Why are the Bella Twins the faces in a feud with Naomi?


Championship Contender
For years the Bella's were mean girl heels who would cheat and insult opponents, they then had a face run when WWE made them the feature of Total Divas and involved in the Bryan v Authority angle but since that was over they went back to being the bratty mean girl heels who bully the other divas.

Naomi on the hand has been a long term face and her rise to the Divas title match at Mania halted by a screw up by Aksana and then when she started getting momentum again another diva took her spot away from her and now she does not want wait patiently for her turn at the title and instead wants to get what she feels is hers. At Extreme Rules Nikki played the Face role and still had Brie cheat for her and then both went on to being booked as faces. Naomi then brings in her cousin-by-law or something along those lines to help stop the Bella's being able to use the numbers game.

From everything I've watched and hopefully summarised well I should be and will be cheering for Naomi she had her spot taken away by Aksana and then waited her turn, when it came Paige took it away and she didn't want to wait. She is the one I want to see succeed because she has earned it and I just can't understand why WWE thinks fans have a reason for fans to cheer for Nikki over Naomi.

A message for WWE Heel v Heel only works when they are fan favourite heels like Wyatt family v Shield, they were both booked as heels but fans loved them and when they fought they got this is awesome chants from the pre match staredown. Nikki v Naomi on the other hand is 2 divas fans arent that invested in and will react too well to unless Naomi is the one to cheer for
It comes off racially motivated. Almost all the black wrestlers on the main roster are heels. Naomi is a natural babyface, the Bellas are natural heels. WWE booking is a mess and this is a clear example of it.
It comes off racially motivated. Almost all the black wrestlers on the main roster are heels. Naomi is a natural babyface, the Bellas are natural heels. WWE booking is a mess and this is a clear example of it.
Yes, it must be racially motivated. It couldn't be the fact the Bellas are easily two of the more recognizable workers in the Divas division, are both romantically linked to the biggest faces in the company and are the stars of a cross demographic reality show. Oh no no, it's only because the much younger wrestler who is still trying to develop her own unique personality is black.
I can't say it's a racial thing, Alicia Foxx is a face, Naomi is a heel because she cked fan favorite Paige in her own home town from behind like heels do. In an instance like that it put an automatic heel on naomi...I think naomi deserves her time too but if she wanted too be a face they could have the Bellas both attack her & she could win the belt by having brie accidently hit Nikki & naomi wins with no help
I agree with you totally. Naomi is a natural face in my opinion, but I also feel like she's doing exceptionally well as a heel at the moment. I also enjoy the addition of Tamina.
My issues with the Bellas are that while they are the "face" of the divas division which means that they should be face, they arent suited to be faces. (Namely Nikki) Nikki is a natural heel because everyone "hates" her. She's annoying and self centered everything about Nikki fits a heel. Brie on the other hand is a natural face she is kind hearted, cares about animals and the environment, and she's married to the most liked superstar on the roster she should not be a heel.
I feel like Wwe knows this though. If you pay attention to this Bellas vs Naomi feud you will see that wwe has Naomi targetting Brie rather than Nikki, mostly to get heat because they know that Brie is well liked.
I feel like they should split the Bellas, yea they're great together but they are opposites of each other.
Brie should be a FACE.
Nikki should be a HEEL.
Racial thing, that's a good one.

Anyway, the booking for the Divas has been fairly lazy as of late. I'm kind of regurgitating what I've said in other threads about this subject, but they have really gone to town with the random and unexplained face/heel turns as of late. I'm still irritated with Brie Bella's heel turn and joining back up with her sister, after they spent so much time having her feud with Stephanie and Nikki, actually had them closing out RAW and seemed to really be giving the sibling feud a push. Then she randomly shows up to help her sister out after wanting each other dead a few weeks previously, and they've been teaming together again ever since. :shrug:

Alicia Fox has gone from heel, to face, back to heel in the space of three weeks (a while back). Summer Rae has teammed with face and heel divas all throughout her time on the main roster. God only knows what Natalya is right now. I'm pretty sure during one show she was heeling it up with Cesaro and Kidd, then was a babyface when she competed later on in the same show. Emma's now a heel on NXT, but I assume still a babyface on the main roster. I could probably list more. :p
Because reasons. Not one of which is race.

Through some ham-fisted booking, Naomi was turned heel to write off Paige, likely to set up a feud down the road, and position Naomi as a new top heel. The diva's division definitely needed another top heel to compliment the Bellas.

With Paige gone shooting a film, they were left with no other top faces. They turned the Bellas face on the Raw before Extreme Rules. It was a weak face turn that was barely noticeable. They smile when they do their routine on the way to the ring.

This is just symptomatic of WWE logic free booking. "The fans have no long term memory, heel and face doesn't matter, blah, blah, blah." I hate to sound negative but let's call a spade a spade: this is sloppy booking at its best. Bellas should have had that point where they snap into babyface mode; save someone from a Naomi beat down, talk up the crowd, some form of a more jarring babyface turn. The audience needs someone to root for, and a reason to root for them.

The Bellas aren't the greatest, but they're undeniably over. There's plenty of greater divas on the roster and in developmental, but the Bellas are still over. Naomi is being given a shot at being a heel, and that's great. She's talented and I think it's where she should be as her happy-go-lucky funk persona wasn't quite connecting as well as it will after some time on the dark side of the fence.

Naomi is the heel because she is being positioned as top heel opposite top face in Paige, anything else, you're reading in too far.
Naomi was turned heel so that there was a fresh new heel in the Divas division. The Bellas are two of the most popular and recognized Divas in WWE history, and Nikki Bella is the best Diva in years. There is NO reason Nikki Bella shouldn't be THE top Diva for years and years to come.
The reason the Bella's are face, AJ left, Paige disappeared. Those were the top 3 names in the division by far. The ones that got all the focus in the past year. Bella's turn face, Naomi the best wrestler in the division becomes their main rival. Makes sense to me, it was damage control.

The divas all tend to play a heel role honestly, it is so fluid. Alicia Fox can be face one week, heel the next, then back to face again. WWE depicts them all as catty bitches, just differing degrees of this. There is no pure baby face in the division and hasn't been since Kelly Kelly (or maybe Kaitlyn but she wasn't as popular).
It comes off racially motivated. Almost all the black wrestlers on the main roster are heels. Naomi is a natural babyface, the Bellas are natural heels. WWE booking is a mess and this is a clear example of it.

Oh what a load of shit. Then explain how Kofi Kingston who is black, and has been a face his whole WWE career, just turned heel, and looks like the most uncomfortable person in the building.

The Bella's are not natural heels, well maybe Nikki is but not Brie. Naomi was going nowhere as a face, but as a heel she's developed a personality. Doesn't matter whether your black, white, green or polka dot, heels are more interesting than faces.
The pop that Nikki gets proves it was a wise decision to turn her face, just the execution was poor. Ideally it should've been more of a slow burn face turn but circumstances already mentioned prevented that from happening.

Had AJ Lee not retired and Paige not gone off to shoot a movie then the Bellas would probably still be working as heels. The only other way around this would've been to bring Charlotte up from NXT but I think they're waiting to put the belt on Naomi before bringing her onto the main roster.
Naomi was turned heel so that there was a fresh new heel in the Divas division. The Bellas are two of the most popular and recognized Divas in WWE history, and Nikki Bella is the best Diva in years. There is NO reason Nikki Bella shouldn't be THE top Diva for years and years to come.

That's true. The way Naomi was being booked as a face, an extension of The Usos. She wouldn't be no different than Natayla. Atleast as a heel, it gives her an opportunity to grow and develop more of a character than being Usos' wife.
Because the Bellas have been heels before and Naomi hasn't. Plus I think they want people to forget the asscociation with the Funkasaurus Brodus Clay.

Lets be honest with AJ retired and Paige off shooting a movie the most well known Divas are the Bellas (for better or worse) and WWE want to try and make Divas worthwile again.

This brings us to Naomi who aside from dancing to the Funkasaurus theme hasn't done much. She wasn't doing anything else like Natayla is (who I would have preferred) and she isn't damaged goods like the other Divas.

So basically it's putting the Diva who hasn't really done anything against the current most well known Divas giving a shot to prove herself.
Did we get an actual face turn for the Bellas? I know they're faces now, but I don't remember it happening. It seems like they just just come out pretending like they weren't just heels a week ago.
So they can be on top. Honestly, I think it is because AJ left. I think wwe wanted to turn them face after she left so you had a well known divas as face - AJ was gone and Paige was off doing other stuff. It was kind of a screw-you to AJ - we will still do the angle but we can just replace you. It sure kills off any believability since they have been heels for such a long time and just change for no reason.
I have no idea why The Bellas are the faces. In the past 8 or 9 months or so we've been given no reason to like Nikki Bella, in fact we're actually not supposed to like her at all, and I personally don't.

The way Naomi turned was strange, she had to compete for a chance at a title match which Paige won (despite her not being on TV for a few weeks), then have Naomi attack her after the match and become the #1 contender anyway.
I guess this was the only way they could turn her, but against a heel champion it was weird.
I must say though she does have more of a character/attitude now, and especially with Tamina by her side (who should surely be breaking out on her own soon).
I think it's just to get the title on Naomi good angle with her and tamina I think the usos will return and turn at some point and I would love to see (if they turn him) roman reigns to join as well with him being the leader and singles title holder.
I think the Bellas are done soon so good way to take title of them.
What if say Naomi wins at payback then wins again say raw or elimination chamber and after Naomi defends Charlotte debuts and clears the ring of tamina and Naomi and points at Naomi's title the next feud starts from there.
The Bellas have turned heel or face many times without any explanation. They wanted to turn Naomi heel to give a push as the top heel in the divas division so they quietly turned The Bellas face, the Bellas can play faces very well, The fans love them and they know how to play to the crowd. It seems a bit odd because Nikki was such an aggressive heel last year.. But as most of us know, WWE changes their minds all the time.
Probably because Naomi is the heel. With the divas division, you're talking about the most weird section of WWE. Logic has already died and searching for it in the most fucked up division is waste of time. I don't know when did The Bellas turn face. It was that Naomi turned heel and we need to cheer one subsequently, Nikki Bella turned face. Divas division is already a joke and switching alignments without any logical point justifies that joke.

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