Who's The Most Undeserving WWE Main Eventer?


The Cerebral Assassin
So, this thread is pretty straight forward. If anyone is wondering, a "main eventer" would be someone who is usually at the top of the card, is a high-profile name, and is pretty much always in contention for one of the big titles. And, for the record, you can define "undeserving" any way you like, just be sure explain why you're calling a main eventer unworthy of his spot on the card.

I think my pick would have to be Big Show. I mean, for a guy who is about to main event Wrestlemania 25 alongside the likes of Cena (the face of the company, and a great babyface) and Edge (one of the WWE's BEST heels)... he's sure lacking in talent and face value. Despite the fact that he's being completely overshadowed in this WM25 feud, Show has really done nothing over the past year. He almost disappeared off of our radar after losing to Mayweather at WM24... if he loses this year's WM match-- what else will be left for him??? He's somehow gotten by all year with doing pretty much nothing with a gimmick that is so one-dimensional that its just unentertaining. Yes, he's big... but... thats all thats unique about him. He's not that good in the ring, and his promos arent what they used to be- I mean, I can remember the Big Show being very funny... but now... he's got nothing (and I know that's not entirely his fault, but still, it affects him and only him). IMO, Big Show is the most undeserving main eventer in the WWE right now because he's hardly being used at all, and, when used, he just doesn't impress me or do anything overly special. He's getting older, and he's nothing special anymore- I dont even know why he's anywhere close to the main event of WM25, but whatever.

So, who's the most underserving WWE main eventer in your eyes?
Probably Big Show.

I'm also thinking JBL, even though he dropped out of the Main Event after the feud with HBK, there are a few reasons: He's a dick backstage, has a shitty attitude, and is boring in the ring. His mic skills were okay, but they were slipping as they became more monotonous.
Easy. Even though he's injured right now and thankfully won't be at Wrestlemania, I would have to go with Boretista, sorry, I mean Batista. The man is horrible. Two big moves and no mic skills. I would much rather watch an hour of the Big Show wrestling as opposed to watching Batista wrestle.
Easy. Even though he's injured right now and thankfully won't be at Wrestlemania, I would have to go with Boretista, sorry, I mean Batista. The man is horrible. Two big moves and no mic skills. I would much rather watch an hour of the Big Show wrestling as opposed to watching Batista wrestle.

Batista is the first to came to my mind as well.

Whenever i see a shoot interview from a retired superstar they discuss these "cookie-cutter" wrestlers.

I've been a lifelong fan of the business but not always of the product. I've always followed wrestling, but watched very little from 02-05. When I started watching again I wondered what the Big Deal is about Batista. 4 years later, I still wonder. The guy is average in every way possible, i have no idea how he became such a star.
I'm going to go with Shawn Michaels. Here's a guy who has done jack shit in the last decade to deserve being given top billing. He was never a good draw, he looks unmotivated as fuck in the ring, and the only time he ever seems to give a damn is when he can have all the glory. His "I'm a gloomy gus, woe is me" character was painful to watch, his matches are more predictable than the stock market going down, and he has the worst offense in the WWE this side of Rob Van Dam. And his mic skills are barely passable as well.

What is redeeming about Shawn Michaels? Everyone who sucks his dick because of what he did back in 1994-1996 needs to wake up and see what HBK is now. Terrible.
Batista without a doubt. When he first showed up i had him pegged as another big guy that would play the monster heel, but never get really close to a belt. I dont know what the hell happened but wwe just started putting belts on everyone. If Mabel\Visera\Big Daddy who gives a shit ,were to debut nowadays he would be WHC inside of a year. And that would still be better than batista. Does anyone realize that he is tied for world title reigns with HBK and he is all but guaranteed the 2 more that he will need to surpass Bret Hart. Now thats sad.
I wouldn't argue with the current form of HBK. He's not that entertaining anymore, or at least to me.

But I would say Batista. I'm not mad at his moveset because you can't have everyone be the same, but just factoring in "Batista" I'm bored when I watch him. He's bad on the mic, and he can't carry the show, even though they sell him as if he can. Idk, I've never been that excited about him.
Batista without a doubt. When he first showed up i had him pegged as another big guy that would play the monster heel, but never get really close to a belt. I dont know what the hell happened but wwe just started putting belts on everyone. If Mabel\Visera\Big Daddy who gives a shit ,were to debut nowadays he would be WHC inside of a year. And that would still be better than batista. Does anyone realize that he is tied for world title reigns with HBK and he is all but guaranteed the 2 more that he will need to surpass Bret Hart. Now thats sad.

I know tell me about it...I will say Boredista 2....i never seen why he was so popular and big. I just remember booing him at ECW in Manhattan
I'm going to go with Shawn Michaels. Here's a guy who has done jack shit in the last decade to deserve being given top billing. He was never a good draw, he looks unmotivated as fuck in the ring, and the only time he ever seems to give a damn is when he can have all the glory. His "I'm a gloomy gus, woe is me" character was painful to watch, his matches are more predictable than the stock market going down, and he has the worst offense in the WWE this side of Rob Van Dam. And his mic skills are barely passable as well

What is redeeming about Shawn Michaels. Everyone who sucks his dick because of what he did back in 1994-1996 needs to wake up and see what HBK is now. Terrible.

LOL thats funny, I hate HBK too , thats just great. I can appreciate what he did and could do back in 96. My girlfriend watches RAW with me now, and even she is begging for him to retire . here is hoping

and the guy who doesnt get the whole Batista thing,,,,,,,,, yes his moves and mic skills are lame, but the reason he is so big is HHH. the build up and match at WM 21 was one of the best well booked main events to a WrestleMania
ever .

My pick is Kozlov or how ever the hell u spell it. that guy was not built up right, and when he got to the main event, ( way too soon ,,, Umaga was done right ) nobody gave a shit.
God most of these examples are putting it in perspective that half the fucking main event talent in the WWE is boring as all hell and pieces of shit to watch! Its gotta be JBL or Kozlov. JBL is goin back down to the midcard, and lets pray to god that he stays there for the rest of his career. Kozlov will hopefully be kept outta the main event now too, since his "winning streak" is over. Damn, I can't stand watching that fucking idiot with his stupid ass headbutts in the ring. He is a waste of fucking time every match he is in, win or lose. And JBL can be ok on the mic, but I think that a lot of the heat he gets is from us smarks that can't fuckin stand his in ring ability. Damn, writing this just pissed me off!
I have to disagree to an extent with the Big Show notion. While I agree that he has been less than stellar over the past year, I don't think that he is the one to take the blame on that.

Creative has not given him anything to work with, has flip flopped on whether he is face or heel, and jobbed him out for very little reason. For a giant that should be feared to the extreme, he has been "Kane'd" to the point that he is not even a credible threat.

For my money, the guys that are not deserving of the main event spot are:

Rey Mysterio: I'm sorry, he just isn't credible. He is way too small to work with most WWE talent and make things look believable.

Sid Vicious: No in ring talent, no mic talent, no idea of ring psychology. All he had was size and a good look.

Chris Benoit: As a face, I don't think he should have been main eventing. The charisma of a wet noodle, and inability to cut a decent promo were huge liabilities to be the main face of the company.

Jeff Hardy: Probably an unpopular choice, but the guy has a proven track record of being unreliable, cuts mediocre at best promos, and relies way too much on high spots to get over.
Wow this is sad because when I saw this, I thought right away of like half a dozen guys who are "main-eventers" who do not deserve. Then I read the posts and most of them I agree with. Don't agree with the Big Show. For a guy that size, he is remarkably skilled in the ring. Think about it with someone similar, like an Andre the Giant or a Big John Studd. These guys were big (in more ways than 1) in their time, yet neither of these guys could do a lot of the stuff Big Show can. Andre was just so massively huge that no one not named Hogan could take him down.

I agree with Batista in that he is boring, both in the ring and on the mic. I think the fans(if they are really cheering for him and not being dubbed) cheer for his intensity.... but besides that there is no redeeming quality of him. JBL is even worse in the ring, and until recently his promo's were so bad, so montonous, so repetitive that I literally wanted to shoot myself in the head. Luckily his feud with HBK made him promo's go back to his day when he was head guy. But he is done, and needs to retire soon. HBK is just seemingly coasting around right now. His promo's right now seem forced and terribly done to be honest. I understand you need to sell certain things but his constant freakouts when Jericho would hit him in the eye were ridiculous. The only good thing is his feud with Taker right now, but thats only because its a big deal. I actually think it would be good for him to chase/have a world title because it might inject some life into him. Also, his moveset and quite frankly his actions in the ring are so repetitive right now it makes me sick to the stomach. He reminds me a lot of Ric Flair right now, and thats not a good thing.

The one wrestler however who is a main eventer that I don't think deserves to be is Rey Mysterio. Right now, he is not so much a main eventer, but its always a possibility. Sure he is a good high-flyer, but he isn't anymore. He just bounces around the ring, hitting the ropes and flying back, so not good really. He is too small of a guy to take credibly to be able to beat someone the likes of Kane. Im sorry but Kane should destroy Mysterio everytime they get in the ring. He can't/doesn't cut promos, cuz when he does there not very long/good. The only way he got a world title was because Eddie died, and that is probably the biggest indicator of how sad this is.
JBL, Kozlov and to a lesser extent Big Show are all decent choices but at the end of the day no one really thinks they're going to win a World title (again.)

That's why I pick Batista. Not only is he boring in every way possible but he also is someone that could win the World title in his first match back and people wouldn't be that surprised. It's one thing to be in the main event mix when you don't really deserve it but Batista has 4 World title reigns to his credit and a 5th doesn't seem far off.
As much as you all want to say Batista he's incredibly over and has the look Vince is looking for to ME. He's boring yes, he's slow yes, shit at promos and is a tosser backstage but he'll be MEing till he retires unfortunatly.

I would have to say Rey for obvious reasons but i dont think he'll be a main eventer anymore unless it's a scramble match or chamber or something like that.

The main one at the moment has to be Big Show for the pure fact he does NOT deserve to be in the ME of WM. Bull shit, Edge/Cena would have been so much better by themselves, now they'll have some big fucker blocking everyone's view. I'm sorry, I don't mind Big Show but keep him out of the ME, he just doesnt cut it anymore. Keep him jobbing and fueding in the mid card infact swap him with Kane. How he is in the ME and Kane isnt amazes me.
Cena Cena Cena Cena Cena and more Cena.

I'll catch hell for this but oh well. Did Cena work his ass off to get where he is? Yes he did and I will give credit to him where credit is due. But from his 2nd match (his 1st does not count because Kurt Angle made him look like a star), Cena's ring skills and overall ring ability have not improved in the slightest bit. I couldn't give a shit less if you have the worst gimmick and not over with anybody, if you can wrestle and put on an entertaining match that tells a story, you deserve to move up on the card. It's been almost 6 years since Cena first showed up and has done nothing different in the ring . I don't care how over he is with the crowd, 90% of which is female or under 15, I want to see great ring talent, which Cena doesn't have. I honestly feel we've seen The Miz progress more in 2 years than Cena has in almost 6.

So how does everybody else grade the word "undeserving?" No improvement in the ring? No character improvement? No mic skills improvement? I'm sorry it's just me that I'd rather watch a vanilla character like Kozlov with ring skills like Austin, Kennedy, Bret Hart, etc...
I think a lot of people will probably say JBL. I don't really agree. Now, I don't like JBL, and I think he's overweight and boring now, but I don't think he's undeserving. If he got in better shape, he'd be great. And he's done so much in his career already, that it really doesn't bother me all that much when he gets big matches.
I also don't like Big Show in terms of matches. I still like his character, but I know he's not going to win the title, and his wrestling ability is mirrored in his knockout punch. However, he, like JBL, has done a lot for the business, and is a former champion...so again, it doesn't bug me that much.
Honestly, the guys they put into matches because there is nobody left are the ones that bug me. Half of the Elimination Chamber participants, IMO, are the most undeserving. In particular, Mike Knox and ESPECIALLY Koslov, do not deserve to ever be given title matches. But still, we see Koslov get matches against all the main event guys (Undertaker, HHH, HBK, etc.). I hate Koslov, and I think he's extremely boring. But WWE shoves him down my throat... I wouldn't mind right now if WWE just fired Koslov. I mean, for a guy they try to get over so much, he doesn't even have a Wrestlemania match right now. That should show you that even WWE realizes people can't stand him. I was expecting JBL vs. Koslov for Mania, as it makes sense, but instead we get Mysterio vs. JBL. It just seems that if WWE doesn't know what to do with certain guys, they push them...pointlessly.
Well, let's break it down. First off, who are the main eventers? If you add a little flexibility, the list consists of: Batista, Chris Jericho, CM Punk, JBL, John Cena, Kane, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, HBK, Big Show, Edge, Jeff Hardy, HHH, Umaga, and the Undertaker.

Each one of those guys - except one - brings something important to the table.

Mysterio and Batista might not have the best skills in the world, but they're over, and popularity = $ so it'd be stupid for the WWE not to showcase them on ppvs. Undertaker, HBK, HHH, Big Show, and Kane are seasoned veterans that have the skills to back up their positions. Edge, Orton, Jericho, and Cena have proven themselves.

This leaves four people: Jeff Hardy, CM Punk, Umaga, and JBL.

Hardy to me has improved drastically after his last suspension and he completely deserves his main event spot. He's also a case where he's popular with the fans, so that helps his case.

CM Punk is a little trickier. He's much more trustworthy than Hardy, obviously, but he's not nearly as popular. Talented guy, yes, but his championship reign was basically dead the week after he won the belt, and it was only exciting due to the two reasons of his surprise cash-in and the fact that it was his first chance at showing them what the new guys could do. That being said, a combination of various factors (like Creative and his opponents) didn't help him and his reign sucked. Punk took a demotion and in my opinion, is in the position he currently belongs. He is one of the 4 faces in the WWE that, in my mind, are perfect for the IC title spot - the other 3 being Mysterio, Bourne, and Kingston. He just lost the title to JBL for seemingly no reason, so far, so he's even more demoted. If you could argue that he's a legit main event guy, I would say he doesn't deserve that spot yet, but it's a lot easier to just say "CM Punk is an upper midcarder".

Umaga...well...he's not so much a main event guy as he used to be. He has potential though. I think he actually deserves to be higher up on the card than he currently is.

JBL is the target for this post. I don't see why this guy has a main event spot. Without getting into the argument that "he's a brawler, that's how he wrestles, do you expect him to be like Evan Bourne?", as I like a mixture of different styles, I just don't think he's talented at anything in the ring. I'm fine with someone having a brawler style, but if they can't perform it well, they still suck lol. JBL is entertaining on the mic, but he can never get it done for me in the ring. His age is another notch against him. And then when you add that he's supposedly a real asshole backstage, that doesn't help. To me, JBL never should've moved up past the tag team division in the first place. His character is nothing extraordinary. Its this generation's Million Dollar Man with a cowboy hat. So its not like he originated the concept and deserves credit for it. If I had it my way, JBL would've went from a tag team wrestler to a midcarder at best, then transitioned to a commentator or general manager role, and that's it. No world title, not even a US title if I could get around it. And certainly not a solid main event spot at his age and health status. If he was someone who was selling merchandise left and right and drawing in ppv buys, I'd be more open to the idea, but that's certainly not the case.
Jeff Hardy.

He's over with girls who shop at hot topic and gets by with the moveset of a spot monkey, that he constantly blows and does very slowly and poorly.
Its not who is in the worst shape or the oldest, it is the most undeserving. The question is most undeserving. HBK may be old and Big show out of shape and JBL has 36dd breasts but they all have put in many years with the company and have made big impacts when needed. Big show was gigantic in WCW and when he came to WWE he was huge and has earned his spot. HBK - no debate on what he has done in the past. Of all of the main eventers out there now - Batista has done the least amount of work to earn his spot. All he did was show up after being done with bodybuilding and sit next to HHH at the lunch table and boom he got 4 world titles in such a rediculous short amount of time. He doesnt deserve where he is, never worked his way up at all. Yes he was in evolution but he was only a tag team champ with them so that all 4 would have titles at the same time. Rediculous stuff. Batista does not deserve to be a main eventer
I'D have to go with the great kalhi he was probly one of ,if not the worst world champion in wwe
I'd go with JBL. I keep wondering what power he has over the WWE administration that keeps him a main-eventer. As an Acolyte, he had a bit of a gut but he still came off as a rough, tough cowboy. Now, he's as soft-looking as the Pillsbury Doughboy. (Cowboy to Doughboy?) Also, he's slow as molasses and his ring repertoire is nothing to write home about.

In addition, I'm totally sick of seeing his limousine drive onto the stage in that long, time-wasting entrance of his. His act wore thin a long time ago, in my opinion. That he's still fighting for championships makes me think he's got connections to the McMahons that are keeping him as a headliner....... and he doesn't deserve it.
I have to disagree with everyone saying Batista, this thread isn't about who you personally like/dislike, it's who's the most undeserving main-eventer, how can you say the 2nd or 3rd most over guy in the whole company doesn't deserve to be in the main event? It would be ridiculous to put Batista in the mid-card when he has huge money matches with Orton, Cena and Triple H left in him when he returns.

To judge who's the most undeserving, I would say it's the guys who bring absolutely nothing to the table, guys who don't draw, aren't entertaining and don't have good matches. That list would include The Great Khali, Mark Henry & especially Vladimir Kozlov, although they seem to have finally given up on his push now, thank God, he's the only guy I can remember in years in WWE to get boring chants during a title match on a major PPV that's how badly he sucks, everything about this guy is horrible, his selling, his weak offence, his comical facial expressions, his promos, and I think WWE has finally realised this, he doesn't even have a match at WM and I seriously think he'll be released before the end of the year.
I'd have to go with Vladamir Kozlov, he has done nothing in the WWE so far, all he has is a painfull finisher move, and he has beat Undertaker ONCE, and i think that was an accident if you watch the pinfall count slowly, it seems like Taker was supposed to kick out, but he didnt in time and thats why they had a re-match with Undertaker vs Kozlov

but i also think the only reason Kozlov is a main eventer on SD is because SD doenst have anyone good left, except HHH, Taker, Jeff Hardy, Edge thats it. but i still think kozlov needs to work more
Personally, i got to go with Randy Orton on this for one reason only, he's one of the most boring guy on the roster. What has he done that was remotely interesting in the last couple of years. Absolutely nothing, the guys is barely entertaining on the mic, he pretty boring in the ring also and for some strange reason, creative had the need to make him the most predictable wrestler since Cena. The guy didn't deserve the push back when he won the world title and he does deserve the push he'S getting now. But since he's a third generation wrestlers, he probably going to keep his push for a long time since he'S got connections within the WWE and backstage politics is a huge part of who getting a push and who doesn't.
I'm sitting here stunned that I've seen Shawn Michael's name on this thread.

We have to sit through John Cena, JBL, Orton, Big Show and numerous others every week and you come up with Michaels????

Are you freakin KIDDING ME??????

His recent programme with Jericho was superb, he made JBL watchable for a while, and the man has match of the year EVERY F**KING YEAR!

He help shape this industry and could still have a top match with a broomstick even now (which he may as well be doing at times, what with the crap they put in the ring with him)

And no doubt he'll make a broken down Undertaker, a wrestler who's been getting by on his gimmick for years, look fantastic at Mania. There's another wrestler (Taker) who, if another wrestler used the few skills he has in the ring, would get booed out of the building.

Let's put money aside here..........Hogan, Austin (injuries stopped him I admit), Cena and many other top liners, worked main events because of their mic work, or theirt ability to sell tickets. Michaels was and still is UNTOUCHABLE in the ring. I understand that it's only a few idiots who see him as undeserving of his place, but he deserves it more than pretty much anyone you could name. Probably why he still features top of the " If you could only watch one wrestlers' matches, who would you go with" polls.

So many fans nowadays have no idea whatsoever.................none!

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