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Whos PPV's are better?

The Wolf

Pre-Show Stalwart
After watching the past couple PPV's I got to woundering who has the better PPV's as of late?

WWE has the star power and are trying to build future stars but TNA has a more balanced card.

WWE has a good match or 2 per PPV and TNA only focuses on a couple really.

WWE some of there matches seem lop sided and unbelievable as to who wins TNA has them raise each other in most matches.

This is just my opinion but I think TNA has better PPV's but also none worth paying for anymore.
WWE par per views are all worth paying for IMO... with TNA, they focus on like two or three matches and around the time of pay per view, somehow, you have 8 matches and the entire roster on the card with no build to it.

Sure, WWE throws a quick "wtf" match into ppvs every once in a while, but even those "Wtf" matches makes sense to me. For example, at HIAC, the "impromptu tag title match" made sense because McIntyre and Rhodes were the tag champions and not on the card so they threw out an open challenge.
You guys can go with mainstream wrestling PPVs but I'm gonna go with ROH's iPPVs. For a year now, they have delivered EVERY SINGLE TIME with the wrestling on their shows. They're so good, that there's always a show-stealing match on every card. But depending on your taste, you want entertainment but no great payoff, you can go with WWE and/or TNA. I'll go with ROH because, in the end, it's affordable and worth the money.
Honeslty, I cant remember a PPV that has been worth watching from WWE in quite some time. Even Wrestlemania I fully regret paying for (its the only WWE PPV a fork out money for). However, I will be the first to admit I have been totally uninterested in WWE for quite some time.

TNA is sometimes a bit hit and miss. Their undercard is fantastic. The main events always leave a bitter aftertaste in your mouth, and im not just referring to Victory Road. Bullshit endings have been rampant.

I cant really say TNA has better PPV's because like WWE I havent felt a TNA PPV deserved my money since the maybe Slammiversary last year (Victory Road was brilliant untill the Main Event).

If TNA reduced their PPV's to 6 a year and moved those 6 to arena's I think they would be MUCH better. They just dont seem to be able to convey the storylines as well as WWE does in a 4 week turnaround and their PPV's seem to have a lot more swerves in them to further the fued which just add so much to our frustration.
TNA PPV's suffer from the same syndrome as TNA tv shows, there's too many turns and, in general, stuff happening that doesn't need to happen... There's always a top quality match or two though, and that makes them passable.

From Rumble to Mania WWE normally produces the goods (apart from mania this year, complete let down to the hype building to it) but the rest of the year they lack that huge feel.

Honestly though, there's bits on each companies events that I really like and, if they could combine those, you'd have the best ppv ever!!
It's really less about who has the better PPV's and more about both federations only have grasped half of the concept of a good PPV. TNA has better cards and matchups. WWE has established stars and angles that actually make sense. WWE also has more prestige/history with their PPV lineup. TNA put on entertaining shows that just don't seem worth paying for other than Bound For Glory, Lockdown, and sometimes Destination X. In the end, it's WWE that get more PPV purchases from me because having established stars in big profile matches is more important than a show that's consistently entertaining. If TNA could just drop some of the useless weird angles they do and establish more stars but keep the same PPV format, they would do a lot better and I'd buy more of their shows.
If we are just talking TNA and WWE then I would say WWE takes it but neither company has done anything to write home about for ages now. I have watched some recent TNA PPV's and some of it just seems like a joke. WWE PPV's are the better of the two if you actually pay for these shows then I would say go for WWE.

TNA just seems like a highschool drama performance of the WWF Attitude Era and done really badly. I really belive they have potential as a company if only certain few people would sod off and let it breath rather than suffocating it's creativity with your own ego or just awful writing. They have a good card with potential big PPV match ups that should pull people in..everything is done so badly that it's all just a bit like a sneeze that builds up for ages but just doesn't quite happen in the end.

As for WWE I think the production on the house shows is so good that the PPV's really arn't much different as far as look and feel go and the matches are hit and miss leaning more towards miss. They need to cut down the PPV schedules..create better characters which go on to produce better more in depth developed fueds and actually wait and wait and build up something over time that when the time is right people will want to pay to see these characters going at it on a big stage.
WWE's are better. Royal Rumble and Elimination Chamber, were two good PPV's. Wrestlemania was okay, but Lockdown beat it out.

So for April: TNA
Overall: WWE

What an idiotic post. So because you didn't like this year's Wrestlemania, TNA has taken over the month of April? No, I'm not buying it.

Not only that, but Wrestlemania was still better than Lockdown. Lockdown had it's high points for sure, but really the only "good" match was Jarrett vs. Angle (I didn't see Pope vs. Joe and I heard that one was pretty good, so I suppose I could be wrong about there being only one good match). The Lethal Lockdown was fun, but it was by no means good wrestling. Wrestlemania, on the other hand, had Edge/Del Rio, Cody Rhodes/Rey Mysterio, CM Punk/Randy Orton, and Triple H/Undertaker as four good-great matches on the card.

Anyway, on to the real topic, I would say WWE is better year round, though it totally depends on which company you like better.

I think WWE puts more care into their cards than TNA. WWE generally gives their feuds more time to develop, they stretch them out longer (though TNA may be going for the longest feud ever with Angle vs Jarrett), and they take care of them better. I also think the WWE also knows how to work their card better. Using Lockdown as an example, TNA throws their three best matches at the top of the card. This seems logical (the main events should be closer to the main event, right?), but in reality you want to give the crowd a chance to rest between the hottest, most emotional matches of the night. Take a look at almost any WWE card and you'll see that they'll slide a diva's match or a tag match in between the main event matches to give the crowd a chance to recover.

And I just like WWE better, so of course I'm going to pick them. I like their wrestlers better, their stories better, I like almost everything the WWE does better than TNA, but that's not to say that TNA is bad (well, I think it is, but who am I to judge), it's just not for me.
I haven't paid money to watch a TNA ppv since probably September 2009 and that's not very likely to change anytime soon.

Generally speaking, it all depends really on which company you like better. For instance, I've heard some people call the gauntlet match Mr. Anderson had on iMPACT! last week in which he faced 3 scrubs & beat them all in about 3 minutes each fantastic. Simultaneously, some of those same people went on saying that Orton & Punk's 16 minute match on Raw this past week or the 30+ minute #1 contender gauntlet match on Raw a few weeks back were shit. Why? Because they simply like TNA more, hence they're going to like TNA ppvs more.

Quality is always a completely subjective matter. I've ordered all 3 WWE ppvs this year so far and I've enjoyed all 3 of them. I watch ppvs to be entertained, to see good wrestling matches involving wrestlers involved in feuds I care about & am interested in, rather than to look and see how many times I can be surprised or shocked or whatever. It's true that not every WWE ppv has that "must see" feeling to it but, then again, when have all the ppvs of any company whether it be WWE, TNA, WCW, ROH, UFC, etc. had that huge deal atmosphere? If that's a primary reason for ordering or not ordering a ppv, then you'd probably be better off waiting for it to come out on DVD where you can either buy it or rent it for a cheaper price.
This question is really subject to a person's personal opinion, but I see WWE as being better. Quality-wise, production-wise, storyline-wise, I enjoy the WWE's standpoint much more. I mean, that's not to say TNA doesn't put out good shows, they do as much as they can, but I know I can personally rely on WWE not to give me a 25 second long main event. It's more stability than anything else. Even if WWE has a mediocre PPV, I know that I'll at least be able to see every match start to finish. With TNA, I don't have that guarantee. You never know. Sometimes the PPVs can be excellent, absolutely tearing the roof off, other times you'll get what happened at Victory Road. I see flaws with the WWE product too, I'm not trying to blindly support them, but if I'm going to pay for a PPV, I know I'll get my money's worth with WWE. Wrestling-wise, I enjoy ROH iPPVs much more than either WWE or TNA, but their storylines and the product in general isn't as much of a spectacle as WWE is. I'm drawn into the "allure" of it, so to speak. The big event feel just does it for me, personally.
A year and a half ago, TNA's pay-per-views were flat out better, and it would have been laughable to even compare WWE's PPVs with TNA on any conceivable level. Since Bischoff and Hogan invaded TNA, TNA has become a joke and is about on par with WWE pay-per-view wise with (mayyybe) a slight edge to WWE.
The problem with TNA Is they cant sustain anything decent for long enough. I cant remember the last decent TNA PPV And then if they do hav sumin decent they do sumin like victory road.

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