Who's The Better Wrestler?

Who's The Better Wrestler?

  • King Booker

  • Batista

  • John Cena

  • Edge

  • Randy Orton

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I voted for Edge, just because I think he's a fantastic wrestler, he's the WWE Champion, he's great on Mic skills. Pretty much, the whole package. Also he can do hilarious segments, and really make you hate him as a heel.

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Eternal Dragon said:
I voted for Edge, just because I think he's a fantastic wrestler, he's the WWE Champion, he's great on Mic skills. Pretty much, the whole package. Also he can do hilarious segments, and really make you hate him as a heel.

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I go with pretty much er thing you said lol...
Legend Killer > The Rated R Superstar
[Orton Over Edge]

Orton's skills are far more than Edges. Ok at least he won his championship fair, and in a good wrestling manner. He cleanly RKO'd Beniot and pinned him for the win. Edge speared Cena after the Elimination Chamber match.
Give a reason, don't just say Orton>Edge. Why do you think that?? Orton, is a good wrestler but, I don't think he can beat Edge as the better wrestler when you look at their careers.

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I voted for Orton, because he has the skills to outwrestle anyone.
[That includes Edge] He needs a push after this feud with Carlito. He'll be the WWE Champion soon.
i dont think edge can beat Orton because lita will help Edge win the match
Edge by far... Orton is a close 2nd... But hes stale in the ring... Unlike Orton Edge is intresting... Edge is also a much better heel..
the only good wrestler out of that selection are King Booker Randy Orton and Edge the rest suck but i'll go with Edge since his promos are awesome has good mic skills and is one of the better wrestlers in the ring today
Ok, Orton is the Legend Killer. He's a great wrestler who will soon win the WWE Championship. Edge sucks, Orton rocks!
There are two good wrestlers on that list, and I voted for Booker...cause even though this King Booker shit is stupid, he is still a great wrestler. Edge, same thing. Everyone seems to forget that this is fake and that Edge can win matches without Lita's interference...its just the script calling for it. But Orton has a lot of POTENTIAL, but hasn't done much to show me anything as far as wrestling ability goes...
the best wrestler by far is king booker in real life on tv it is batista
PauLwaLL50 said:
Edge by far... Orton is a close 2nd... But hes stale in the ring... Unlike Orton Edge is intresting... Edge is also a much better heel..

I agree..Orton has lost that something he had before.
I'd go for Booker or Edge, I cant decide. Orton is good but his mic skills are'nt as divers as Booker and Edge. Cena and Batista cant wrestle so they should'nt even qualify to be on this list.
haha ur funny cena the best?? i voted king booker who has
a better move set then he does most people have 2 moves
john cena, orton, batista. the only other good wrestler is edge he makes me laugh and hes a quick with pretty good moves
I can't beleive people actually voted for Cena....though Ihave to admit, he is better than Batista. His moveset does consist of more than fuor moves....but not much more...
ortons better then cena but what u dont realize is its a horrible gimmick the legend killer thing its not that hard to give an rko to 70-80 yr old men who can barely walk

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