on. They don't often make multiple appearances in various venues for interviews, charity work, autograph signings, etc. They often don't work on their speech skills so they're not awkward as crap on the mic, they probably don't even do too much politicking other than the occasional bitch to an outside reporter. What I'm saying is, John Cena's probably not a good seller because there's no longer any free time for him to learn, or keep that skill sharp.

I'll admit whole-heartedly that my lack of 'hate' for John Cena most likely stems from the fact that I am a VERY recent convert to Wrestling; started watching old shows early '13 on Youtube, finally got into the regular storyline just before Summerslam. Had I come around even a decade earlier, I would've gotten bored with the guy too.
1. Steve Austin. says himself, ABOUT himself, he used about five moves during his man event run, and called it "working a main event style"

2.Only one of the most prolific go-home promo guys ever.

3. 20 years ago is 1994. You are an idiot. Post steroid scandal, were such stalwarts as M.O.M, Mantaur, Duke The Dumpster Drose, and cocaine cowboy Shawn Micheals were selling out 2,000 seat civic centers? Shit, a guy who looks like Cena and is (supposedly) PED-free would have been a GODSEND for them. Are you fucking high? Much to the contrary, most of the roster in 94 wouldnt even get onto TV in the current WWE.

4. Has drawn more money than anyone, ever, with perhaps the exception of Hogan.

5. see above

6. Im pretty sure its more because people like him

7. im sure its all in his own self-serving plot. Ill get you next time, gadget!

8. Morals, dedication, caring for children, hard work, being a gym rat, always standing up for hat is right. I have been over 18 for a while now, and I can relate more to John Cena than any other guy on the roster.

9. Here I was responding to your post in a serious manner, before I realized you may be mentally ******ed. Now I feel bad.

10. You know, because HE books the matches

11. See above. Also, complaining the night after doesnt make the loss not a clean pin. NO ONE has done MORE to put over Daniel Bryan than John Cena

12. has lost plenty as of late, and whenever it benefits the company. Were the fuck are you, 2006? Did you take a time machine?

13. Im sure its at gunpoint

14. making gobs of money, and making children happy, fuck man, I know.

15. this is the funniest one of all. Right, since he doesn't bust out hurracarana's on a fairly regular basis. Not to mention, he was an all-american college football player. If you don't consider that athletic ability, I would love to hear of YOUR athletic exploits

16. They don't though, do they?

17. you must be reffering to shoes, or pizzas or something

I would beseech anyone to present to me someone who is better.

The answer to the thread, is obviousy because he is a great wrestler, with great promo skills, who has more 4 star matches than anyone else in the last decade. I am not sure what much more someone needs to do to warrant having fans.

Is there any proof you have that Cena has drawn the most money ever? Like true numbers that are adjusted for inflation and all? If that checks out you have to account for the fact that Hogan didn't have the exposure opportunities (internet and everything that comes with it, and multiple weekly prime time programs) Cena has in this modern day period, but still accomplished everything he did.
Is there any proof you have that Cena has drawn the most money ever? Like true numbers that are adjusted for inflation and all? If that checks out you have to account for the fact that Hogan didn't have the exposure opportunities (internet and everything that comes with it, and multiple weekly prime time programs) Cena has in this modern day period, but still accomplished everything he did.

The fact that Cena has been the main guy on the highest grossing PPVs and years in the history of the WWE on multiple occasions? The fact they have expanded their business model by about 200% and launched the network during the DECADE in which Cena has been on top?

and no, you really don't have to account for it. Money is money.

Not that it matters. The fact we are discussing him against Hogan (and presumeably, Austin) supports my response to his bitching about Cena being on top for so long.
The examples I gave of major top faces and heels (main eventers) don't really apply to Rey Mysterio who is more frequently a mid carder.
When Rey is uninjured for an extended period of time (if you can remember back that far), he hovers around the main-event.

Those various storylines you mention are all examples of Cena being considered the favorite to win against someone else.
Not really. David is never the favorite to beat Goliath. How many times have you heard "Cena defeats all the odds"?

But let's be realistic here. John Cena has been world champion so many times it's in the double digits. He has main-evented Wrestlemania nearly every year. He's unquestionably the top wrestler (in kayfabe) in the company...why WOULDN'T he be the favorite?

What you're saying is akin to asking why the Miami Heat always seem to be the favorite when they play...because they've been the best for such a long time. Of course Cena is going to be the favorite most of the time these days, how could he not be?

The "best vs the best" storylines are hyped that way but Cena is still expected to win because he's more popular, he's a full-timer, and he's more decorated.
But he doesn't win them...and he usually isn't expected to win them, so I'm not sure why you're saying he is.

The David vs Goliath storylines (he versus Big Show, Brock Lesnar etc) all ended as I mentioned. He overcomes them at a PPV. He's a babyface character so this is expected. My problem with this is that it's all we ever get. Him going through his entire main event career as a babyface for 7 years lacks the amount of variety I've come to expect. There's no mystery in his story, there's very little surprises, there's no range in the character he's being told to portray.
But that's simply not true. His character has changed tremendously in the last ten years. From the white rapper to the street brawler to "The Marine" to the "overcoming the odds" to the "never say die" and now to experienced veteran, his character has transformed tremendously.

What you seem to be complaining about is the fact his transformation has never been sudden and immediate (as are so many character changes in pro wrestling). But that's not really a valid criticism as the transformation his character has gone through is FAR more realistic than the character changes the WWE gives to guys who aren't working.

I already mentioned the reasons why I like Cena (which have everything to do with his talent) but the reasons I'm bored with his character have everything to do with the writers refusing to do with Cena what they've done with ALL the other main event characters (major players) since the Attitude Era, who've been in that scene for 6+ years. They refuse to play with Cena's morality.
They did and it resulted in a horrible storyline with Kane. But they also tested Cena's mettle in the first Rock feud, even causing Cena to lose because he tried to show the Rock up, instead of being true to his normal character.

Personal preferences, of course. I'm sure there's plenty of you who see absolutely nothing wrong with Cena's character but I can at least say that I find flaw in everything. Nothing is perfect. Being able to admit that and be objective even when I love something, is why I'll never consider myself a fanboy. That and being able to forgive things not being perfect - Hence I don't say "Cena Sucks!" but rather, "I'm bored with him".
I don't mind people like you at all. While there are things I think you are incorrect about (as I've pointed out), I have no right to tell someone they have to like a certain character. The people who say Cena's character doesn't appeal to them, but still recognize his incredible ability, are just fine with me. Obviously I find Cena incredibly entertaining, but as long as you recognize his value, I have no real problem.
I absolutely agree on everything in regards to match quality, mic work and presence, but surely at least you can see some complaints towards John Cena the character?
I recognize there is never going to be a character who appeals to everyone. But as long as one don't take your dislike of the character and try to claim that makes Cena a bad wrestler, I have no real problem with the person.

I'm not going to suggest a heel turn because that would really not do any good for anybody, but little adjustments to his character and hints to depth would be great. But I'm probably looking at this from a Drama perspective rather than a wrestling perspective.
His character has changed tremendously over the years, but like I said to the poster above you, it has never been a sudden abrupt change like we're used to in pro wrestling. Instead, it has been a more gradual (and much more realistic) change of his character.

The depth and character arc of John Cena has been tremendous. But since it was not done in the ADHD way pro wrestling usually changes characters, many fans miss it, as you seem to have done.

If you've seen Breaking Bad, Cena's transformation has been more like Walter White's than your traditional wrestling character change. There was no one single event which turned Mr. White into Heisenberg, it was a long series of experiences and necessities which changed the man. So it is with Cena.
Is there any proof you have that Cena has drawn the most money ever? Like true numbers that are adjusted for inflation and all? If that checks out you have to account for the fact that Hogan didn't have the exposure opportunities (internet and everything that comes with it, and multiple weekly prime time programs) Cena has in this modern day period, but still accomplished everything he did.
In addition to NorCal's response, I also provide (in the General Wrestling section) information in a spreadsheet gleaned from WWE's corporate site. The information includes financials and they very heavily suggest a strong surge since Cena came into the main-event. I'm pretty certain the WWE has taken the link down now, but at one point, the WWE website noted Cena was responsible for 20-25% of the WWE's merchandise...in 2004 (when he was still a midcarder). The WWE's revenue has jumped tremendously since Cena took over the top spot.

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