Whose character development have you enjoyed the most?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
To be honest, this topic is a little silly because WWE never has any long term plans for the wrestlers characterizations. For example, is Bray Wyatt a con man or is he possessed by some evil force? The implications for either tend to change based on his current feuds and I have no idea what the character is about. I thought I did for awhile...but now I just think he's an asylum escapee.

Then you have Randy Orton, who became progressively softer as he relied more on the Authority until he became a joke. Yet he began to acquire his original edge the more he drifted away from them as they started focusing on their new golden boy. That makes sense to me. I like that character development.

Or what about Rusev? He began his run under the control of Lana, but started to break free from her and showed his true colors: A twisted, spiteful, jealous, insecure bastard. Lana claims that he controlled her, but I think a better interpretation of this storyline is that she controlled him. She kept his sadistic impulses under control and even encouraged a certain amount of virtue. In the process though, she had to morally compromise herself and become something she is not. Therefore, she is the sympathetic party. I think WWE should maybe play this up a bit more and then I could potentially buy this feud, but obviously none of it was really planned.

Sandow also had an intriguing story arc. After suffering some humiliating defeats, his self worth collapsed and he went through his gimmick crises. Remember when he did that worked shoot bit where he ranted on the mic? The Miz actually did give him a purpose though and his sudden surge in popularity helped restore his confidence and ultimately lead him to become a better person.

On the other hand, I like to envision Ryback as some sort of snake. When he returned as a face, he seriously considered selling out to the Authority until Kane got on his nerves and THEN he joined Team Cena. He realized that he likes the cheers (probably stemming from that match in Vegas where the crowd went crazy for him) and now maintains the nice guy persona. Truthfully, his lowest point for me was when he bullied Curtis Axel. It reeked of him turning on a friend for the sake of being popular with the crowd and Axel looked genuinely betrayed. OBVIOUSLY WWE was not planning this, but that's my interpretation.

The best...for me...has to be Rollins though. Many complained about him being the one who turned on the Shield, when Ambrose seemed the more likely candidate, but besides being shocking- it was the perfect choice. Even then. When discussing the 2014 Rumble, Rollins casually admitted that he'd betray Ambrose during a backstage segment. He abandons them because he's tired of keeping them together, but this unites them. Was this intentional or was he just trying to save face? I think it was intentional and contrary to what Rollins said, I think he had a bond with them. The problem is that Rollins is probably a sociopath and probably was jealous that he seemed to be getting the least amount of attention despite largely being responsible for the Shield existing in the first place. He's also an opportunist, so sacrificed his brothers, but he does seem a little upset at doing so. Contrast that to a year later where he has no problem attacking his fellow Authority members.

Much like Orton before him, Rollins has gotten soft from relying on the Authority too much (he actually was presented as strong early on, even Mic Foley thought he could beat Ambrose in a normal match) and his mean streak has only increased. He's becoming more and more malicious, but in a way that I think is natural for the character.

Once again, none of this is planned. I wish more attention was put into detail, like why did Cesaro go from a smug heel who occasionally talked trash about America to the suddenly patriotic, quintessential babyface. But what are your favorite examples of character development- whether it was intentional or not? Or at least what are your favorite interpretations of the characters.
Lana claims that he controlled her, but I think a better interpretation of this storyline is that she controlled him.

Agreed, and that's why I'm enjoying Rusev's character development best among everyone in WWE. When Rusev & Lana first came around, she walked behind him down the aisle, yet he had to get the nod from her before he would enter the ring, making me think she was the authority assigned by Mother Russia to direct the actions of the mindless fighting machine. After he won his match, he looked to her first for confirmation before starting his personal celebration, as if to be sure his performance was satisfactory.

It was all fine, and with his unique fighting style, this routine was enough to carry their act up the Cena series. Afterward, I figured Creative would just stick with the same stuff until it became so old that Rusev would wilt on the vine and become a total jobber.

Happily, he's evolving. He's shown Lana the door, only to decide he wanted her back when another man took to her. It could have been Dolph Ziggler or someone else; the important changes took place within Rusev. Sure, witnessing the 'humanization' of Lana is fun too, but without Rusev to play off, I can't see her catching on. Now Rusev displays jealousy, anger and a sadistic side that was an extension of his fighting arsenal. He actually shows a genuine smile (as a villain) that looks better on him than I ever thought it would.

It's all good; the bad guy has added a dimension to his character.....and it revolves around finally dealing with matters beyond simple ring fighting.....and it's made him a better rounded WWE personality.

Naturally, we'll see where Creative takes this from here......yet, watching Rusev in a heated battle against Kevin Owens, one can see Rusev eventually turning face, which would have seemed impossible months ago.
Good question.

My favorite character developments over the years have been the organic evolutions of heels to faces -- in particular Macho Man, Stone Cold, and The Rock. All three were great heels, the smarks (pre-internet) cheered them, and they eventually became faces. All three have a lot in common -- connection with the crowd, weren't shoved down our throats, and pre-internet. It begs the question, can it happen in this day and age?

Currently, I'd agree with the above post on Rusev -- wasn't expecting a lot from him, and although I worry they've dropped the ball to an extent with him, they still seem to want to push him. Paige's short evolution has been fun to watch -- ironically she came in and was hot-shotted to the title, yet remains relevant and the crowd connects with her. I'm not sure there's any other character development in WWE that I'd say I've been "connected" with. Maybe people would disagree, but I like Brock Lesnar's character evolution since he beat Undertaker -- a very slow burn that lasted a year -- granted, he's only a part timer, but it does suggest that weekly appearances kind of make it hard for something to happen organically since it's constant exposure.

Golden age fave developments (Macho already mentioned) would be the "face to heel" turns from World Class. Freebirds being best friends with the Von Erichs, then they did a similar angle with Chris Adams a few years later. I also liked The Great Muta's short stint in NWA/WCW -- the smarks loved him, but they stayed the course and kept him heel and unpinned/protected. Gary Hart was the perfect person to pair with him.

Seth Rollins easily. They've done a great job with him building him as a World Champion.. He's a cowardly heel and he plays that role to perfection. He's always hiding behind the Authority, WWE made a great choice picking Rollins for the Authority, don't think Ambrose or Reigns could pull it off as well.
Seth Rollins has had the smoothest most seamless character development ~ they have done a fantastic job with his booking and character depth.

A close 2nd (until he tapped to Cena) was Kevin Owens ~ they were booking him like Lesnar light and he was getting that natural love/hate relationship with the crowd. They are still doing fairly decent with him now as he begins his feud with Cesaro but if they would have allowed him to gain that momentum the way he started he could have had one of the most natural builds to stardom since Daniel Bryan
I would say, Rusev and Rollins.

Even though, as always, he was fed to Cena to stop all his momentum, it did start a ...real and kayfabe downward spiral for him that showed how much of a funny and charismatic guy he is and showed him to be one of the better actors in WWE. I'm very impressed by him, now more than when he was an undefeated russian brute. But that side of him was needed to sell the story that we have now.

In terms of Rollins. I liked that at first he was just the high flying guy with the worst mic skills out of the group. Remember that at the time he was pretty bad and RR wasnt exposed as all he did was cool cat promos, which suited him very well. And we saw him get more mic time every time and it showed that he worked on it and he's way better now. I liked that he turned on the Shield as he was the most unlikely guy to do it. And he's played his role very well. It's a real shame WWE have booked him as a one of the worst "WWE champions OF ALL TIME"!!!
But the story of his character is good all in all. When he turns on Triple H, it will be a glorious day for his character.

Honorable mention for Bray Wyatt but I'm more confused than impressed. The guy was fed to Cena and became completely irrelevant after that. People want to shove the "He fought the Undertaker at WM" argument but it was just a filler match cause they didnt have anyone else. And their match will never be remembered. He fought the Undertaker while having NO STEAM at all. And his character story is confusing because creative have no clue what to do with some with such talent like him.

Gonna stop here before I go on a "Look what they did to Bray Wyatt" rant.
Rollins has been awesome to still get the "You sold out" chants. Turning him face would be a mistake. The guy has been THE Best Heel in the company and the best MITB winner of all-time. I know many would get bored, but I would have him carry the WWE WHC til Survivor Series at least. Have him face the Undertaker lose and then Sheamus cash-in on him. Rollins goes in the Rumble and is cost a win because of Undertaker. Have Rollins End the Career of the Undertaker at WM 32. He would get even MORE heel heat. He could even brag to Heyman & Lesnar that I didn't just beat the Undertaker, but that he buried the deadman forever. Then, have Rollins finish his feud w/the Demon Kane. Tease a face turn during the summer only to pull a HHH-like swerve.

Dean Ambrose has been my fav character since the Shield broke up. I wasn't sure Ambrose could pull off a believable face character, but boy was I wrong. The lunatic fringe has taken the WWE Universe by storm and is EASILY the most over guy in the company not named Daniel Bryan. The Lunatic Fringe is now changing to the Ambrose Asylum which is better for him. The sky's the limit here. In the words of LaBar the guy is given chx $&#T and he turns it into chx salad. Ambrose could easily be THE NEXT GUY. Why WWE refuses to pull the trigger on him is beyond me.

Cesaro is finally being pushed as a babyface. The fans have been behind him for a long time. I thought his segment with the Miz and Kevin Owens came off well and his matches w/Cena have gained him momentum. Cesaro is on a roll and I can see him as a Main Event level/Upper Mid-Card talent in the forseeable future. He and Owens should steal the show at SummerSlam.

Roman Reigns is getting the slow build to be "THE"Guy. His promo was intense and came off well last night. This feud with the Wyatt's seems to have re-energized him. His pacing in the ring last night was very good and it was great to see the San Jose crowd get behind him. You would think Reigns gets the pinfall at SummerSlam setting up the end of his feud w/Bray at NOC.

Cena I know Cena has been $$$ w/The US Championship and his weekly open challenges as well as his organic feud w/Kevin Owens, Cesaro, and Rusev have made this his best run in quite some time. Curious where Cena goes after SummerSlam.
As weird as it sounds, it would have to be Stardust, I think Cody Rhodes has raised the bar for himself in terms of longevity character-wise. The New Day would probably be my second as far as character development.
Big E.

He was boring as all hell when they brought him in with AJ and Dolph, I think it was Dolph, but look at him now. He's as entertaining as his online self showed he could be.

This looks like the real Big E.

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