Whos The Most Over Rated Superstar?

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Dark Match Winner
Who do you think is the most over rated superstar. i think its John Cena. people think hes sooooo god but he didnt do shit! what do u guys think?
I Agree I AHte Cena I mean he does have some talent but Him runnin around tryn to be black is so old!He does not deserve half the stuff he has gotten
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I Agree I AHte Cena I mean he does have some talent but Him runnin around tryn to be black is so old!He does not deserve half the stuff he has gotten

From what i have seen he is the biggest star in many years, he is one of very few wrestlers today who is so huge yet gets booed! Not everyone likes a face but it doesnt affect his character and he knows how to act in the ring when he does get booed! His matches and far superior to many that i have seen and he doesnt do constant spot fest after spotfest! As far as overated, personally i think your very mistaken
Text said:
I Agree I AHte Cena I mean he does have some talent but Him runnin around tryn to be black is so old!He does not deserve half the stuff he has gotten

Your the only person that i know that hates Cena as much as i do! :D

your totally right.

Does anyone else know of any wrestlers that are Over Rated?
I thought for a time that Batista was over rated But then I saw that he was actualy good an deserved what he has I mean come on he is one of the few world champions to never loose his title He got it vacated off him
nah... cena ain't overrated.. ppl just hatin on him now cuz he wins.. and cuz the females like him.. thats really y kats started booin the rock.
i think cena is for sure and i think randy orton and ken kennedy are i kno people think they are the guys of the future but all they got is talk not much else kennedys move off the 2nd rope is kool but his sentonbomb looks horrible
batista is the most overrated of all time... ppl wanna get on cena and say he can't wrestle but den turn around and cheer for batista.. dat guy is trash. the whole thumbs up thumbs down thing was hot at first when he did it to trip H.. but enough is enough
Cena is not the most over rated superstar! i mean if your talking about currently i would say batista, if of all time i would have to say Goldberg
i actually couldn't agree more.. then again i put those lemons in the same league.. hate em both.. even tho i neva liked goldberg i must say he has more talent than batista. but lettin him win all those matches b4 losin ..and then gettin screwed when he did was ridiculous. i blame him still for one of the greatest goin down
I hate wrestlers that go on a huge winning streak when they first come into the buisness. it pisses me off. like look at Umaga. never lost one yet (i dont think). hes over rated too. Batista is over rated. Goldberg is over rated. Mysterio is over rated. i could go on but then ppl would flame me forever lol
you dont really think edge is over rated. You cant seriously think that

we sure think that. like before he was in a lower class and then all of a sudden he gets that lil money in the bank. and then hes king of the world and the Power 25. he did nothing to get all that. unless he did some sexual favors for Vince.
lol a bigbaboon edge is funny as hell and i think batista is turning into a goldberg spear and jackhammer reminding me of goldberg
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