Why Are People Such Dicks On XBL?


Staff member

I have been on XBOX Live for 5 years now and throughout the time, I have come across genuinely nice people that really want to have a good time. People who you can count on to say "good game" at then end of a well contested match or people who will consistently try and help you have a great time playing with them, whilst they are halfway around the world. However, this thread is not about them. No! This thread is about little assholes that really do not care less if they are spoiling your gaming experience or not. If you have not witnessed this for yourself then you are extremely lucky because all of the people I have come across who play video games online have come across at least one. They are obnoxious little pricks and one of the reasons that I have decided not to play online so much any more. Mainly because it is not worth it in the slightest. If you have not witnesses it, here is a little taster:



You see, this is not a rare occasion. You do not have to go far to find instances like this and it is just the bane of my existence. Whether it is the instance of the first video, where some annoying little shit is constantly crying about something and yelling at people. Or it could the second instance and some guy could just start some shit and then you will automatically get people who bite onto it. I personally never try to get involved in any of this but it is so annoying when you have to deal with this crap over your game.

I really hate it and it is becoming a more prevalent trend in online gaming. So have you ever had any of this and how did you deal with it?
I've never dealt with it myself, because I don't play games online using things like XBL.... but I have had roommates and friends who had to deal with it. I think it is because these people are immature and insecure. They are pushing people around over XBL or whining and crying if they lose because this might be all they have. They constantly have a bad day, so they take it out on people over XBL. They think life sucks, so they constantly take it out over XBL. This is very likely one of the main causes for these idiots to be acting this way because there are few legit reasons to act that way to someone you don't even know. I don't condone their behavior, but if they want to be idiots then that's their problem. As for me, I'll always prefer playing against a friend in the same room because I'm oldschool with video games, but at least I'll never have to put up with these XBL jerks you speak of.
I'd say you covered the topic fairly well, Dave. Kudos for the outburst in the VGT section, you have definitely increased interest in this section. Your threads as of late have been nothing less of terrific.

Anyway, back to the topic. I don't have Xbox live now, with that said, I had a long tenure of playing Xbox live. Yes, in my time playing, I did see incredibly nice people who enjoyed gaming and being a "team player", and I've also encountered total jerks who shoot their mouths off, that significantly decrease the enjoyment of gaming. That's the reason I barely ever used my head set, I didn't want to talk to complete idiots. I think that, rather you want it or not, there's some people in this world who are low-life imbeciles. Perhaps, those imbeciles translate their idiocy on XBL. I can't see them being any different when they're off XBL, unless they can play a character better than the whole WWE roster. I am articulating that there are massive idiots in this world, and they bring their skewed agendas on XBL. I propose also that, seeing as how video games largely target the young, teen male demographic, that's why idiots are so prevalent on XBL. I'm not generalizing them, I mean some are incredibly nice, however you have to admit that some teens are simply put, messed up mentally.

That's my hypothesis.
I don't know why, and I can see why it would be annoying. It's one of the many reasons I stick to older systems, with better games, and less of this crap. My brother was accidentally marked as a "nuisance", because when he first got it, he didn't know it was always "on", and we would sit there talking while he was playing on Live, and people would flip shit after a while, thinking that he was ignoring them on purpose, or trying to be annoying.

So, I can see it happening sometimes, but to go out of your way to be an ass is just wrong. Why fuck with other people who are just trying to have fun? I wonder if there's a way to get people "banned" from using it, if they keep doing shit like that.
You see, the problem is that nothing seems to get done about these people. These are the sort of people who will be costing Microsoft a huge amount of money. Not directly but I would assume that a lot of people have switched off of the service because their enjoyability of the service is hampered at every turn. These people generally never get anything done to them. I have never seen anyone getting banned for this in my whole time playing XBL. It's an absolute travesty. People must be switching off of XBL because of this and hence Microsoft are losing a lot of valuable custom. You are paying £40 a year to play online and have an enjoyable time, yet people seem to have some sort of difficulty in letting you play.

The main criticism you hear from people who are debating getting an XBOX 360 is the online behaviour of some people and I generally do not have a retort to that claim. It happens and it happens often. The people at fault are never dealt with because God forbid Microsoft loses any more of it's custom.
It's not just XBL, Dave. Whenever you get a large people together, there are going to be dicks. There are dicks on this forum, there are dicks on XBL, there are dicks in real life. It's just how people are.
If I find someone annoying, I just mute them. Besides.. The only time I have my mic in is when I'm either with friends, or in a party. But yeah, I do occasionally run into a few people like that.. Just rude.:disappointed:
While I do agree with you I find something that irritates me much much more and thats Cheaters/Glitchers. One of the first games I played on xBL was Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter and it seemed every other game there was some cunt who enjoyed killing his own team and thus effected the score. It ruined that game for me completely. I'm playing Modern Warfare 2 a fair bit at the moment and I found alot of people using Glitches like the Javlin glitch (where you shoot them they explode killing all within a certain amount of yards) and it just ruins the enjoyment. If your shit at the game, DONT PLAY ONLINE with people who are generally good at it.

I've played Smackdown online and got my ass kicked plenty of times to realise I'm not good enough to win at it, but I dont go searching round for Glitches to ''cheat'' at it. If I find annoying people online I just either leave the game and join a new one or just mute them. Also think of this from Xbox's point of view, Millions maybe Billions play xbox live theres just no way to find evidence against that one person to take action against them. One big problem I had on Pro Evolution Soccer when playing online was a gamer using racist language at me (He thought I was a black guy) I just filed a complaint with Xbox Live even though I knew not much could be done about it.

So to some up my garbled post, its annoying but you can choose how much it effects you, Just ignore it, Join a different game and Mute the annoying fuck
The only online games I play constantly are Fight Night Round 4, Virtua fighter 5, Starcraft and Heroes Of Newerth.

Those last two (especially HON) Have a fair share of absolute bastards that can be difficult to get rid of, its not just Xbox that has the issue.

The other two games are interesting because its always 1v1, if you are fighting a loudmouth jerk you can just mute them, and they cant take advantage of the glitches because there are few, and there are no game winning glitches... Its very satisfying to overcome a loudmouth with superior skill :)
This is definitely one of the reasons why I don't like to play on LIVE is because about 88% of the time, you'll end up in a game with little kids cursing obnoxiously and guys making immature "mom" jokes. That's long distance for ya!
Well for the little kids who do that, it's because they're little kids. I just laugh at them and move a long.

With the older ones who do it, I have no clue, nor do I even care. I just continue doing what I have to do to have a fun game.
Well truth be told it never happened to me before until today. See I was playing Halo right, and i was have a very very bad game, only ended up with 4 kills and he is like White Mamba is hell good at this, 4 kills man, you heaps good, and I just was being sarcastic by saying yeah man I sucked. Next game I was with him again and he said yes we got white mamba again, he might get 5 kills this time, turns out I come out top from my team with 17 and we beat his team. So I said that was much better don't you think being a prick that I am, and he said your a pussy and left. Now see there was no need for that.

I just think it's because it's through a microphone and you cant actualyl see them that they act tough, because they know the worst that'll happen is it they will be banned from x-box live, so they think that it's there chance to be the bully. Just My opinion.
because this how they get their kicks annoying people online because you can't see them so they feel big, but their not because it's just sad deliberatly annoying someone online
haha i hear you buddy.. i myself dont play xbox live but i play some ps3 games online.. hey its not all insecure, immature people.. Honest people such as myself are intitles to a little anger.

For example. i like to play metal gear online.. sometimes when people dive around and you see them on your screen they are trying to CQC you but you should technically have enough space between u and them they can still get u.. so then i proceed to create my own swears to express that they are "gay" and play like "Bitchazzes" << i actually say that..

You cant tell me you dont get frustrated for stupid crap llike spawn camping.. while i dont say its cheating or anything cuz its in the game, it is frustrating and ur allowed to vent .. however someone who has something to say after every kill/death should be muted.
I've experienced it from both sides. As my gameplay being ruined and ruining it for others. It's fun to be a part of and sucks to be done to. It's like CRUISE CONTROL CAPS... IT'S COOL. I'm mean some people just take stuff SO seriously and it's fun to hear their reactions(if said person has mic).
Hearing little kids scream into their microphones is some of the most annoying shit ever, at least to me. You cannot understand a single thing they are saying and they cannot understand how annoying they are being. I try to brush it off but sometimes I just lose it on these little brats. I actually find it funny when older people talk shit online cause they say some of the stupidest shit and it is funny, but I cannot stand screaming into the mic at all, even if I don't have my headset on.
I feel your pain. I was playing this guy online (he sounded like 40) and he was getting delay of game one after the other and when I offered a friendly quit he was all like " Man you's a pussy. You know you can's beat me. Hell no you can't, go ahead and quit you gay ass quitter." What did I do? I responded by breaking a 88 yard TD run with MoJo Drew. Then this moron that spent 10 minutes of his life talking shit quit....then wanted to get on a private chat to talk more shit. What a douche.
I myself find peoples attitudes on Xbox Live quite pathetic. Having to put up with adults and children alike abusing me for only getting a certain amount of kills, what ever happened to it being a game?. But hey life's full of pricks right.
Personally, I love the little kids that think they are so tough and talk shit the whole game. NBA 2k10 is fulled with them kids, yet when they get their ass kicked they still talk smack saying they werent trying. I try to blow it off as much as possible, and if it is an adult, hell I'll talk shit right back at their asses because there is no need for it at that age.
I hate whiny little kids on there, their voices piss me off, so I just say something about there mum and mute them. One thing that pisses me off are American's insulting me because i'm english. They ridicule my voice yet I barely understand what they are saying. It seems to be the ones with shitty accents and not the okay ones. Oh well. I seem to give as good as I get so I guess its all good.
I just came across this article from IGN discussing Homophobia & Harassment in multiplayer games. Its an interesting read, but what is more interesting is the pathetic comments that most have left. There are alot of small minded people out there.

http://xboxlive.ign.com/articles/10...phobia & Harassment in the Online Gaming Age.

And there is this video on Youtube that this openly homosexual gamer had made from several multiplayer games.


Its unfortunate that there are people like this in the world.
yesterday I had a very similar experience to what TLC is reffering to.
I'm Irish and my clantag on call of duty is [ÉIRE]. I cannot get into a game without hearing abuse from a guy from northern ireland or elsewhere in britain immediately calling me "paddy" "irish wanker" "fenian" etc. I cannot get into games without atleast one person trying to mock my accent.
I am sick of these kind of players. Why do people feel the need to suddenly be racist over xbl??
My problem is more with the glitchers i hate playing halo 2 online way back when everyone was glitching to the top of the levels and just sniping you. I hate the people who know the yarent good enough to beat you straight up so find loop holes to beat you, and then brag about beating you afterwards. I didnt really have a problem with the mics since i always muted them or didnt have my mic on, but that was also a problem, too. Again it was mostly on Halo 2/3 it could just be me but i seemed to get a lot of younger kids on there and they are the worst. There is noithing worse then getting cussed out by 10 year old. I am not going to cus back at them becuase i dont want to go to there level.

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