Who's the Greatest WWE Superstar Of All Time? #2 Triple H or Bret Hart?

Who wins #2?

  • Triple H

  • Bret Hart

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Championship Contender
For the next couple of days, I'm going to let you the IWC Universe vote for The Absolute Greatest WWE Superstar of All Time.

The winner will officially become the undisputed greatest of all time.

So all of you marks out there start creating multiple accounts so you can vote for your favorites (P.S you need to post at least 10 comments on this forum to start voting on polls)

The criteria for voting are based on wrestling skills, mic skills, drawing ability, impact/legacy on the biz, gimmick, charisma, evolving as a character, ability to portray a face/heel, longevity, Mr.WrestleMania (performance and record at wrestlemania), championship and accomplishments, doing the JOB, epic rivalries, taking part in great tag teams, great stables, entrance, theme song, finisher and pretty much everything you can think of.

Each day, I will post 2 threads, the voting lasts for only two days. Today I will start by the first 2 (Rock vs Bruno / HHH vs Hart), tommorow (Cena vs Edge / Hogan vs Savage) and so on.

#1 The Rock vs Bruno Sammartino
#2 Triple H vs Bret Hart
#3 John Cena vs Edge
#4 Hulk Hogan vs Randy Savage

#5 Shawn Michaels vs Eddie Guerrero
#6 Steve Austin vs Chris Jericho
#7 Roddy Piper vs The Undertaker
#8 Kurt Angle vs Ric Flair

#9: Winner of #1 vs Winner of #2
#10: Winner of #3 vs Winner of #4

#11: Winner of #5 vs Winner of #6
#12: Winner of #7 vs Winner of #8

#13: Winner of #9 vs Winner of #10
#14: Winner of #11 vs Winner of #12

Final: Winner of #13 vs Winner of #14






Lol, good luck getting the IWC to back Triple H. Wrestling forum users are like Triple H's biggest haters. I personally think Triple H is awesome. In ring Hart was better. Overall Triple H was better. Better career, better legacy, better all around. Also, Bret lost a lot of cool points for that pic. Some of the names in that bracket are obvious throwaways as well.
I agree with the above. The only thing Bret Hart really has over Triple H in the above criteria that the OP listed is in ring. I also personally think Triple H is awesome he's been one of my favorites forever pretty much. I don't think he's going to get very many votes because IWC generally hate Triple H most of it is unjustified but a little bit of it is but IMO that shouldn't have anything with to do with the character of Triple H who overall was better than Bret in all of those categories except in ring but Bret was better than all but about 4 people IMO so that's no knock on HHH.
Don't we already do this every year on these here forums with the Official Wrestlezone Tournament?

I'm confused, is that not a thing anymore?

Anyways, I'd back Trips way before I'd back Bret "The Cry Baby" Hart.
Bret Hart puts HHH to shame. Better matches and better feuds without having to bed the bosses daughter. The Hitman is truly the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be. AND YOU KNOW IT!
Tough one here. I'm a fan of Triple H. Well, I used to be up until around 2008. Since then he's got boring for me. I've never been a big fan of Bret Hart, but I respect the guy for carrying the company with Shawn Michaels during the New Generation period. Bret is certainly the better wrestler, but I think Triple H has made the biggest impact during his tenure with the company overall. My vote goes to Triple H.
There is an annual tournament that does what this thread intended to do, so we really don't need topics like this.
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