Who's your favourite or least favourite gimmick/character in the WWE?


The hardcore casual fan
Here's hoping I got it in the right forum.

So, who is your favourite or least favourite gimmick/character in the WWE past or present? Why? My personal pick for my favourite from the past is King Booker. His character got a total overhaul and it resulted in some of the funniest moments in WWE. Example: Cyber Sunday 2006. King Booker was looking for help from John Cena to take out the Big Show, and was even willing to let Cena have one night with his Queen, Sharmell. That led to one of the funniest lines I ever heard: "So Booker, it's gonna be Queen Sharmell, Finlay's midget, Hacksaw Duggan's two by four, a case of Jager(or however you spell it) aaannnndd... I get to watch." His and Sharmell's reaction to that was priceless. It also didn't hurt that we got to see Ron Simmons' reaction. :lmao: Plus the way he talked as a King was kind of ridiculous but funny.

I don't really have a least favourite character, except for maybe Alberto Del Rio. He's just boring and every time he's on my TV I tend to play my 3DS or doze off or just find some way to pass the time. As a heel, it seems all he ever does is insult his opponent by calling them a dog. OK, maybe that wouldn't be so bad if he didn't do it EVERY SINGLE TIME he cuts a promo about his opponent.

So, those are examples of what I'm talking about. You don't have to have a favourite AND a least favourite. Either one is fine. So who is it for you guys?
Well least favorite would be Sin Cara, I mean what was his gimmick? Luchadore who botches a couple times a match? :p In seriousness, I wasn't ever interested in his being a luchadore and then they had the gimmick with another Sin Cara? Like I never cared about the first so you throw a second one in there xD
Without a shadow of a doubt it is Dolph Ziggler's Showoff gimmick

He's meant to be a face now for christ's sake and needs to start acting like it. This rehashed Mr. Ass schtick doesn't work past the mid card and Dolph hasn't the wrestling sense to see it.
My least favourite gimmick would be that of Los Matadores. I hated that shit from day one. From the whole performance at the top of the ramp with the fake bull, to saying "Ole!" every now and then, I just can't stand this gimmick.

Another bad gimmick is that of Paige. I mean, is being awkward and uneasy even a gimmick? Or does that happen unintentionally? Divas like AJ Lee, Naomi and Emma know what their role is, and they play their part well... But Paige just has something missing..

I used to dislike Prime Time Players' "Millions of Dollars" side-hug. It just seemed very... gay. Don't get me wrong, I swing both ways, but it just came off as a public display of gay emotion (especially when the camera focussed on random guys in the crowd doing it as well), which I found very weird to watch.

My favourite gimmick is of Roman Reigns. A no-nonsense tough guy in black. Doesn't talk much, only kicks ass. The word Badass is almost synonymous with him.

I loved Damien Sandow's "Intellectual Savior" gimmick, and she current impersonator gimmick is fantastic as well. But the credits for both of these should go to Sandow himself, for playing his part flawlessly.
Adam Rose. His gimmick just doesn't cut it for me. The guy could go in-ring though. Hey Dolph comes with explosiveness and Los Matadores (not a fan really) but the stuff they did with 3MB was kind of funny.
I think I would have to mention my most and least favorite that are currently being used...

My least favorite gimmick is the Los Matadores gimmick. It just doesn't work at all. You have two guys from Puerto Rico playing stereotypical Mexican matadores. Why can't Primo and Epico be Primo and Epico? Diego and Fernando? Why? The team really isn't over with the crowd either. The crowd noise we hear with the "Ole" chants are part of the entrance videos. Maybe someday they will get some better role to play.

I would have to say my favorite gimmick right now is Dean Ambrose. I like the idea of one guy getting betrayed so his entire focus is make sure that guy doesn't get what he wants either. Also the lunatic part is just fun. It makes you think that he will do anything to get his revenge.

I don't really have many reasons for liking and disliking these gimmicks. They just work/don't work in my opinion. Again, with this being an opinion thread I guess my points are just as valid as everyone else's.
Dislike Adam Rose. It doesn't work for me. The party bus and all those people coming down to the ring with him. I just don't care for it.

Like Bo Dallas. The pep talks and ring laps and all of that. He executes it well.

I like Fandango but I don't really care for the dancer gimmick. I'm not sure what role I would want to see him in though so I don't really complain about it too much.

I don't care for the Miz's Hollywood gimmick. I think he's awful in it and really not believable. I don't know if I feel like he's trying too hard or what but it doesn't come off as realistic.

I saw the Vaudvillains recently and I was pretty entertained by them. It's not a gimmick that I can think of that I've seen before. It's kind of cheesy but I still really dug it.

I'm also enjoying Goldust and Stardust. Cody has really made the gimmick work and I already knew Goldust was good. It's keeping my interest right now.
It's interesting that while the OP asks us to list our favorite or least favorite gimmicks, past or present, everyone has cited gimmicks of today....the closest to reaching out to the past being the OP mentioning King Booker, circa 2006.

For myself, there's Goldust, back in '95. Some folks compared him to a "clown" personae adopted by pro wrestlers, but Goldust wasn't a clown. Some attributed almost "voodoo" like characteristics to him since he seemed to be drawing on a well of resources and effects that were available to him alone. His actions and mannerisms seemed controversial, although it was difficult to explain exactly how. We never knew what to expect from him, which made his gimmick long-lasting and mysterious. He was an original; a law unto himself......which, in the imitative world of pro wrestling, is worth it's weight in.....well, gold.

It seemed a character like his could never become a good guy, although he eventually did, by morphing into a more "normal" person, even punching out a performer who dared to suggest he was gay, as though that were a terrible thing.

Even when he had become "Dustin-ized" again with his character going through a kayfabe/shoot segment with his real life wife Terri, the entire segment was so weird and unpredictable that we just knew it couldn't be real.....although most of it had root in real-life events. Most wrestling programs require suspending belief.....this one also demanded that we suspend disbelief.

Later on, when Dustin Runnels said he was the only guy who could have played Goldust that effectively, I agreed with him 100%.
Favorite - Hardcore Holly, but I might be biased. :p

Serious answer though - Hm...hard to pick since there's a lot of great choices.

Character- Edge's Rated R Superstar character as a heel was lots of fun. Even during the time when it felt like he was losing the WHC almost as soon as he won it, the title still felt like it belonged with him for the longest time(similar to how the WWE spinner title felt like Cena's belt) and imo he was the last great WHC before the title started going downhill.

Gimmick - Definitely the Hurricane! OMG did I love that gimmick, great props to Shane Helms part for making it work so well.( Although the "Super Hero In Training" joke got old fast.) Funny thing I've used to do in the video games was give Hurricane the chokeslam as a finisher to mimic when Helms used to try to show off his "super strength". But the game had Helms as a lightweight, which meant lightweights couldn't do things like lift characters over a certain weight class. (sorry it's been a while) And as a result the video game chokeslam had very similar results to what actually happened in real life, ie almost never working. :lmao:

Least - Ugh...where do I start.

Character: Hornswaggle - I've always wondered how did a guy playing a almost mute grunting troll stick around for so long. Like Haw Haw you pulled one on Vince, can we move on to something else now? But nope, he stuck around pretty much doing nothing but get people to make dumb short jokes and of course more grunting. The fact that he got to retire the Cruiserweight title just makes me sad.

2nd place for Character: Mae Young+ The Fabulous Moolah. This might sound mean but all the old women jokes never did anything for me, other than roll my eyes waiting for it to be over. I guess it's nice of them to give women that helped put them on the map back in the day a payday but the segments was just mind-numbingly dumb, especially the infamous give birth to a hand thing. Seriously SMH. Do have to give props to Young for taking that Powerbomb from Bubba, I know by the time I reach that age I wouldn't have the guts to do anything like that.

Gimmick: Eugene I've always felt like a complete waste of time. I wasn't one of those people that were mad about him portraying a disabled person, I just thought the segments with him, Bischoff and later Regal were dumb and that time should've definitely been used for better things.
Dislike both Adam Rose and Bo Dallas. Neither of them work for me and are two spots when I change the channel.

Dean Ambrose's lunatic fringe works very very well. He plays the part perfectly. And I will always always always love The Undertaker.

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