Who's Kane's foil?

Who will take the World Heavyweight Championship from Kane?

  • The Undertaker

  • Edge

  • Rey Mysterio

  • Kofi Kingston

  • Big Show

  • Alberto Del Rio

  • Other

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King Of The Ring
Last night at Bragging Rights, Kane defeated the Undertaker in a Buried Alive Match that was billed as Taker's last chance at Kane. That's not news to anyone. But I'll continue and conclude the foil series for now with Kane.

For the most part, Kane's been booked as a strong champion. He easily handled Mysterio at Summerslam, and has defeated Undertaker 3 straight PPV's, interference or not. He beat him in a No Holds Barred Match, Hell in A Cell, and Buried Alive Match, with the finale being Kane using the "power of the urn" to magically dumping sand on top of Undertaker to finish him off.

That being said, it's obvious the WHC Kane will be moving on from here. I think it would be poor booking if the next challenger took the belt off Kane in their first encounter, after 3 straight PPV defeats of the Undertaker, so I think Kane's long run will extend. The question's that remains are:

1. Who will be the one to end the championship reign of Kane?
2. When will it happen?
3. How would you book it/do you see it being booked?
Interesting question.

I think it's time for one of two options: Kill the giant, or summon a bigger fish. Here, I'll explain what I mean.

Kill the Giant
We've all heard the story of Jack the Giant Killer, right? That's what I'm getting at here. It's time for a young talent to step up and win his first title by defeating the monster Kane. Whoever did this would receive a huge rub and solidify himself as a Smackdown main-eventer. My person of choice would be Kofi Kingston, a man who is exciting in the ring, good on the mic, and very over. He has all the tools to become a main eventer, and I'm pretty sure he isn't doing anything right now.

However, another more likely possibility would be Edge. I know he's not young anymore, but his new face gimmick is really working well for him. He's very over, and since he's freshened up his character I wouldn't mind seeing a good face run with the championship. It could be better than any of his other championship reigns, since he's now a face and faces tend to be booked strongly.

Of course, there's always Option B...

Summon a Bigger Fish!
Let's see - Kane is huge. He's an unstoppable monster. Why not get someone even bigger and even more unstoppable to face him and end his reign? That's right, I'm talking about The Big Show! The Big Show has been a great face so far. He's very funny, entertaining in the ring as a giant, and I really think that he deserves at least one more title reign before he goes. I've always really liked Show, so to see him win the title again would be a markout moment for me. I know it's unlikely, but we said that about Kane and look how long he's held the belt. And then, after Show has had a decent reign, a midcard heel can take it from him and get the same rub a face would get from defeating Kane.

Either option is a win, in my opinion.
I think about where Kane was 8 months ago, and I still find it hard to believe he is WHC. This feud with the Undertaker could have easily happened without the belt. Not sure how the belt will come off Kane, but it needs to happen soon to benefit all the talent on the SD brand. It looks like Edge will be the guy, but time will tell. Edge can feud with Swagger, Del Rio, Kofi... heels and faces. It was clear last night at Bragging Rights that when Edge entered, he was appreciated on a completely different level than all other participants.

Eager to see what happens.
This feud ended in as good a way as could be expected given how many times it's happened in the past. Still, it's a good question as to who will be the one to take the strap from Kane, although this would be the time to start the feud that will end in his defeat. Give it a slow build, I say, and end it at Wrestlemania. There are a few on the Smackdown roster who could do it, in my opinion.

In the classical face vs. heel scenario, my thought as to the best one to take the strap from Kane eventually is Kofi Kingston. He's got the true chops to make an excellent champion and it's high time he had the T.V. time to use all the elements he actually has. His main event push on Raw didn't go anywhere mostly (to my limited knowledge) because it was put to a stop by the influence of Randy Orton (speculated to be because of a botched move during a match they had against each other.) Could be why we haven't seen much of Kingston after his short Intercontinental run on Smackdown. It's high time for Kingston to break into the main event and this could do it for him.

In the case of a heel vs. heel scenerio, only one comes to my mind: Drew McIntyre. Yes, I don't like his character, but I do like him as a wrestler. He makes an excellently hate-able heel. With being hand-picked by McMahon himself, there must be something to him, and now that he's had a run both as Intercontinental and Tag-Team Champion, he's gotten enough credibility to win himself a main event match. I say have him win the Royal Rumble (although it wouldn't hurt to have him employ some sort of underhanded tactic to do so in order to make sure the others in the rumble don't look too weak.) Then, have him go after Kane at Wrestlemania. After all, McIntyre has already defeated him once before.

Besides being a hungry up and comer, McIntyre has proven he can be plenty sick and psychotic when he wants to be. It would be interesting to see the match at Wrestlemania go hardcore if the two of them face each other there.
It has to be The Undertaker. It just has to be. Now of course The Deadman will take yet another break to heal nagging injuries, but when he returns, you can be sure he will be the one to take down Kane. Undertaker VS Kane is one of WWE's HUGE storyline's right now, and we all know Taker will eventually come out on top somewhere down the line. I think Taker will return at the Royal Rumble, and this is where he will take the title off Kane.

Edge and The Big Show should be at the top of the list as far as #1 contenders go. Both of these men have a history with Kane, so it wouldn't surprise me if they challenged him for the title during Taker's absence. I would much rather see Edge challenge Kane for the title, because I do think the matches would be worth watching, and the promos and segments shouldn't be too bad. We might see a triple threat match during this time, but I still don't think either man will beat Kane for the title. Edge and Show will just keep Kane busy while Taker is on the shelf. The Deadman hasn't had his glorious moment of triumph over Kane yet, but it's going to happen, you can be sure of that.
Maybe it should be someone like Drew McIntyre or Kofi Kingston. Both men have good in-ring skills, mic skills and will be awesome heel or face champs respectively. I would prefer Drew more than Kofi. He can beat Kane and that will be something in reality because Drew is comparatively big than Kofi. (of course he's kind of 6'5 or 6'6).

Or another choice will be Edge. He would make a good face champ but I think the WWE won't risk it because Edge has never been a face champ before. Yeah. (correct me if I'm wrong).

So there u go. Drew/Kofi (preferably Drew) or Edge
I think it will be Edge. He is the most suited wrestler to do this right now. I don't think Kofi would look credible enough to beat Kane, at least not the way he has been showcased lately. Drew Mcyntire sucks, plain and simple. Cody Rhodes sucks too. He is too small and I don't care if he would be a wrestling GOD I don't like him. Rey Mysterio looks like he isn't finished with his feud against Del Rio so that leaves out both of them. The only other one I see maybe taking the title from him would be the Big Show, but I don't think he'll do it.

As to when it will happen, I think it may happen as soon as Survivor Series, but I doubt it. Maybe in the Pay Per View right after that or maybe until EC.

I would book it at the EC so that it doesn't look like he lost so clean to anyone.
Now that the Taker feud has ended, I think Edge will take the title from Kane because he's the best choice to be the top guy on the show until Taker can come back. I think it will be either at Survivor Series or TLC, Edge will get the title at one of them. Kane can't hold it forever and there aren't many other guys he could feud with after Edge. Perhaps Alberto Del Rio or Big Show, but Edge is a far better option for World Champion than them right now. It doesn't matter to me how it's booked.... Edge hitting a spear after a match that Kane dominated in works for me, he IS the ultimate opportunist after all.

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