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Why are terms such as "Bitch", "****", "****e", etc. so accepted in today's society?


Global Moderator
You call a black person the N-Word, look out. You call a gay person the FA-Word, look out. However, if you call a woman a slur, doesn't matter how bad it is, people don't raise their eyebrow to it. My question is, why? Are the majority of women in men's mind truly "bitches", instead of ladies, in today's society? Is that man's fault, or are we in a age where most woman are indeed "bitches" and "****s"?

This is something I've really been pondering lately. I'm the type of person who won't call a woman that unless she REALLY deserves to be called that. And I mean, REALLY. If a woman rejects me for whatever reason, the first thought that comes to my mind isn't, "Fuck that bitch!" like most guys. No, for me to say something like that, she truly has to be a hateful, cruel person, or I'm saying it as a joke.

However, I know so many guys who refer to literally EVERY woman as a "Bitch" or "Hoe". I never say anything, which probably makes me as bad as them (another topic for another day), but it just blows my mind how it's possible for every woman you come by, the first thing you think of them as is a bitch. How is that possible? Also, how come if a woman hurts someone's feelings, no matter how innocent the situation may be, that automatically makes her a "Bitch" in a man's eye?

And the same case even goes for women out there. They call each other those terms all the time. Shit, a good majority of them call themselves "bitches" like they're proud of it. Why is that? Is being a "bitch" or "****" not degrading anymore?

Weird topic, I know, but these are questions I'd really like to hear people's opinion on. Did you refer to women as "bitches" and other slurs regularly? What does it take for a female to become a "bitch" in your mind?
I don't use "Bitch" very often to women. I use it either as a joke, or when a guy friend of mine is being whiny and needs a kick in the ass to get going. More like "Stop being a whiny little bitch and (insert what he's being to whiny to do)." You know, after the friendly stuff stops working and he needs someone to smack him across the head and get him going. I only use "Bitch" towards a woman if she's really, truly being a bitch. And even then. It'll take a lot to get me to that point.

As far as "****s" or "hoes" go...I rarely ever use ****. Even with a chick who is sleeping around. If I ever use it, it's as a joking retort to someone. I use the word "ho" really loosely, however. In fact, it got me in trouble with some of my friends last year when we were just starting out. I tell them to stop "Being a ho" when they got uptight about something, and they thought I was literally calling them "hoes." I quickly explained myself, and now they know. I'm just joking.

As far as why they're more common nowadays...part of it can be because the impact has left them. It used to be a big afront to call someone a ****e, because it used to be against major societal values to sleep around. Now, it's more accepted than anything (which speaks more on today's society than any rapper *coughKanyeWestcough* every could). ****..same thing. Ho is only getting backlash again because rappers are using it a lot in their songs about women, and people are finally taking offense to the new, shitty, exploitative rap songs out there. Bitch isn't as bad anymore, to me, because it's become less derogatory and been given more of a "they're being a wuss" meaning. DO IT BITCH just doesn't mean what it used to.
Quite Simply. those terms aren't accepted. At least not in my community. It would be a cardinal sin to call someone a "****" or a "****e" to their face. If that is what we are discussing, the verbal communication aspect. I may think of some women that get on my nerves as bitches, but to say it to their face is just rude. There is no need for any sort of derogatory slur, because if you don't like them, you leave it at that. Cussing them out isn't going to change anything, and certainly won't make them act a different way.

But I understand what you're saying. Women who wear terms like that like scout badges of honour perhaps have deeper issues than they let on. Maybe they just need the attention, so someone recognizes them as something, even if it is the skanky one. In terms of the impact leaving these words, I feel saying the C-word is still pretty big, but words like Fuck and Shit are so intwinded with modern society today that they have been watered down something powerful. I wouldn't be as quick to blame sources as rap music anymore than I'd blame movies and all of popular culture. But I think it was a slow build process since the 50's. The Baby Boomers swore little, so Generation X saw it as a massive rebellion. I guess now with Generation Y taking stage, their Generation X parents have used the word and not condemned it, thus making the words seem ok to use.
There are two reasons those words are accepted.

1. Women call each other those names. When men constantly hear the women in their life call their rivals bitches, we start to use it to. Black people don't call each other "******." If they did, it would be more accepted too.

2. Bitch, **** and ho aren't blanket terms for all women. When you call a woman that name, it refers to her, and maybe a couple of her friends. When you use the n word of the fa word, it refers to the entire group, so it is more offensive.
Well I don't its being put as a big issue because most people who say the things are usually joking, me and friends, both Female and Male call each other bitches all the time, ****s as well. In todays society its like a black person calling another black person the N-Word, its common, its a way of saying its you friend, when I use **** or Bitch I use it as a joke with my friends.

I get were your getting at tho, but to be honest I never really understood why you would call people a Bitch, its a Female Dog, who comes up with that, but thats not the point, I think that in todays society its become common phrase to say, including with the younger generation ( Well Younger-er considering I'm 17 ) is starting to use these words as normal words.

Sure I call people Bitches and I meen it, but I'll say thats what I meen, when I call someone a bitch its initially takin as a joke, if I say no I really think your a bitch then your bitch, but now its more of a common word.
I don't know what kind of ****s, bitches, or ****es you have been talking to but if i were to call a lady that I would get killed. There are different types of women, there are the ladies, then there are the bitches, ****es and ****s of America. So I guess in some groups it is alright. Personally, I would never call a women a bitch. Why? Because there are other words you can use to say how you are feeling, or how you are describing a women, or even addressing one. The bitch of a mother I have would never appreciate the name calling, and she raised a well mannered man. So, in my opinion, the word ****e, **** or bitch is not accepted by women, it's just accepted by the people who truly are ****es or ****s, or even a "bitch".
We say it to each other, very often in a jokey way. I call my best friend a slag all the time. She's not, but it makes her laugh because she knows I don't mean it. I dont think it's accepted for guys to say it to her face, again, unless you're joking about. It depends who says it really.
The difference between homosexuals and black people and women is that homosexuals and black people have actively been persecuted in the past, and calling them those names invokes those ideas. Sure, women have been kept down by men, but they haven't been killed for who they are or forced into slavery.

Those words are awful, but they aren't linked with 2,000 years of bad treatment, so people aren't as offended by them. Its the same undamental reason that why taking the piss out of someone for having red hair is ok, taking the piss out out of someone for having black skin isn't.
Honestly? Blame TV and music. In my mind this shit all started with Jerry Springer. In this country at least, no-one would dare use those words but then overnight, the numerous wasters, chavs and tossers of our society adopted it and everyone else just accepted it because "it's on the TV mate". That programme in particular said "Hey it's OK to act like a total ****** ********, it's entertaining"
As for me, no never used them, never thought them. I used to call my girl a "sexy witch" and that's about it.

This is something I've really been pondering lately. I'm the type of person who won't call a woman that unless she REALLY deserves to be called that. And I mean, REALLY. If a woman rejects me for whatever reason, the first thought that comes to my mind isn't, "Fuck that bitch!" like most guys.

That's the response of a child and it always makes me laugh. Reminds me of Peter Griffin trying to pick up women at the Ms World pageant. So you wanted to fuck them 2 seconds ago but now you hate them? It's really petty, childish and pathetic.

However, I know so many guys who refer to literally EVERY woman as a "Bitch" or "Hoe". I never say anything, which probably makes me as bad as them (another topic for another day), but it just blows my mind how it's possible for every woman you come by, the first thing you think of them as is a bitch. How is that possible? Also, how come if a woman hurts someone's feelings, no matter how innocent the situation may be, that automatically makes her a "Bitch" in a man's eye?

I think only the most stupid guys think like that, for the rest it's an act and to protect their own ego. "Hey I like you, but I'm going to pretend you're shit so when you shoot me down, I don't feel crap. Hey, I'm doing you a favour, it's your loss" etc

And the same case even goes for women out there. They call each other those terms all the time. Shit, a good majority of them call themselves "bitches" like they're proud of it. Why is that? Is being a "bitch" or "****" not degrading anymore?

I don't think they're doing each other any favours but it's a joking thing, which again, I don't think many men understand.

Weird topic, I know, but these are questions I'd really like to hear people's opinion on. Did you refer to women as "bitches" and other slurs regularly? What does it take for a female to become a "bitch" in your mind?

I don't think it's a weird topic.
I can honestly say I've never met anyone who I thought was a bitch. I've met plenty who acted like one but I'm always more interested in why that is. It's usually through stupidity or projecting their own self-loathing onto the people around them.
I tend to follow Elijah Mohammed's old adage...

"A man uses foul language because he doesn't possess the intelligence to do any different."

I find that statement to be true. No matter what religion, race, gender or economic difference. I can tell you, as a Black man, the word "ni**ger" doesn't bother me, for just that reason. Arguing with someone over a name is senseless... it's like being a one-legged man in an ass kicking contest...
It's simple my friend it's a word called BULLSHIT. Actually it's a double standard as well. Now it's not like I say those "bad words" you mentioned because I enjoy it, I do it when I feel it's deserved and called for. As far as ****e/****/bitch, well I think the way Women portray theirself via pornography/prostitution and the way many dress and act frankly deserve it but of course not all in general. Just as the same as a male getting called a bitch ass mother fucker or something along those lines because he's a dick or asshole ect. And yes black people do call each other "n*gger" but pronounce it as n*gga but it's still the same damn thing, a dumb ignorant word that shouldn't be used or only used for bad people in general not just a certain race.
It's simple my friend it's a word called BULLSHIT. Actually it's a double standard as well. Now it's not like I say those "bad words" you mentioned because I enjoy it, I do it when I feel it's deserved and called for. As far as ****e/****/bitch, well I think the way Women portray theirself via pornography/prostitution and the way many dress and act frankly deserve it but of course not all in general. Just as the same as a male getting called a bitch ass mother fucker or something along those lines because he's a dick or asshole ect. And yes black people do call each other "n*gger" but pronounce it as n*gga but it's still the same damn thing, a dumb ignorant word that shouldn't be used or only used for bad people in general not just a certain race.

I think there's a difference with what other people have said, and the stereotyping you say. How does someone 'dress' as a ****? I mean, really? I often wear short skirts/dresses, would you call me a ****? Judging someone solely on how they dress is really a stupid idea, not just in this topic, but in anything.
I think there's a difference with what other people have said, and the stereotyping you say. How does someone 'dress' as a ****? I mean, really? I often wear short skirts/dresses, would you call me a ****? Judging someone solely on how they dress is really a stupid idea, not just in this topic, but in anything.

I never said SOLELY based on the way a female dresses, but yeah it can depend. Im saying there is a limit to where someone would deserve to be called that IF they dress like a skank, im just being honest. Not just because you might wear short shorts or skirts, it all depends though. It's just a personal belief of mine that people should have self respect and dignity with some things in life. For example it's like a girl on myspace whining about being called a **** when she's half naked in all her pics, it's a double standard on HER part. These are all just my own opinions of course :rolleyes:
I never said SOLELY based on the way a female dresses, but yeah it can depend. Im saying there is a limit to where someone would deserve to be called that IF they dress like a skank, im just being honest.

Not honest really. I mean, you're assuming a girl would act like a '****' simply for wearing clothes she likes. It's like someone assuming a Muslim is going to be quiet and conservative if they wear the hijab - my best friend proves this is definitely not the case. But yeah, calling a girl a **** because she isn't completely covered up is going a bit far. Now if you team this with her actions, it'd be different, of course.
They're accepted because too many people they're directed towards accept it. On television shows, ****e, ****, and bitch are common words and were used in sequence on Family Guy a few years back. Back in the early days of TV shows, those terms were sacred and were not used for fear of FCC regulations.

NOW, in pop culture, it's cool to call a woman who may be dressed scantly a ****, although she's probably not a **** and is actually a nice person who wants attention on her goodies. Terms such as ****e, ****, and bitch are derogatory terms, similar to using homophobic slurs. They're accepted in society because no one's ever stood up to say anything's wrong with it. And if they did, they're someone who doesn't have much of an impact on society.
Not honest really. I mean, you're assuming a girl would act like a '****' simply for wearing clothes she likes. It's like someone assuming a Muslim is going to be quiet and conservative if they wear the hijab - my best friend proves this is definitely not the case. But yeah, calling a girl a **** because she isn't completely covered up is going a bit far. Now if you team this with her actions, it'd be different, of course.

That's what I was trying to say MSM...And that's that of course I mean to an extent such as showing to much and whatever whom it may concern thinks is "going to far" I never said or even thought just because she likes wearing short shorts and all. I would be a hypocrite of Jericho perportions because duh I love looking at stuff like that, but yes to a extent of decency.
Not honest really. I mean, you're assuming a girl would act like a '****' simply for wearing clothes she likes. It's like someone assuming a Muslim is going to be quiet and conservative if they wear the hijab - my best friend proves this is definitely not the case. But yeah, calling a girl a **** because she isn't completely covered up is going a bit far. Now if you team this with her actions, it'd be different, of course.

Nice to see another Mrs. here, lol.

I agree with you fully. It's very common for a female to be called a **** based on her choice of clothes. The people calling her that obviously don't know the meaning of the word....it's rather unfair and I find that if a girl says it about another girl, it seems to be based on jealousy and if a guy says it to a girl, they seem to think it's the worst kind of insult towards a female so they use it. It's not like they'll diss another guy with 'wow, he's such a pimp'.

Stupid how '****' and 'pimp' are pretty much the same yet '****' seems to be taken as the only negative one.

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