Whos Your Favorite WWE US Champion in history?


Getting Noticed By Management
Since Eddie Guerrero won the title in vengenace 2003 there have been countless US champions, some hall of famers , some up and comers and some that did nothing for the title....

My question or questions are simple..... who is the best us champion or which has been the best us title reign in wwe history??

Was it eddie guerrero? The inagural us champion, he feuded with Benoit, John Cena, Big Show among others in his first reign?

Chris Benoit, who monopolized the us championship from 2005 till 2007 , and had feuds with chavo guerrero, orlando jordan, booker t, JBL, among others?

MVP, the longest running united in history who had feuds with Ric Flair, matt hardy, among others

Kofi Kingston?

Dolph Ziggler?

In my opinion, while I loved some reigns out there I loved Dolph Ziggler´s reign as US champion, he defended it against everybody and made the title look important, he always delivered in the ring and he was overall awesome, and the same can be said for his IC title reign a year before his us title reign.

So whos your favorite US champ?
John Cena. Although short compared to some of the guys you mentioned I think he did a damn good job with it and because of his reign I think they decided to give him the WWE Championship at such a young age.
The Miz.

He got the U.S. Title and made it look good. He did what the title is meant for and that's to use as a stepping stone to the ME status. Both of his regins were real good. He even made it important while he was one half of the Tag Team Champions or Mr. Money In The Bank.

So, he pretty much takes it for me.
John Cena back when he won the title from Big Show at Wrestlemania XX(I was a huge Cena mark at the time). He had a pretty decent title run that ended a little before Survivor Series. He was a fighting champion and was really entertaining at this point in time. This title reign helped John get to the point where he is today.
I wonder if anybody will bring up WCW. I liked Chris Benoit's reign, especially his feud with Booker T. Like he said at the top, Benoit owned that title during that time.
My second favorite would be MVP, he held it forever and his feud with Matt Hardy was incredible.
How much would you guys laugh at me if I said MVP? I don't care. MVP. He looked good with that belt around his waist with his prima donna gimmick. The US title fit in well with all the bling, his entrance, his VIP Lounge, and attitude in general. He also held the title for almost one full year. Due to health problems he couldn't defend the title as much as he should have but he always remained a relevant part of the show and WWE decided not to strip him of the title during his period of inactivity. He fell far down the ladder after dropping the title but while he was US champ MVP was one of the more entertaining guys on the roster.
Benoit for me, he held the title quite often, and it just seemed to fit him. Just him having it and defending it seemed to elevate the title. Benoit would give US title matches World title feel.
Cena, MVP and Benoit. Three of my favourite champions. It seems like that every title can become closely linked to a few people, the same way that when we think about the IC title, we think about HBK, The Rock, Savage, Y2J etc. The same goes as when we talk about the WWE US Title.

Cena was awesome because his gimmick was very unique (White rapper) and got across to fans because rappers like Eminem were pretty popular at the time. He made the title apart of his image when he created the first spinner title, and is still associated with the title by fans today.

MVP had the longest run ever. He had a few big feuds and was one of the last people to make the title look like important, as if it was the Holy Grail of the mid-card. He won his first title from Benoit - and at WM23 and the rematch he was booked to look like he was taking the fight to Benoit like no one else had in a long time. He beat guys like Ric Flair to retain, and kept Matt Hardy on the chase for months and months. He made it look really important. Some people don't give Hardy enough credit, but Matt played a huge part of making MVP's reign as champ so impressive, and personified the importance and desire to obtain the title. MVP looked strong and deserving.

Benoit, where to begin? This guy had already won a world title before, so going to the midcard to pick up the US Title made it look like an important title to any member of the roster. The fact that an established former world title holder wanted to be US champ made the title look like it was almost as honourable enough to hold the US title as it was to hold the world title. Plus, well... It was Benoit. The guy was f**king dangerous in the ring! Having a guy like him hold the title was a way of telling the audience that you don't want to f**k with the US champ. Nuff' said.
i have three , MVP Benoit and Dolph Ziggler

all three of these guys had AWESOME feuds when us champ. just one sticks out a little more then the other two and thats Benoit he was a former world champ so him being us champ to me made the us title huge.
these threads irritate me, yet another wwe mark who thinks that the wwe is end all be all, their version of the title is a joke, u want to bring up great us champions, how about ric flair, barry windham, lex luger, sting magnum ta, tully blanchard curt hennig?? the nwa/wcw us title is the real version of this prestigious belt and i for one am tired of people starting threads in the old school section and completeley omitting anything that isnt wwe, this thread, if it must exsist should be in the wwe section, not old school thank you.

Man, shut the fuck up. There have been plenty of threads discussing the US Title before it came into play in the WWE. If you don't like how the title has been handled in the WWE, then don't post, you fucking twit. He never acted like the WWE was the be all end all, he just wanted to have a discussion about this particular era of the US Title.

Besides, I doubt any of the real Old School fans around here want a fucking moron like you speaking for them.

I think I'm going to go with Brain here and say MVP. It's odd to say, but when I really think about it, most of the US Champions in the WWE treated it as nothing more than an accessory. MVP is one of the few guys that I can recall putting it on a pedestal and wearing it proudly, treating it like an actual accomplishment instead of a consolation prize. Unlike someone like Dolph Ziggler for example, who never even mentioned the title. Zack Ryder did more his reign than Dolph did.
I'm not exactly sure who I think is the best US champion, but I do know one thing. The US championship was at the top of it's game back in 2004. Period. You had too many guys over on Smackdown competing for the title and giving it meaning. It actually made it to the PPV matches, produced good feuds, produced stars and gave us classic matches. Am I wrong? Let's look at the list of contenders: Booker T, Cena, Rene Dupree, Kenzo Suzuki, Benoit, Carlito, RVD, etc. I'm sure I'm missing some, but those were the mains.

Off of my podium, if I had to pick my favorite, I'll have to go with (and I hate to say it) Benoit. June 25, 2007 aside, Benoit is imo the best technical wrestler of all time! He brought prestige to any belt he held. And when he was US champion, feuding with Rhyno and others, he made the belt look legit. Sad to say that now the belt can barely even be defended on the PPV card.
Honestly, since they really don't have much distinction between the brands anymore, I wish they'd just merge this belt with the IC belt and be done with it.

It had value back when the brands were seperate, and the title would be exclusive to Smackdown... but now it just comes across as more of a prop than titles were ever meant to be.

The best WWE version of the champ? Can't really say, since I've never cared for the WWE version of the title. I even hate the design of the actual belt.

I was never an NWA/WCW mark... but give me their version any day of the week. This one, and since it was originally an NWA strap I'll use this reference... reminds me of the Western States Heritage title they had briefly in the mid/late 80's. The #4 singles title in a company and essentially meaningless.
Apparently, my post got deleted because I said Lance Storm was my favorite U.S./Canadian Champion. While I stand by it, I suppose I was off topic because I used an example from the wCw days.

So If I have to choose someone from the WWE days it would have to be Chris Benoit. He was the last champion I remember that really put over the title instead of the title putting over the superstar. I guess some would say Zack put over the title with his campaign to get a title shot, but then he finally got his shot and lost it rather quickly. Every match Benoit had, he sold it as the most important match, and it was no different when he held the U.S. title.
When I think of the US Championship I think of Benoit and MVP. To me, they are the greatest. MVP was the longest US Champ and he carried the belt with pride. He was the most entertaining thing to watch on SD! when he had the belt. I remember at a house show I attended, MVP was Champ and he and my Grandmother got into a bit of an argument. She yelled You Suck and he replied. Just a funny thing at the time. Benoit just had a hell of a reign.

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