Whose the better poster: Jerichoholic4life vs Macios

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  • Jerichoholic4life

  • Macios

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Pre-Show Stalwart
The match up you've all been waiting for, J4L vs Macios(Maci-Oh-sweet damn I suck) in a battle of wits, bravery, and overall posting ability.

Macios and J4L will display in this thread, the best of their work, and from their everyone is allowed to vote on who the better poster is.

May the best woman win.
Thank you Jenks.

Well, I think that some of my best posting came from my recent debate against yours truly. The debate/argument was based on who we thought would become Main Event Champ first. I believe my posts were of High Quality. I shall put all 3 in so that people can read over them

So, "Dashing" Cody Rhodes as he is currently known, has all that is needed to become a Top Champ in the WWE. Really? I hear you ask, like mimics of The Miz. My answer is yes. Hence the reason why I've picked him to base my first post on. There are multiple reasons as to why, springing from many different areas of Rhode's background. Family, Personality, Ring/Mic Work, Characterisation.... They all come into play with what would make a good Champ.

Firstly, Cody's family. Possibly a large factor of why Cody Rhodes will become a Champ in later times. His father, Dusty, is a WWE Hall of Famer, as well as a former Champ in everything NWA. Cody's father left behind a legacy which needs to be fulfilled by the newer generation. Bring forth Cody Rhodes. The guys is only 25, so he's got a long way ahead of him, hopefully. He knows that he needs to fill a shadow (A rather large one) left behind by his father. Cody is already a 3 Time Tag Team Champion, so surely things are looking up from here on in? Dusty is not the only family that Cody has Wrestling-Related. Dustin Rhodes, known better as Goldust, is Cody's half-brother. Granted, nowadays, we see Goldust portrayed as more of a Comedy Character, used to get upcoming Wrestlers over. But he's been the Hardcore Champ once, the IC Champ 3 Times, the WCW US Champ Twice and so on and so forth.
The WWE must realise that the Rhodes' family has achieved a lot in the time that they have been in the Wrestling Business. Cody has only been around in the WWE since December 2007, just over three years. Hopefully, he's got many years left ahead of him, and with his current Gimmick, that should only propel him into greatness.

That brings me onto the subject of "Dashing". From June 25th 2010, Cody has demanded that he be called "Dashing" Cody Rhodes. This being because he is the best looking Superstar in the whole of the WWE. This gimmick, no matter how much it belongs to 15/20 years ago, is just perfect for him. The WWE hit the mark perfectly here, by giving this gimmick to Cody. There is a cockiness and arrogance about him, that, when he wins a WWE Title, and he will, it will suit him perfectly. Imagine Cody, coming out with the World Heavyweight Championship, walking down to the Ring, checking his reflection out the whole time he's moving. It's just perfection, right? Well, to me it is.
The "Dashing" gimmick reminds me and possibly everyone of "The Model" Rick Martel. He himself, was a former WWF Tag Team Champion. This must mean that Cody Rhodes will be a future Champ right? Well, lots of people may say "No, you're stupid! Cody will never be champ! His gimmick is pathetic, no-one likes it and he will never be a decent champ". Well, I'm not Jackiz Kirey and I believe that Cody will be a future Champ, that's for sure. When, I do not know, but I believe it will have happened before the end of 2012. If the "Dashing" character comes to a close from the current "Broken Nose" story, caused by Rey Mysterio, then Cody will come back with a new personality. I believe he'll be brash, rude and aggressive. Again, the perfect personality for a Champ. He'll be back for Rey, beating on him week after week, which should push him up into the Main Event. I see him being near the top of the card a lot more often after his return. I've got Dolph Ziggler in line for a feud with him once he's given up on his Title chase. Sometime towards the end of this year, after Alberto Del Rio has won the title, possibly dropping it to Rey, that's where Cody will go after it. He will win, because he has the skills to.

That is what I'm going to go after next. Surprisingly, Cody has pretty good skills both In-Ring and on the Mic. That being said, he could brush up the littlest bit on both, but he's not terrible in either area. On the Mic, he's got the brash attitude of a heel Champ already, he just needs to put it to good use He reminds me ever so slightly of a young Jericho on the Mic, except with a small lisp. He could pull off a Promo all on his own, whether Heel or Face. Albeit, his Heel promo would be better, that's for sure, but he could do it. When you're Champ, you get more facetime and that equals more coverage of Cody, leading to improved and possibly perfect Mic Skills. This would do him great overall, because it's what he truly needs. Then there's the Wrestling ability of Rhodes. At the current time, it's pretty good. He's got Charisma, he's got the energy and the moves to pull off looking good. That's what you need as a Champ right? Unless you're Cena that is. His finisher, the "Cross-Rhodes" is the perfect finisher, for a HEEL. I know I mention, "For a heel"/"For a face", but there are certain moves that work only for a Face or Heel. Moves like the FU, I mean AA, work both ways, but the Cross-Rhodes is a move, to me, that only works if you're a Heel. Not going off the subject of why he will be Champ, it is also a finisher that would win you a Title (as a heel). It puts a statement on most matches he is in, where he wins with that move. So, it is definitive for making you win a Title, that and it makes you look good at the end of a match.
So yeah, you should be able to to see that the way Rhodes is in the Ring, with his moves, and his talking on the Mic, makes him a sure-fire bet to be Champ in an upcoming Year or so.

Well, to cap it off, Cody WILL be a Champ. Whether it be WWE or WHC, it will happen. When, as I've said, I do not know, but it will happen, mark my words. It's the perfect time for people like Cody, the "Unexpected Champ" (ADR, Miz, JoMo to name a few). He definitely has what it takes and he will only build on that before he becomes Champ. Do not attempt to say that Cody won't be the Top Man one day, because he damn well will. So, listen to me, when Rhodes returns to the WWE, he will be on the path to becoming a Future Champ. We may not see it from the start of his return, but it is where he is destined.

I now present to you my second choice of a man who is most definitely going to be the WWE/World Heavyweight Champ.

Evan Bourne

Most people will think I am crazy, or just wrong. "How can a man so small and weedy become a Main Event Champ in the biggest Wrestling Business on Earth?" I hear you say. Well, there are a few reasons.

Firstly, a man who looks about 15 in age, is actually 27. Believe it or not, this man is OLDER than Husky Harris. But he works like a man younger than he is. His crazy-ass skills and In-Ring Technique makes us think we are looking at a man maybe 5/6 Years younger than what he is. If Bourne is able to work like this for the next 6/7 Years, he's automatically the making of a new Champ. If he can work like crazy In-Ring match after match, he deserves to be Champ, it's what we expect of them after all.

In his life, he has been all over the Businesses. TNA, ROH, Chikara, Dragon Gate, WWE. He's had a great past in a total of about 7 Years. What he has achieved/done is great for someone as himself to have done in such short time. He's worked matches with Champs such as A.J Styles, John Cena & Samoa Joe. It can be said that Bourne has an In-Ring similar to Styles, who has been TNA Heavyweight Champ previously, so why can't Evan Bourne be a top Champ? Don't worry about that, because he will.

Possibly, the BIGGEST factor in Bourne's future being Champ are his moves. They are different of any previous WWE Champ, maybe apart from Rey Mysterio.

Now, some of these moves you see are you may have not seen before in the WWE, but it was said just before Bourne went to the current injury break he's on at the moment, that WWE would let him show off some more, using his Indy/ROH moves in the WWE, so as to impress the Crowd and get them going. Can you imagine your Champ pulling off some of these?
Some of them may not be possible with larger opponents, so that would have to be worked around when Bourne works in the Main Event. Bourne's uniqueness of moves makes him exciting, so that when he does become Champ in the next couple of years, it's something that will interest us, instead of us going "Oh look, he's the new Cena/Orton". No, he is Evan Bourne and nobody else is like that.

I also believe his interaction with WWE Superstars so far, makes it more than obvious where he is headed. If he was the next Kaval, or Zack Ryder, then we'd see him fighting the Mid-Card, but that's not how it was for Bourne recently. In his first two weeks on Raw, he was part of a Gauntlet Match with Orton and the next week, beat Kofi Kingston.
He has been in matches with Sheamus. Granted he has lost, but it's the Star Quality we are looking at here. He was also in Money In The Bank at WrestleMania. Cena once picked him as a Tag Team Partner to fight against Edge and Sheamus, with Bourne pinning Sheamus! He fought Jericho in 3 different matches, getting the win in two of them, but looking absolutely perfect in every single one of them.
Him and Mark Henry were the last team to be eliminated from the Tag Team Turmoil at Night of Champions. Don't forget also, that he had multiple ECW Title shots.
I think that if this isn't proof enough of where Bourne's future is headed, you may be blind. Bourne is destined to hit the Main Event, maybe lose a few Title Opportunities, but the whole point is to get him at the top, as a Champ. Whether he holds it for a week, month or a Year it will happen.

There is not much more mention for his In-Ring Skills, as they are one of a kind in the WWE and totally amazing. His Mic skills however, could be better. The looking like a 15 Year Old comes with a downside.
You sound like one as well. But, if he's a face Champ and all he's going to be doing is taking the piss out of people and shouting out to the Crowd, then that will probably work. It'll be fine.

There's also the final fact that Bourne is an "Unexpected" Champion. I mean, look at him. He's 5ft 9, smaller than most Wrestlers, and 183lb. He's not the expected build that would become WWE/World Champ. Take John Cena, 6ft 1, and 240lb. A considerable amount more than Cena. He also has tonnes more muscle and strength. BUT, Bourne will be Champ, which is what makes this so interesting. We watch The Miz defend his Title week after week, going "He won't win now, he'll drop it", but he doesn't. Imagine if Bourne was to defend a title against someone like The Big Show, or Cena, or Undertaker. THAT would be damn interesting, do you not agree? You would spend the whole match saying "He won't win now, he'll drop it", but you will still be watching to see if Bourne comes out on top. If he does, you wanna know how he does it, because you'll be shocked. Seems like a more interesting Champ than most.

So, overall, Bourne is the man to watch out for in the next few years. Something good is coming his way in the form of the Main Event and the Titles that it brings. Bourne will be champ, that's for sure. It will take some time for the WWE to wean him into the M.E, but once he's there it's good for him. So there you have it, there is your evidence for why Bourne WILL be Champ.

Rycklon Stephens, better known by his WWE Ring Name of Ezekiel Jackson, better known to most as "Big Zeke" is a Beast. He is muscles exemplified, a huge figure of a man, who, no matter what he's doing, looks like he could rip you to pieces. Zeke has only been with the WWE since 2008, but there is no doubt about it that given some time, this man will be a WWE/World Champ.

Looking back, he was originally Brian Kendrick's Bodyguard, then began interfering in matches, eventually replacing a "Sick" Kendrick in a match against Super Crazy, in which Jackson dominated and won. Which brings me to my first point. Jackson is a typical "Big Man". There is no doubting that at some point in the future he will be the Champ. More than likely, the "Unbeatable" Champ, because of his ungodly body size. When he takes helm as Main Event Champ, he'll fight in match after match where he dominates the whole thing, making mincemeat of his opponent. Even in matches against bigger stars (Edge, Cena, Orton), there will be a large distinctive waft of Jackson taking over most of the match, just because he can. He's the right size for it.

This is your proof of his dominance. He takes over, beats down his opponent and ends by winning.

In Vince McMahon's eyes, Jackson is sure-fire Champ material. He's the kind of guy he loves to watch take over the Roster, taking out everyone and anyone. Jackson is billed at 6ft 4, at 309lb. He is actually 6ft2, at 270lb, but yeah, the guy's still big in all areas. Being the fact that this man is someone who fits the classic (albeit, slightly annoying) bill for Vince McMahon's Champs, such as Batista, Khali, Big Show, means that Jackson will be Champ. It's already written into the books, we've just gotta wait and see it happen now.

As well as all of this, Jackson has the moves to pull off his "Big Man" look, as well as some Champ style moves. He has the finisher of "The Book of Ezekiel", which is a Uranage. Now, a couple of people in the Wrestling Business use this move at the current time, but no-one makes it look more devastating as Jackson does, simply down to his size. He has the Bear Hug, Chokeslam, Scoop Slam and Big Boot. Classic "Big Man" moves indeed. He also has the great Bodyslam, which recently, he has used on the Big Show. He shows that he can easily lift the Big Men, so that gives him an advantage. This move set that is seen being used by Jackson is the set of a Champion. In matches, this is what makes him so dominant. He would easily so his worth in a Title Match, which brings me easily onto my next point.

Jackson, after much fighting for it, at the Royal Rumble, as well as on ECW, became the final ECW Champion. He is recognised by the WWE as "The Last ECW Champion". He beat Christian in an Extreme Rules Match, gaining the Title. It was to the displeasure of many fans, but it made him a name in the business, if his dominance hadn't given him it already. He made it into the King of The Ring, but his match with Drew McIntyre went to double count-out, so that didn't do much for him. He then returned to Smackdown as part of newly formed Stable, "The Corre". He is the muscles of the group, that's for sure. We see him body slamming Big Show left, right and centre. This man NEEDS a Title. It's not so much of "He will be Champ", it's that "He NEEDS to be Champ". If he was Champ right now, it would;
1) Make The Corre look great
2) Make him look great, as well as giving us what should be some really impressive title matches. He has the In-Ring moves and skills to pull off a good match, so there is no hinderance there at all.

Jackson has had Mic Time before and he's not too shabby, I'll give him that. He could do with some brushing up, but he should be fine. Then again, many of the beastly figures (Khali, Ryan, Show) don't have as much Mic Time as most. Though that is changing for Show, who's getting a considerable amount sometimes. Jackson needs dominance and pure beastliness to get over and that's what he has. The Mic side of things should only really need to come in just before he becomes Champ. Hopefully by then he will have had training, making him feasible all over.

So, give it time and Zeke will be Champ. His beastly size, domination and expression show that he has what it takes and it is only a matter of time before we see this.

I would like to make a closing statement, relating to the previous posts I have made. All three men I have mentioned in my Arguments;
Cody Rhodes, Evan Bourne & Ezekiel Jackson are all unique in someway that makes them Champ Material. Not Midcard Champs, but Main Event Champs. I do believe that in time, all 3 men will achieve the title that belongs to them, Bourne, the WWE Title and Rhodes/Jackson the World Heavyweight Title. These are my arguments stating that eventually, all 3 of these men will take titles.

So, there are my first 3 Posts, that I think are some of my highest quality. The first is Cody Rhodes, second is Evan Bourne and the last is Zeke Jackson.
I've been wanting to do this for a while and it's basically it is to go on a rant about everything in the WWE that is happening or has happened recently. Please Enjoy

So first I want to talk about the many good things that are in motion in the WWE.

Wrestlemania is going to have a good card. For a long while I had no clue what was going to happen at Wrestlemania. Everyone didn't know who would be in it, who would be injured would we have enough superstars to pull off a proper paperwiew. Now I am for sure happy with what seems to be happening going into Mania. Storylines are happening and feuds are building which is setting up for the future. We know that what I think is the biggest current draw is back in the Undertaker and we know we will have a blockbuster match. I think the worries that people have are now erased and in general people feel like this is going to be a paperview worth buying.

Next promos in general are getting better. It may just be that with the Return of the Rock, the premania build-up, the loosening of the PG T.V talk, but no matter what promos over the last month or so have been very entertaining. For proof of that you just look at what John Cena did this past Monday Night by delivering one of the best promos he's given in a very long time. It may have been one of his best raps as well. This generally makes the shows a lot more enjoyable and fun to watch. I am glad that there is some flexibility in what can be said on T.V now

Miz is credible. I have been very worried that going into Mania that Miz would not be credible. For a long time he hasn't been either able to win clean or not win at all (on Raw for not win at all.) I think when he won against Daniel Bryan on Raw then Kingston on Smackdown all clean it really added credibility. Then when he won the tag titles this past Monday basically on his own it made him look very strong. I think going into Mania looking strong is the only way to have the WWE champion be so this is clearly very good from my standpoint. I think this will greatly add to the general hype of Mania and I'm fully expecting Miz to retain.

Elimination Chamber I think this year was the best chamber of all time. It had some very cool spots mostly made by John Morrison, but still every superstar performed very well. I was generally very pleased by this paperview. I think it was very appropriate going into Mania and it really helped set up the future.

The Bad or Okay

The Corre and New Nexus aren't good anymore. I feel that both groups have done not much recently. Back in the time of the original Nexus everyweek they found ways to suprise us. Now I just feel that that both groups are a waste. It's ashame but neither group have done anything really significant recently. I full understand that Corre has the tag titles now, but that group just doesn't mesh. I think of the Corre as seperate entities within the group and it doesn't sit well with me. As for the New nexus I feel they aren't doing anything. I think that they are wasting away. They have been of little use recently and I think they are stale now that Punk is their. I think Punk maybe better than ever but everyone else in the group is awful.

Mid Card Titles aren't being used. I remember the days when both titles actually meant something. Now I feel both titles are of very little use. It really is sad considering how I really enjoyed some midcard matches in the past. I hope that we see Ziggler VS Bryan at Mania but I doubt we will. The Midcard titles seem they never get retained which is ashame. I'm really annoyed by that and I think it is a major failure of the WWE. I just wish the titles were something jobbers wanted to get but it isn't. I'm especially annoyed by the US Championship. It started losing its title matches once Miz was Tag and Us Champion. Now Bryan seems just pure lazy.

Sheamus is getting flushed down the toilet. He is getting a reverse push these days. He just isn't doing anything to help himself. He is getting beat clean by Mark Henry now. He is going after the US Title it seems. He isn't even American and now he has gone from WWE Champ to future US Champion. This is a travesty. How is the WWE letting this happen? They clearly need him to be feuding with people and he is not. This is very much a problem. Worst thing in WWe currently.

Suprising Me

Tag Division. It still needs work but I am getting very impressed by how they are putting together jobbers and making them face other jobbers on Superstars. This is the slow and steady process to getting tag sucess. I'm pretty sure there are about 5 jobber tag teams that are suitable. However I do feel bad for Santino and Kozlov but I think in general the division is getting better.

This post deals with my viewpoints on the WWE at the present moment. I think it shows creativity and very good supported opinions. I believe that it covers multiple ideas. I think it is a good read and grammatically sound.

As we all know The Miz faces John Cena at Wrestlemania for the WWE title. I'm saying right now the Miz will win the match still being champion after this. Now I know how absurd this may sound, but there are certain things in place to make this happen. Note that I am not a Miz mark I am just giving my reasons on why Miz wins at Mania.

The Miz needs this win. He has retained the title plenty but he still hasn't proven himself champion in the eyes of the WWE Universe. If he gets a win over John Cena by any means he has cemented himself as an established champion. Even if he was to win with help it's still a cementing wins in front of the WWE fans. I know it is not exactly the same as this event but John Cena lost several matches this past wrestling year due to interference. What did it do? It put over everyone of those superstars who messed with Cena. Miz still needs to be put over and this is the oppurtunity of a lifetime to establish the Miz as a Main eventer. This match is a stepping stone towards the future. You have many superstars that will be leaving WWE soon and you need to establish superstars. This is one way in making sure this clearly happens.

John Cena will not be focused. Let me think who is the Guest Host of Mania? Oh that's right, the same person Cena told to blow him. Is it a coincidence that they will both be in the same place at the same time and happen to be feuding with each other? I think not. I know you could say the same about the Miz and the Rock but the scenario is different in that the Miz and Rock have no history. I think the Rock gets involved in this match somehow allowing the Miz to win. This is a credible win for the Miz and it will be believable in the eyes of the WWE Universe. Even if it is for a second where Cena turns his back on the Miz to stare down Rock from afar and Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale for the win. I believe the Rock VS Cena is a match we might possibly see in the future and what a better way to help fuel this feud.

Miz is awesome. Well that's not exactly the point on why the Miz will win but it does divulge into it. The Miz has been built up from a United States Champion to A United States Champion and tag Champion, to Mr. Money in the Bank, to WWE Champion. He clearly is putting in the effort that is needed to become champion and remain champion. He even has his own apprentice and he isn't even really an established star yet. If Cena wins this all that will be wasted in order for Cena to get another Mania moment. This is the Miz's time to shine and what better place then the grandest stage if them all. He has media connections that would help advertise the WWE so much if he was able to retain the title against another major icon John Cena. This is gold for Vince and I'm sure he knows it. The WWE has invested so much in the Miz and there just millking the money now.

It adds change. In my final point I would like to sum everything up to it adds change. Everyone thinks without a shadow of a doubt Cena will win. That is way too predicatable. They have cena getting sympathy for having a rough year and he's Supercena so they expect him to win anyway where as the Miz is written off as unable to beat Cena. Back when they first faced off at the Bash Miz came out every week saying how he is better than Cena and has a winning record against Cena. Well Cena won the actual match and is up 1-0. It's time for Miz to even the score.

In the words of the Miz " I'm 1-0, 17 wins away from tying the Undertaker"

This thrad shows my predicting ability. Is is a well supported claim with quotes and ideas. It is not a typical idea that people beileve but I attempt to support it the best way that I can. I think that it actually has good reasoning and shows good ideas.

This Wednesday marks one year that WWE NXT has been airing on television. Through its entirety we have seen numerous stars rise to the main roster, and many other stars fail miserably. I was thinking about how to celebrate this anniversary for NXTand decided to make a thread vocing my opinions on which former NXT stars have a chance to make it in the WWE and how far they will go. Superstars alread in the WWE will be marked in Red.

Season One

Wade Barett he was the winner of the first season of NXT and I believe he has the capacity to one day become a World Champion. He is a very good at talking and has fairly good wrestling ability. I think within the year he will be World Heavyweight Champion.

David Otunga he placed second in season one and I feel that he has the star qualities to become a World Champion, I just believe he needs to start out as US Champion or the IC champion before he goes on to this. I also would like to see him establish himself as more of a singles wrestler.

Justin Gabriel is probaly the best high fligher of all NXT seasons. I think he has the potential to really be a strong Tag Champion and possibly give the Tag Division some credibility. I also think he would be good in the midcard area but will not become a World Champion any time soo.

Heath Slater The one man rockband. I think he will always be a midcarder as he doesn't really have the star qualities of the other NXT members. I think he will be stuck in the midcard hell for the rest of his career ultimately within about 3 years being on the future endeavoured list.

Darren Young I think he is tag team worthy at best. I think his career will be short in the WWE. Future Endeavored sooner than later.

Skip Sheffield He will be a World Champion one day. He has the size the shape and the promo giving ability to be great in the WWE. His size alone makes hima top canidate to be World Champion. I think when he returns he will go straight to the top of the WWE main eventing.

Daniel Bryan I think when he came to the WWE people expected a lot out of him. He is currently holding the US Title and not defending it regulary. He is being used to farther a feud between divas. I think this guy has all the wrestling capability to become World Champion. I just feel he needs something else to be Main Eventing. He started off really strong having awesome matches against the Miz and Dolph Ziggler and now he doesn't really have matches that people talk too much about afterwards. Personally I would enjoy him turning heel but that's just opinion. I feel this guy might be the main eventing shortly if all theses stars are set to retire.

Michael Tarver this guy overacts way too much in the ring. He is the bad guy of the original NXT but he tries to sell it way too much. I think hhis wrestling ability is mediocre at best and he will be futured endeavoured shortly as well unless they push him the right way and get people to like him again. Have him wrestler on superstars to keep him recent. He could possibly be an ok tag Champ one day.

Season 2

Kaval- he won NXT got a contract on Smackdown and then got his ass kicked every week. This guy was a technically sound wrestler and he had a lot going for him on NXT except he couldn't buy a win on Smackdown until he used his title shot on Dolph Ziggler after beating Ziggler in a nontitle match only to lose the title match. He had the potential to be World Champ but he had two huge problems, his age and his size. This is ultimately what got him fired. I guess if you can't perform at your best you can't perform at all.

Michael McGillicutty has the worst name in WWE ever I think. I think this guy is bland to me. You would think from his name he would be a comical face to me but instead he tries to be this ruthless heel and it just doesn't work. I think at best he could be US Champ/Tag Champ but I personally dislike him very much. He is average on the Mic and above average wrestler. I would much rather have him get a total gimmick change then what he is doing right now.

Alex Riley has the greatest potential out of all the wreslters from this season. Before this season aired and the wreslters were released I knew he would be paired with the Miz. He has proven himself to be good in the ring. He also is the prodigy of the current WWE champion (who is credible after this week). I think he will start off small maybe getting the US Championship off of Daniel Bryan and then slowly working his way up the belts until finally he reaches the WWE Championship. I think he is good on the mic and a good wreslter. He has the heel look and no matter what happens will have The Miz as a mentor for the rest of his career. Also he is friends with Michale Cole which may not be much but it seems to be boosting his career.

Husky Harris at first I didn't know if I should say Husky Harris is still with the WWE as there have been talks of him possibly going back to FCW, but anyway since his name is still on the roster page I included him. He truly is the tank with the Ferrari engine. This guy is massive and I generraly enjoy his athletic ability. I think he may be a possible World Champ down the line but I think we will be stuck in the midcard realm for a while. Luckily he has the size and shape to be a very good star and I think he will have a future in the WWE.

Percy Watson- Never could stand the guy. He has very good wrestling ability and very good charisma there is just something strange about having a gay superstar. I don't know how people would react to that. I think this guy could be a future US Champ and luckily for him he is working dark matches over on Smackdown. I think he has a very bright future if the gay thing doesn't interfere with his career.

Lucky Cannon- Are you feeling lucky? I am. I think that Lucky really could be something in the future it's just he wasn't always the best in ring performer and his promos are average. I believe that he has potential to be a strong mid card heel. I think I would enjoy having him back in the WWE.

Eli Cottonwood- Can you say mustache, I can. This guy is awful currently and unless he gets any better than he needs to get scrapped. No potential currently

Titus O'Neil- I actually really enjoyed this guys on NXT. I think he had the size and shape to be a very good star. I think that if he were in the WWE currently he would be a very strong powerhouse in the midcard realm. He is a decent wrestler and decent on mic I know that doesn't necessarily make him a superstar but he had potential. I think if he got a little better possible World Champion but more than likely a strong mid card champion or a strong tag team champion.

Season 3-Divas

Kaitlyn she was the replacement for Aloisia, won the competition and honestly proved herself to be a strong contender in the Divas realm. I think any diva once they become a Diva can win the Divas title and I think she is a good fit for the WWE.

Naomi- she was the most athletic diva in the competition it be nice to see her on the Main Roster.

A.J- she was definetly the best looking diva in the entire competition. I think she has the in-ring ability to be great his way over with the crowd and honestly is the girl next door.

Aksana- never liked her get rid of her. Can't understand her usually.

Maxine- there was once the idea of putting her with the Nexus, now that that is over scrap her.

Jamie- I thought she was going to win the damn thing. What happened to her I don't know, had the potential to become Divas Champ. What ashame.

Season 4

Brodus Clay- he will become a WWE World Champ one day. He has the size the athletic ability and the power to become a very great champion. He is actually one of the better superstars in NXT and I would love to see this guy succeed. I think he is good on mic although he doesn't say much and in-ring is pretty solid. Look for him to have a very bright future.

Derrick Bateman.- Athletic ability is there, mic work his there, look sucks. I think he can be good in the WWE possibly US Champ not much more. Or even tag champ that would work to. I think with the way he looks right now he can not become World Champ.

Johnny Curtis- why the hell is he still in the competiton? This guy isn't good and well doesn't win too much. I don't enjoy him at all. Tag Team Titles at best.

Byron Saxton- is not the reason why ECW failed. I think this guy had the look the physique and the charisma to be great. I think he could have been a strong midcard/tag title champ and honestly someone important in the WWE.

Connor O'Brian- get me rat kill he sucked. Scrap Him! Please.

Jacob Novak- well I thought maybe US Champ for him. He is another heel like cocky foreign star much like McIntyre, Sheamus, and Barrett. I think he had potential but fell short. Wouldn't mind him being back.

And that wraps up the NXT anniversary.

This was a very opinonated post but has its reasoning. It covers multiple wrestlers and is something I put a lot of effort into.

Enjoy the reading.
Right, I was going to pick out Posts by Macios that I liked next, but I'm changing that. In order to show that I am a better all round Poster, I want to show you where Macios can go wrong.

Here are superstars that have been around in the WWE usually working Superstars that all need pushes with a few exceptions. The question of the thread is to say who wins first and why. This can be for ANY TITLE!

My answer:
Zack Ryder because he seems to be getting pushed in the tag team division. I think they have the possibility to win the title and I think he has the ability to win it the fastest.

Here is a Prime Example. He has made a decent Thread, with a Poll, where, looking at the Title, from the outside, it looks VERY promising. However, when it comes to him expressing his own opinion, it's pretty terrible. Firstly, he picks a VERY unlikely option. That's not the worst point here. When it comes to explaining why he has picked this person, there is a follow-up of Two sentences to back up his case. Here, Macios could have used more explanation, maybe a little prediction as to how Ryder would win Gold etc.

I noticed when I was looking over the main threads logged off that the Wrestlezone tournament draw selection was on tues. I haven't been here long enough to take part in one of these before and I wanted to this year, but well I'm in prison. I know I can make good posts and I actually do know some of the more obscure wrestlers from other brands. I was just hoping that this year I could take part in it and if there is any way to make it available to prisoners I would be greatly appreciative. If not I understand.
Thanks for considering.

This here, isn't an example of Macios' "Bad Posting" so to speak. This is an example of how Macios really can sometimes discuss the wrong things. He obviously knows, as a Prisoner, that he can't have the "Luxuries" of the Main Boards. But, nonetheless, he still asks. This can be a way to get yourself some Bad Rep, by going round, wanting things you can't get. I do disagree with him sometimes and I do respect him, but it's things like this that doesn't make him as good a poster as he could be.
I do have respect for J4L as weel and we do disagree but here are my examples of him not posting well.

His wife calls it a Penis? Wow, that is brave.

How many times have you commented on my starrting up drama. yet you have a conversation last night about Crooked's penis. Really? I think this is just wasteful not to mention hypocritical. I feel that I never have gone on a rant about something that stupid.

3 Things I wanna talk about here.

1) The Returns of Undertaker and Triple H.
Firstly, I loved this segment. I mean, come on, we'd been waiting on this for a month! Obviously, this is the set-up for their Wrestlemania Match. We've got 6 weeks now. Possibly, we see the men have 1 or 2 Matches before Wrestlemania, just to show how dominant they truly are. I would imagine that they would try to save the guys, as Undertaker is usually working through injury, as well as the ages of them as well. There'll be a Verbal Promo, I hope, sometime soon, where it'll be announced as a Streak vs Career Match. If it isn't that Match Stipulation, I think we will all be very surprised. But this is definitely going to be good, that's for sure. Bring on Wrestlemania. I hate to say it, but Bill Lesnar, DAMN you were right, this will be awesome.

2) Sheamus - New U.S Champ?
Well, Sheamus lost to Mark Henry last night, which was a surprise to many, as they were expecting him to win. However, Sheamus did lose. After the Match, Backstage, we saw Sheamus approach Daniel Bryan, have a go at him, threatening to "Rip his head off?", correct me if I'm wrong. That brought along the idea that MAYBE, just maybe, that Sheamus is going to end up going after Daniel Bryan and the U.S Title? Maybe Sheamus becomes champ, who knows. This is certainly something to watch out for if they follow it up. If they don't, then I'm not sure they needed to bother last night, 'cos this could be an interesting feud, with a Title being an allright way to bring Sheamus back up to.

3) Jerry Lawler vs Michael Cole?
Definitely my second favourite thing that took place last night. Cole interviewed Lawler, then asked about his Mother. It was at this point Lawler snapped, grabbing Cole by the Lapels of his Jacket, finishing off by challenging Cole to a Wrestlemania Match. Cole called Lawler a "Senile Old Man", followed by running back to his Announce Desk. Eventually, Cole threw Water into Lawlers face and ran away. There will be a Match at Wrestlemania with these guys, eventually, Cole will snap and give in to temptation. Just have to wait and see.

What were your thoughts on Raw?

Ok so this isn't a bad post but it does exhibit one major flaw. J4L is notorious for making threads that already exist. There was a Raw discussion thread that already had 119 posts in it and then he makes this. J4L has done this for several threads such as the 2/21/11 thread. He makes good points just not in the right place. Theoretically in the rule book this is spamming which is a no-no.
This here said:
It's funny I asked to get involved in this tournament failed the first time. But then I asked PowerTrip who runs the Triple H campaign if I could get on there and he said yes if I made a good post. So the asking actually does pay off and the post I made to support Triple H is actually a very good post. This is the main point where we don't agree, you feel asking is bad where I askto try and get oppurtunites. I think this time, I proved you wrong.
Macios kind of surprised me w/his posts. Typos notwithstanding they showed he is capable of thinking things through when he takes the time.

That's the key point, taking the time. I think he's a bit on the impulsive side a lot of times and that hurts him. He needs to sit back, relax, and not let things compel him to impulsive posts. Breathing techniques, a time out, whatever works. I've kind of noticed that about the kid.

J4L actually takes his time on his posts and it shows. He doesn't let things get to him as bad and can put forth a good effort. I think w/the above, small examples both should get some kudos.

I came in w/the intention of seeing a no-contest. I was pleasantly surprised. Macios may be impulsive but he shows the equivalent of a green developmental talent. In time, he may surprise.

(Apologies for posting late, I was writing but then had to get dinner ready, a friend of mine stopped over w/her dog, and I'm probably late w/the response. But it's here.)
Why does it seem like Jenks is pulling the strings in here?
Undertaker VS Triple H is now official. I am super excited for this match and with the other Mania matches is giving me opinion on why they will play out how they will. The title of the thread basically says who I know will win but here once again are my reasons.


He is 18-0 never lost. He is the best there is at Wrestlemania and nobody comes close to breaking his streak. He still has a little left in him and he will be the one going on top in this match,

Triple H is done. He doesn't have it in him to wrestle every week anymore. He already has a desk and office. There is no reason why he should win this if he has already thrown in the towel. He probaly will end up doing this to avenge Shawn but really he won't. Undertaker has a career wrestlemania victory over Triple and honestly I think it will be his second victory ultimately writing Triple H off.


Undertaker still has it. He can still do well in a match and he may not be as agile but his brtue power is all that matters. Yes this will be an awesome match and yes it will be a classic but honestly every time you knock Taker down he rises up. He can take a beating and he knows how to win. He has the pysciological edge and he is the best. Triple H will not be facing some nobody this year and that is why he will lose. Triple H may be the cerebral assain but Taker is the demon of death valley and it is time for Triple H to REST IN PEACE!.

There are characteristics that turn a wrestler into a Legend. These characteristics are dominance, skill, charisma, personality, and relentless. There just so happens to be one wrestler in particular who not only exhibits at these traits, but makes them more than prolific in his actions. His name is Triple H. Triple H is by far a wrestler who has done it all in the wrestling business and has done it all better than everyone else. Triple H throughout his career has been decorated by gold championship belts. He has eight WWE championships, five World Heavyweight championships, WWE European Champion twice, Intercontinental Champion five times, WWE Tag Team champion three times, a Royal Rumble Win, and King Of The Ring Winner.

He is more than notorious in the wrestling world as one of the founders of Degeneration X. This possibly could be the most controversial group in WWE ever. They would do what they wanted and nobody could stop them. They gave us some of the greatest moments in WWE history and they earned the respect of the WWE Universe. This alone has made him a globally recognized superstar as well as a fan favorite for much of his WWE career.

Triple H has a mental dominance over the majority of his opponents. It is clearly noted that his nickname of the Cerebral Assassin. He always finds a way to get the mental edge over his opponents and he always does it in ways that nobody would expect. He has gone to certain lengths in order to make himself stand out amongst the crowd. This is essential in a Superstar and he clearly shows that he is relentless. He has no quit in him in trying to get a victory and he will try to win until the end. His demeanor is perfect for being the best there is, and his work ethic is truly tremendous.

Here is just one simple example of Triple H going out of his way to get the edge over his oppenent. This video as most would remember took place a few weeks before Triple H would face Orton at Mania.


Triple H is also the Game. He clearly shows in every one of his matches how he knows how to wrestle. He is a very solid technical wrestler and he also has the strength to beat any opponent. He clearly exhibits the skill that is required to be one of the best wrestlers in all history. He never backs down even when he is losing, and he knows how to beat any opponent, henceforth the name the Game. He he loses and he truly performs of the highest caliber. At the last Extreme Rules Pay Per View we saw Triple H get assaulted before his match started and yet he still attempted to fight at the best of his abilities against the tough opponent of Sheamus. Although he didn’t win he showed how good of a wrestler he is and he never backs down from a fight. He clearly exhibits the nickname the Game and it is prevalent in his abilities.

Triple H has given us some of the best moments in the WWE and it would be utter blasphemy if he did not receive the votes to win the Wrestlezone Tournament. He is truly the greatest and he deserves to win. All I got say is if your not down with that I got two words for you “Suck It.”

For further evidence just watch this video:


More evidence of my posting ability.

Also might I saw J4L's examples we're all from the same thread all on the same idea. I generally can change up what I post about.
One more tip, Macios. Use the Go Advanced button and proofread/double check everything. Get all your ducks in a row and fine-tune before submitting the post. You won't always catch everything (I don't) but at least the majority of the time you will.

That is all, grasshopper.
and if that doesn't work put your posts in Micorsofy Word before you post to check for any spelling errors
Actually, with spelling, simply typing in the reply box will catch those. I don't really use Word extensively, but if I'm not mistaken, doesn't it also catch grammatical errors such as sentence structure? Or is that a different program I'm thinking of?
2 vote seperation right now. I'm very excited to see how this ends up. No matter what happens, I want everything to go back to normal after this.

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