Who's Next for Mickie?


Getting Noticed By Management
With Mickie James winning last night at SACRIFICE, that would seemingly put an end to her feud with Madison. If true, who do you see as her next challenger? Velvet maybe but she seems tied up with the Angelina/Winter s/l. Besides that would be 2 faces unless one turned heel which I don't see happening. I thought they were positioning Sarita to be a threat but she seems tied up with the KO Tag Titles. Tara? I see her feuding with Madison first. So who do you see as Mickie's next challenger?
That's a tough one because the KO's division lacks heels. Maybe Miss Tessmacher? She's a fine little fill in until one of the other chicks is free for feuds. Not a heel but she's the only one not doing anything right now.
With Mickie James winning last night at SACRIFICE, that would seemingly put an end to her feud with Madison. If true, who do you see as her next challenger? Velvet maybe but she seems tied up with the Angelina/Winter s/l. Besides that would be 2 faces unless one turned heel which I don't see happening. I thought they were positioning Sarita to be a threat but she seems tied up with the KO Tag Titles. Tara? I see her feuding with Madison first. So who do you see as Mickie's next challenger?

What about Winter? Yeah she might be tied to the Velvet-Sky/Angelina Love storyline, but why not give her a chance. She is good in the ring and could challenge Mickie for the Title.
With Mickie James winning last night at SACRIFICE, that would seemingly put an end to her feud with Madison. If true, who do you see as her next challenger? Velvet maybe but she seems tied up with the Angelina/Winter s/l. Besides that would be 2 faces unless one turned heel which I don't see happening. I thought they were positioning Sarita to be a threat but she seems tied up with the KO Tag Titles. Tara? I see her feuding with Madison first. So who do you see as Mickie's next challenger?

Very hard to say. As has been mentioned there's not a lot of heel KO's right now, save for Winter, Madison, Tara (now a face?), and Angelina Love.

I think if they ended the Winter/Love/Sky issue we could see either Love or Winter make a run at her. I personally feel like Love might be the hardes in-ring worker besides Mickie and has enough experience now to work on that level.

I'd like to see Tara get one more run as champ before she hangs it up for good. (don't know when that will be but have to believe it's sooner rather than later.)

Velvet just isn't ready and I'm not sure why she's struggling so much. Not sure if it's a lack of work off camera or what, but she just doesn't seem to me to be making progress like I thought she would with this feud. She still comes off as weak and often inept in the ring. Not meant as a shot at her, but it's what I see.

Tara is a quality pro and we could see a return to the intense rivalry between she and Mickie. I really thought they both did some good work with that the last time and it would be cool to see a final confrontation between the two of them.

Winter I'm still unsure about. She has really come into her own in TNA and I like her mic work and for the most part her in-ring work. But I don't put her at the level of Tara. Perhaps she's just below Love regarding her in-ring skills?
What about Winter? Yeah she might be tied to the Velvet-Sky/Angelina Love storyline, but why not give her a chance. She is good in the ring and could challenge Mickie for the Title.

Definitely down the road but I am not sure right now is the right time. I think they need to wrap up the Winter/Angelina/Velvet story first
Definitely down the road but I am not sure right now is the right time. I think they need to wrap up the Winter/Angelina/Velvet story first

It seems to me that this story has to end with the spell on Love being broken. It will be interesting to see how that gets written and what it takes to do so. Obviously somehow Sky will be the reason that spell is broken but how remains an interesting mystery.
If Chyna stays I'd say Chyna, but I dont see her staying that long. Im going to say Sarita seeing how They keep trying to get Mexican America over. If not her then Winter or Velvet Sky(do to her saying its time she focused in on capturing the title).
It seems to me that this story has to end with the spell on Love being broken. It will be interesting to see how that gets written and what it takes to do so. Obviously somehow Sky will be the reason that spell is broken but how remains an interesting mystery.

Maybe Mickie helps Velvet break the spell on Angelina and Winter will blame Mickie for 'losing' Angelina and go after her. Just a thought
Maybe Mickie helps Velvet break the spell on Angelina and Winter will blame Mickie for 'losing' Angelina and go after her. Just a thought

That's not a bad thought and is sort of outside the box thinking. I could see where they start to sell Mickie as the saving grace for all of the KO's which could then lead to the jealousy angle for Velvet or certainly for Winter for Mickie taking away her "Angelina".

I do like the work Madison has done with her character and feel like she needs to be a big part of this scenario somehow. Don't want to see her lose the momentum they've built into her recent run by pushing her to the back burner. It'd be a shame if that happens. Certainly MJ is solid as an in-ring performer and workable on the mic. But I think Madison has the potential to add a lot more depth to her character at this point than does MJ.
If Chyna stays I'd say Chyna, but I dont see her staying that long. Im going to say Sarita seeing how They keep trying to get Mexican America over. If not her then Winter or Velvet Sky(do to her saying its time she focused in on capturing the title).

No disrespect intended here, but if I'm part of the powers at TNA, there is no scenario in which I trust Joanie Laurer to run with the ball. It would take far more than one PPV performance to convince me she's ready for this type of work schedule and discipline before I'd be ready to put her in a lengthy program with someone like MJ or anyone else for that matter. Let's see where she is mentally before we start giving her more to do.
No disrespect intended here, but if I'm part of the powers at TNA, there is no scenario in which I trust Joanie Laurer to run with the ball. It would take far more than one PPV performance to convince me she's ready for this type of work schedule and discipline before I'd be ready to put her in a lengthy program with someone like MJ or anyone else for that matter. Let's see where she is mentally before we start giving her more to do.

Agreed, the last thing TNA wants is another Jeff Hardy disaster. I'm not saying she is in the same situation as Jeff, but we have to wait and see. From what i have read on wrestlezone, she was ok backstage and took precautions to protect Karen Jarrett in the match last night. That has to be a good thing going for her, but again lets wait and see because she is still on a handshake deal from what i have read.
with Tara and Madison going into a feud...I would go with Winter or Angelina and have Mickie vs. Velvet until Bound for Glory to build her into a serious contender. Tessmacher is just too green to be on a PPV match
They could just have her defend the title against any and all comers for now till a couple of the other fueds get settled. You don't alway have to be in a fued with someone to defend the title against them, Have her wrestle someone new every week till someone steps up and proves they are worthy of a long running program for the title, not just something random.

I do have a feeling that the next fued will be with Sarita even though she is a ko tag champ. Run a program with her where Rosita is always getting involved in the matches and almost costing MJ the title. This leads to Miss Tessmacher or Tara getting involved to help Mickie help defeat Sarita at the next PPV, and then Tessmacher/Tara turns on Mickie after the match to set up the next fued with her.
with Tara and Madison going into a feud...I would go with Winter or Angelina and have Mickie vs. Velvet until Bound for Glory to build her into a serious contender. Tessmacher is just too green to be on a PPV match

I agree about Miss. Tessmacher, but I'm also unsure about Sky and her ability to carry a match of this magnitude. If we're talking about TNA getting better and raising the bar for wrestling, then Sky in a 'main event' match at a PPV, I'm not sure, is the right way to go.
They could just have her defend the title against any and all comers for now till a couple of the other fueds get settled. You don't alway have to be in a fued with someone to defend the title against them, Have her wrestle someone new every week till someone steps up and proves they are worthy of a long running program for the title, not just something random.

I do have a feeling that the next fued will be with Sarita even though she is a ko tag champ. Run a program with her where Rosita is always getting involved in the matches and almost costing MJ the title. This leads to Miss Tessmacher or Tara getting involved to help Mickie help defeat Sarita at the next PPV, and then Tessmacher/Tara turns on Mickie after the match to set up the next fued with her.

I like your ideas for Tessmacher, Tara, and also MJ. Good way to gauge the field and how they currently stack up. Sort of a top ten without announcing it as that.
That's not a bad thought and is sort of outside the box thinking. I could see where they start to sell Mickie as the saving grace for all of the KO's which could then lead to the jealousy angle for Velvet or certainly for Winter for Mickie taking away her "Angelina".

I do like the work Madison has done with her character and feel like she needs to be a big part of this scenario somehow. Don't want to see her lose the momentum they've built into her recent run by pushing her to the back burner. It'd be a shame if that happens. Certainly MJ is solid as an in-ring performer and workable on the mic. But I think Madison has the potential to add a lot more depth to her character at this point than does MJ.

I could definitely see the jealousy angle playing out with Velvet. Mickie comes into TNA and wins the title and yet Velvet has been there for years with no KO title. But again that would turn Velvet heel and I am not sure that will/should happen.

I don't think Madison will fall away because I see her feud with tara moving forward
They could just have her defend the title against any and all comers for now till a couple of the other fueds get settled. You don't alway have to be in a fued with someone to defend the title against them, Have her wrestle someone new every week till someone steps up and proves they are worthy of a long running program for the title, not just something random.

I do have a feeling that the next fued will be with Sarita even though she is a ko tag champ. Run a program with her where Rosita is always getting involved in the matches and almost costing MJ the title. This leads to Miss Tessmacher or Tara getting involved to help Mickie help defeat Sarita at the next PPV, and then Tessmacher/Tara turns on Mickie after the match to set up the next fued with her.

As I have said before, I thought for sure they were setting Sarita up for a KO title push but am not sure now. I can see your set up occuring because MJ is an All-American Girl defending the US of A.

They did have MJ tag with Miss Tessmacher so they already have a 'partnership' so to speak so I see that progression but is she ready for a PPV? Tessmacher does have ties to Immortal as well both good and bad
No disrespect intended here, but if I'm part of the powers at TNA, there is no scenario in which I trust Joanie Laurer to run with the ball. It would take far more than one PPV performance to convince me she's ready for this type of work schedule and discipline before I'd be ready to put her in a lengthy program with someone like MJ or anyone else for that matter. Let's see where she is mentally before we start giving her more to do.

agreed shes been through alot over the past 10 years and been out of the ring for most of that time and in an era where wrestling matters i say give her more time to shake off ring rust before throwing her in the KO title picture
As I have said before, I thought for sure they were setting Sarita up for a KO title push but am not sure now. I can see your set up occuring because MJ is an All-American Girl defending the US of A.

They did have MJ tag with Miss Tessmacher so they already have a 'partnership' so to speak so I see that progression but is she ready for a PPV? Tessmacher does have ties to Immortal as well both good and bad

I know Tessmacher is very green I've said it before in another thread, she is gonna get hurt or hurt someone else if she does'nt get more training, thats why I threw Tara in there as an option to because they do have history with each other (not all good). But it seems like they want Tessmacher to succeed so she could benifit from working with MJ, or she can hurt Mickie and fuck everything up who knows, that would seem to be TNAs luck at times( I hope not).
What is next for Mickie James?? here is what they have on the roster for knockout's division:

sarita & rosita- knockout tag team champion- heel
Cookie- heel
Angelina love-heel
Christy hemme when the last time she had a match??
Madison Rayne-heel
ms tessmacher-face
Tara- heel or face
Winter- heel
velvet sky- face

i have a feeling that they going to continue let mickie feud with madison Rayne. she can try feud with Winter and Angelina love but Velvet sky might be added to the feud. This does nothing to the knockout tag team unless Mickie teams up with Ms Tessmacher. I can see they probably need about two more woman knockout to the roster, but at the same time its about television time. Are they going to get enough television time to get the feud going??
Mickie should feud with Winter. They would make an interesting storyline and she is the only heel worth feuding with right now. Madison is probally out of the title running for a while and Tara has mst likely turned face since Sacrifice. Maybe they should put her in with a face and turn her heel for a while.
The most logical choice would be Winter, but you never know what the creative team will do. I could see Mickie get involved in the Velvet vs. Winter/Angelina feud somehow, maybe she might hurt Angelina and Winter goes psycho on Mickie.
Sarita would also be a good choice, but seeing how she's busy with Mexican America I doubt it. As far as Chyna is concerned, although her and Mickie would put on a good match, I can't see her in the title picture that early.

I'm betting and hoping on Winter as the next opponent.
Mickie James is a wrestler... and if Wrestling Matters, then I would rehire Alissa Flash and Hamada and get some quality KO title matches for TNA ppvs.

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