Who's the biggest heel and face in WWE?

An Angry Blonde

Occasional Pre-Show
My questions to you are...
#1:Who's the biggest heel in the WWE today?

#2:Who's the biggest Face in the WWE today?

For the above only active members of the roster count.

#3:Who's the biggest heel in the WWE ever?

#4:Whp's the biggest Face in the WWE ever?

I believe the biggest heel in WWE today is eithier Kane or Wade Barret.
Kane ended Takers carrer ,attacked taker,dominated most of the faces on Smackdown. Wkile Barret/Nexus attacked most or all of the faces in WWE,got cena fired,and desrtoyed several Hall of famers.

I believe he biggest Face in WWE today is eithier Edge or Randy Orton.

Any ideas?
My questions to you are...
#1:Who's the biggest heel in the WWE today?

I am going to go with the Nexus as a whole. Ever since Nexus first arrived on Raw the WWE Universe has hated the entire faction. I have never heard cheers for any of them unless they are arguing with Barrett and that is only because he is the leader. I would have said the Miz but I think he is more popular than Nexus even though he gets a lot of heat. There were those members in the crowd who jumped to there feet when he won the title. But Nexus has a whole as taken out most of the top stars in WWE and they continue to do this thus forcing the crowd to boo them.#2:Who's the biggest Face in the WWE today?

As far as biggest face, it is easily Randy Orton. I was going to put it is a tie between Cena and Orton but Cena just doesn't get as many cheers as Orton anymore. It is kind of obvious Randy Orton is the biggest face at the moment.

#3:Who's the biggest heel in the WWE ever?

Now this one is a very hard one. I had to think about this for a while but I have come to the realization that it is Vince McMahon. Sure he has played a face many times but nothing compares to his heel work. He has the snobby, you work for me gimmick that will never grow old. He can do what he wants when he wants because he is the boss and the fans hate it.

#4:Whp's the biggest Face in the WWE ever?

This is very obvious in Hulk Hogan. I don't like the guy but when he worked for WWE the crowd and everyone in the world loved him. When he came through that curtain the fans were always on there feet cheering. I have never heard a face reaction like Hulk Hogan's and I probalbly never will.
Biggest Heel - Wade Barret: The reason is fairly obvious. Wade Baret along with Nexus has been on a ra,page all over the WWE both Smackdown and Raw. At every turn they have dominated the roster and done as they please. They even went to the point where they got John Cena to join in their group. This instantly garnered so much heat for Wade. But then, at Survivor Series, when John Cena counted to three and gave Orton his title, it was one of the most shcoking momments of the year. The fans were confused; everyone had the look of *WTF!*. The best thing about said situation for Barret was that everyone blamed him for it. Thus causing Varret to get major heat to the point where he is arguably the biggest heel on the entire WWE.

Biggest Face - John Cena: Although he may be fred at the momment that doesn't exclude him from being the biggest face today. No one appeals to the crowd like John Cena does. The immense pops that he gets every single time he goes to the ring are amazing. Then you have all the people chanting Cena at every turn of the way. While it may be true that some do hate him (for stupid reasons), the amount of peope that like John Cena far outway these people. John Cena is the best wresstler that WWE has at the momment (even though he is fired). His character: Never give up; Hustle Loyalty, Respect; always doing the right thing; etc---all these contribute to the fact that John Cena is the biggest face that WWE has at this very momment.

Biggest Face of all time - Hulk Hogan: This one is way too obvious; of course it is fricken Hulk Hogan. No one in the entire business at the time to now have gotten the huge pops that Hogan got. Everyone loved the guy; no one hated him. His character, the immortal was a great adaption to him. And then you had the "eat your vitamins" thing. I don't think this needs a better explanaition than the one I just gave because Hulk Hogan is the biggest face of all time by default.

Biggest Heel of all time - Vince McMahon: This one I really had to think as I really wasn't all to certain. Bit the more I think about it, the more I want to say it is McMahon. Think about it, throughout the entire Attitude Era, no one got as much as heat as Vince McMahon did; just about everyone hated the guy. Always getting into feuds with Stone Cold; starting his corporation stable; etc. All these things led to people to hate Vince McMahon at every turn. Even after the Attitude Era, Vince McMahon was still able to garner an immense amount of heat for every heelish thing he did.
Heel Now Barrett (maybe Nexus included). He was involved in the top story on Raw and feuding with Cena and gets more time on camera than any other heel

Face now Cena of course

Face all time Hogan no doubt. He lasted longer as a top face than anyone else (84-93) in the WWF.

Heel all time I'd have to agree with the other two guys and that being Vince McMahon. The guy can be hated INSTANTLY one night with anything he does.
Biggest Heel Now - Wade Barret...he is the leader of the hated Nexus and has ended Cena's career (in the storyline of coarse) and just had two fights with the other big face Orton....and alot people have forgot already he and the rest of nexus just randomly attacked Undertaker and we all dont know why either

Biggest Face Now - John Cena...its getting close though with Orton but Cena still gets just a little bit bigger pops and is way ahead in merchandise sales. He has been the face for the company for about the past decade about.

Biggest heel all time - Vince McMahon...easily most people have some kind of hatred toward a boss...he always tried screwing the most over of stars weather it be Austin or Rock...he is simply the biggest heel

Biggest face of all time - Stone Cold/Hulk Hogan....now hogan is obvious but i honestly think Austin can be tied with him...look at the attitude era he fought the biggest heels...he was cheered by everyone froms kids, females, to males...and his merchandise was everywhere...your a liar if you say you didnt see at least one person in the late nineties with something austin....and heck his What?! chant is still said today...you have tier one with Austin/Hogan and tier two with Rock/Cena.
Biggest Face At The Moment: Randy Orton. It's not even close in this day and age. He was getting pops just as if not greater than John Cena. He will most likely be the one to feud with Miz this coming up month and there really is no substitution for him at the moment. John Morrison? Not his time yet. R-Truth? Same thing. It's all RKO.

Biggest Heel At The Moment: Wade Barrett. Another obviouc answer. This man took the Superman of WWE and made him his servant. Not only that, but he is the sole purpose of Cena's "dismissal" and the leader of the biggest heel faction in WWE in the past 5 years or so.

Biggest Face Ever In WWE: Hulk Hogan. The man is the purest form of face the company has ever witnessed; a true hero character that is super over with the crowd and sharp in the ring. You can argue Stone Cold is just a big as face but I never thought of The Texas Rattlesnake as such; he was an antihero not a hero.

Biggest Heel Ever In WWE: Roddy Piper. The original "Sinister Scotsman". Piper's Pit is still the most notorious segment ever to be scheduled inside a ring. How can you forget all the moments Piper brought down and degraded superstars in the past. Not only that, but all the racial tension that was due to his feuds with the likes of Mr. T and lest we forget Bad News Brown. The guy painted himself half black! He was pure heat.
Biggest Face At The Moment: John Cena. Sure he is supposed to be fired, but everyone knows he isn't going anywhere.

Randy Orton has been kicked around here, but really, I have no idea why he is considered a face. He is a tweener at best, and pretty much gives the fans no real reason to cheer for him, it just happens.

Biggest Heel At The Moment: Alberto Del Rio. Everyone has an opinion on this guy. He is only out for himself, those are the kind of heels that really seem o grate on the WWE audience. Plus he is picking on the small kid in Rey Rey. The only thing really hurting him is being on Smackdown, therefore getting less exposure.

Biggest Face Ever In WWE: Hogan. He carried the flag for the promotion for 10 years. Those 10 years were the ones that changed the game of wrestling.

Biggest Heel Ever In WWE: Vince McMahon. Fans still resent him to this day for the Austin feud and the Bret Hart incident.
The biggest heel today I would have to say is Randy Orton. I know he's not heel right now, but he is the best and definately one of the biggest. The only other person I could argue is a bigger heel than Orton is Triple H but he hasn't been heel for a while now.

Biggest face today would have to be John Cena. He's obviously the face of the company and has been for a while.

Biggest heel EVER. Vince McMahon has to earn that title. Vince Mcmahon plays his role great. He's one of those guys that can go from being face to heel to face again in one hour (if that makes sense). He pretty much has the fans in the palms of his hands.

Greatest face of all time. Stone Cold Steve Austin. Whoever thought anybody would become as big as Hogan. Austin did though. He's the only guy whoever competed with Hogan with being the biggest face ever. He was THE REASON WCW went out of business. And he did it while Hogan was supposedly revolutionizing the business a second time. Any way I choose Austin.
The biggest face right now is John Cena. Say what you will about his storyline "firing", until he goes missing from WWE TV, there's your biggest face. He's been the face of the company for 5 years, both in the ring, and in the mainstream. That alone is enough to make him the biggest face going. He also is a 9 time World/WWE champion. All of them as a face. That says it all.

The biggest heel right now is Kane. WWE ran a 6 month storyline regarding the "attacking" of Undertaker, and it turned out to be Kane. He then defeated Undertaker on 3 straight PPV's, including burying him alive. That cements his status in a company thin on heels at the top at the moment.

The bigeest face of all time is Hulk Hogan. He was involved in the biggest angle of all time, when he turned heel. Why was that the biggest angle? Because his turning heel was so monumental. He had been the "say your prayers, eat your vitamins" face for so long, and his turn was monumental, because he was the biggest face of all time.

I hate to be repetitive, but the biggest heel of all time is "The Chairman" Vince McMahon. Since Survivor Series 1997, when his character was born, Vince has consistently feuded with the top draw in the company, or been involved in the biggest angles of the past 13 years. It's only recently he's stepped aside from being a mainstay on WWE TV. A virtual 13 year run as a heel in high profile feuds is enough to cement himself as the top heel of all time.
#1:Who's the biggest heel in the WWE today?

the biggest heel today would have to be wade barrett , simply because he has done what no heel has ever done before and thats get rid of the biggest face .

#2:Who's the biggest Face in the WWE today?
the biggest face is randy orton , cena was getting more boo's then most of the heels so that takes points off his tie with orton .

#3:Who's the biggest heel in the WWE ever?
this is hard , but im going with vince mcmahon on this one , simply because of the bret hart situation , the stone cold situation , the dx situation , everything .. it adds up .

#4:Who's the biggest Face in the WWE ever?
its not hulk hogan , he got more boo's than cena when he was face. i would have to say stone cold steve austin .. he always did what was right no matter what people thought.
Biggest Heel: Barrett, I want to climb inside the TV and kick his head it. From his obnoxious accent to this greasy hair, he just has a huge case of punch face.

Biggest face: this is a hard one, it has to be John Cena but is hard to call when 50% of the audience hate him. But I still say it has to be Cena.

Biggest Heel Ever: Probably McMahon, but a close 2nd would be HHH when he was with Steph and Evolution. He was despised by everyone (except me), good times. But McMahon even called out God, that makes him tops.

Biggest face ever: Stone Cold, people can argue it is Hogan, but Hogan was famous in a diff era, people liked what they were told to like, whole bunch of red and yellow sheep. But SCSA was in an era where people liked to go against the grain (hence why Cena gets booed IMO), i have always said SCSA could have shot his Grandma in the ring and people would have cheered. He had a following of scary proportions
Can I just make a quick point about heels and faces before I get to answering the forum...
You have Edge who is supposed to be a face and Kane who is supposed to be a heel. Yet the face is the one who kidnapped an innocent person and tied him up in a wheelchair and tortured him and you have the heel simply wanting his father back. To me on this last smackdown it seemed like Edge's tactics were pretty heelish to me and Kane looked like the face in comparison....I dont get it, but anyway onto the question....

#1:Who's the biggest heel in the WWE today?
Biggest heel today I'd have to go with Wade Barrett, simply because he leads the Nexus. I'd say Nexus as a whole like most have said but the rest simply follow orders, Wade is sick mind that orders them so I gotta say Wade is a bigger heel than the rest of Nexus and the biggest heel right now.

#2:Who's the biggest Face in the WWE today?
By far I'd have to say Cena, but if we are going with the fact that he is not technically now in WWE today then I'd go with either Randy Orton or Santino Marella. Randy because he is being pushed as the face although I dont see a lot of difference between his face and heel gimmics other than people cheer him now. Santino is just WAY over as a face. Not the biggest draw, not the most well known but certainly more facey than others, LOL.

#3:Who's the biggest heel in the WWE ever?
I have to agree with VINCE McMAHON here. I mean he had a tag match against GOD. Thats pretty bad-ass. You cant get much more heel than that.

#4:Whp's the biggest Face in the WWE ever?
Biggest face ever definitely without question is HOGAN. Most recognisable wrestler ever and definitely th fce of wrestling. I'd say second is Cena but not on Hulks level YET, but give him a while and I reckon Cena will definitely surpass Hulk.
Biggest face - John Cena, but if you don't count him as active than I'd say Randy Orton

Biggest Heel - Wade Barrett. Watched the past Raw episode and he draws some great heat, he's apart of one of the best stables we've had for some time now.

Biggest heel in WWE ever - Tough question, but I'd also say Vince McMahon because his heat was all legit. People would hate how he ran business, people would hate the REAL events and situations he's been apart of (Montreal Screwjob), McMahon is the real boss of the business, and the whole fact that his heat is all real and people sometimes truly do hate him is great.

Biggest Face - Hulk Hogan, and very easily in my opinion. No one comes close, and the whole "Hulkamania" thing just proves why. I always disliked Hogan, and he's VERY OVERRATED, but regardless, he's the biggest face ever.
1. Who is the biggest heel today?

Wade Barrett. Even in NXT he was getting a considerable amount of heat, both by association to Chris Jericho and his look and persona screamed heel. But since Nexus formed, he has steadily garnered more heat. Starting with attacking just about every face, feuding with the number one face, John Cena, making Cena his indentured servant, and finally causing Cena to be fired. As a result, Barrett couldn't even cut a promo because of the MASSIVE amount of boos he was getting this past Monday. No question, Barret is the top heel.

2. Who is the top face today?

It's close, but I have to give it to John Cena, although Randy Orton is right up there. Yes half the crowd boos him(with me being part of that half lol), but he still gets the biggest pops, rivaled only by Orton. In terms of drawing power, his merch sells. He is everywhere, even outside of wrestling. Like Steve Austin and Hulk Hogan, John Cena is the top face of his era.

3. Who is the biggest heel ever?

I gotta go with the general consensus and say Mr. Vincent Kennedy McMahon. He's the evil boss that can do ANYTHING he wants, and there is nothing anyone can do about it because, well, he's the boss. The Montreal Screwjob, "Bret screwed Bret," and the Austin-McMahon feud set the tone for the Attitude Era. And even after the Attitude Era, Vinnie Mac still was able to gain huge amounts of heat. Zach Gowen, beating his own daughter Stephanie in an I Quit match, even calling out God. And what also makes McMahon the greatest heel, like an above poster said, is his ability to turn face, then heel, than face again in one night. Not to mention some of his heat is also legitimate with Montreal, killing the territories, ending the Monday Night Wars by buying WCW and ECW, the subsequent burial of most WCW and ECW stars, etc. It's Vince McMahon.

Who is the greatest face of all time?

I say it's a tie between Steve Austin and Hulk Hogan. If you're going by pure face, it's Hogan. Hogan put wrestling on the map. EVERY young wrestling fan from that era were Hulkamaniacs and wanted to be like Hogan. The "take your vitamins, say your prayers" shtick was huge. And who can forget bodyslamming Andre the Giant? Even in the 90s, Hogan was a big draw and stayed that way courtesy of the NWO.

Austin, who was the opposite of Hogan, represented the everyman, anti-authority and the like. Who didn't want to beat up their asshole boss and drink beer while doing it? And with McMahon as the perfect foil, Austin skyrocketed.

To reiterate, it's a tie between Austin and Hogan.
just cause some one isn't a cookie cutter face doesn't mean they aren't face....yea orton hasn't changed much but thats the good part, he didn't become a typical kiss ass face, he is jus loved, same with edge, yea it was heel antics he used but he's doing it to a heel so it sort of balnces out, at least in the crowds eyes

biggest face now: orton since cena is "fired" and prior to joining nexus i think cena couldn't even compare to orton in cheers, there was rko chants during the table match they had but no cena chants
biggest heel now: barret, i mean doing the mans taunt as he leaves the arena for good, classic heel

biggest face ever:idk i guess scsa

biggest heel: vkm
Biggest face now is rey mysterio, orton is a tweener at best he gets pops for now but a face is a kiss ass goody too shoes so it has to be rey-rey, with kofi trailing closely.

The biggest heel right now is kinda close one to call with Wade/Del Rio & Sheamus but i gotta kinda keep sheamus out bc it seems like ppl kinda want to like him. I have to go with wade by default bc he took out cena but del rio is the one they hate the most bc of his arrogance and attitude. Wade get it bc of the cena rub but it will be interesting if he can keep the heat once the feud is over, alberto is dick and nobody like him but ppl hate wade on the strenght of what he is doing to cena.

The biggest face of alltime is hogan no question nobody comes close but warrior and i say this bc the rock and stone cold were cool faces they didn't really pander to the crowd like hogan. Before nwo hogan was the ultimate face he was like babe ruth michael jordan and jesus rolled into one. Warrior came close to overtaking him but it ddin't happen for whatever reason. So it has to be hogan and probably cena second if he never changes with an honarble mention for Sting.

For heel of alltime my vote goes to flair the dirtiest player in the game, he used to cheat all of my favorite faces as a child and the only reason he is cheered is bc of nostalgia. But he is a heel thru and thru,he was cocky heel, cowardly heel and could even be monster heel if need be by making the figure 4 seem deadlier than usual. Its hard to explain but it has to be flair with vince and heenan fighting for second. (If heenan was a wrestler it would be him hands down.)
Just to give some different answers, I will answer this.

Biggest Heel today...while Barrett draws heat, he doesn't compare with Michael Cole or my choice: Vickie Guerrero. I can't believe nobody mentioned her.

Biggest Face today...at the moment, it's John Morrison. He is currently playing the run in save hero week in and week out. Every time his music hits and the crowd goes wild knowing he is going to destroy Sheamus for picking on Santino.

Biggest Heel of all time...Vince is an obvious choice which is why everybody picked him. I think that's the case because most wrestlers, whether heel or face, become beloved at Alumni, for instance, IRS, Piper, Million Dollar Man. I will say JBL and HHH are quite high on the list though.

Biggest Face of all time...It's Hogan. No matter what Taker, SCSA, Sting, The Rock, Cena, or others do, they will never be able to surpass Hogan.
biggest face now:john cena...randy orton is in a close second but so far nobody illicits a bigger crowd reaction than john cena right now
biggest heel now:wade barrett....just listen to the reaction this guy gets when he comes to the ring..need i say more?
biggest face ever:stone cold...so far everyone has said hogan is the biggest face ever but imo the pops austin got was way bigger than the ones hogan got
biggest heel ever:tie between triple h and vince mcmahon....these 2 are the epitome of what a heel should be
Biggest Heel Today - Wade Barret
2 months ago I probably would of said Kane, but now it has to be Barret. The guy is a bully who loves his short cuts. He's also very arrogant. His storyline with Cena is the biggest in WWE right now so gotta be the man from Manchester.

Biggest Face Today - John Cena
Nobody comes close. Kids and women love his guy. He epitomises everything people should "look up to". He can do no wrong and Survivor Series proved that.

Biggest Heel ever - Triple H
I would of said Vince but as far as "In ring" goes gotta be the game. No need to go over his storied history from 99-04. He did some terrible things involving Austin, Kane, Taker, Vince, Rock...

Biggest Face Ever - Hogan.
Relive WWF in the 1990s. This guy could do no wrong. He never did either.
THE Biggest Heel in the WWE Today: Kane
I think it's Kane because he has beaten the Undertaker in a No Holds Barred match, Hell in a Cell and a Burried Alive match.

Biggest Face In WWE Today John Cena
I think it's John Cena because he is on Magazine covers, in movies, on posters and he in the middle of destroying the Nexus.

The biggest heel in WWE history Vince McMahon
I think it's Vince McMahon because of what happened to Brett Hart. Also because of how he can so easily destroy anyone in WWE, remember everything leading up to the McMahon, DX match in 2006. Vince got the Spirit Sqaud, Mr. Kennedy, Finlay, William Regal, and Big Show before the match and in the middle of the match he had Umaga beat them up.

Biggest face in WWE history Hulk Hogan
I think it's Hulk Hogan because of the impact he left on the WWE and all of the memorable moments he had during his career. Also, he was one of the only legends to not fall victim to the legend killer in Randy's early career.
biggest face today : john cena...my reason is i have eyes.

biggest heel today: even though he has basically made a full changeover to face...to ME being a heel doesnt mean just drawing the most boos....it means playing a bad guy....hands down when it comes to playing a bad guy randy orton just has it....so if we mean today this day and age its him....if we mean today as in literally today than i'm going w/ alberto del rio....he can get the crowd riled up and never lose his cool....he's a bad guy who no reserves about it....he doesnt make excuses.....he does what he wants to and does it all with a smile.....gotta love it.

biggest face ever: while hogan is the obvious choice and i'm not gonna argue that he isnt.....i'm going to say the undertaker.....of course hogan is the biggest face but consider this.....hogan had all types of media coverage from movies to talk shoes to cartoons to commericals etc.....people seen hogan everywhere and thats how they know him....the wrestler they see everywhere.....but undertaker....he has been on wrestling and wrestling and wrestling for the most part......he's not famous for a movie role or advertisement or anything else besides wrestling.....people who dont watch wrestling know who hulk hogan is b/c they've seen him sumwhere.....people who dont watch wrestling know who undertaker is b/c they've seen him wrestle.....something to think about.

biggest heel ever: hulk hogan....that nwo shit changed the world....nobody has duplicated that emotion hogan brought out of fans w/ his change....he spray painted the belt for pete's sakes.....hell he spray painted people.....lol....the man hasn't repped nwo for how many years now and yet people still talk about the nwo.....he set the bar for being a heel and nobody has passed it yet.
The biggest heel today is The Miz because he has gotten the most heat out of any other heel on the roster. The biggest face would have to be John Morrison. Everybody has been pushing for Jo Mo to get his shot in the spotlight and also he has been looking good these couple of weeks in his fued with Shameus.

Mod note - Derogatory insults are not welcomed here. The comment has been removed. Dave.

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